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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上現(xiàn)在完成時用法現(xiàn)在完成時的構(gòu)成:助動詞have(has)+ 過去分詞,1表示過去發(fā)生或完成的某一動作對現(xiàn)在造成的影響或結(jié)果。例如:I have just cleaned my clothes. 我剛洗過衣服。(“洗衣服”是發(fā)生在過去的動作,對現(xiàn)在造成的結(jié)果是“衣服干凈了”)現(xiàn)在完成時常用的時間狀語有: already (”已經(jīng)” 用于肯定句的中間和末尾處)never (“從不” 用于中間處)ever (”曾經(jīng)” 用于疑問句和肯定句的中間處)just (“剛剛” 用于中間處)yet (“已經(jīng)” 用于疑問句的末尾處 / “還” 用于否定句的末尾處)或不加任何的時間狀語,但

2、不能和表示過去的時間狀語連用.現(xiàn)在完成時與一般過去時的用法比較現(xiàn)在完成時表示過去的動作一直延續(xù)到現(xiàn)在甚至?xí)^續(xù)下去或表示過去的動作對現(xiàn)在造成的影響;一般過去時表示動作發(fā)生的時間在過去。試比較:The plane has arrived . 飛機(jī)已經(jīng)來了。(說明現(xiàn)在的情況:飛機(jī)在這兒)The plane arrived a quarter ago. 飛機(jī)是一刻中以前來的。(強(qiáng)調(diào)動作發(fā)生的時間在過去)I have taught here for fifteen years. 我在這兒已經(jīng)教了十五年。(表示十五年前的動作一直延續(xù)到現(xiàn)在,還可能會繼續(xù)。)I taught here for a year

3、. 我過去在這兒教過一年。(表示“我“現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)不在這兒任教了)Since 和 for 的用法表示過去已經(jīng)開始持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在的動作或狀態(tài)常用的時間狀語有:for, since, how long, so far, these days等。Since+過去點(diǎn)的時間,for+一段時間(數(shù)詞+量詞),此劃線部分用how long提問。一、since短語或從句表示過去的動作延續(xù)至今,since之后的時間為一點(diǎn)。 如:Mr. Smith has worked here since 1984. 1984年以來,史密斯先生一直在這工作。Hes learned about 5,000 English words s

4、ince he went to college. 他上大學(xué)以來大約學(xué)了五千個英語單詞。二、for短語表示動作延續(xù)多長時間,for的賓語為時間段。 如:We have known each other for twenty years. 我們認(rèn)識有二十年了。I havent seen her for a long time. 我好久沒有見到她了。練習(xí):I翻譯下列句子:1. 你曾經(jīng)吃過魚和薯條嗎?2. 我剛剛丟了我的化學(xué)書。3. 我以前從來沒去過那個農(nóng)場。4. 他已經(jīng)吃過午飯了。5. 你已經(jīng)看過這部電影了嗎?6. 我哥哥還沒回來。7. 我上星期看過這部電影。8. 在1992年他住在這里。II 用過

5、去時或現(xiàn)在完成時填空:1. “_ you _ (have) lunch ?” “Yes.” “When _ you _ (have) it?” “I _ (have) it at 12:00.”2. “_ you _ (write) a letter to your aunt yet?” “Yes, I _. I _ (write) one last week.”3. “_ he _ (finish) his homework?” “Not yet.”4. “_ they ever _ (be) abroad?” “Yes, just once.”5. Your father _ just _

6、 (finish) his work.6. Your father _ (finish) his work just now.7. Last term I _ (learn) many English words.8. They _ (not read) the interesting books yet.9. He _ never _ (go) to the science museum.10. _ you ever _ (drink) coke?11. “_ you _ (buy) a dictionary? “ “Yes, I _ .” “Where _ you _ (buy) it?”

