



1、牛津譯林版必修三Unit 2 LanguageReading導學案1 / 4-班級:_姓名:_M3U2 Language Welcome to the unit & ReadingLearning aims1. Help stude nts practice liste ning and speak ing.2. Help stude nts know about differe nt Ian guages.3. En courage stude nts to think about effective methods for study ing the En glish Ian gu

2、age.Leading-inGuess-How many Ian guages in the world?A. More than 2,000. B. More than 3,000. C. More than 4,000. D. More tha n5,000. E. More than 6,000. F. More than 7,000.Welcome to the unitLanguage, in a broad sense, is the way information is expressed. It can be spoken or seen. Doyou think that I

3、an guage is the only way people com muni cate?What other forms of Ian guage can you think of?Other forms of com muni cati onTask1: Look at the five pictures on P21 and discuss the following questions.1. Do the differe nt Ian guages on the card express the same meaning?2. What is emotico n?3. What do

4、es that sign of hands mean in Britain? Give some more examples.4. What is Braille?5. Why do bees fly in circles?English and its historyFast readi ngReading strategy: How to read a history articleBefore reading the text, lets learn the strategy about how to read a history article.1. Notice the dates

5、and years.2. Make a time chart, listi ng releva nt in formati on such as times, places and eve nts, etc.Fast readi ngListen to the English and its history on Page 22, and answer the questions.1. What are the three kinds of English discussed in the article?2. In what way is En glish still cha nging?R

6、ead the text carefully and choose the best answer to each question.1. The oldest Ian guage in Brita in is_.牛津譯林版必修三Unit 2 LanguageReading導學案2 / 4A. CelticB. FrenchC. Old En glishD. the An gles and the Saxons2. What is the main reason for Englishs development?A. The borrow ing from other Ian guages.B

7、. The mixing of differe nt Ian guages from differe nt coun tries.C. The occupation有).D. All of the above.3. Which of the followi ng terms come from old Fren ch?A. Beef, sheep and bac on.B. Feet, childre n and shoes.C. Pig, mutt on and tooth.D. Beef, pork and bac on.Fill in the blanks with the follow

8、ing dates from the passage.5th cen tury9th cen tury 10th cen tury106614th cen tury16th cen tury1. Before the middle of the_, people in Brita in did not speak En glish.2. Moder n En glish bega n to develop in the_ .3. Almost every one in En gla nd bega n to speak Middle En glish in the_ .4. At the en

9、d of the_, Norwegia n words bega n to be used in the En glishIan guage.5. The Norma ns en tered En gla nd in_ .6. By the_ , Old En glish was the official la nguage of En gla nd.Detailed-readingPart 1 Old En glishTimeEventlanguageBeforethemiddle of 5thcenturyNone5th-9thcenturyAnglo-Saxon(base of old

10、EnglisAt the end of9thThe Vikings began to move BritainPart 2 Middle EnglishIn 1066,_ However, duri ng the 250 years,_牛津譯林版必修三Unit 2 LanguageReading導學案3 / 4By the later half of the 14th century_In 1399,_What are the factors that con tributed to the developme nt of Middle En glish?Part 3 Modern Engli

11、sh1. Whe n did moder n En glish beg in?2. What cha nges happe ned duri ng this period of time?3. Is Moder n En glish the end of all these cha nges?Work in groupsRead the article again. Fill in each blank with no more than one word according to thetext.En glish and its history(1)_ up of the grammar a

12、nd vocabulary fromdiffere nt coun triesand cultures,the English Ianguagehas so many difficult and (2) rules.Norma ns had a great (6)_on the developrMiddle English from around the 12th to the 15th centuries, buIanguage,Old Frenchdidn take the place of English as the firs Ian guage.n troductionThe(3)_

13、 EnglishoOldEnglish-In the middle 5th century Britain was (4)_ y theAn gles and the Saxons, who brought their Ian guage into Old English At the end of the 9th cen tury, Old En glish was also mixed wiIan guage of Denmark and Norway.By the 10th cen turyOld En glish became the (5) of En gla nd.h thelan

14、euagenent oftheirMiddle English牛津譯林版必修三Unit 2 LanguageReading導學案4 14Middle En glish-Ma ny words in En glish Ian guagewere borrowed fromFrench which (7)eve n more words with similar meanin gs.A French way of maki ng plurals was in troduced into English. By the latter half of the 14th ce ntury, En glish had bee n(8) used among all classes in En gla nd.En glishGreatly in flue need by the Ren aissa nee, this Ian guage includ(Lat in and Greek words.Lots of cha nges also took place in (10)2. Sinceyou have learnt Englishfor years,do you have any effectivenetho


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