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1、-emratre ContolUsing acrocotroller:n nteriscinry Undrraduae Eginering Dein jectJames S.cDnaldDeartment o Engnering cicerinit UniesitySan noni, 7822Abact:Tis pape descres an nediilinarydsign ojectwhch as oe under t authorssupevisio by a goup of forsenir studens he Departent Engneer Science at Trnty U

2、niversty The oective f teproec was to deveop a teratuecontrol ystem or an i-fill came. The systemwsto alow nr ofa sirdcmbr emperatuein a prescribd ngead to exht ovesoot andteady-tteeeature eror of lesshan dgreKevin i te ctualchametemeraturestep respone. dails f te dein developed byths grofstudnts, b

3、ase on a Morla M68HC05 il micocntroller, are dribd. The agogical vue ofth roblem is also discussed troug a descrition of some ofthe key te n the esignrocs.It i shwn thtte solutio requires broad knoeg drawn rm veral engiering diciplnes incluin lectria, mchnca, and ontl systemsengineering1 Introductio

4、ne desin rject hich i te sujc of ths pr oiinae from eal-wold aplicaton. A rotoy o micrsope lide yer hd ben dveoped arondOma oel -30 tmerure controler, and the ojev as develo acutoemerturecotrol system epce he Oga system The oiatiws at acuom contole taetedspcically o eapitinshould b able acheve thsae

5、 functionlitya auchloecost,as the Ome system s uessarily versatl an epped o hanl a wide varityof apicationsh echnical laou of th slie dryer rotpe sshon i Figur 1.h main eent o the dryer isa lre,iuled, air-flld hambe n whichmroscope slies, e th atssue smpensed iraf, ca b et o caddie. Inorer hatthe pa

6、raffi minain the proeronsisen, the tmperature inthe sldechmer must e maitnd tdesird (constant) temperatre Aseod hamr (te letrnis encsure) ouses a reisie eatendthe empert contrlle, adafnuntd nhe f the dryr blo ai across he heater, carryng eat no th sldchabeThi design rjecwas aie t durng acemc yr 199

7、by or uent under e auhor upervisionas aSeior Dei projecinhe Deprtment fEninering Science at Tinty Unersit. The urpose f this pp isto describthe problem an he studentssolutio isoe detail, an to dicusssome te pedagol oportuntes offdby ainriscipln deign prjet ofthstp. Th stdeso eor was prsnte ahe 199ti

8、nl onferc on Uneraduat Reseach .Sectio 2ive a more detaied sttemen ofeproblem, incuding perfranceseciiations, ad Sctio descrbes the student deign. ecion 4 makes up the buk of the per, and iscuses someeti veaaspes othe dsig pocss ch offer iqu pdaogicaloporities. Fialy, Section ffrs soe conclusions. P

9、rolmStatemetTe bscidea of the poject is o eacethe relvant pars of the fncioltyofn Oega CN-39 temeratuecontroler ung cutmdesignd sstem. hepaion dictsthat eperature ettings are ualkept constat fr longeios f time, buisnonethelesimpor tat step chan be racke in a “reasonble” anner. Ths he mai equrment bo

10、ildon t·lloi aamer tmperatr sepoint obenee,·displaying boh etpoint nd actul temperure, and·trackng st chags ne-pi tempraureth acceale risie, ta-stte error, and versht.ltougho expliily a artofth speciicaions in Table , i was cea that the custome si digialdisla of set-oint an ctualtmpet

11、re, and thatst-inteperatue enry shouldbe igitalas well (as pposd t,y, thoga otentioeter etn).3 SysesgThe equirments fo digital mperatur isy and setpint e aloe ae enogh to dictetha miccontrolebaseddsgn slikly th mstapropiat.ige2 shows lockdiagrm o the student esign. Te microcorole, a MooolaMC68HC05B1

12、 (680 forshort), is hehearto te syste. It acetins rom ple for-keykeypd hic allw pcficatiofthe e-oi tperature, nd it dislays th set-pi andmased chame teertures usi two-diiteve-eet LDisaycontrl by a dispa drive. Al thse inpts and oututs aeaccomodae y palel ptson he 680. Cabertemperare issensd usin a r

