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1、,般現(xiàn)在時專項練習(xí)題1一般現(xiàn)在時專項練習(xí)題1 .概念:一般現(xiàn)在時表示經(jīng)常的、習(xí)慣性的動作或存在的狀態(tài)一般現(xiàn)在時表示現(xiàn)在經(jīng)常反復(fù)發(fā)生的動作、存在的狀態(tài)或 習(xí)慣性的動作的時態(tài)。可概括為經(jīng)常性或習(xí)慣 性動作;長期存在的特征或狀態(tài);普遍真理、 客觀事實等。,。2 .構(gòu)成:一般現(xiàn)在時的構(gòu)成主要有兩種形式 ,'一般現(xiàn)在時用行為 動詞的原形,但第三人稱單數(shù)作主語時,動詞的 詞尾要加-S。:(1) be型:句子的謂語動詞只有 be (ami is或are ):a.肯定句中,只出現(xiàn)be,如:I am a student .我是一名學(xué)生。b.否定句中,要在 be后面加not,如:She isn't

2、 a teacher .她不是教師。c. 一般疑問句,要將be放在句子開頭(注意句首字母大寫),句尾用問號, 答語用Yes,主語+be.或No,主語+be+not.如:Are you ready ?你準(zhǔn)備好了嗎?Yes, I am .一是的,我準(zhǔn)備好了。(No, I'm not .一不,我沒準(zhǔn)備好。)(2)實義動詞型:句中的謂語動詞為實義動詞(也叫行為動詞):a.肯定句中,只出現(xiàn)實義動詞,如:I get up in the morning . 我早晨起床。b.否定句中,要在實義動詞前面加 do (does) + not, do (does)作助動詞, 本身無意義,常與not縮寫成don

3、't (doesn't ),如:I don't like vegetables .我不喜歡蔬菜。c. 一般疑問句,要在句子開頭加助動詞 Do (does),句尾用問號,簡略答語用 Yes,主語+do (does).或 No,主語+do (does) + not .如: Do you like oranges ? 你喜歡桔子嗎?Yes, I do .一是的,我喜歡。(No, I don't .一不,我不喜歡。)3, 一般現(xiàn)在時的用法1)經(jīng)常性或習(xí)慣性的動作,常與表示頻腮度的時間狀語連用。時間狀語: every ,sometimes, at ,on SundayI

4、leave home for school at 7 every morning.2)客觀真理,客觀存在,科學(xué)事實。The earth moves around the sun.Shanghai lies in the east of China.3)表示格言或警句中。Pride goes before a fall.驕者必敗。注意:此用法如果出現(xiàn)在賓語從句中,即使主句是過去時,從句謂語也要用一 般現(xiàn)在時。例:Columbus proved that the earth is round.4)現(xiàn)在時刻的狀態(tài)、能力、性格、個性。I don't want so much.Ann Wang

5、writes good English but does not speak well.比較: Now I put the sugar in the cup.I am doing my homework now.第一句用一般現(xiàn)在時,用于操作演示或指導(dǎo)說明的示范性動作,表示言行的瞬 間動作。再如: Now watch me, I switch on the current and stand back.第二句中的now是進(jìn)行時的標(biāo)志,表示正在進(jìn)行的動作的客觀狀況,所以后旬用 一般現(xiàn)在時。一般現(xiàn)在時-表達(dá)方法主要通過謂語動詞的變化和用時間詞語來表示,其中最主要的是謂語動詞的變 化?,F(xiàn)在一般時動詞變

6、化的規(guī)則是:1 .如果主語是名詞復(fù)數(shù)和第一人稱I、we ,謂語動詞不用做任何變化,即仍然 用動詞原型表示: We usually go to school at 7:30.我們通常7:30上學(xué)去。goMy parents give ten yuan to my sister every week.我父母每星期給我妹妹十元錢。give2 .主語是任何一個單數(shù)名詞或者是第三人稱單數(shù),謂語動詞要進(jìn)行必要的變化。 特別提一點:不可數(shù)名詞也算作單數(shù)處理。3 .謂語動詞的變化規(guī)律是:(1) 在動詞后力口-s , -es read - reads , write - writes , say - says(

7、2) 以 s, x, ch, sh 結(jié)尾的詞力口 -es teach - teaches , wash - washes, guess-guesses(3)以輔音字母+y結(jié)尾的詞變y為i再加-es try - tries , carry - carries (4)特殊變化的詞be (是)-am, is, areI am ;she/he/it, 名詞單數(shù)都用is ; we, you, they,名詞復(fù)數(shù)都用are have (有)-have, hasI, we, you, they, 名詞復(fù)數(shù)都用have ;she/he/it is,名詞單數(shù)都用has(5)助動詞,不論單復(fù)數(shù)、不論什么人稱都沒有

