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1、Unit 3 Computers- using languageWhat does IT consist of?Whats next?What do they have in commo?CD / DVD-ROMCRT monitorLCD monitorCPUhard disc/diskchips/motherboardkeyboardmousemodemfloppy discUSB flash disc1243561. monitor 2. screen 3. CD-ROM4. mouse 5. keyboard 6. hard diskLabel each part1 A monitor

2、 is2 The screen is3 A keyboard is4 A mouse is5 A CD-ROM is6 A hard disk is (a) the part of a computer that stores information.(b) the part of the computer that you type on.(c) the part of the computer that looks like a television(d) something you use to click on things (files, etc.).(e) the part of

3、the monitor that you look at.(f) The main device that a computer uses to store information.Match the words with their meanings.Section 1: Listening vTwo students are talking about information technologyType of ITAdvantagesDisadvantagesTVWebRadioBookYou can both listen and watch.You can find informat

4、ion.You can listen to English.You can get information.You cannot write to friends.It is very expensive.You cannot watch a film.Sometimes it isout of date.Reading and writing(Unit 3)1. Read an article about an android2. Design and write about our own androids ( An android is a robot that looks like a

5、 real person.)Free talk:What do you think android can do? AndroidsrobotWhat about in the future?Reading P23Andy-The AndroidReadingAndy looks like a human. It is designed to play football games and can move and think like a human. Hes a striker.Name: AndyAppearance(外貌外貌):_Size: _Ability: _Job: _Chara

6、cter(性格性格): looks like a humanas big as a humancan move and think like a humanworks as a striker Reading Para 1 1.How did Andy think about the competition in Seattle? Why?2.What did Andy think they should do? Reading Para 2He thought the team who won first place had cheated. Because they developed a

7、 new type of program just before the competition.He thought they should improve their intelligence and create an even better system(系統(tǒng)系統(tǒng)).Design and describe your own androidvnamevappearanevsizevjobvabilityvCharatervBrenda; SallyvHave 5 arms; look like a humanv2 metres tallvChildrens nurse; teacherv

8、Look after children; do cleaningvPatient and kindWriting(80100words)My Android Para 2 :Para 1 : Brief introductionWhat you wish it to doPara 3 :An endingStructure (結(jié)構(gòu)結(jié)構(gòu))(name , looks, etc)(your opinion) (ability/function) I want to design an android whose name is 假設(shè)你希望擁有一個(gè)名叫Supermam的機(jī)器人,請(qǐng)根據(jù)以下內(nèi)容,以My

9、Android 為題,簡(jiǎn)要介紹你的機(jī)器人。 1.身高1.5米;長(zhǎng)相像真人。 2.具備人工智能:可以做很多事情,包括:做家務(wù),做飯,接送我上學(xué);還可以當(dāng)我的老師,教我學(xué)英語和數(shù)學(xué).3.隨著現(xiàn)代科技的發(fā)展,我相信我的夢(mèng)想會(huì)變成現(xiàn)實(shí)。 I have a dream to own an android named superman. The height of it is about 1.5 meters. It looks like a real person. it can do many things for me, including helping me with all of my hou

10、sework, especially cleaning the floor which I hate to do. it can cook meals for my family. it can take me to school and pick me up from school instead of my parents. Besides, it can be my teachers, teaching me English and math! what an wonderful robot it is! With the development of modern technology

11、, I strongly believe that my dream w i l l b e c o m e a r e a l i t y o n e d a y. 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each form of IT? 1) advantage n. 優(yōu)點(diǎn)優(yōu)點(diǎn); 優(yōu)勢(shì)優(yōu)勢(shì); 有利條件有利條件 都市生活有幾個(gè)優(yōu)點(diǎn)。都市生活有幾個(gè)優(yōu)點(diǎn)。 There are several advantages in city life. 2) disadvantage n. 缺點(diǎn)缺點(diǎn), 劣勢(shì)劣勢(shì); 不利條件不利條件 take advan

