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1、Unit1詞組梳理Welcome to the unit 1. know yourself 了解自己 2. Let me have a look. 讓我看一看。 3. be generous to sb. 對(duì)某人慷慨 4. make them feel good 使他們覺得好 5. share sth. with sb. 與某人分享某物 6. agree 反義詞 disagree (1) 涉及討論的題目用 about。 They never agree about politics. (2)要確定一樣事情用 on。 Can we agree on a date for the next mee

2、ting? (3)涉及一件建議或計(jì)劃用 to。 Hes agreed to our suggestion about the holiday.(4)涉及意思、想法、分析、解釋以及涉及人的時(shí)候用 with。 They might not agree with his opinions. (5)agree 后可接動(dòng)詞不定式或賓語從句。 We agree to leave at once. 7. eat up 吃光,吃完 8. people with different personalities 有不同性格的人 9. behave in different ways 用不同方式表現(xiàn) 10. rec

3、ommend a classmate for a position in your class 推薦一個(gè)同學(xué)獲得你班上的一個(gè)職位 11. be curious about 對(duì)好奇 12. energetic=full of energy 充滿活力的 13. be patient with 對(duì)有耐心 14. keep sth. in good order 把某事保持良好的秩序 15. show off 炫耀 16. come up with 想出 17. play football for hours 踢足球了幾小時(shí) 18. repeat grammar for us 為我們重復(fù)語法 19. g

4、et angry easily 容易生氣 20. make a good accountant 做一個(gè)好的會(huì)計(jì) 21. like creative jobs 喜歡有創(chuàng)造性的工作 22. Its terrible for me to work without speaking all day long. 對(duì)我來說整天不說話的工作太可怕了。 Reading 23. people who are happy with their jobs 對(duì)他們的工作感到高興的人們 24. four people who are outstanding in their fields 四個(gè)在他們的領(lǐng)域里出色的人們

5、25. a born artist 一個(gè)天生的藝術(shù)家 26. his work shouts 他的工作出色 27. impress the whole country with his creative work 用他創(chuàng)造性的工作給整個(gè)國(guó)家留下印象 28. win high praise 贏得高度贊揚(yáng) 29. sculpture for sth. 為雕塑 30. search for something better 搜索一些更好的 31. This in itself is great fun. 這本身很有趣。 32. give up her job as an accountant 放棄她

6、會(huì)計(jì)的工作 33. work for the sales department 在銷售部門工作 34. work with numbers day after day 日復(fù)一日和數(shù)字打交道 35. general manager of the company 公司的總經(jīng)理 36. Life is like a race. 生活就像賽跑 37. You either take the lead or fall behind. 你要么領(lǐng)先要么落后。 38. be ready to take on new challenges any time. 準(zhǔn)備好隨時(shí)接受新挑戰(zhàn) 39. the high-sp

7、eed railway connecting (which/that connects) Sunshine Town to Tianjin 連接陽光鎮(zhèn)和天津的高速鐵路 connect to/with 與相連 40. We cant afford to make any mistakes (afford to do sth.) 我們不能承擔(dān)犯任何錯(cuò)誤的代價(jià)。 41. Its necessary to pay attention to every detail. 有必要關(guān)注每個(gè)細(xì)節(jié) 42. work to high standard 按高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)工作 43. be easy to work with

8、容易一起工作 44. a pioneer heart surgeon 一個(gè)心臟外科的先鋒醫(yī)生 45. be willing to work extra hours (be (un)willing to do sth.) 愿意工作額外的時(shí)間 46. do operations for about ten hours 做手術(shù)大約十小時(shí)47. devote most of her time to her work (devote /oneself to sth./doing sth.) 把大部分時(shí)間貢獻(xiàn)于工作 48. respect sb. 尊敬某人 49. be famous all over t

9、he country 全國(guó)聞名 50. be suitable for the job/ being an artist 適合這個(gè)工作/做一個(gè)藝術(shù)家Grammar 51. join ideas together 把觀點(diǎn)連接在一起 52. think twice (about sth.) 三思而后行 53. bothand 和都 54. not only but (also)不但而且 55. either or或者或者56. neither nor 或者都不 57. do the dishes after lunch 午飯后洗碗 58. in the future/in future 在將來/