13、-alirated tristr nd inu via nof the 80s nlog-to-diitl inuts. Finally, a puls-idthmoduaion (PWM) outp n the 680 is seto rve reay whch swtesline powerto t ressivheaer of ad onFire 3 shs a more detied shemic of te lectros and her ntrfacingth605 T kpad, a Som 3K04110, asfur keyswih are intfced topis PA0

14、PA3 ofPortA, onfigued as ins.One ey functons aa mode sith.Two es aesuprted: et modand runde. In et moetwo fthe ter ksre used to specif theetpintemrtu:one icemet it and nedecreetsh fort ke isuusea esent. The LED dipay edrivn by a Hais emouct M7212 isplyrivernteaced t ins PBPB6 f Port ,ongure as outpu

15、. Th tempetr-seni hrmior dives, ugh volage divd, pin AN0 (one of ihtanalog inputs).nal, pin PMA (ono woWM outputs)dries the heate relay.Softwr o th 6805 mplemnt te temperure cotrolagtm, maintains te teauedisplays, a altrs he et-pon in resposeeypad input. Becauseitisnot copete at iswiting, ftware ill

16、 oe dicssed in detaiin hs per. he control algorithm i paticular st endetmied, but it iskel to b a impeproportional ontller andainly romplexthan a ID. Some otrol design issesil b iscussed in Secto4, however.4 The Dign ProcsAlthough ssentially he proect is jus bild athersta, i psents manynice pedaggal

17、 opprnis.h klede n epeien bof a ser enineering unerguate arjut nou tobrighim r hrto hbink f a sutin t arious asets of prolm. et,inch case, realwrd onideration coplcate thsitaton signifiantl.Fornately thse complicaions a not inurmountbl, and e result avery benefiial dsig experience Tremiderfthi scton

18、looat afew sec oh robem hih preent he typeof leanngpportuniy jutdecribed. Sectio4.1 discusses ome of th fatus of aimifiedmatheatial oel o thhema propetiesofte syst and ow i canbe asil validate exerimentally. Section4. dsrbes how realisc cont lgithmdegns an be arrived t uig itducry conets in ot desig

19、n. Sectio4.3 pointou sm imoantdeficencis of such aiplifie modeing/control desin rocessand how they cnbe ovecom troug silatio. inaly, Scti 4. gives n ovrview of o oftemicrcontrole-rlate esig suewhic arise an larin oportnitiesoffered.4. Mathemaicalodelumd-elemnt emalsstemsare dsribd n alostany introdu

20、ctorylir corolstems txt, anjust this sotf mol s applcb tthe slidedryer prolem.Figr 4 sws scnd-oder lume-elemen hrmal od o te lide dryer. estateaiabes ar thetemperatures T fheirin thband Tb of thebox itsef. The input to thsystemare the wer uut q(t) of t heater ad hambien temerature T¥m nd mb ar

21、the aesof thair adthe bo, especvely, ada and b hr pecf hat. 2 a at ransfercoficent from te ar to ebx d fromthe box to t exteralwol, resetvly.I nt hard to so at h (leizd) at eutionscorespondigto Figre 4 reTaking Lplae trasfom of (1) ad (2) d olvin foTa(s),hiis thutut of eret, giveste folowing openloo

22、modelo th themly:here is a costant ad D(s)s a second-oder olynomilK, tz, andthe fficet o (s) are uctios f he vrosaraetersparng i (1)an (2).Of course theaious parametes i (1) an () arecomplely unknow, butits othard o sowtht, gadle of her vlues, () as to eal zeros. Therefo th main tfe funtion o iteres

23、t (whic i he onefom(s), ince wl aumeconstantabient teperaue)an rittenMoreove,t n to ard to show ha 1=tp1<=tz<=tp2, ., hatth zero lie beten the w poes. o of these are excelle xeces forttudent,ndthereul s e oenloop pole-rodiarm of Figure.taniga cpete themal mdel, ten, is reducedt ientifyin te cn

24、tntK and the three unknw me contants in (3).Fu uknow paaetr i qu a few, but smp expeimetshotat =tp1 _ =tz;1=tott tz;tp _0 a garxmations. Thu t open-loop ysem is essenallyfirst-oerand an theefor e writte(whrete subsip p asee opped).iple opnlop stepespne eerimts show tht,fr a wie ranf inia eperaurs an