12、tage of 利用利用 be to your advantage 對(duì)對(duì).有利有利 Language points about Using Language.2. Personally, I think the team who won first place cheated. 我個(gè)人認(rèn)為得冠軍的那個(gè)隊(duì)作弊了。我個(gè)人認(rèn)為得冠軍的那個(gè)隊(duì)作弊了。personally adv. 就自己而言就自己而言; 就我個(gè)人來說就我個(gè)人來說She didnt like the plan, but personally I see nothing wrong with it.她不喜歡這項(xiàng)計(jì)劃她不喜歡這項(xiàng)計(jì)劃, 但我

13、本人覺得沒什么不但我本人覺得沒什么不好的。好的。person (n)-personal (adj.)-personally (adv)3. They had developed a new type of program just before the competition.type 1) n. 類型類型 This is a new type of machine, with lots of meters on it. 這是一種新型的機(jī)器這是一種新型的機(jī)器, 上面有許多儀表。上面有許多儀表。2) v. 打字打字 你幫我打一下這封信好嗎你幫我打一下這封信好嗎? Will you please

14、type this letter for me?type:表示各項(xiàng)事物在本類中都是典型的。表示各項(xiàng)事物在本類中都是典型的。kind:特指在分類中能放在一起的性質(zhì)相同特指在分類中能放在一起的性質(zhì)相同 且相似的一類事物。且相似的一類事物。4. We are determined to create an even better system. create (vt.) 創(chuàng)造創(chuàng)造; 創(chuàng)作創(chuàng)作An artist should create beautiful things.even用于修飾形容詞用于修飾形容詞, 副詞的比較級(jí),副詞的比較級(jí),much, far, no, still, a lot, a

15、little5. In a way, our programmer is like my coach.in a/one way 在某種程度上在某種程度上, 從某種意義上說從某種意義上說從某種程度上來說從某種程度上來說, 他的英語有進(jìn)步。他的英語有進(jìn)步。In a way, his English has improved.in the way on the/ones way (to) 在在(去去)的路上的路上by the way 順便提一下順便提一下 in no way 決不決不all the way 自始自終自始自終;完全地完全地in this way 用這種方法用這種方法 與與in a wa

16、y同義的詞組有同義的詞組有in one way 和和in some ways。 容易與之混淆的詞組是容易與之混淆的詞組是in the way意為意為“造造成成 阻礙阻礙”,請(qǐng)比較:,請(qǐng)比較: In a way, I like this new textbook very much 從某種程度上說從某種程度上說, 我很喜歡這本新教材。我很喜歡這本新教材。 Im afraid your bike is in the way 看來你的自行車擋著道了??磥砟愕淖孕熊嚀踔懒?。6. She programs us with all the possible moves she has seen whil

17、e watching human games.1) move (n.) 行動(dòng)行動(dòng); 步驟步驟 (可數(shù)可數(shù))Whats our next move?make a move 動(dòng)身動(dòng)身, 采取行動(dòng)采取行動(dòng)be on the move 在活動(dòng)在活動(dòng), 在行進(jìn)中在行進(jìn)中 2) while watching = while she watchesWhile he was doing his English homework, he fell asleep. = While doing his .7. In this way, I can make up new moves. 整個(gè)故事是虛構(gòu)的。整個(gè)故事是虛

18、構(gòu)的。 make up 組成組成;構(gòu)成構(gòu)成;編造編造;彌補(bǔ)彌補(bǔ);化妝化妝 In this way, I can make up new moves. ( ) She spent an hour making herself up before the party.( )補(bǔ)充補(bǔ)充; 彌補(bǔ)彌補(bǔ)化妝化妝 Sixty students make up our class. ( ) Society is made up of people of different abilities.( ) The criminal made up a story about where he was when the

19、 crime happened. ( ) Please make up a new dialogue according to the text. ( ) 形成形成, 構(gòu)成構(gòu)成 由由組成組成捏造捏造; 虛構(gòu)虛構(gòu)編制編制; 編出編出So you made it after all! 你畢竟成功了!你畢竟成功了!After all, what does it matter? 歸根結(jié)底歸根結(jié)底, 那又有什么關(guān)系呢?那又有什么關(guān)系呢?8. after all 畢竟畢竟; 到底到底; 終究終究 1) 有有“別忘了別忘了”的意思的意思2) 放在句末放在句末, “雖然有前面說過的話雖然有前面說過的話”或或“與預(yù)料中的情況相反與預(yù)料中的情況相反”的意思的意思above all 首先首先; 最重要的是最重要的是


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