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1、考試題型一、填空題(本大題共5 小題,每小題 2 分,共 10 分)二、短語翻譯(共10 個英語短語譯成漢語,每個1 分,共 10 分)或改譯(共5 小題,每小題 2分,共 10 分)Example: New Zealand had no knowledge of this and had not been consulted on those reported plans.新西蘭沒有這件事的知識,也沒有被人商量過這些傳聞的計劃,改譯為:新西蘭不知此事,也沒有人同它商討過這些傳聞的計劃。三、句子翻譯(共10 個句子,每個4 分,共 40 分) (本題可根據考生答題情況酌情給分)四、篇章翻譯(共

2、2 篇短文,每篇20 分,共 40 分,只須翻譯劃線部分) (本題可根據考生答題情況酌情給分)一篇是文學翻譯,一篇是考研翻譯真題( 1998 年-2010 年) 填空復習1. 英語屬于印歐語系,漢語屬于漢藏語系。2. 根據翻譯的語言進行分類,翻譯可分為語內翻譯和語際翻譯。3. 我國歷史上第一個把漢文著作像國外介紹的中國人是玄奘, 在理論方面, 他所提出的 “既需求真又需喻俗”的翻譯標準至今仍然有指導意義。4. 魯迅認為, “凡是翻譯,必須兼顧兩個方面,一則當然其義易解,一則保存原作的豐姿。 ”并 提出了忠實與通順的翻譯標準。5. 嚴復在其譯作天演論中提出了中國歷史上第一個較為明確的翻譯標準即:

3、信達雅。6. 明萬歷年間到清代“新學”時期,徐光啟和利瑪竇合作翻譯了歐幾里得的幾何原本 、 測 量法義等書。7. 翻譯人才在中國古代被稱作象寄之才/象胥/ 舌人。8. 東晉時期的道安提出 “按本而傳”的翻譯思想,被人們稱為直譯的鼻祖。9. 六朝時期鳩摩羅什主張“依實出華。 ” 被人們稱為意譯的鼻祖。10. 春秋谷梁傳中記載了孔子的“名從主人,物從中國”的翻譯思想,而該譯論比古羅馬哲 人西塞羅提出的“不要逐字翻譯”早四五百年。11. 三國時期的支謙所作法句經序被看作是我國第一篇有關翻譯的論文。12. 中國譯論中不同時期的翻譯標準可大致描述為:案本求信神似化境忠實,通順翻 譯標準多元互補論。13.

4、 按翻譯題材,翻譯可分為文學翻譯、政論翻譯、應用文翻譯和科技翻譯。14. 20 世紀 50 年代初,傅雷在 高老頭重譯本序中提出了“所求的不在形似而在神似”的重要觀點; 60 年代初,錢鐘書在林紓的翻譯中提出了“化境”的翻譯標準。15. Translations are like women when they are faithful they are not beautiful, when they are beautiful they are not faithful. 此比喻與我國老子的一個說法不謀而合。老子說: “信言不美、美言 不信” 。16. 20 世紀 90 年代,美籍意大利學

5、者韋努蒂( Lawrence Venuti )提出了抵抗式翻譯/反翻譯resistance translation 翻譯理論, 該理論對于提高譯者的地位很有幫助, 但還不足以構成新的范式。17. 1987 年, 劉英凱發(fā)表一篇題為 歸化翻譯的歧途 的論文, 用許多譯例說明歸化譯法 “抹殺”了原作的“民族特點” ,將異國情調“同化于歸屬語言” , “必然是對原文的歪曲” 。因此他堅 決反對歸化譯法。他的這篇論文開創(chuàng)了異化譯法的新時代。18. 斯內爾 -霍恩比( Mary Snell -Hornby )在其 2006 年的新著 翻譯研究的多重轉向中介年代出現實證論轉向和全球化轉向; 90 年代,西