25、d het ns, K 0:_Wand t 295 s.14. ConroSyste Dsnsng the firstordermodel of ()for te ope-loptransferfunctoGa(s) ad ssuming for the momet tha linr conrol of the heate wotut q(t) is ossb,hebock igr o Fige 6 epresens the csed-lop ytm. Td(s) i te esired, oset-oin,temperue,C() is h mpensatortrae fuion, and

26、Q() is thehe ouput n atts.Gietis siple tuaton, itodutory linear contol desgn ouch as ro csmehca be used to arieata C(s) whh meets the e rpone rquments orise te, stadytate error, nd ovrsht specified in Tble Theuphot,of cor, isht aprootionl cntroller wit uffcient gain an meet alecfiationsOverhot is mp

27、osib, n incesing gains deresesbothseadyte err and risetim.fortaely, sufcient gain to meet the speiiatons ma euire larerhea outpus tateher is capale f poducig. This waneed te casefthis ystem, and he result i t he ris tie specifationcaob met It is uite revealig to huden how ufu such aovsimpled del, ar

28、efulyarrived a, can b in detriningovll rfrmance limittions.43 Simulin MolGross erformance an its lmitatonsan b determinedingthe impfi odl of Figre6, thee are a umberofther aspect of theclosedlopsyste whose efts n perfmane are tssipl modeled. Ciemonthes re·quntizaio err i anlogo-diita onvsio of

29、he mase teerture and· te ue of PWM t cnrol he heater.Bth of theseae nnlina andime-aryi efect, ad the ony prctica wa to suytem is tough siulaton (or exerimet,ocoue).igur sows aSimulinkT ck diagram ofthe csed-lootem hich inorpras thesfets. A/D conre quntizatio an saturatin reoeled usin sanarmlink

30、 quizr nd atuto lock. odeli WM is more compicaed and reuiresa custo S-funtio o epresnt itTisilat o as prvnarticlarlyuseflngagigthe effts ofvaryn thebasi WM araeer nd enceselcing hem aropratel. (I.e, th longer theperio, thelargr theteeratu error PWM ntoduces. Ot other hand, a g pid deira oavod cessiv

31、erela “haer,” mn oter hing)PWM isoten difficl for sudents oap, and h siultion mel allows an explorat o it oerato and effects whic is uteealing.TeMiroontrollerSiplclose-oop cntrol, kpd reding, an disply cntrol ae omo h clasic appicati of microonrolls,and this projec icorporaes all th. I isherefore an

32、ecent all-aoudexrisein micrcontrollapplication.I adtion, bese he rjec s t rdcean acualacageptotye,it wont d use a simple evaluatin oad wit hI/ insjumpered to e tagt system.nsted, is cesry developaomlee embddplicatio.Thsenail h choiceo n approprie par romthe broa rne frd n typical microorller fmiy nd

33、 aing tou a fasophisticatedevelpmtenronmen. Fnaly, a custm pind-ciuit brd for the micrcontller ndpeiperalsmustbe dsine and fabicaed.Mocorller Slecton. I viewf xist cal exptse,th Motorola lieofirocontrollerswas chosen for thsprojec. till, this doe not narow he chice down much. A fairly disipn tdy o s

34、ystereuirments iscessaytospeif whic microcontrolr, out f scores of variant, is eqiedforheob. This is ifict fr stents,aste eraly ac theeerience and ituition neded awell th venceo wethrugh mnuacturers slecton gues.Part f th probemsn chooin methodsforiterfacing the various priprals (e.g.,wht kindof spd

35、rver should e ued?). sud of relevant Moorol ppicatinne ,3, prvevery hpfli udestndingwabacpoches reaailable, and wharocntroll/prpherl comitions should becoserdThMC68C70B6 w fnlchsenn the bsis oit avalableA/D nputs and WMoutu s wel s 24 digita /Olnes.n retroetthisis proab verkil, as ony one A/D nne,on

36、e PWM channe, nd11 IO pins re actualyrqurd (see Figure3). Te deision wa mde toerr on the safe sidbcausea complt devlomentsstemspifi techoeart ws necssry, an thepjecbuet dd not pei a sond suc ysteto b purhae shld th rstpove adequate.Mironroller Applion elopmet. radboardin of the erphral hrdwar,eelome

37、nt of microcontrollr oftare,ad nldebugginad estig fcustom pintedcircuitbord for te ontroll andperpheral allqire develomeneviromen of somekn.The choice of a deveopetevironmen, lithat of the mcrocontleriself, ca bewildingan uires sme faclteertse.Motola mkes threerae f delopnt envirnmntangin from simpl

