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1、2021新高考英語讀后續(xù)寫素材積累(1)-情感描寫一、開心Her eyes twinkled with merriment.她高興得雙眸閃閃發(fā)亮。Mack went into raptures and burst into laughter.麥克欣喜若狂,大笑起來。A ripple of laughterwent through the crowd.人群中傳來一陣笑聲Lilys laughter lingered in the room for a long time.麗麗的笑聲縈繞在房間里久久不能散去。Her hands were trembling with excitement as s

2、he opened the letter.當她打開信時,她的手激動得發(fā)抖。After heard thissatisfactoryoutcome,Stevefelt a sense of joy and happiness surging throughhim.在聽到這個令人滿意的結(jié)果后,史蒂夫感到一種喜悅和幸福的感覺涌上心頭。Overwhelmed withgaiety,hejumped up and ran excitedly around thetree.他欣喜若狂,跳起來并繞著那棵大樹跑了幾圈。In his excitement he couldnt remember her name

3、.他興奮得甚至把他自己的名字都給忘了。Rosefelt blissful as ifshewas in possession of everything.羅絲感到很幸福,好像她擁有了全世界一樣。She was carried awayby pleasure.她被快樂沖昏了頭腦。I nodded, with a big smile spreading acrossmy cheek.我點點頭,臉上露出燦爛的笑容。Shecouldntconceal the excitement and rushed hometo tell hermother the goodnews.她掩飾不住興奮,急忙回家告訴母

4、親這個好消息。She is alwaysready to helpothers in need and always wearsshining smile on her face,so many classmates are willing to make friends withher.她總是樂于助人并且臉上總是掛著燦爛的笑容,因此很多同學都愿意和她交朋友。Im overthe moon.我太開心了It is easy toinfer thathe is in rapturethroughhisbig smile.從他那燦爛的笑容很容易推斷出他是興高采烈的。He woke up that m

5、orning with a feeling of excitement.他一起床就感到很興奮。Her excitement grew as the day of the wedding came nearer.隨著結(jié)婚的日子越來越近,她越來越興奮。I am overflowing withhappiness.我洋溢著幸福。Every time we mentioned the funny incidents of the journey a pleasant smile would spread over Moms face.每次我們提到旅途中的趣事,媽媽的臉上就會浮現(xiàn)出愉快的笑容A sudd

6、en wave of joy swept over her.一陣喜悅突然涌上她的心頭。She gazed up at him, glowing with happiness.她抬頭看著他,臉上洋溢著幸福的光芒。The children were filled with excitement at the thought of visiting Disneyland.孩子們一想到要去迪斯尼樂園就興奮不已。My heart is as sweet as honey.我的心甜的像蜜一樣。Pleasure welled up inside her heart.她心中涌起喜悅。Amusement gle

7、amed in his eyes.他眼中流露出愉快的深情.Motherseyesflashacrossthesurprise,opensmileripples.母親的眼里閃過驚喜,笑容蕩漾開。She come up to me, with a smile shining like a diamond.她帶著燦爛的笑容走到我面前。二、悲傷There were tears in her eyes, but her voice was steady.她眼里含著淚水,但聲音依然很穩(wěn)定。I was seized withsadness.我傷心欲絕。A flash of grief came upon m

8、e.一陣悲傷襲身而來。His lip started to tremble and then he started to cry.他的嘴唇開始顫抖,然后哭了起來。He sigh with despair at the thought of all the opportunities he had missed.一想到他錯過的所有機會,他絕望地嘆了口氣。Tears rolled down her cheeks.淚水從他的臉頰滑落。Charles was overcome with grief.查爾斯悲痛欲絕。Helookedmournful,evenneartotears.他看起來很悲傷,幾乎要

9、流淚了。There was a lump in my throat and I didntspeak because I knew I would cry.我哽咽了,沒有說話,因為我知道我會哭的。Its no good turning on the water works. You cant stay home from school. 你哭也沒用,因為你不能逃學.I left quickly, not wanting to break down in frontof the children.我趕快離開了,因為我不想在孩子們面前大哭。The heavy blow almost made he

10、rcry.這沉重的打擊幾乎要把她弄哭了。Cecil came round later, crying his eyes out, asking me to forigive him.塞西爾后來來了,哭得很傷心,請求我原諒他。Joes eyes were watering from the smoke that filled the room.喬的眼睛正被滿屋的煙霧熏得淌眼淚。Hisfacewas cast acloud of gloom after heard this news.聽到這個消息后,他的臉上蒙上了一層陰云。He nagged and complained, and reduced

11、Louise to tears.他嘮嘮叨叨,不停地抱怨,使路易斯不禁流淚。Her hands were shaking. She was on the verge of tears but Paul didnt realize that.她的手在顫抖,她都快要哭出來了,但保羅一點也沒有意識到這一切。The old song always brought tears to my eyes.那首老歌總是讓我傷感得流淚。Bill fought backtears andtried to comfort Sarahs mother.比爾抑制住淚水,并試圖安慰桑拉的母親。He stood silentl

12、y, tears rolling down his cheeks.她靜靜地站著,淚水順著臉頰淌下來。Jane turned to me with tears in her eyes, and begged me to help her.簡眼里含著淚水打轉(zhuǎn),懇求我?guī)蛶退ost of us were in tears by the time hed finished his story.他講完故事時,我們大多數(shù)人都已經(jīng)淚流滿面。I feel like I am floating in an oceanof sadness.我感覺自己漂浮在悲傷的海洋里。Bob sat ther with glu