7、 “ I _ (buy) it in a bookstore.” “When _ you _ (buy) it?” “ Yesterday.”練習(xí):用since和for填空1) _ two years2) _ two years ago3) _ last month 4) _ 19995) _ yesterday6) _ 4 oclock7) _ 4 hours8) _ an hour ago9) _ we were children 10) _ lunch time11) _ she left here1. He has lived in Nanjing _ the year before

8、last.2. Ive known him _ we were children.3. Our teacher has studied Japanese _ three years.4. She has been away from the city _ about ten years.5. Its about ten years _ she left the city.2.短暫性轉(zhuǎn)換延續(xù)性arrive at/in sw. get to/reach sw. come/go/move to sw. be in sw./at school/at home/on the farm/be here/b

9、e there1) He got to Beijing five minutes ago.He _ _ _ Beijing for _ _.2) I moved to the USA last year.I _ _ _ the USA since _ _.3) I went home yesterday.I _ _ _ home for _ _.4) They came here last week.They _ _ here since _ _.come/go back, return be backcome/go out be out1) He came out two years ago

10、.He _ _ _ for _ _.2) We return to Fuzhou yesterday.We _ _ _ to Fuzhou since _.become be1) I became a teacher in 2000.I _ _ a teacher for _ _.2) The river became dirty last year.The river _ _ dirty for _ _.close be closed open be open1) The shop closed two hours ago.The shop _ _ _ for _ _.2) The door

11、 opened at six in the morning.The door _ _ _ for six hours.get up be up die be deadleave sw. be away from sw.fall asleep/get tot sleep be asleepfinish/end be over marry be married1) I got up two hours ago.I _ _ _ since _ _.2) He left Fuzhou just now.He _ _ _ _ Fuzhou for five minutes.3) My grandpa d

12、ied in 2002.My grandpa _ _ _for _ _.4) The meeting finished at six.The meeting _ _ _ for six hours.5) I got to sleep two hours ago.I _ _ _ since _ _.6) They married in 1990.They _ _ _since _.start/begin to do sth. do sth.begin be on1) I began to teach at this school in 1995.I _ _ at this school sinc

13、e _.2) The film began two minutes ago.The film _ _ _ for _ _.borrow keep lose not havebuy have put on wearcatch/get a cold have a coldget to know know1) They borrowed it last week.They _ _ it since _ _.2) I bought a pen two hours ago.I _ _ a pen for _ _.3) I got to know him last year.I _ _ him since

14、 _ _.4) I put on my glasses three years ago.I _ _ my glasses for _ _.have/has gone to have been in1) He has gone to Beijing.He _ _ _ Beijing for two days.join the league/the Party/the army be a league/a Party member/a soldier be a member of the league/the Party be in the league/the Party/the army1)

15、He joined the league in 2002.He _ _ a _ _ for two years.He _ _ a _ _ the _ for two years.He _ _ _ the league for two years.2) My brother joined the army two years ago.My brother _ _ a _ for _ _.My brother _ _ in _ _ for two years.3.漢譯英1)這本字典我已買了三年了。2)他離開中國三年了。3)我認(rèn)識他們五年了。4)他們已去了美國五年了。5)自從他搬到福州,他就住這兒了

16、。6)他們已經(jīng)結(jié)婚10年。7)我妹妹成為一個大學(xué)生已經(jīng)三年。8)這會已開了多長時間了?9)這門已經(jīng)關(guān)了兩天了。10)我入團(tuán)2年了。 I _ _ _ two years ago.I _ _ a _ _ for two years.I _ _ a _ of _ _ for two years.I _ _ _ the _ for two years.11)自從1999年以來他們就認(rèn)識。12)我來到農(nóng)場已5年了。4.劃線提問1) I have been there for two days. _ _ _ you _ _ ?2) My father has lived here since 2000._

17、 _ _ your father _ _?3) He left here yesterday._ _ he _ _?4) They bought a book two hours ago._ _ they _ a book?have been in, have been to 與have gone to 的用法一、have(has) been in 表示“在某地呆多長時間”,常與表示一段時間的狀語連用,如:since, for, how long 等。例如:Mr. Brown has been in Shanghai for three days. 布朗先生來上海已經(jīng)有三天了。此外還有這些搭配

18、: have been here (there) /at home (school) /on the farm have been here (there) / abroad二、have(has)been to表示“曾經(jīng)去過某地”,現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)不在那里了。可與just, ever, never等連用,例如: I have just been to the post office. 我剛才去郵局了。Mary has never been to the Great Wall. 瑪麗從未去過長城。Have you ever been to Hangzhou? 你曾經(jīng)去過杭州嗎?have(has) bee

19、n to 后面可接次數(shù),表示去過某地幾次。例如:I have been to Beijing three times. 我去過北京三次。They have been to that village several times. 他們?nèi)ミ^那個村莊好幾次了。三、have(has) gone to 意為“到某地去了”,表示到了某地或正在去某地的途中??傊f話時該人不在現(xiàn)場,一般不用第一、第二人稱代詞作句子的主語。例如:-Where is Tom? -He has gone to the bookshop. 湯姆在哪里?他到書店去了。Jack Johnson has gone to London.

