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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上cctv大學英語演講稿cctv大學英語演講稿tv大學英語演講稿“Life is just a series of tring to make up our mind.” Making a hoie means something is kept hile something is eliminated. But as a great man development of the international munit usher in a ne orld, hih is, paradoxiall, more ulturall diverse AND globalize

2、d, I begin to onderif e must make a hoie,if things are onl blak and hite,if theres a in-in oexistene of diversit rather than just the ruel “Survival-of-the-fittest” elimination that results in a orld of monotonous unit.M hometon is Dalian, and m universit is in Shenang. The hanges that are taking pl

3、ae in both osmopolitans are breathtaking. International onglomerates, BMW, G.E. are hiring the finest of the ounger generation, hile Starbuks, HXXgen-Dazs, and MDonalds are peting aggressivel ith loal brands. As e immerse ourselves so happil in the international onveniene, traditional brands and as

4、of life are ithering in the jungle la of the merial soiet. One life and another life does not alas mean to lifes ill simultaneousl survive.When foreigners e to China and see the same image of streets as in their on ountr, the feel more baffled than exited. YES, globalization brings international ons

5、umer goods and servies, et, suh onveniene shouldnt be at the prie of losing the Chinese ingredient in the reipe of global diversit. And hen Starbuks opened a shop in the Forbidden Cit in Beijing, the emperor turned over in his grave.It is, ithout a shado of a doubt, the job of the ounger generation

6、to make sure things ill onl be better off for China and the orld. With a leap of faith, I ame to a deision half a ear ago. So, I set m mind on overseas eduation. Suh a deision as not to pursue a blind pilgrimage of Western ulture, but to provide m self a ne perspetive, a atalst for personal groth as

7、 I integrate isdom and experiene of both orlds to bee trul international. As I elebrate Chinese ulture ith the rest of the orld, one eduation AND one eduation trigger development that ant be measured ith a number, to.The orld is evolving. The onl thing not hanging is hange itself. Yet hoever fast th

8、e orld hanges, the essene remains the same. It is our responsibilit, NO, our obligation as oung people, to make sure that hen orlds e together, our respetive harateristis are kept hile ne traditions are formed in the proess. Hand in hand, Im more than onfident that e CAN offer future generations a o

9、rld of unpreedented harmon and diversit.“生活是一系列下決心的努力構成的?!毕露Q心,就意味著有所持、有所棄。但是,隨著國際組織的巨大發(fā)展,在這個新世界,一個似是而非的更加文化多樣化和全球化的世界,我開始提出質(zhì)疑如果我們必須做出決斷如果事情只是黑與白的問題如果是多樣性雙贏共存,而不只是會導致世界淪為乏味的單一體的殘酷的“適者生存”我來自于大連,就讀于沈陽的大學。發(fā)生在世界周遭的變化是令人吃驚的。國際大企業(yè),如寶馬、通用電氣公司在招募年青一代中的俊杰,而星巴克、哈根達斯、麥當勞卻自大地憑借著老品牌來競爭。當我們沉浸于來自國際的便利時,傳統(tǒng)的品牌和生活方式卻


11、的人一起慶祝中國傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日時,一種教育與一種教育將開始連鎖的發(fā)展,那將不會單是一個數(shù)字“2”能衡量的。世界正在拓展。唯一不變的是變化。然而無論世界變化得多快,本質(zhì)是不會變的。那是我們的責任,不,是我們年輕人的義務,去保證當世界走向一體,我們責任的特質(zhì)仍在新傳統(tǒng)的形成中保持祝攜起手來,我們有信心,我們能為下一代締造一個空前和-諧、多樣的世界。附送:專心-專注-專業(yè)cctv少兒英語演講比賽cctv少兒英語演講比賽tv少兒英語演講比賽A FOX and a Monke ere traveling together on the same road.Asthe journeed, the passed

