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1、Module 2 My New Teachers. 模塊教學目標技能目標Skill GoalsTalk about teachers and their personalitiesPractise expressing ones preferencePractice setting criteria for a good teacherStudy verbs followed by ingPractice using commas. 目標語言功 能 句 式Practise expressing ones preferenceId prefer to do .Id rather do . tha

2、n .My favorite teacher is .詞匯1 四會詞匯amusing, energetic, intelligent, nervous, organised, patient, serious, shy, strict, avoid, hate, incorrectly, completely, immediately, appreciate, admit, loudly, wave, joke, summary, respect, period, revision, translation, topic, vacation, revise, discipline, relat

3、ionship, formal, relaxed, similarly2 認讀詞匯impression, scientific, literature, grade, headmaster, headmistress, timetable3 詞組make sure, so that, make progress, as a result, in fact, fall asleep, tell jokes語 法Verbs followed by -ingIve always hated making mistakes or pronouncing a word incorrectly .Ther

4、e are a few students who keep coming to class late .I think this is because he really enjoys teaching Chinese literature.重 點 句 子1. She is kind and patient, and she explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it! P122. She is very strict we don t dare to say a word unless she asks

5、us to. P123. Shes also very serious and doesnt smile much. P124. Some of our class dont like her, but most of us really appreciate her because her teaching is so well organized and clear. P125. Ive always hated making mistakes or pronouncing a word incorrectly when I speak English, but Mrs Li just s

6、miles, so that you dont feel completely stupid! P126. There are a few students in our class who keep coming to class late but theyre always on time for Mrs Chens lessons! P127. During scientific experiments, she explains exactly what is happening and as a result my work is improving. P12. 教材分析和教材重組

7、1. 教材分析 本模塊以My new teachers為話題, 介紹了幾位具有不同教學風格和個性特征的教師,旨在通過模塊的教學使學生學會描述教師及校園生活,并能運用所學詞匯、句型來表達自己的喜好,同時通過學習制定好教師的標準使師生之間相互了解。1.1 INTRODUCTION 首先介紹描述人物個性特征的形容詞,再通過聽說訓練使學生在運用中熟練掌握這些形容詞。 1.2 READING AND VOCABULARY 中的課文分為三部分,從學生的角度對三位不同年齡,不同風格的教師作了介紹。從文中讀者可了解三位教師的性格特征、授課方式及學生的評價。文后設置了完成句子、寫詞、問答及討論等閱讀理解題,檢測

8、學生對課文的理解,培養(yǎng)學生獲取信息、猜測詞義等能力。1.3 GRAMMAR 講解了本模塊的語法項目v?鄄ing形式。 1.4 SPEAKING 是課文內(nèi)容及本模塊話題的延續(xù),要求學生通過口頭練習運用所學語法知識描述自己喜愛的教師、科目及喜歡的原因。1.5 LISTENING AND VOCABULARY分為六部分來進行。Activities 1, 2 && 3分別以問答和聽力練習的形式讓學生就有關校園生活的詞匯進行練習。Activity 4要求學生表述自己對英語學習的看法并闡述原因,既鞏固了所學生詞,又運用了本模塊的語法V?鄄ing 形式。Activity 5 給出八組有聯(lián)系的

9、詞,要求學生解釋它們之間的聯(lián)系。Activity 6 回歸課文,復習舊詞匯,并表述對Mr Stanton的看法。 1.6 PRONUNCIATION 以聽讀的方式學習單詞重音,為聽力的提高奠定基礎。 1.7 FUNCTION AND SPEAKING 列舉了表達喜好的句式,要求學生以問答方式就自己所學科目進行對話練習。 1.8 EVERYDAY ENGLISH通過補全對話的形式學習一些日常用語。 1.9 WRITING學習標點符號的應用,尤其是逗號的用法,使學生學會斷句,了解英語句子結構。 1.10 CULTURAL CORNER介紹西方國家的學校種類與不同的師生關系。 1.11 TASK要求

10、學生介紹自己喜歡的老師并陳述理由,并在討論后寫出好教師的標準說明理由。 2. 教材重組 2.1 將INTRODUCTION, READING AND VOCABULARY和WORKBOOK中的Vocabulary部分整合成一節(jié)閱讀課。 2.2 將GRAMMAR, SPEAKING, FUNCTION AND SPEAKING及WORKBOOK 中的Grammar整合成一節(jié)口語課。 2.3 LISTENING AND VOCABULARY與PRONUNCIATION, EVERYDAY ENGLISH整合成一節(jié)聽力課。 2.4 將WRITING 與WORKBOOK 中的Speaking and

