1、題 目:從功能對(duì)等角度分析英漢顏色詞的翻譯 題 目:A Study of the English color words translation from the perspective of Functional equivalence theoryAcknowledgment This paper is completed by the earnest and careful guidance of the instructor. Her serious scientific attitude, rigorous scholarship, the work of excellence st
2、yle is deeply infected and inspired me. In this time I will extend my sincere thanks and high respect to my teacher. I would also like to thanks my partner that we spent happily time together,because of their help and support, so I can overcome one after another difficulties and doubts,until the suc
3、cessful completion of the paper. When the paper come to finish, my mood can not be calm,how many respectable teachers,classmates and friends gives me help from the beginning to the end of the paper smoothly,please accept my most sincere thanks here. Than,I would also like to thanks my parents grow m
4、e up hardly, thank you!Finally, thanks again to my teachers and classmates!摘 要顏色詞是每個(gè)民族文化中的重要組成部分。由于地域、風(fēng)俗、政治、宗教及價(jià)值觀念等方面的不同,中英文中相對(duì)應(yīng)的顏色詞往往代表著不同的含義,本文將從功能對(duì)等的角度對(duì)中西顏色詞進(jìn)行系統(tǒng)的分析,以便更好的理解在翻譯層中不同的文化背景對(duì)語言產(chǎn)生的影響力,避免在跨境文化翻譯中產(chǎn)生文化沖突。 西方文明一開始就比較注重科學(xué)理性的教育和科學(xué)方法的探索,對(duì)客觀世界和客觀認(rèn)識(shí)采取積極的科學(xué)態(tài)度。因此,西方文化中顏色的象征意義往往比較直接,一般使用客觀事物的具體顏色來
6、 Color words is an important part of every ethnic culture. Due to the differences of geographical, customs, political, religious and values and other aspects. Correspondingly, color words in Chinese and English often represent different meanings. This paper will conduct system analysis on the differ
7、ences of the color words translations. From the perspective of functional equivalence theory(FET) to do which helps us to better understand the different cultural background and to avoid cultural conflicts in the translations.Western civilization pay a lo more attention to the discovery of rationali
8、ty educations and scientific methods, and westerns take a realistic scientific attitude to the objective world and objective understandings, so the symbolic meaning of color words in western culture is more direct, and it is easier to trace its semantic rationale and logical justification. As China
9、has experienced thousands of years of feudal society, moreover, the education and technology development is relatively backward, and color words translation was greatly influenced by the Chinese society and cultural development, therefore the symbolic meaning of color words in Chinese culture is ver
10、y rich and multiple.This paper aims to make a systematic exposition of English color words form the perspective of functional equivalence theory(FET). Because of the different of culture and history between western and china, so we should combining with the practice of translation of color words in
11、our country and the reality of our country's comprehensive national strength, to do more studies in this aspects.Key words:Functional equivalence theory(FET), Color words, Culture difference, Translation principlesContentsAcknowledgmenti摘 要iiAbstractiiiChapter 1 Introduction11.1 Research backgro
12、und11.2 Significance of the research11.3 Arrangement of the thesis2Chapter 2 Literature review42.1 Study of the color words translation 42.2 FET and Its Applications62.3 FET Applied in English Color Words Translation8Chapter 3 Translation of English Color Words93.1General Principles of Color Words T
13、ranslation93.2Application of FET in English color words translation10 3.2.1Vocabulary equivalence10 3.2.2Syntactic equivalence10 3.2.3Chapter Equivalence11 3.2.4Stylistic Equivalence113.3Exploration Reasons12Chapter 4 Conclusion14Bibliography15vChapter 1 Introduction As the essence of human civiliza
14、tion, language is the most important part of it. Different language make the world colorful, which color words is one of the most colorful languages.1.1 Research backgroundWe lived in this colorful world, and a variety of colors makes this world colorful. However, translation of color words in Engli
15、sh and Chinese requires us not only to observe the meaning of the color words in the surface,but to study its deep meanings. So we should be more cautious about the translation of color words. Coupled with the historical background, geographical location, language habits and other factors, we find t
16、hat the symbolic meaning of color words are various according to different culture, so the translation of color words can be various.The classification of color words in Chinese and English is basically the same. Due to physical or psychological reasons that may result of different meaning of color
17、words in English and Chinese. If we made literal translation, it will lead to the confusion and tedious understanding of the recipients. For example,in well-known sinologist Hawkess(2009.8.25) translation works Dream of Red Mansions, red can make the modern readers think of “violence”and “bloodshed”
18、, so the title is The Story of Stone originally.There are many literature on translation at home and abroad, but translation in practical applications has been a weak point. Especially for the translation of English color words is still very little. So this research is necessary.Under the developmen
19、t of Chinas translation industry and increasing of our countries comprehensive strength, we should do some studies on strengthening the translation industry and provide reference and research to developed the study.1.2 Significance of the research The translation of color words is very important. As