6、方翻譯研究出現文化轉向; 80 世紀 20 紹:而進入新世紀,翻譯研究又回到了語言學時代,出現了“U 字形轉向”U-turn )19. 1964 年, 奈達博士在翻譯科學初探 (Toward a Science of Translating) 一書中將譯文讀者引入翻譯標準,提出了功能對等翻譯( Functional Equivalence ) (請用中英文填寫 ) 的翻譯原則。20. 辜正坤在全國首屆翻譯理論研討會上提出了“翻譯標準多元互補論” ,在該理論體系中 ,提出 了翻譯的最高標準是最佳近似度, 這是一個形同虛設的抽象標準, 真正有意義的是一大群具體標準。21. 英漢兩種語言在主述位結構

7、上有差別。英語屬主語顯著( subject-prominent ) (請用中英文填 寫)語言,漢語屬主題顯著( topic-prominent )語言(請用中英文填寫) 。22. 英漢兩種語言分屬不同的譜系 (family) :英語屬印歐語系( Indo -European family ) (請用中英文填寫 ),該語系包括 12 個語族和百余種語言。而漢語則屬于漢藏語系( Sino-Tibetanfamily ) , (請用中英文填寫)該語系包括400 余種語言和方言。23. 英漢兩種語言分屬不同的類型(type) :英語屬綜合分析型,而漢語屬分析黏著型。24. 受 “中庸”哲學思想的影響,

8、 中國人的美學觀念中特別強調平衡美,所以漢語中除了極為頻繁使用對仗這一修辭格,還大量使用四字詞組。在英漢互譯中要時刻考慮漢語這一特點。25. 英語句子以動詞為核心, 形成一個復雜嚴謹的空間型構造, 而關系詞/ 連接詞是粘合這種空間型構造的水泥。漢語多流水句,一小句接一小句,很多地方可斷可連;相對而言,漢語顯得有些結構松弛。26. 翻譯的過程可分為: 理解、表達和校核。27. 翻譯活動中主要涉及的因素有:作者(author)、原文(source text)、原文讀者(source-textreaders)、譯者(translator)、譯文(target text /translated ver

9、sion)、譯文讀者(target-text readers) ( 請用中英文填寫 ) 等。28. 直譯和意譯所關注的核心問題是如何在語言層面處理形式和意義, 而異化和歸化則突破了語言因素的局限,將視野擴展到語言、文化和美學等因素。29. 英譯漢常用的方法和技巧中詞語翻譯的方法技巧有: 詞義的選擇、 引申和褒貶、 詞類轉譯法、 增詞法、重復法、省略法和正反互譯法等。30. 翻譯按源出語和目的語,可分為語內翻譯( intralingual translation ) 、語際翻譯( interlingual translation ) (請用中英文填寫)和符際翻譯( intersemiotic t

10、ranslation ) 。二短語翻譯或改譯1 I have read your articles, but I expect to meet an older man.原譯 我讀過你的文章,我料想會見到一個年紀更大的人。改譯 我讀過你的文章,但沒料想你會這樣年輕。2 . He was not displeased with her honesty it took a certain amount of experience in life, an courage, to want to do it quite that way.譯文1他倒是喜歡她這么直來直去有點生活經驗、又有點膽量的人才敢這

11、么做。譯文2他對于她的直率沒有感到不快有點生活經驗、又有點膽量的人才敢這么做。3 She was vexed by the persistent ringing of the phone.譯文1她被執(zhí)著的電話鈴聲搞得心煩意亂。譯文2她被沒完沒了的電話鈴聲搞得心煩意亂。All the inventors have a restless mind.譯文1所有的發(fā)明家都生性好動。所有的發(fā)明家都有一個思想活躍的頭腦。 2 譯文 4 . The irony is that Mrs. Gandhi presides over a nation with a highly promising long -t

12、erm potential but which is saddled with equally difficult current problems.譯文1 具有諷刺意味的是,甘地夫人掌管的國家, 從長遠的觀點來看, 是一個大有希望的國家,但在目前卻具有難以克服的困難。譯文2 頗為耐人尋味的是,從長遠的觀點來看,甘地夫人掌管的國家是大有希望的, 但目前卻有著難以克服的困難。三句子翻譯1. A seaman knows that the sea is all -powerful and can, under certain circumstances, destroy man and the p