12、through a emeter full of monuments. "All these monuments hih ou see," said the Monke, "areereted in honor of m anestors, ho ere in their da freedmenand itizens of great renon."The Fox replied, "You have hosena most appropriate subjet for our falsehoods, as I am sure noneof o

13、ur anestors ill be able to ontradit ou."A false tale often betras itself.2The Fox and the MosquitoesA Fox after rossing a river got its tail entangled in a bush,and ould not move.A number of Mosquitoes seeing its plightsettled upon it and enjoed a good meal undisturbed b its tail.A hedgehog str

14、olling b took pit upon the Fox and ent up to him:"You are in a bad a, neighbour," said the hedgehog; "shall Irelieve ou b driving off those Mosquitoes ho are suking ourblood?""Thank ou, Master Hedgehog," said the Fox, "but I ouldrather not.""Wh, ho is tha

15、t?" asked the hedgehog."Well, ou see," as the anser, "these Mosquitoes have hadtheir fill; if ou drive these XX, others ill e ith freshappetite and bleed me to death."The Fox and the StorkAt one time the Fox and the Stork ere on visiting terms andseemed ver good friends.So t

16、he Fox invited the Stork to dinner,and for a joke put nothing before her but some soup in a vershallo dish.This the Fox ould easil lap up, but the Storkould onl et the end of her long bill in it, and left the mealas hungr as hen she began."I am sorr," said the Fox, "thesoup is not to

17、our liking.""Pra do not apologise," said the Stork."I hope ou illreturn this visit, and e and dine ith me soon."So a da asappointed hen the Fox should visit the Stork; but hen the ereseated at table all that as for their dinner as ontained in aver long-neked jar ith a narro

18、mouth, in hih the Fox ouldnot insert his snout, so all he ould manage to do as to lik theoutside of the jar."I ill not apologise for the dinner," said the Stork:"One bad turn deserves another."【擴展閱讀篇】演講稿又叫演說詞,它是在大會上或其他公開場合發(fā)表個人的觀點、見解和主張的文稿。演講稿的好壞直接決定了演講的成功與失敗。演講稿像議論文一樣論點鮮明、邏輯性強,但它


20、出信息,演講則是演講者在現(xiàn)場與聽眾雙向交流信息。嚴格地講,演講是演講者與聽眾、聽眾與聽眾的三角信息交流,演講者不能以傳達自己的思想和情感、情緒為滿足,他必須能控制住自己與聽眾、聽眾與聽眾情緒的應和與交流。所以,為演講準備的稿子就具有以下三個特點:主要特點第一、針對性。演講是一種社會活動,是用于公眾場合的宣傳形式。它為了以思想、感情、事例和理論來曉喻聽眾,打動聽眾,“征服”群眾,必須要有現(xiàn)實的針對性。所謂針對性,首先是作者提出的問題是聽眾所關心的問題,評論和論辨要有雄辯的邏輯力量,要能為聽眾所接受并心悅誠服,這樣,才能起到應有的社會效果;其次是要懂得聽眾有不同的對象 和不同的層次,而“公眾場合”

21、也有不同的類型,如黨團集會、專業(yè)性會議、服務性俱樂部、 學校、社會團體、宗教團體、各類競賽場合,寫作時要根據(jù)不同場合和不同對象,為聽眾設計不同的演講內(nèi)容。第二、可講性。演講的本質(zhì)在于“講”,而不在于“演”,它以“講”為主、以“演”為輔。由于演講要訴諸口頭,擬稿時必須以易說能講為前提。如果說,有些文章和作品主要通過閱讀欣賞,領略其中意義和情味,那么,演講稿的要求則是“上口入耳”。一篇好的演講稿對演講者來說要可講;對聽講者來說應好聽。因此,演講稿寫成之后,作者最好能通過試講或默念加以檢查,凡是講不順口或聽不清楚之處,均應修改與調(diào)整。第三、鼓動性。演講是一門藝術。好的演講自有一種激發(fā)聽眾情緒、贏得好




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