20、 a powerful form of communication, color is irreplaceable. Because these words are closely related with our lives. But for different cultures and different histories, the meanings of the expression will be biased and we must try our best to grasp these differences in order to express accurately in t
21、he foreign exchanges. Language and culture complement each other and influence each other. Due to the historical and cultural background, social customs, geographical environment and so on, different people give a very rich and different cultural connotations for this color words.By studying the col
22、or words connotations of English and Chinese and analyzing the causes of the differences, then puts forward some translation strategies of translating English color words. So the origin meaning of color words can be appropriately expressed in whatever context.All in all, study in Western color words
23、 can enhance the sensitivity of Chinese learners in English-speaking countries and social countries. Under the development of Chinas translation industry and increasing of our countries comprehensive strength, we should do some studies on strengthening the translation industry and provide reference
24、and research to developed the study.1.3 Arrangement of the thesisThe whole article is divided into four chapters to discuss the translation of color words from different angles.Chapter one is divided into three sections: research background, research significance and arrangement of this thesis. Firs
25、t of all, to explore the different meanings of English color words in order to help us to express more accurately in cross-culture communication. By learning the color words and understanding the importance of color words,we can better understand the foreign culture. Chapter two mainly introduced so
26、me related literature. It was divided into four sections. First we will study of the color words translations and functional equivalence theory and its applications. And then make a summery of this two sections. From the perspective of functional equivalence theory to translate the English color wor
27、ds. In addition, according to the current status of color translations, it was pointed out what problems should be paid more attention to translation of these words. And then the chapter focuses on the meaning of functional equivalence theory, analyses it completely and associated with the translati
28、on of color words.Chapter three points out the theme of this articles,also divided into three sections. This part mainly discusses the translation of English color words in the angle of functional equivalence. Give three general principles that we should followed. And then is the applications of FET
29、 in English color words. Finally made a exploration of reasons why I used this perspective to do translations, and we know that the primary factor is cultural differences.Chapter four is the summary of this article, content is divided into three pieces. First is mainly the summary of this study, and
30、 then discusses when in the cultural background the translation strategies of English color words. And last is the limitations of this studies. Through this article, some of the translation methods developed, as well as caused some difficulties and restrictive factors in the translation process, thi
31、s need us to solve in the future.Chapter 2 Literature review In human languages there exists a number of color terms that makes the world colorful. The color words not only express the color but imply the culture of each country. So lets study the color words.2.1 Study of the color words translation
32、 Different cultures can reflect one countrys history, aesthetic taste and national characteristics. It is noticed that different people from different culture backgrounds have different sense to colors. But what is color words? The exploration of color words in western countries can be traced back t
33、o the ancient Greek. Plato believed that: The process of perceiving colors by human beings should satisfy three basic conditions:a light source,a reflector or an object which can reflect light and a functional eye that can receive the reflected light (Sloane 1991:54). In short, color words are words
34、 that describe color, also it is a perception of the objective world.In recent years, many scholars discuss color words from different perspectives and different levels , Such as Ye Jun(2001) stressed the differences between colors and color terms. He described the difference of colors between Engli
35、sh and Chinese start from the color words meanings, categories, generation, features and functions. Fu Huaiqing(1988) study the red words group from the “red” color words. She thinks there is a lot of expressions can interpret the word red and each way is different according to various cultures. Wu
36、Ge(2001) focuses on the semantic culture of color words. This studies let us know that color words is complex and need to be studied according to different circumstances.In cross-cultural communication, the translation of color word can not be literal translation because of the culture differences.
37、For example, many foreign famous translators translated the literary masterpiece HongLouMeng written by Cao Xueqin. In this title the word Hong means a girl with an unfortunate life and the tragedy love between Jia baoyu and Lin daiyu, Hong Lou means 賈府, so the words Hong have an important meaning.