13、roduct of his brain and hand, the ship.譯文 水手們都知道,大海的威力是勢不可擋的;在某些情況下,它能把人及人所制造的船只統(tǒng)統(tǒng)摧毀掉。(正說反譯)1.1. “ Mine! Mine! ” They would shout at the pretty rainbows that are down to the earth, seeming never very far away.譯文 他們會沖著那從天際彎彎地掛向地面的, 看來好像伸手可及的美麗彩虹大聲呼喊: “哎呀!哎呀 !” (反說正譯)3. I am very happy to receive your

14、 message of greetings.譯文 接到你的賀信,我十分高興。4. The two sides found it beneficial to have this opportunity to present to one another their views on a variety of issues.譯文 現在有機會互相介紹彼此對各種問題的觀點,對此,雙方認為是有利的。5. American education owes a great debt to Thomas Jefferson.譯文托馬斯杰佛遜對美國的教育事業(yè)作出了巨大的貢獻。6. Memoranda were p

15、repared in advance of private meetings on matters to be discussed. 譯文 在舉行個別交談之前,我已經就所有要討論的問題預先擬好了備忘錄。7. It seems that a very difficult decision now faces him.他好像面臨著困難的抉擇。8. Anger and bitterness covered upon me for weeks.幾周來我一直感到生氣和傷心。9. Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability.讀書足以怡情

16、,足以傅彩,足以長才。10. Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.讀書使人充實,討論使人機智,筆記使人準確。11. 尋尋覓覓 ,冷冷清清 ,凄凄慘慘戚戚。I look for what I miss ,I know not what it is :I feel so sad, and so drear,So lonely, without cheer. ( 許淵沖 )12. Increased cooperation with China is in the interests

17、of the United States.( 1 )同中國加強合作,符合美國的利益。四.短文翻譯1. On one of those sober and rather melancholy days in the latter part of autumn, when the shadows of morning and evening almost mingle together, and throw a gloom over the decline of the year, I passed several hours in rambling about Westminster Abbey

18、. There was something congenial to the season in the mournful magnificence of the old pile; and, as I passed its threshold, it seemed like stepping back into the regions of antiquity, and losing myself among the shades of former ages.時方晚秋,氣象肅穆,略帶憂郁,早晨的陰影和黃昏的陰影,幾乎連接在一起,不可分別,歲云將暮,終日昏暗,我就在這么一天,到西敏寺去散步了

19、幾個鐘頭。古寺巍巍,森森然似有鬼氣,和陰沉沉的季侯正好調和;我跨進大門,覺得自己已經置身遠古,相忘于古人的鬼影之中了。1998 年考研題1 But even more important, it was the farthest that scientists had been able to looksintosthe past, for what they were seeing were the patterns and structures that existed 15 billion years ago.但更為重要的是, 這是科學家們所能觀測到的最遙遠的過去的景象, 因為他們看到的

20、是150 億年前宇宙云的形狀和結構。2. The existence of the giant clouds was virtually required for the Big Bang, first put forward in the 1920s, to maintain its reign as the dominant explanation of the cosmos.巨大的宇宙云的存在, 實際上是使二十年代首創(chuàng)的大爆炸論得以保持其宇宙起源論的主導地位所必不可少的。3. Astrophysicists working with ground -based detectors at

21、the South Pole and balloon -borne instruments are closing in on such structures, and may report their findings soon.天體物理學家使用南極陸基探測器及球載儀器,正越來越近地觀測這些云系,也許不久會報告他們的觀測結果。4. If the small hot spots look as expected, that will be a triumph for yet another scientific idea, a refinement of the Big Bang called

22、 the inflationary universe theory.假如那些小熱點看上去同預計的一致, 那就意味著又一科學論說的勝利, 這種論說即更完美的大 爆炸論,亦稱宇宙膨脹說。5. Odd though it sounds, cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary -particle physics, and many astrophysicists have been convinced for the better part of

23、a decade that it is true.宇宙膨脹說雖然聽似奇特,但它是基本粒子物理學中一些公認的理論在科學上看來可信的推論。許多天體物理學家七八年來一直認為這一論說是正確的。1999 年考研翻譯1. While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians, modern practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significan