38、e evauatio boars (ataoud 0) to ful-bl real-tiein-ircut emulator (at morlike500). Themidde optio as chen for thsprojec: h MEVS, hi consst of a latf boar (wicporsall 6-ail parts), _ a eator modul(cifc o B-seespars), d _ a abead tret head adpter(acage-pifc). Overal, th syse costsabo $900 and provid, wi

39、h sm mitions, in-ircuitemlationcapbiliy.t so comes wththe iplbt uffcint stwareelomn evirnmnt RP Suesinearnin to use thistyeof systemchaegi, bu he expernethey gain iealwold crcontroller aplication development ray exceeds the tpcal fstcoure experience using smple evalation oardsrnte-Cicuit Board. Thel

40、ayu oa siple (hogh einitynotvl)rid-circui bard i anote pracial larnin oruty prnte by this rjec Thefna bordlou, with acgeolne,ishown(at0% o actuasze) in Figr 8. Th rltive smplicty he circuit makemuplemn ad roin pacticaln fac, t ikely givs bterrslts han utt i an appicatilik hind te sudent is therefre

41、expoed to fundamentalisues of prined-iut lyou an bic desin ruls The lyout sftwre sdwas the ery nce ckage cb,2andthe boar as fabrcedin-housewitthe id of r af eecrnis ehniin.中文翻譯:單片機(jī)溫度控制:一個(gè)跨學(xué)科的本科生工程設(shè)計(jì)項(xiàng)目amesSMDonald工程科學(xué)系三一大學(xué)德克薩斯州圣安東尼奧市7822摘要:本文所描述的是作者領(lǐng)導(dǎo)由四個(gè)三一大學(xué)高年級(jí)學(xué)生組成的團(tuán)隊(duì)進(jìn)行的一個(gè)跨學(xué)科工程項(xiàng)目的設(shè)計(jì)。該項(xiàng)目的目標(biāo)是設(shè)計(jì)一個(gè)氣室內(nèi)溫度控


43、械布局如圖1所示。干燥機(jī)的主體是一個(gè)足夠大的絕緣充氣室,里面依次存放著薄紙包著的石蠟。為了使石蠟保持適當(dāng)穩(wěn)定性,載玻片氣室的溫度必須維持穩(wěn)定。第二個(gè)氣筒(電子圍繞元件)設(shè)有一個(gè)電阻加熱器、一個(gè)溫度控制器以及一個(gè)安裝在干燥機(jī)上的風(fēng)扇,是為了把風(fēng)吹過(guò)加熱器,把熱量帶到載玻片氣室。圖1-載玻片干燥機(jī)的機(jī)械布局 自196-97學(xué)年來(lái),本文作者帶領(lǐng)四位三一大學(xué)工程科學(xué)系的高年級(jí)學(xué)生開(kāi)展此項(xiàng)目的研究。本文的目的說(shuō)明了提出一些問(wèn)題并詳細(xì)闡述學(xué)生的一些解決方案,而且討論了這種類(lèi)型的跨學(xué)科設(shè)計(jì)項(xiàng)目在教學(xué)方面應(yīng)用的問(wèn)題。這份學(xué)生報(bào)告曾經(jīng)在99年全國(guó)本科畢業(yè)生研討會(huì)上提出過(guò)并討論過(guò)。第2節(jié)給出該設(shè)計(jì)的更多詳細(xì)情況,

44、包括性能規(guī)格。第3節(jié)具體 學(xué)生的設(shè)計(jì)。第4節(jié)是論文的主體,討論該設(shè)計(jì)在教學(xué)應(yīng)用方面的實(shí)施問(wèn)題。最后,第5節(jié)全文總結(jié)。問(wèn)題闡述該項(xiàng)目基本的思想是設(shè)計(jì)一個(gè)自定義溫度控制系統(tǒng)來(lái)取代相關(guān)的歐米茄CN-3溫度控制器。溫度時(shí)通常保持在一個(gè)穩(wěn)定的常數(shù),但重要的是階躍變化可以被“合理”的跟蹤。因此主要要求如下:·可以對(duì)空氣室的溫度進(jìn)行設(shè)定,·同時(shí)顯示設(shè)定值和實(shí)際溫度,·以及在設(shè)定溫度值情況下,可接受范圍內(nèi)的跟蹤階躍變化,穩(wěn)態(tài)誤差,超調(diào)量。設(shè)定溫度接口設(shè)定溫度顯示室內(nèi)溫度顯示范圍精度準(zhǔn)確度6-91°±1°C室內(nèi)溫度階梯響應(yīng)范圍(穩(wěn)定狀態(tài))精度(穩(wěn)定狀態(tài)