11、writing整合成一節(jié)寫作課。 2.5 將CULTURAL CORNER與WORKBOOK中的Reading, Listening and speaking以及TASK整合為一節(jié)綜合實踐課。 3. 課型設計與課時分配 1st Period Reading 2nd Period Speaking 3rd Period Listening 4th Period Writing 5th Period Integrating Skills. 分課時教案The First Period ReadingTeaching goals 教學目標1. Target language 目標語言a. 重點詞匯和短

12、語amusing, energetic, intelligent, nervous, organized, patient, avoid, appreciate, admit, scientific, literature, joke, summary, respect , make sure, so that, make progress, as a result, in fact, fall asleep, tell jokesb. 重點句式 (P12)She is also very serious and doesnt smile much.Some ., but most of us

13、 really appreciate her . well organized and clear. There are few students . who keep coming to class late.2. Ability goals 能力目標Enable the students to learn expressions used to describe a teacher and his / her personality.3. Learning ability goals 學能目標Help the students learn to describe their teacher

14、s. Teaching important points 教學重點How to describe different teachers.Teaching difficult points 教學難點Enable the students to describe the teachers they like and tell the reasons.Teaching methods 教學方法Discussion, reading, questions-answers and cooperative learning.Teaching aids 教具準備Some pictures, a projec

15、tor and some slides.Teaching procedures && ways 教學過程與方式Step Greetings and Lead-inNow since the students have been familiar with their teachers, show some pictures of their teachers. Students work in groups of four to describe the pictures. After their discussion, ask one student to describe

16、one of the pictures, and the others guess who he / she is describing. It is a practice of the words in Activity 1 on P11 at the same time.T: Do you know this man / woman?Show a picture of the teacher himself / herself.Ss: Its you!T: Right! Whats your impression of me? Can you describe me in one or t

17、wo sentences?S1: Youre a slim and warm-hearted teacher.S2: You can explain what we dont understand clearly by showing us interesting examples.S3: You are energetic, so we are full of energy in your class, especially when we are playing games.S4: Im very lucky to be your student, because you never sc

18、old us but always smile. That encourages us a lot.T: Thank you very much. Ill keep on working hard and I believe we can make great progress together.Show some pictures of other teachers.T: Look at these pictures. Do you know them? Yes, they are your teachers. Describe one of them with your partners

19、and try to use the words in Activity 1 at the same time. A few minutes later.T: OK. Now Id like one of you to describe a teacher in class while the others guess who it is. Attention, dont mention the teachers name. Just guess according to your description.S1: Let me try. She is a little shy. Sometim

20、es she speaks in a low voice, so we can t hear her clearly. But she is very patient and explains everything till we understand them. Who is she?Ss: Miss He.S2: None of us dares to come to her class late. And we have to hand in our homework on time, or youll be found reciting a text in her office. Sh

21、e is very strict, but we all like her, especially those who lack self- control.Ss: Mrs Wang.S3: We are all very nervous in his class, because he keeps on asking questions. If you dont review the last lesson and cant answer his questions, youll feel very stupid. Ss: Mr Zhang.S4: This teacher is humor

22、ous and popular with us. When we are tired, he will tell jokes. But his classes are not well organized, he always jump from one topic to another.Ss: Mr Du.S5: She is very careful, and always returns our home-work on time and corrects our mistakes carefully.Ss: Miss Li.Students may give different des

23、criptions.T: Excellent! In your opinion, whats a good teacher like? Tick the statements that you agree with in Activity 3, P11.Students read and tick the statements. T: I am sure different students have different criteria. Lets listen to the tape and see what criteria Alex has. Tick the statements t

24、hat he agrees with in Activity 3.Students listen and tick the statements. Let the students compare his / her criteria with Alexs.Step Fast readingT: In this period, I am going to introduce you another three teachers. First, turn to P12 and look at their pictures. They are Mrs Li, Mrs Chen and Mr Wu.