8、變化,都用can, may, must, need, ought to 等。而且,句子中有了助動詞,謂語動詞就不需要有任何變化了,即 用動詞原形表示。請看下面的例子:Lucy is at home now.露茜現(xiàn)在在家。We have six classes every day.我們每天上六節(jié)課。I often get up at 6:30. 我經(jīng)常 6:30 起床。Jack likes Chinese food very much.杰克很喜歡中國飲食。We can see some pictures on the wall.我們能看至 U墻上的畫(一)單選:1. Where Lucy com

9、e from?A. do B. does C. is D. are2. Most of the students China.A. comes from B. is from C. are from D. come of3. We speak English A. every days B. everyday C. very day D. every day4. My math teacher a big pair of glasses.A. wearsB. put on C. wear D. puts on5. Whatyour father and mother ? A. does, do

10、 B. do, do C. are, do D. do, does (二)用動詞適當(dāng)形式填空:1. His radio is broken. It (sound) terrible.2. Did somebody drop water on the rug? It (look ) wet.3. Every year my parents (give ) me a present for my birthday.4. The club (send) her a letter every month.5. your dad (wash) his car once a week? Yes, he d

11、oes.6. Lin Tao is a good student. He (study ) very hard.7. They ( work ) at the bank.(三)句型轉(zhuǎn)換:1. My living room has three windows.(改為否定旬)2. Jim and Jack like swimming on Sundays.(就劃線部分提問)3. We are in the same class.(改為一般疑問句)4. He comes from England. (就劃線部分提問)一、用所給動詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. I often (help ) my mothe

12、r with housework.2. Uncle Wang ( introduce ) his daughter to us.3. He (have) music class in Mondays.4. How (do) he (get) there?5. (do) you (agree) with me?6. All of us ( study ) hard.7. He always ( forget ) to close the window.8. Grandma often (cook) dinner for our family.二、填空。Mrs. Black ' s Day

13、Mrs. Black often (get) up at 7:00 on Sunday morning. She (have) breakfast at 8:30. She (have) a little dog. She (like ) to go to the park with her dog. At 10:50, Mrs. Black sometimes (go) shopping. She (watch) TV at night.(wash) her clothes. At 3:00 p.m. she usually often _ (make) supper at 6:00 p.m

14、. She doesn' t She (go) to bed at about 10:30p.m.三、聯(lián)詞組旬。1. tomorrow, give it back , please2. is, it, today, what day3. Uncle John, I, speak to, May, please4. some money, borrow, I, from you, May5. at this time of day, the shop, I think, is, closed一般現(xiàn)在時用法專練(A)I .用括號內(nèi)動詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. He often(have) di

15、nner at home.2. Daniel and Tommy (be) members of the Reading Club.3. She and I (take ) a walk together every evening.4. There <be) some water in the bottle.5. We (not watch) TV on weekdays.6. Nick (not do) his homework on Sundays.7. they(like) the World Cup?8. What they usually (do) on holidays?9

16、. your parents (read) newspapers every day?10. The girl(teach) us English on Sundays.n.按照要求改寫句子。1. Daniel watches TV every evening.( 改為否定句)Daniel TV every evening.2. I do my homework every day .(改為一般疑問句并作否定回答you homework every day ?No, I 3. She likes milk.(改為一般疑問句并作肯定回答) she milk?Yes., she does .4.

17、Simon is from Beijing.(同義句改寫)Simon _Beijing.5. Millie is clever at Maths.(同義句改寫)MillieMaths .m.改錯。1.Is_ your brother speak English?A B C (2 .Does he looks like his father?A B C(3 .He likes play games after class.A B C (4 .Mr Wu teachs usEnglish.A B C() 5She doesn't her homework on Sundays.A B C

18、() IV.將下列句子譯成英文。1 .桑迪放學(xué)后打羽毛球嗎?不.她學(xué)習(xí)很用功.放學(xué)后她總是看書._ Sandy badminton after school?No.She _ hard.She always _books after school.2 .他在第二中號工學(xué).他每天早上七點壬學(xué) 一He in No .3 Middle School. HeJoschool at 7a.m.every day .3 .父江11送我到學(xué)校.一My father me to school in the morning.4 .我女兒喜歡看山視和聽音樂.My daughter TV and to music.