10、從今以后 Integrated Skills-study skills 59. find an article about the Chinese animal signs 找到一篇關(guān)于中國(guó)生肖的文章 60. the Chinese lunar calendar 中國(guó)農(nóng)歷 61. each animal sign represents a lunar year 每個(gè)生肖代表一個(gè)農(nóng)歷年 62. appear in a fixed order 以固定的順序出現(xiàn) 63. the cycle repeats every 12 years 這個(gè)循環(huán)每 12 年重復(fù)一次 64. Some people b

11、elieve that people born under the same animal sign may have similar personalities. 一些人相信出生于同樣生肖年份的人們可能有相似的性格。 65. depend on 依靠,取決于 66. your star sign may decide your personality 你的星座可能決定你的性格 67. people born in the Year of the Rabbit 出生于兔年的人們 68. divide into (be divided into) 分成 69. read about them j

12、ust for fun 讀讀關(guān)于他們只是為了樂趣 70. It is you who shape your life and your future. 是你自己塑造了你自己的生活和未來 71. Whats your animal sign? 你屬什么的? 72. Its said that 據(jù)說 73. in some ways 在某些方面,在某種程度(意義)上,以某種方式 74. What it says about me may be true. 它說的關(guān)于我的事可能是對(duì)的。 75. Thats not the case. 并非如此 76. believe in them/ believe

13、 them 信任他們/相信他們的話 77. get the general news of the day 得到一天的簡(jiǎn)略新聞 78. travel guide 導(dǎo)游 79. Personality includes your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. 性格包括你的想法,感情和行為 80. be formed by both nature and the environment 由自然和環(huán)境形成 81. pass sth. onto sb. 把某事傳給某人 82. Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子 83. remain th

14、e same throughout your life 在你的一生中保持一致 84. successfully complete a difficult task through hard work 通過辛勤工作成功完成一項(xiàng)困難的任務(wù) 85. your experience influences your personality 你的經(jīng)歷影響你的性格 Task 86. be afraid of making a speech in front of many people 害怕在許多人面前做演講 87. win several science competitions 贏得幾個(gè)科學(xué)競(jìng)賽 88.

15、 get himself more organized 使他自己更有條理 89. be absent from school 上學(xué)缺席 90. recommend David as our new monitor 推薦大衛(wèi)做我們的新班長(zhǎng) 91. have many strong qualities for this position 有很多適合這個(gè)職位的優(yōu)點(diǎn) 92. the most suitable person to be our monitor 做我們班長(zhǎng)的最適合的人 suit: 花色,款式,風(fēng)格等與皮膚,氣質(zhì),身材,身份等相稱 suit to/ be suited to fit: 尺寸

16、,大小,形狀等適合 match: 與相配或相稱Unit2 詞組梳理1a girls colour 女孩穿的顏色2something /nothing wrong with 有毛病/沒什么毛病3sth looks good on sb/sb looks good in sth 某物在某人身上看起來不錯(cuò)/某人穿著某物看起來不錯(cuò)4a dull place without colours 一個(gè)沒有顏色無聊的地方5do a project on 做關(guān)于 的一個(gè)課題6see a rainbow in the sky 在空中看到一個(gè)彩虹7Do you know how many colours there

17、are in a rainbow? 你知道彩虹中有多少種顏色嗎?8the power of the colours 顏色的力量9influence our moods 影響我們的心情10calm colours 冷色11bring peace to our mind and body 給我們的身體和大腦帶來平靜12represent sadness 代表悲傷13feel blue =feel sad 感到傷心14the colour of the purity 純潔的顏色15on their weeding day 在他們結(jié)婚的那天16People in cold areas prefer w