25、 Lets answer the following questions before reading according to the pictures.Questions:1. Whatre your impressions of each teacher?2. Which teacher do you think the students like a lot?3. Who is a very good teacher but serious and strict?4. What subjects does each teacher teach?S1: According to the

26、picture, Mrs Li is young and energetic. The students must like her a lot. I think she is an English teacher.S2: Mrs Chen must be very strict with her students. Form the picture we can see she is very serious. So I think not all of her students like her. Maybe she is a history teacher.S3: I guess Mr

27、Wu is very handsome and amusing. His lessons must be very interesting. And the students are likely to like him a lot. I think he teaches chemistry. T: Very bold guessing! But we need to read the text to see whether what you said is true or false. Now lets read the text quickly and find the true answ

28、ers.After the students read the text, ask some to tell their answers.T: Any differences between your first impressions and the facts? Whod like to tell us the facts about the teachers?Sample answers:1. Mrs Li is kind and patient. Mrs Chen is strict and her teaching is well organized and clear. Mr Wu

29、 is energetic and amusing.2. Mrs Li and Mr Wu.3. Mrs Chen.4. Mrs Li teaches English, Mrs Chen teaches physics and Mr Wu teaches Chinese.Words and phrasesT: Now lets deal with some new words in the text. Look at the box in Activity 2 on P13. Please complete the sentences using the words from the box.

30、 Change the form where necessary.After the students finish it, check their answers in class.T: Please read the definitions in Activity 3 on P13 first to make sure you understand them and then find words and phrases from the text My New Teachers that match them. Students read and do the match. Then c

31、heck the answers.ExplanationsT: Wonderful! Now, lets deal with some language points. If you have any questions, please raise your hands. S: Can you explain this sentence “There are a few students in our class who keep coming to class late but they are always on time for Mrs Chens lessons.”?T: The wr

32、iter wants to tell us Mrs Chen is very strict with her students. Some students are always late for lessons, but they are on time for Mrs Chens lessons. “Who” refers to “a few students”.T: Pay attention to this sentence “Mr Wus only been teaching us for two weeks and hes already very popular.” Here,

33、“Mr Wus” equals to “Mr Wu has” and “hes” means “he is”. “Have been teaching us for two weeks” means Mr Wu has taught us for two weeks and now he is still teaching us. Any other questions?Step Careful reading In this part, the students will read the passage again and work together with their partners

34、 to learn the way the author describes a teacher. Then show a table on the screen. Give them a few minutes to fill in the table about the whole text. Check the answers with the whole class.T: The author describes the three teachers so vividly as if they were just around us.Can you tell me in which a

35、spects the writer describes the three teachers? Discusswith your partners, please.After discussion.S: in each paragraph, the author describes the teachers personalities, subjects theyteach and their ways of teaching. He / she gives examples to support his / herpoints. In the third paragraph, the tea

36、chers appearance is also described. T: You are quite right. Now lets try to get a general understanding of the passage. Fill in the table on the blackboard after reading the text again.Draw a table on the blackboard.NameSubjectAppearancePersonalityExamplesMrs Li Mrs ChenMr WuSample answers:NameSubje

37、ctAppearancePersonalityExamplesMrs Li EnglishKind, patientExplain grammar clearly, avoid making students feel stupidMrs ChenPhysicssixtyserious, strict, organized and clearNot smile much, none dare to be late, explain exactly what is happeningMr WuChinese28,good-lookingEnergetic and amusingTalk loud

38、ly and fast, wave his hand about a lot, tell jokes sometimesStep RetellingGive the students several minutes to prepare for retelling. After they retell the passage, they will understand deeply how the author describes a teacher, and master the way of descripting people.T: Among the three teachers, w

39、hich do you like best and why? Choose one of them and describe him /her by retelling the passage. You may refer to the table above.Samples of retelling:S1: I like Mrs Chen because she is strict with her students. Her teaching is well organized and clear. And during scientific experiments, she explai

40、ns exactly what is happening. Im interested in physics but I dont know how to learn it well. Also, I have a bad habit of wasting time playing games. I think that I would do well in physics with the help of Mrs Chen.S2: Good teachers are always very kind. I like Mrs Li because she is kind and patient

41、 and she explains grammar clearly. Just as the writer, I hate making mistakes in class, so I am a little nervous when a teacher asks me to answer questions, especially when I cant answer them. Sometimes I cant focus my attention on learning but expect the lesson is over as soon as possible. Mrs Li u