38、But when David Hawkes translated this title into The story of the stone the translation lost its original cultural meanings. Later, someone translated the title into A dream in Red Mansion, and this title is better than the former one.There have another examples that is the film How Green Was My Val
39、ley in 1941. In this title, Green was translated into Chinese as 青山 which shows the image of the mountain full of green, and the Valley was translated into 翠谷 which corresponds to the previous word Green. These two color words translation is faithful to reflect the original love of green mountains a
40、nd rivers, and it also takes the culture and pragmatic habit of Chinese people into consideration.In Western countries the word yellow can be a symbol of “death”, “desolate”, “depression” and so on. So the British will use yellow to express these meanings. British poet Shelley described the dead lea
41、ves in his Ode to the West, those dead leaves are: driven like ghosts fleeing from an enchanter,yellow,and black,and pale,and hectic red,pestilence-stricken multitudes.The famous translator Zha Liangyong translated this sentence as: 枯死的落葉被你橫掃,有如鬼魅碰到了巫師,紛紛逃避:黃的,黑的,灰的,紅得像患肺癆, In the translation, the a
42、uthor integrates his own understanding and the beauty of Chinese culture to achieve better rhythm.These studies about color words indicating that the study of color words have great significance and it plays a very practical role in different contexts, and represent completely different meanings, we
43、 must translate it according to different circumstances.Color words belongs to cultural qualifiers and have a strong national cultural characteristics, every nation has its own color concepts. The same color expresses different cultural psychology in different national cultures and causing different
44、 associations.(包惠南,2001)Bao Huinan point out the relationships between color words and culture, so different culture will have its own features, and this caused different concepts of people. For example, Peng qiurong(2001) discussed the translation of color words from the cultural perspective and Zh
45、u hua(2009) discussed the translation of color words in English and Chinese poems. Above all are examples of translation of color words, and we have made some achievements in this. But there are still many problems and limitations that we should pay more attention to. For example, some color words c
46、an not be very appropriate translated into Chinese, for example “a white area where enemies move” translated to “白區(qū)”,Chinese people may not have a good understanding for this words. So when translation of English color words till have some difficulties and we need pay more attention to it and to sol
47、ve this problem. We all know that the highest goal of Eugene Nida's functional equivalence is to pursue meaning equivalence, and then followed by form equivalence. This theory is widely used in advertising translation, trademark translation, poetry translation, and for the translation of color w
48、ords, it is also applicable, we will analyze concept of functional equivalence and its applications in the following part.2.2 FET and Its ApplicationsThe core concept of Nidas theory is functional equivalence theory. The functional equivalence of information instead of the direct formal equivalence
49、in translation. Nida think that not only the sense but the style should be closely to the original meanings and the meaning is the most important, followed by the form. His functional equivalence theory mainly includes four aspects: vocabulary equivalence; syntactic equivalence; chapter equivalence;
50、 stylistic equivalence.The development of functional equivalence theory is divided into three stages:The first stage is based on the modern linguistics that is use the functional equivalence theory to describe linguistics. In Nidas view, the translation through the inter-lingual transformation of th
51、e structure can ensure the translation of loyalty and fluency to the utmost. The second stage is to pursue the original forms to analyze functional equivalence theory, Nida stressed that the original form can be appropriately changed in order to enhance the understanding of the translation. The thir
52、d stage is based on the social semiotics to analysis "functional equivalence" theory. In the book Language, Culture, Translation, Nida pointed out that social semiotics studied all the code of human society and it focuses on the most comprehensive complex symbol system - language.Functiona
53、l equivalence is mainly reflected in the following three aspects: First, functional equivalence in meaning, followed by the form. Second, concerned about the acceptability of the translation. Third, the translator has more freedom on the basis of faithfulness. In these years, Nida's functional e
54、quivalence theory have many applications in practical translation. For example, Wang Zehua (2016) translated the book Man from Mars. Man of Mars was written by Marguerite Atwood, a Canadian writer. Under the different cultures, Wang used three aspects of functional equivalence to explain the transla
55、tion: Syntactic equivalence,Chapter equivalence and Stylistic equivalence to translate the color words. This is a good applications of FET.Functional equivalence was also used in many other aspects of the translation. Cheng Zhenqiu(2003) in translation problem exploration, Mao Xuan translation study
56、 find the problems in translation from the aspects of lexical and syntactic, he pursued the equivalence both in meanings and forms. Another translator Cai lvyan(2013) in Translation of the To sentence in the government work report said that:The special form of Chinese does not have a corresponding f
57、orm in English,so we must ensure the equivalence of meaning and the proper abandonment of form equivalence. Newmark is another famous translation theorist did not approve of the points of Nidas functional equivalence. He proposed the concepts of “communicative translation”and“semantic translation”.
58、Newmark proposed some cases where functional equivalence can not be realized.“(a) if the purpose of the source text was to affect and the translated text was to inform (or vise versa); (b) if there is a pronounced cultural gap between the SLT and TLT.” (Xu Chunchun, cited in Newmark, 2007). While Liu Chongde(2003), assesses the equivalence in the following way,“Nidas functional equivalence which is abundant i
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