20、杰克.約翰遜到倫敦去了。練習(xí):I. 用have(has) been 或have(has) gone 填空。A: Where _ Li Fei _?B: He _ to Hainan Island.A: How long _ he _ there?B: He _ there for three days.A: When will he come back , do you know?B: Im afraid he wont come back recently.A: Could you tell me the way to Hainan Island?B: Sorry, I _ never _

21、there.A: How many times _ Li Fei _ to that place?B: He _ there only once. II. 用have/has been to/in, have gone to及go的各種形式填空。1) Where is Jack? He _ his country.2) David _ the park just now.3) John _ England since he came back.4) How long _ have _ this village?5) The Smiths _ Beijing for years.6) _ you

22、 ever _ America? - Yes, I _ there many times.7) I _ this school since three years ago.8) Where is Jim? He _ the farm.9) When_ he _? He _ an hour ago.10) Would you like to _ the zoo with me? -Yes, but I _ there before.11) Where _ you _ now? - I _ the zoo.12) He often _ swimming.13) _ you _ there last

23、 year?14) _ they often _ skating in winter?III.翻譯下列句子:1. 他已經(jīng)來中國三年多了。2. 他們出國兩個月了。3. 我從來沒去過長城。4. 你曾經(jīng)出過國嗎?5. 他已經(jīng)去圖書館了。6. 他來這兒五年了。7. 昨天他去了公園。8. “你要去哪里?” “我要去學(xué)校。”9. 他常常去游泳。綜合練習(xí): I. 用never, ever, already, yet, for, since填空1. I have _ seen him before, so I have no idea about him.2. Jack has _ finished his

24、homework _ an hour ago.3. Mr. Wang has taught in this school _ ten years.4. “Have you _ seen the film?” “No, I have _ seen it.”5. “Has the bus left _?” “Yes, it has _ left.”II. 翻譯下列句子:1. 他們已經(jīng)打掃了教室嗎?2. 我們已經(jīng)認(rèn)識有二十年了。3. 打那以后,她一直住在這。4. “你曾經(jīng)到過那里嗎?” “不,我從來沒到過那里。” III. 用適當(dāng)?shù)臅r態(tài)填空:1.Shes _ (live) here ever sin

25、ce she was ten.2.Both of them _ (be) in Hongkong for ten days.3.Both of them _ (come) to Hongkong ten days ago.4. Half an hour _ (pass) since the train _ (leave).5. Mary_(lose) her pen. _ you _ (see) it here and there?6. _ you _ (find) your watch yet?7. -Are you thirsty?-No I _ just _ (have) some or

26、ange.8. We _already _ (return) the book.9. _ they _ (build) a new school in the village?10. I _(not finish) my homework . Can you help me?11. My father _ (read) the novel twice.12. I _ (buy) a book just now.13. I _ (lost ) my watch yesterday.14. My father _ (read) this book since yesterday.III句型轉(zhuǎn)換:1

27、. He has already gone home.He _ _ home _. (否定句)_ he _ home _? (疑問句)2. He has lunch at home.He _ _ lunch at home. (否定句)_ he _ lunch at home? (疑問句)3. He has been there twice. _ _ _ _ he been there? (劃線提問)4. I have lunch at school._ _ you _ lunch. (劃線提問)記住,永遠(yuǎn)不要對父母說這十句話!1.好了,好了,知道,真啰嗦?。蓱z天下父母心,父母的“啰嗦”其實是一種幸福。)2.有事嗎,沒事?那掛了啊。(父母打電話,也許只想說說話,我們能否明白他們的用意,不要匆忙掛了電話?。?.說了你也不懂,別問了!(他們只是想和我們說說話。)4.跟你說了多少次不要你做,做又做不好。(一些他們已


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