13、my looks onhis face.鮑勃坐在那兒,帶著一臉憂郁。Carol is a bit down in the dumps because she failed her final exam.卡羅爾很難受,因為她期末考不及格。He got a facelike a wet weekend.他的臉像下了一周的雨,愁云慘霧的Feeling down / upset / sad / blue, please just leave me alone.情緒低落/沮喪/悲傷/憂郁,讓我靜靜。These daysshe is in a bad mood.這些天她心情不好。三、緊張She laugh

14、ed to hide her nervousness.她笑著掩飾自己的緊張。AshesqueezedmyhandtightlyIgotbutterfliesinmystomach.他緊緊抓住我的手時,我好緊張。He waited with baited breath for the test results.他屏住呼吸等待考試結(jié)果。His blood ran cold when she didnt call.他沒有打電話過來,他非常害怕。The magician had the audience on the edge of their seats by the end of the show

15、.直到表演的最后一秒,那個魔術師都緊扣觀眾心弦。You shouldnt have done that. My heart skipped a beat.你不該那么做的,我嚇得心都漏了一拍。I becomesweating bullets on the grounds thatI hearda sound in the bush.因為聽到灌木叢里面有聲響,我嚇得汗像子彈一樣大。When I saw him passing by the teacher, I broke out for a cold sweat for him.當我看到他從老師身邊經(jīng)過時,我真為他捏一把冷汗。四、恐懼I lay

16、there quivering with fear.我躺在那里害怕得發(fā)抖。Frozen with fear, he was too scared to move an inch.他嚇得僵住了,嚇得寸步難行。Numb with a blank mind, they couldnt let out a scream anymore with palms sweating.由于頭腦一片空白,他們幾乎發(fā)不出聲并且手掌一直出汗。I become spooked from ghoststories andscary movies.我被鬼故事和恐怖電影嚇壞了。Last night,I dreamed abo

17、utbeing chased by an angry dog. I really had my heart in my mouth.昨晚我夢到被一條瘋狗追,嚇得我心都提到嗓子眼了。That loud noise scared me out of my wit.那聲巨響把我的魂都嚇沒了。With heart fluttering with terror,without hesitation they rushed to the door,opened it and slammedly shut the wooden door as promptly as they could.他們嚇得心怦怦直跳

18、,毫不猶豫地沖向門口,打開門,盡可能迅速地關上木門。That dog really scared the pants of me.那條狗真的把我嚇壞了。The horror moviemade my hair stand on end.那部恐怖電影使我毛骨悚然。I was almost scared to death when there were intermittent footsteps outside the window.我差點嚇死了當窗戶外有斷斷續(xù)續(xù)的腳步聲。Shetrembled all over, feeling like sitting on pins and needles

19、.她渾身顫抖,如坐針氈。Judy was scared silly, as shesaid.朱迪被嚇傻了,正如她所說。Its reallycreeping me out, I cant sleep at all.它真的讓我毛骨悚然,我根本睡不著。Myface turned pale andstood there tongue-tied.我臉色蒼白,站在那兒舌頭打結(jié)。Judy said I should try Bungee, but I had cold feet.朱迪說我應該體驗一次蹦極,但我就是不敢。Stop shaking in your boots, Bob.Im not going

20、to fire you.別提心吊膽的,鮑勃,我不會炒了你的。五、憤怒A look of pure hatred flashed across her face.她臉上閃過一種仇恨的表情。Hisvoice was quivering / trembling with rage.他的聲音因憤怒而顫抖。Sobbing with rage, Carol was taken to the hospital.卡羅爾氣得抽泣起來,被送進了醫(yī)院。His facewas red with rage.他氣得臉都紅了。I was fraught with almost insupportable rage.我心中充

21、滿了幾乎無法忍受的憤怒。Theteacherflipped his lidwhen the student didnt know the answer to a very elementary question.當這個學生連一個很基本的問題都不會時,老師大發(fā)雷霆。I was seized by fury.我勃然大怒。I flew intoa rage.我勃然大怒。His face was gloomy with anger.他氣得臉色陰沉.He said nothing and left the room in a huff.他啥也沒說怒氣沖沖離開了房間。He got hot under th

22、e collarbecausehe was framed.他被人陷害了,所以很生氣。If youblow up atsomeone, you lose your temper and shout at them.如果你對某人發(fā)火,你就會發(fā)脾氣,對他們大喊大叫。Mack suddenly blew hisstackwhen he was teased by his classmates again and again.麥克突然大發(fā)雷霆因為他被他的同學一次又一次地捉弄。Georges fatherwillraisetheroofwhenhehearwhat hissonhas done.如果喬治的父親知道喬治做了什么,他一定會大發(fā)雷霆。I almost lost my temper when I saw the scene.當我看到這幅景象我差點就發(fā)脾氣了。六、感動Overwhelming withheartfelt gratitude, I coudnt utter a word.充滿感激,無語凝噎。Your timely help touchedthe tenderness of my deepest heart.你及時的幫助觸動了我內(nèi)心深處的溫柔。Whatmade me impressive


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