45、)最大超調(diào)設(shè)定時(shí)間(到±°)0-9±1°C 1°C20s表1精確的規(guī)格說(shuō)明盡管表1部分說(shuō)明并不明確,但是它清楚的反映了人們對(duì)數(shù)字顯示器在設(shè)定值和實(shí)際溫度的要求和溫度應(yīng)該通過(guò)數(shù)值輸入來(lái)設(shè)定(而不是,通過(guò)電位器設(shè)置)。3系統(tǒng)設(shè)計(jì)根據(jù)微控設(shè)計(jì),數(shù)字溫度顯示和單點(diǎn)輸入的要求可能是最合適的。圖2為學(xué)生的設(shè)計(jì)框圖。圖2-2溫度控制器硬件結(jié)構(gòu)圖摩托羅拉C68HC05B16(簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)68),是系統(tǒng)的核心。它通過(guò)一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的4鍵小鍵盤(pán)對(duì)溫度進(jìn)行設(shè)定,同時(shí)使用兩個(gè)顯示驅(qū)動(dòng)控制7段L數(shù)碼管來(lái)顯示定值和氣室溫度的測(cè)量值。所有這些,輸入和輸出信號(hào)與605的并行口相連。氣室的溫

46、度值使用預(yù)校準(zhǔn)熱敏電阻測(cè)量,并通過(guò)680的數(shù)模轉(zhuǎn)換輸入。最后,6085的脈沖寬度調(diào)制(PWM)輸出用來(lái)驅(qū)動(dòng)一個(gè)繼電器,以控制線性電阻加熱器的閉合和斷開(kāi)。圖3更詳細(xì)的顯示了605的接口和電子器件。使用暴風(fēng)3010型號(hào)四鍵鍵盤(pán),通過(guò)PA0-PA3端口進(jìn)行數(shù)據(jù)輸入。其中一個(gè)重要的功能是進(jìn)行模式切換。兩種模式:固定模式和運(yùn)行模式。在固定模式下,其他兩個(gè)鍵用于設(shè)定溫度,一個(gè)增加,一個(gè)減少,第四個(gè)按鍵暫無(wú)作用。LE顯示屏由哈里斯半導(dǎo)體I722進(jìn)行驅(qū)動(dòng),通過(guò)PB0-P6端口與芯片相連,作為輸出。熱敏電阻由電壓分頻器驅(qū)動(dòng),通過(guò)AN針腳(八個(gè)模擬輸入端口中的一個(gè))相連。最后,PLMA針腳(兩個(gè)WM輸出端口中的一個(gè))驅(qū)動(dòng)加熱繼電器。圖2-3 單片機(jī)原理圖圖3單片機(jī)原理圖是關(guān)于用軟件實(shí)現(xiàn)溫度控制算法、保持溫度顯示以及改變鍵盤(pán)輸入響應(yīng),這將不會(huì)在本文詳細(xì)討論,因?yàn)檫@并不是本文的重點(diǎn),也沒(méi)有編譯完成。軟件部分還沒(méi)有確定控制算法,但很可能是一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的比例控制,比PD算法簡(jiǎn)單。一些控制設(shè)計(jì)的問(wèn)題將在第四節(jié)討論。4 設(shè)計(jì)過(guò)程雖然該項(xiàng)目的本質(zhì)是建立一個(gè)恒溫器,但它有許多很好的契機(jī)可以供教學(xué)借鑒。高級(jí)工程本科教育的知識(shí)只


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  • 5. 人人文庫(kù)網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲(chǔ)空間,僅對(duì)用戶(hù)上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護(hù)處理,對(duì)用戶(hù)上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對(duì)任何下載內(nèi)容負(fù)責(zé)。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請(qǐng)與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時(shí)也不承擔(dān)用戶(hù)因使用這些下載資源對(duì)自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。



