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1、Unit 2 Healthy eating 課文知識(shí)點(diǎn)學(xué)案 Part1(Line1-15課前自主學(xué)習(xí)1. ought to do sth.2. thi nk of3. see sb.do ing 4.be tired of5. put on /ga in / lose weight6. slimmi ng restaura nt課上合作探究1.分析:feeling very frustrated 為現(xiàn)在分詞短語作 _ 狀語。現(xiàn)在分詞短 語也可作原因,時(shí)間,結(jié)果狀語等。eg. She sat on the chair readi ng a n ewspaperl(_Walki ng in the

2、 street, she met her old frie nd.表_Seeing no body at home , she decided to eat outside_The child fell, strik ing his head aga inst the ground.表_2. His restaura nt be full of people.1 Ought to 表示一種道義上的責(zé)任,_eg. She ought to look after her child better.You ought to study hard to get a high mark.2 ought

3、to have done 表示_eg. You ought to have come yesterday.分析:cooked in the hottest ,finest oil 為過去分詞作 _ ;可轉(zhuǎn)化為_句:_。4.Nothing could be better.分析:此句的用法為 _ 其意為:再?zèng)]有比更好的了。”I have n ever spe nt a more worry ing day.No other book has had a greater effect on my life.5.Someth ing terrible Li Chang was not coming t

4、o eat in his分析:must have done_as 引導(dǎo)方式,時(shí)間原因,比較,讓步狀語從句:He smiled as he welcomed some customers warmly at the door but the smile left his face when he saw Yong Hui walki ng in .Do in Rome as the Roma ns do.Wang Peng felt more hopeful as he drove back home.It isn t so cold as it was yesterday.Child as s

5、he is ,she speaks En glish well.Part2(L in e16-28課前自主學(xué)習(xí)1. drive sb.i nside2. be fit3. raw vegetables4. be amazed at5. more tha n6. throw dow n 7. think about8. find out9. have sb.doi ng 10. get away with 11. tell a lie12. do some research課上合作探究7. 分析:served in vinegar , fruit and wate 為過去分詞作 _;可轉(zhuǎn)化為 _

6、 句:_。8.He couldnot have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!分析:have sb./sth.doi ng 意為_can t /won t /could n t havesb 意 th. _Isick of your rude ness -1 won t have it any Ion ger.We can tave people arriving late all the time.辨析:have sb./sth.do inghave sb.do /get sb. to dohave sb.do nehave s

7、th, to doPart3(L in e29-the end課前自主學(xué)習(xí)1. be surprised to do2. far too much3. keep sb.fit4. at a disco unt5. win his customers back6. be on課上合作探究 s food ,they were not eat ing eno ugh en erggi ving food to -keep them fit.分析:Eve n though 引導(dǎo)_ 從句隨堂演練1. It s high time you had your hair cut; it s ge 全 1 國_

8、. (2009.A. too much long B. much too long C. lo ng too much D. too long much 2. Tim is ingood shape physically_he does n t get much exe 湖南.(201 0B. eve nthough C. uni ess D. as long as3. -In this day and age ,wome n can have childre n and jobs as well .(201 福 建-Ican t agree more .It s grethedWa _ .A

9、. li nked B. related C. conn ected D. comb ined4.“ We can t go out in this weather,” said Bob,_ out of the window.A. looked B. to look C. looki ng D. hav ing looked5. He looks so upset; I_ him the bad n ews so early .A. should have told B. should tellC. oughtn t to have told D. shouldn t tell6. -How

10、 did you find the movie Life Is Beautiful?-_ . I wish to see it aga in.A. I would n t say no B. I donC. I m with you on that D. ItA. pick ing up B. picks up C. pick up D. picked up8. Claire had her luggage_an hour before her pla nt left. (201 陜西A. check B. check ing C. to check D. checked9. Nobody w

11、ill_ with break ing the law.A. put away B. get away C. run away D. throw away10. He is work ing hard to_his reputatio n_ .A. win ; over B. get ; over C. win; back D. get ; back11._ The child said that he had_ the pen onthe desk , but I thought he_ to me.A. lai n ; lied B. lied ; la in C. lied ; lay

12、D. laid ; liedt care about itesettelfd n t b7.The director had her assistantsome hot dogs for the meeti ng.12. We should do more such exercises in the future ,I thi nk ,_we did yesterday.A. about B. like C. as about D. that13. Mr. Steve nson is great to work for -1 really could n t ask for a_boss.(2

13、011 全國卷 IIA. better B. good C. best D. still better14. I have a lot of readi ngs_ before the end of this term. (2010 山 東卷 A .completi ng B . to completeC . completed D . being completed15.1 can t have _ ill of my good friend.A. to speak B . speak ing C.spaek D. spoke nCome and eat here (2Lan guage A

14、im: Get stude nts to lear n and grasp the importa nt useful new words andexpressi ons and patter ns in this article.Ability Aim: Get stude nts to use some useful new words and expressi ons correctly.Emoti on Aims:Develop stude nts spirit of cooperati on and teamwork.Para1課前自主學(xué)習(xí)1. earn one s living2.