24、t events of the past.幾乎每個歷史學家對史學都有自己的界定, 但現代史學家的實踐最趨向于認為, 歷史學是試圖重 現過去的重大史實并對其作出解釋。2. Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves. 人們之所以關注歷史研究的方法論,主要是因為史學

25、界內部意見不一,其次是因為外界并不認為歷史是一門學問。3. During this transfer, traditional historical methods were augmented by additional methodologies designed to interpret the new forms of evidence in the historical study.在這種轉變中,歷史學家研究歷史時,那些解釋新史料的新方法充實了傳統(tǒng)的歷史研究方法。4. There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the co

26、ncepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry.所謂方法論是指一般的歷史研究中的特有概念,還是指歷史探究中各個具體領域使用的研究手段,人們對此意見不一。5. It applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticism of so

27、urces, and to social science historians who equate their activity with specific techniques.這種謬論同樣存在于歷史傳統(tǒng)派和歷史社科派;前者認為歷史就是史學界內部和外部人士對各種史料來源的評論,后者認為歷史的研究是具體方法的研究。2000 年考研翻譯1. Under modern conditions, this requires varying measures of centralized control and hence the help of specialized scientists such

28、 as economists and operational research experts.譯文:在現代條件下,這需要不同程度的中央控制,從而也需要獲得諸如經濟學家和運籌學家等領域專家的協助。2. Furthermore, it is obvious that the strength of a country's economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry, and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scien

29、tists and technologists of all kinds.譯文: 再者/ 更進一步來說,顯而易見的是, 一個國家的經濟實力與其工農業(yè)生產效率密切 相關,而反過來效率的提高又有賴于各種科技人員的努力。3. Owing to the remarkable development in mass communications, people everywhere are feeling new wants and are being exposed to new customs and ideas, while governments are often forced to intr

30、oduce still further innovations for the reasons given above.譯文: 由于大眾通訊的顯著發(fā)展, 所有的人都不斷感到有新的需求, 并不斷接觸到新的習俗和思想,由于上述原因,各國政府不得不經常采取更進一步的革新措施。4. In the early industrialized countries of Europe the process of industrialization with all the far reaching changes in social patterns that followed was spread ove

31、r nearly a century, whereas nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so.譯文: 在早期實現工業(yè)化的歐洲國家里, 其工業(yè)化進程以及隨之而來的各種深刻的社會結構 變 革持續(xù)了大約一個世紀,而如今一個發(fā)展中國家在10 年左右的時間內就可以完成同樣的 工業(yè)化進程。5. Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising fro

32、m mass migration movements themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport.譯文:由于人口猛增或大量人口流動- 現代交通工具使這樣的大量人口流動變得相對容易-所引起的各種問題也同樣造成新的社會壓力。2001 年英譯漢試題1. There will be television chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend.譯

33、文:屆時,將會出現由機器人主持的電視談話節(jié)目和裝有污染監(jiān)控器的汽車。一旦這些汽,監(jiān)控器就會使其停止行駛。 車排污超標(違規(guī)) 2. Children will play with dolls equipped with personality chips, computers with in -built personalities will be regarded as workmates rather than tools, relaxation will be in front of smell -television, and digital age will have arrived

34、.譯文: 兒童將與裝有個性化芯片的玩具娃娃玩耍, 具有個性內置的計算機將被視為工業(yè)伙伴 不是工具,人們將在氣味電視機前休閑,屆時數字化時代就來到了。3. Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world to produce a unique millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key breakthroughs and discoverie

35、s to take place.譯文:皮爾森匯集世界各地數百位研究人員的成果,編制了一個獨特的新技術千年歷,它列 出了人們有望看到數百項重大突破和發(fā)現的最遲日期。4. But that, Pearson points out, is only the start of man -machine integration: “ It will be the beginning of the long process of integration that will ultimately lead to a fully electronic human before the end of the n