18、arm colours in their homes to create a warm and comfortable feeling.生活在寒冷氣候中的人們更喜歡在他們的家中使用暖色創(chuàng)造出一種溫暖而舒適的感覺。17cheer sb up 使某人振作起來18remind sb of sth 使某人想起某事/提醒某人某事remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事19hope for success=hope to succeed 希望成功20energetic colours 有活力的色彩21be green with envy =be jealous 嫉妒,妒忌22require

19、/need strength in either body or mind 身體和大腦需要力量23be of some help to sb=be helpful to sb 對(duì) 有幫助24make it easier to take action 使采取行動(dòng)更加容易25have difficulty making a decision 作出決定有困難26prefer =like one thing better than another 與另一件事比較起來更喜歡一件事27at a wedding在婚禮上28get into trouble遇到麻煩29fight with each other

20、 互相打架30be/feel sure / certain of /about sth 確信某事31a relationship between colours and moods 顏色和心情之間的關(guān)系32choose colours for the rooms 為房間選擇顏色33make rooms seem larger 使房間好像更大了34light colours/dark colours 淡顏色/深顏色35prefer orange for dining rooms 更喜歡橙色作為餐廳的顏色36depend on personal taste 依靠個(gè)人的品位37problems ab

21、out shopping 關(guān)于購物的難題38suit=be suitable for 適合39instead of going shopping 代替購物40be used for celebrations=be used to celebrate 被用來慶祝41write back soon 不久回信/盡快回信42the colour of the rulers 統(tǒng)治者的顏色43in ancient China 在古代中國(guó)44wear white uniforms 穿白色制服45wonder =dont know/want to know 不知道/想知道46colour therapy 顏色

22、療法47The Teens Show 少年節(jié)目48¥100 for half an hour 半小時(shí)一百元錢49get your money back 取回你的錢50practise colour therapy 實(shí)施顏色療法51feel confident enough/stressed 感到足夠自信/有壓力52 work for a fashion magazine 為一家時(shí)尚雜志社工作53suggest different clothes to different people 給不同的人建議不同的衣服54paint your bedroom blue 把你的臥室漆成藍(lán)色55what c

23、olours of food to eat 吃什么顏色的食物56cook /make food for people 給人們做食物57Id rather wear orange/prefer to wear orange/would like to wear orange更喜歡/寧愿穿橘色的衣服would rather not do 寧愿不做某事 would rather do than do=prefer doing to doing 做 與做比較起來更愿做某事58promise sb sth=promise sth to sb 答應(yīng)某人某事promise sb to do sth 答應(yīng)某人

24、做某事 promise that +clause59dress in =be dressed in =wear=be in 穿衣 dress sb 給某人穿衣60women s main job 婦女們的主要工作 61power and trust 力量和信任62carry a white handbag 拎著白色的手提包63look more powerful 看起來更有力量64calm down 鎮(zhèn)靜下來65feel a bit little stressed 感到有點(diǎn)點(diǎn)焦慮不安66Red and white are a good match 紅色和白色是很好的搭配。67as the po

25、werful red balances the calm white 因?yàn)閺?qiáng)有力的紅色平衡平靜的白色68a good fruit juice advertisement 一種不錯(cuò)的果澤廣告69the models moods 模特們的心情70discover sth 發(fā)現(xiàn)某物71our everyday lives 我們的日常生活72But there s nothing wrong with pink,you know 但是你知道,粉紅色沒有什么不好。73And Im not sure if blue looks good on you 而且我不確定你穿藍(lán)色是否好看。74Some peopl

26、e believe that colours can influence our moods 一些人認(rèn)為顏色能影響我們的情緒。75You may wonder whether it is true 你可能想知道他是否正確。76This article explains what colours can do and what characteristics they represent這篇文章解釋的就是顏色能夠起到什么作用以及他們代表什么樣的性格特征。77Yellow is the colour of the sun,so it can remind you of a warm sunny d

27、ay黃色是太陽的顏色,因此他能使你想起溫暖、陽光明媚的日子。78This may help when you are having difficulty making a decision當(dāng)你難以作出決定時(shí),紅色可以幫你拿定主意。79Did you know there is a relationship between colours and moods?你知道顏色和心情之間有關(guān)系嗎?80Discover how the power of the colours can change your moods and improve your life!發(fā)現(xiàn)顏色的力量如何能改變你的心情,并提高你