15、 after all3. look forward to doing4. be in debt 5. no Ion ger =not any Ion ger6. glare / stare / gla nee at7. the other day8. spy on課上合作探究1.分析:where all my customers had gone last wee 跟在 know z 作_ 句。2.I don t want to upset you ,but I I stopped worry ing and started advertis ing the ben efits of myfo

16、od .分析:but 連接兩個(gè) _ 句;found your menu so limited, so limited 作 yourmenu 的_語;so that t h 引導(dǎo)_從句3.Why don t you sit down and try a meal?分析:“why don t you 與”“why not都可以用來提出建議,譯為:_ 。eg.-1 don t like this wall paper.-Then why don t (not you changePara2課前自主學(xué)習(xí)1. agree to do sth.2. enjoy dump ing3. serve sb.st

17、h. 4. look ill5. feel sick with6. a sec ond plate課上合作探究4. Yong Hui agreed to stay and soon they were both enjoying dumpli ngs and breastof分析:cooked with garlic 為過去分詞作 _ ;可轉(zhuǎn)化為_句:_。5.But don t you think it would be better if you a bit thinner?虛擬語氣,表示與現(xiàn)在事實(shí)相反的假設(shè)時(shí),條件狀語從句的謂語動(dòng)詞用過去式did (be 用 were ,而主句的謂語動(dòng)詞用

18、 would(should, could ,might+動(dòng)詞原形。例如:If I were you, I should study En glish better.If he had time, he would attend the meeting.If it should /were to rain tomorrow, I would not go there.If you had bee n here earlier, you would have see n him. Para3課前自主學(xué)習(xí)1. offer sb. sth.=offer sth. to sb.2. comb ine A

19、. with B.3. provide sb. with sth.4. rather tha n5. in this way =by this means=with this method6. cut dow n7. a success8. before long /long before課上合作探究6.Neither your restaura nt nor mine offers a bala need diet.Neithernc 既不也不1 引導(dǎo)并列主語時(shí),謂語的數(shù)于最靠近謂語的主語保持一致,遵循_原則。Eg.Neither the students nor the teacher h

20、as suffered from the fire with the timely help of thefirefighters. 2 引導(dǎo)兩個(gè)分句時(shí),這兩個(gè)分句中的主謂均要倒裝。Eg.Neither do I know her address, nor does he.Neither could the patient eat, nor could he drink.7.So that is what they did.分析:what they did 為_句。8.Their bala need diets became before long Wang Peng became slimm

21、er and YongHui put on more weight.隨堂演練:The isla nd ,_to the ma in la nd by a bridge , is easy to go to .A. joi ning B. to joi n C. joined D. hav ing joined2. We have every reas on to believe that_2012 London Olympic Games were_ success.A. / ; a B. the ; / C. the ; a D. a ; a3. Marti n says n either

22、his wife nor his childre n_ come with him toexhibiti on. A. pla n to B. pla nned to C. pla ns to D. has pla nned4. The mother was trembli ng with an ger. She_ her son and said nothing.A. looked at B. stared at C . glared at D. gla need at5. -You seemed to have bee n impressed by his son gs.-Well, no

23、t exactly so. It was his way of singing_his voice that reallyimpressed me.A . rather tha n B. as well as C. but also D. together with6. The speed of cars and trucks is_ 30 kilometers per hour in large cities inChi na.A. limited B. limiti ng C. limiti ng to D. limited to7. You cannot find a job here.

24、_ try ano ther city?A. Why you B. why do you C. why not D. why not to8. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found_in the kitche n.A. smoke B. smok ing C. to smoke D. smoked9.lf it_to rain tomorrow, we should have to put off the visit to the SummerPalace.A. should B. did C . were D.had文山中學(xué)高一英語組

25、 制作人:張艷霞 審核人:付向華 201333 三重點(diǎn)句子1. “ Nothing could be better, ” h 他想 hough 再?zèng)]有比這些更好吃的了?!边@個(gè)句子是否定詞+比較級(jí)表示最高級(jí)的含義。要掌握該結(jié)構(gòu)的用法,須注意以下幾 點(diǎn):1.該結(jié)構(gòu)多為“ ca njKcould nt +比較級(jí)”的形式。例如:1) I ca nt agree with you more.我再同意你不過了。(或:我完全同意你的意見。)2 ) Theweather could nt be worse. 天氣再糟糕不過了。3 ) He could nt have donebetter.他做得再好不過了。2.用于該結(jié)構(gòu)中的否定詞除了 not 之外,還有 no,never, nothing 等。例如: 1) This could give her no greater pleasure 這使她再高 興不過了。2) Shes never better.


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