42、nderstands her students as she just smiles and avoids making her students feel stupid. I would be brave enough to answer questions in class and make rapid progress, if I were a student of Mrs Li.S3: I prefer Mr Wu. In my opinion if a teacher is full of energy and devotes himself to the lesson, his /

43、 her students will be interested in the lesson and follow the teacher to learn new knowledge. None of the students can fall asleep and all are eager to learn more about the subject. An amusing and interesting teacher is also very popular. I always fall asleep in class. An interesting class can draw

44、our attention. Step VocabularyT: Now there is a little time left. Lets come to Vocabulary on P74.If time is limited, it can be finished after class.Step Homework1. Collect more information about your teachers and fill it in the table on the blackboard. In next period, Ill ask some of you to introduc

45、e one of your teachers. Try to use some of the words we have learnt in this period. 2. Try to find out the structures about expressing preference.The Second Period SpeakingTeaching goals 教學目標1. Target language目標語言a. 重點詞匯和短語 admit, avoid, consider, dislike, enjoy, finish, hate, keep, imagine, like, l

46、ove, practice, stop, suggest, would rather, would preferb. 重點句式 . really likes working with her. P14. hated making mistakes or pronouncing a word incorrectly . P14. who keep coming to class late . P14. really enjoys teaching . P14I prefer . P14Id prefer to do . P17Id rather do . P17Id rather do . th

47、an . P172. Ability goals 能力目標Enable the students to express preference.Enable the students to use verbs followed by -ing.3. Learning ability goals 學能目標Help the students learn how to express preference and explain the reasons.Teaching important points 教學重點 How to express preference and use verbs foll

48、owed by -ing.Teaching difficult points 教學難點Understand the patterns used to express preference.Teaching methods 教學方法Speaking, discussion and cooperative learning.Teaching aids 教具準備A projector. Teaching procedures && ways 教學過程與方式Step Revision and Lead-inCheck the students homework by asking so

49、me of them to introduce their teachers. And write verbs followed by-ing included in their talk on the blackboard.T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. Any volunteers to introduce your teachers?S1: Let me have a try. Ill never forget my mathematics teacher Mrs Wang. She looks like a little girl,

50、 though she has been a teacher for six years. She is very kind and patient. And her teaching is well organized and clear. Whats more, she likes giving us some interesting examples to help us understand some difficult points. I hated learning mathematics, but now I find it interesting. S2: Ill descri

51、be a teacher who I dont like. She is well-known in our school for her strictness. All of us are afraid to have her lessons. If you cant give right answers in class, she will stare at you, which tells you how stupid you are. Most of us make rapid progress. But many students are no longer interested i

52、n her lessons. I hope that she can be patient and kind.S3: My favorite teacher is a beautiful young lady. She is full of energy and introduces different cultures to us. We listen to foreign songs, watch world famous films and enjoy listening to English at the same time. At first we disliked learning

53、 English. But now we all admit liking it.Step GrammarWhile the students give their talks, write a few sentences on the blackboard in which verbs followed by-ing are included. Show the following sentences on the blackboard.She likes giving us some interesting examples.I hated learning mathematics.We

54、enjoy listening to English.We disliked learning English, but now we all admit liking it.T: Please look at the blackboard. What do you notice about the verbs?Ss: The verbs like, hate, enjoy, dislike and admit are all followed by-ing.T: Exactly! These-ing forms act as nouns. We can say “I like playing

55、 football.” and “I like football.” They have the same meaning. Please turn to P14, Activity 2, Grammar. Look at the words in the box. Can all of them be followed by-ing? If you are not sure, please turn to your dictionary. Then complete the sentences with words from the box. There may be more than o

56、ne answer. Change the forms where necessary.Check their answers in class and correct any mistakes if there are.T: Excellent! Now, please work in pairs to make sentences about yourselves, using the words in the box. It will be better to make a paragraph. Students work in pairs to make sentences. T: A

57、re you ready?S1: I enjoy playing piano. And I practice playing it every morning. S2: I admit liking listening to pop music, but my sister hates it. She said its too noisy. She suggests my listening at school.S3: I enjoy writing, and always imagine being an excellent writer.Step SpeakingIn this part the students will talk about their favorite teachers, and the parts of school life they enjoy most. Task 1 Talk about your favorite teachersT: Teachers, just


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