36、ext century. ” 譯文:但皮爾森指出,這個突破僅僅是人機一體化的開始: “它是人機一體化漫長之路的第 步,最終會使人們在下世紀之前就研制出完全電子化的仿真人。 ”5. And home appliances will also become so smart that controlling and operating them will result in the breakout of a new psychological disorder kitchen rage.譯文: 家用電器將會變得如此智能化, 以至于控制和操作它們會引發(fā)一種新的心理疾病 廚房狂躁癥。2002 年英譯

37、漢試題1. One difficulty is that almost all of what is called behavioral science continues to trace behavior to states of mind, feelings, traits of character, human nature, and so on.譯文:難題之一在于所謂的行為科學幾乎全都依然從心態(tài)、情感、性格特征、人性等方面去 尋 找行為的根源。2. The behavioral sciences have been slow to change partly because the

38、explanatory items often seem to be directly observed and partly because other kinds of explanations have been hard to find. 譯文: 行為科學之所以發(fā)展緩慢, 部分原因是用來解釋行為的依據似乎往往是直接觀察到的,部分原因是其他的解釋方式一直難以找到。3. The role of natural selection in evolution was formulated only a little more than a hundred years ago, and the

39、selective role of the environment in shaping and maintaining the behavior of the individual is only beginning to be recognized and studied.譯文: 自然選擇在進化中的作用僅在一百多年前才得以闡明, 而環(huán)境在塑造和保持個體行為 時 的選擇作用則剛剛開始被認識和研究。4. They are the possessions of the autonomous (self -governing) man of traditional theory, and they

40、 are essential to practices in which a person is held responsible for his conduct and given credit for his achievements.譯文:自由和尊嚴(它們)是傳統(tǒng)理論定義的自主人擁有的,是要求一個人對自己的行為負責并因其業(yè)績而被給予肯定的必不可少的前提。5. Until these issues are resolved, a technology of behavior will continue to be rejected, and with it possibly the onl

41、y way to solve our problems.譯文: (如果) 這些問題得不到解決, 研究行為的技術手段就會繼續(xù)受到排斥, 解決問題的 唯 一方式可能也隨之繼續(xù)受到排斥。2003 年英譯漢試題 thuslive, they which in environment the modify to ability the have humans Furthermore, 1.subjecting all other life forms to their own peculiar ideas and fancies.譯文:而且,人類還有能力改變自己的生存環(huán)境,從而讓所有其他生命形態(tài)服從人類

42、自己獨特的想法和想象。2. Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.譯文: 社會科學是知識探索的一個分支, 它力圖像自然科學家研究自然現象那樣, 用理性的、有序的、系統(tǒng)的和冷靜

43、的方式去研究人類及其行為。3. The emphasis on data gathered first -hand, combined with a cross -cultural perspective brought to the analysis of cultures past and present, makes this study a unique and distinctly important social science.譯文:強調收集第一手資料,加上在分析過去和現在文化形態(tài)時采用跨文化視角,使得這一研究成為一門獨特并且非常重要的社會科學。4. Tylor defined

44、culture as“ .that complex whole which includes belief, art, morals, law,custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. ” 譯文:泰勒把文化定義為“一個復合整體,它包括人作為社會成員獲得的信仰、藝術、 道德、法律、風俗以及其他能力和習慣。 ”5. Thus, the anthropological concept of “ culture, like the concept of“ set”in ma

45、thematics, isan abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding.譯文:因此,人類學中的“文化”概念就像數學中“集”的概念一樣,是一個抽象概念。它使大量的具體研究和認識成為可能。2004 年英譯漢試題1. The Greeks assumed that the structure of language had some connection with the process of thought, which took root in Eur

46、ope long before people realized how diverse languages could be.譯文: 希臘人認為語言的結構和思維過程有某種聯系, 這種觀點早在人們意識到語言的千差萬別之前就已經在歐洲扎下了根。2. We are obliged to them because some of these languages have since vanished, as the peoples who spoke them died out or became assimilated and lost their native languages.譯文:我們得感謝

47、他們(兩位先驅) ,因為在此之后,這些(土著)語言中有一些已經不復存在了,這是由于說這些語言的部族或是消亡了或是被同化而喪失了自己的本族語言。3. The newly described languages were often so strikingly different from the well studied languages of Europe and Southeast Asia that some scholars even accused Boas and Sapir of fabricating their data.譯文: 這些新近被描繪的語言與已經得到充分研究的歐洲及