19、5 .西蒙朋友的加姐長大后想當(dāng)一位歌手 一a singer when she up.改為一般疑問句并作肯定回答)改為否定句)改為一般疑問句并作肯定回答)Simon' s friend ' s sister to 一般現(xiàn)在時用法專練(B)1.按要求改寫下列句子.1、Sandy has long hair in a ponytail.( Sandy long hair in a ponytail?Yes , _ _2、Simon and Daniel are good friends .(Simon and Daniel good friends.3、We are in the s

20、chool football team.(you in the school football team? Yes,4、Amy likes playing computer games.(改為一般疑問句并作否定回答)_ Amy playing computer games? No, she5、We go to school every morning .( 改為否定句)Weto school every morning.6、She is always ready to help others.(改為一般疑問句并作否定回答 )_Is she always ready to help others

21、? No, _she_ .7、The earth goes around the sun.(改為一般疑問句并作肯定回答)the earth around the sun? Yes,8、He speaks English very well.(改為否定句)He speak English well.9、John comes from Canada.(對劃線部分提問) WhereJohnfrom?10、I like taking my dog for a walk after supperWhat you after supper?.二.改錯1 .Lily and Lucy doesn't

22、 wantjto clean the blackboard.2 .Mr Green likes work in China very much.3 .My mother often go to the shop on Sundays.4 .She doesn ' t likes bread or cakes.5 .Where is Jim and Kate now?6 .There are some water and leaves in the pool.7 .Please give a colour pencil for me.8 .They aren ' t go to

23、school at the weekend.9 .The dog sits between the chair.10 .She often works hard and goes to bed in night.11 .Millie is good in English. She speaks English well.12 .She is a member at the Computer Club.13 .Do you help your mother in the housework.?14 .Do Simon often go home by a bus?1.1 I often take

24、 bus to school.16 .Do you want to play with us after the school?17 .Daniel and David want to play on us. _一般現(xiàn)在時用法專練一 用所給動詞正確形式填空1 .He loves _ (read )newspaper.2 .Nick goes (swim )every Saturday afternoon.3 .Simon enjoys(play )football.4.Mr Mu likes ( walk) after school.5.Amy likes(talk) on the phone

25、 with her friends.6.Simon usually goes(run) for half an hour.7.Sandy enjoys (look )for things on the Internet.8.I don ' t like(dance).9. Eric is a member of the (read) Club.10.It ' s a fine day. What about ( play) badminton in the park? 二用適當(dāng)?shù)慕樵~填空1.1 go to school my friends.2 .Daniel is cleve

26、r English.3 .Millie takes Eddie a walk every afternoon.4 .Kitty lives _ a flat _ Beijing.5 . Sandy sits _ Kitty and Amy.6 .Here is a picture my family. Do you want to look _ it?7 .Does Simon often eat _ a restaurant?8 .the weekend, Wendy and Kitty play tennis _ an hour.9 . Sandy has black hair a pon

27、ytail(馬尾辮).Kitty has longblack hair _ bunches (辮子).10 .Mr Smith comes New York. He is American.鞏固練習(xí)題:一、按照要求改寫句子1. This is my pencil ?(變一般疑問句) your pencil ?2. These red socks are Kate ' s .( 變一般疑問句) socks Kate ,s ?3. I want to buy a big green bag .(變特殊疑問旬 _you want to buy ?4. Mary does not have a

28、ny books .(變肯旬)Mary books .5. The clothing shop is on sale.( 變?yōu)榉穸ň洌㏕he clothing shop on sale.6. She likes the black bag very much .(變?yōu)榉穸ň洌?. I buy the pants for only 50 Yuan.(用 she 改寫句子) the pants for only 50 Yuan.8. It ,s an English dictionary .(對畫線部分提問)9. Lily and Lucy are fifteen years 01d now .(

29、對畫線部分提問) Lily and Lucy ?10. Her dog is 2 years and 5 months old .(變?yōu)榉穸ň洌〩er dog2 years and 5 months old .11. I usually get up at seven o ' clock .(用 he 改寫句子)at seven o ' clock .12. He often has hamburgers and apples for dinner .(變?yōu)橐话阋蓡栄﹉e often hamburgers and apples for dinner?13. My family

30、 always like thrillers . ( 對畫線部分提問) your family always like ?14. Jane ' s sister wants to see the comedy .(變?yōu)橐话阋蓡栄㎎ane ' s sister to see the comedy ?15. Maria and Jack come to this school on Monday .(對畫線部分提問) Maria and Jack come to this school ?三、完成句子1 . 他每天六點鐘起床。He at six every morning.2 .小明經(jīng)常


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