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1、宮崎駿宮崎駿,(1941年年1月月5日日) 宮崎駿宮崎駿是日本最受歡迎的是日本最受歡迎的漫畫家之一漫畫家之一,出生于,出生于1941年年1月月5日日,他他曾制作了多部日本電視動畫的經(jīng)典巨作曾制作了多部日本電視動畫的經(jīng)典巨作。 Today I want to introduce a person here, even though he is old now, but I believe that he and his cartoon brings us influence is very profound and meaningful, and I believe that every peo

2、ple read his cartoon was touched by the main characters in the anime. One ofthe countrys mostpopularanimators, gongqijun called Miyazaki Hayao was born on January 5, 1941 ,hehasproducedsome of the greatclassicsofJapaneseTVanimation.日本著名動畫大師宮崎駿在洛杉磯好萊塢獲頒奧斯卡終身成就獎。他是繼已故導演黑澤明日本著名動畫大師宮崎駿在洛杉磯好萊塢獲頒奧斯卡終身成就獎。

3、他是繼已故導演黑澤明于于1990年獲得該獎以來,第二位獲此殊榮的日本導演。年獲得該獎以來,第二位獲此殊榮的日本導演。Famous Japanese animation master miyazaki mi:j:z:ki: hayao was awarded honorary n()(r)r Oscar in2014. After the late director heizeming called akira kurosawa, Japanese director won this award for the second.His cartoon works include many.I re

4、member the first time I saw him anime is spirited sprtd away, have to say that his anime deeply attracted me, so I began to understand his other animation works“想住在哈爾的移動城堡里,有大龍貓是我的伙伴,每天都有魔女宅急便,偶爾到天空之城側(cè)耳傾聽那歲月的童話,或者到風之谷看望幽靈公主,讓紅豬用飛機帶我去虞美人盛開的山坡升起信號旗,在那里還會碰上借東西的小人埃莉緹,她告訴我小千和白龍會在我聽到濤聲時來找我一起去看懸崖上的金魚公主和她的宗

5、介?!币磺忻篮玫氖挛?,諸如愛,友誼,患難中一切美好的事物,諸如愛,友誼,患難中的相互扶持的相互扶持, 都可以在他的動漫中體現(xiàn)。都可以在他的動漫中體現(xiàn)。仿佛在他的世界中煩惱可以變得那么簡單。仿佛在他的世界中煩惱可以變得那么簡單。 All good things, such as love, friendship, support each other in trouble, can be reflected in his animation. As if in a world of his troubles can be so simple. 反戰(zhàn)反戰(zhàn)飛翔飛翔環(huán)保環(huán)保 少女少女親情親情 精靈精靈

6、 夢夢想想它以現(xiàn)代的日本社會作為舞臺,講述了它以現(xiàn)代的日本社會作為舞臺,講述了10歲的小女孩千歲的小女孩千尋為了拯救雙親,在神靈世界中經(jīng)歷了友愛、成長、修尋為了拯救雙親,在神靈世界中經(jīng)歷了友愛、成長、修行的冒險過程,終于回到了人類世界的故事。行的冒險過程,終于回到了人類世界的故事。It basics in modern Japanese society , tells the story of ten years old little girl qianxun to save her parents, in the spirit world experienced love adventure

7、, growth, practice process, finally back to the story of the human world.thecharacters slow pace of life is very calm and beautiful . The animation scene is based on daily life. Like in the movies lovely as well as warm-hearted totoro, Fearless and pure kind of xiao yue, carefully taking care of sis

8、ters xiaomei etc.但是像一位慈愛的老師一樣,宮崎駿展示了但是像一位慈愛的老師一樣,宮崎駿展示了轉(zhuǎn)變的不易,而一顆純真的心是這個奇怪的轉(zhuǎn)變的不易,而一顆純真的心是這個奇怪的世界里最好的防線世界里最好的防線而且也可能是我們這而且也可能是我們這個真實世界里最好的防線。個真實世界里最好的防線。But,likeakindlyschoolteacher,He showshowhardchangeandaninnocent heart arethebestdefence againstthiscuriousworld-andperhapsourown one as well.在其動漫在其動漫

9、畫家生涯畫家生涯里,宮崎里,宮崎駿曾遠赴駿曾遠赴各地旅行各地旅行尋找靈感。尋找靈感。Through out hiscaree,Miyazaki has traveled widely insearchofinspirati.他說:我想告訴孩子,這個世界值得我們活下去。“只要有喜歡的人、好好吃飯、愛護孩子,這樣活著就可以?!県e said: I want to tell our children, this world is worth living.As long as there is the person you like, eat well, take care of children,

10、 it can be living.宮崎駿的動漫吸引我的不是他的動漫特效,或是人物的設(shè)計有多么精美,而是他透過電影傳遞出來那種簡單美好的生活態(tài)度,讓人覺得能看到這樣一種動漫是一種心靈享受。What I want to say is, animation attract me is not his animation effects, or how exquisite IKskwizit design of the characters, but he passed out through the film, the simple good life attitude, let a person

11、 feel to see such an anime is a kind of spiritual enjoyment.There has some words歲月永遠年輕,我們慢慢老去,你會發(fā)現(xiàn),童歲月永遠年輕,我們慢慢老去,你會發(fā)現(xiàn),童心未泯,是一件值得驕傲的事情。心未泯,是一件值得驕傲的事情。Forever young years, we slowly grow old, you will find a playful spirit, is a matter of pride一路坎坷的人以后的幸福亦是理所應(yīng)當。一路坎坷的人以后的幸福亦是理所應(yīng)當。側(cè)耳傾聽側(cè)耳傾聽Happiness after the easy road is as it should. - Ear to listen人生如路,須要耐心。走著走著,說不定就會在凄涼中走出繁華的風景。Life is like a road, need to be patient. Walked out of the bustling landscape, maybe it will in the desolate. 我不太肯定我的方向我不太肯定我的方向,但是我希望但是我希望自己能走遠自己能走遠一點一點。魔女宅急便魔女宅急便Im not sure of my direction, but I hope I


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