48、東南亞地區(qū)的語言之間的區(qū)別往往如此顯著,以至于有學者甚至指責博厄斯和薩皮爾編造了材料。4. Being interested in the relationship of language and thought, Whorf developed the idea that the structure of language determines the structure of habitual thought ma society.譯文:沃爾夫對語言和思維的關系很感興趣,因此他逐漸形成了這樣的觀點:一個社會中語言的結構決定習慣思維的結構。5. Whorf came to believe i

49、n a sort of linguistic determinism which, in its strongest form, states that language imprisons the mind, and that the grammatical patterns in a language can produce far-reaching consequences for the culture of a society.其極端的說法是,語言禁錮思想,語言的語法沃爾夫逐漸相信某種語言決定論觀點,譯文:結構能對一個社會的文化產生深遠的影響。2005 年英譯漢試題1. Televi

50、sion is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed - and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as in the recent events in Europe.譯文:電視是引發(fā)并傳達這些情緒的方式之一,在加強不同民族和國家間的聯系方面,或許它從未像在近來歐洲事務中那樣起過如此大的作用。2. In Europe, as elsewhere, multi -medi

51、a groups have been increasingly successful: groups which bring together television, radio newspapers, magazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one another.譯文:同其他地方一樣,歐洲的傳媒集團蒸蒸日上,這些集團把相互聯系的電視、廣播、報紙、雜志及出版社等媒體聯合到一起。3. This alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy w

52、orld to survive in, a fact underlined by statistics that show that out of eighty European television networks no less than 50% took a loss in 1989.譯文:僅此就足以表明,在電視行業(yè)里生存并不容易,統(tǒng)計數字更印證了這個事實: 1989 年, 在 80 家歐洲電視網中,一半以上出現虧損。4. Creating a “ European identity ” that respects the different cultures and traditio

53、ns which go to make up the connecting fabric of the Old Continent is no easy task and demands a strategic choice譯文: 不同的文化和傳統(tǒng)把歐洲大陸編織成一體, 要創(chuàng)造出一種尊重這些不同文化和傳統(tǒng)的“歐洲品牌”絕非易事,需要人們做出戰(zhàn)略性的選擇。5. In dealing with a challenge on such a scale, it is no exaggeration to say “ United we stand, divided we fall ” 譯文:要應付如此

54、規(guī)模的挑戰(zhàn),可以毫不夸張地說, “團結擎天散如沙” 。2006 年英譯漢試題1. I shall define him as an individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinking in Socratic ( 蘇格拉底 ) way about moral problems.譯文: 我將他定義為一個對道德問題進行蘇格拉底式思考并將此作為自己人生首要責任和快樂的人。2. His function is analogous to that of a judge, w

55、ho must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a manner as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision.譯文: 他的職責與法官相似, 必須承擔這樣的責任: 用盡可能明了的方式來展示自己做出決定的推理過程。3. I have excluded him because, while his accomplishments may contribute to the solution of moral problems, he has not

56、 been charged with the task of approaching any but the factual aspects of those problems.譯文:我之所以將他(普通科學家)排除在外,是因為盡管他的成果可能會有助于解決道德問題,但他承擔的人物只不過是研究這些問題的事實方面。4. But his primary task is not to think about the moral code, which governs his activity, any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his

57、 energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business.譯文: 但是, 他的首要任務并不是考慮支配自己行動的道德規(guī)范, 就如同不能指望商人專注于探索行業(yè)規(guī)范一樣。They may teach very well and more than earn their salaries, but most of them make little or5.no independent reflections on human problems which involve moral judgment. 譯文:他們可以教得很好,而且不僅僅是為了掙薪水,但他們大多數人卻很少或沒有對需要進行道德判斷的、人的問題進行獨立思考。2007 年英譯漢試題1. Traditionally, legal learning has been viewed in such institutions as the special preserve of lawyers, rather than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person.譯文:長久以來,法律知識在這類學校里一直被視為律師們所專有的,而不是一個受教育者的


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