28、的生活質(zhì)量。81We promise that this therapy can help you change your moods,or you will get your money back我們承諾這種療法會(huì)幫助你改變心情,無效退款。Unit3 詞組梳理COMIC and WELCOME1. teenage problems青少年問題2. Whats wrong with ?.怎么了?3. get fat 變胖get fat easily 容易變胖4. eat too much 吃太多5. Why not do sth ?為什么做某事?6. eat less and exercise

29、more 少吃多鍛煉7. ask for advice on how to do sth 有關(guān)如何做某事征求意見8. ask for advice on sth有關(guān)某事征求意見ask for some advice 征求意見a piece of advice = a suggestion 一條建議9. get enough sleep睡眠充分10. feel tired in class在課上感到累11. have enough time to do sth有足夠時(shí)間做某事12. have no time to do sth 沒時(shí)間做某事13. drive sb mad 使某人發(fā)瘋(mad的比

30、較級(jí))14. have some close friends有些親密朋友15. feel lonely / sleepy感到寂寞/ 昏昏欲睡16. get lowhigh marks in exams 考試中的低分/高分17. work all day 整天18. manage ones time better 更好安排某人的時(shí)間(完成句子)19. go to bed earlier早上床睡覺READING:20. a Grade 9 student 一個(gè)9年級(jí)學(xué)生21. deal with 處理.22. have a lot of homework有許多家庭作業(yè) 23. have no ch

31、oice but to do sth = have nothing to do but do sth 別無選擇做某事(完成句子)24. stay up late 熬夜stay awake 保持清醒25. find it hard to do sth 發(fā)現(xiàn)做某事難(和賓語從句的轉(zhuǎn)換)26. the next day 第二天(用于什么時(shí)態(tài),不能省略the)27. Its important / wise for sb to do sth對(duì)某人來說做某事是重要/智慧的 be important to sb =be of some importance to sb對(duì)某人重要28. have spare

32、 time for ones hobbies like .有空余時(shí)間留給某人的愛好have more time for ones hobbies有更多時(shí)間留給某人的愛好29. I can not imagine my life without hobbies .沒有愛好我就無法想象自己的生活。30. be worth doing sth .值得做某事(注意: be well worth sth/doing sth.)31. dream of / about 夢(mèng)見.32. offer sb some suggestions / advice提供一些建議給某人offer sb some usefu

33、l /valuable advice 提供一些有用的/有價(jià)值的建議給某人33. hope to do sth希望做某事(與wish區(qū)分) hope +that -clause 希望+賓語從句34. hear from sb = get a letter from sb = receive a letter from sb 收到某人的信35. be crazy about .癡迷于.36. ones love of sth某人對(duì)的愛37. the cause of ,.的原因38. play football with sb 與某人一起踢足球play volleyball for hours打排

34、球幾個(gè)小時(shí)play outside 在外玩39. worry about = be worried about 擔(dān)心.(worry作定語或正在擔(dān)心 be worrying about sb.)40. get into trouble 陷入困境get away from .擺脫.41. allow sb ( not ) to do sth 允許某人(不)做某事42. be strict with sb 對(duì)某人要求嚴(yán)格(strict的比較級(jí)和最高級(jí))43. feel angry 感到生氣(angry的比較級(jí)和最高級(jí))44. develop ones hobbies 發(fā)展某人的愛好a develop

35、ing country 一個(gè)發(fā)展中國(guó)家a developed country 一個(gè)發(fā)達(dá)國(guó)家45. make ones life / lives more interesting 使某人的生活更加有趣46. stay out late 在外面待得晚47. spend less time on .在方面花很少時(shí)間48. achieve a balance between A and B 實(shí)現(xiàn)A與B之間的平衡(完成句子)49. keep the balance between A and B保持A與B之間的平衡50. look forward to doing sth 期待做某事51. be val

36、uable to sb對(duì)某人有價(jià)值be valuable for sth對(duì)某物有價(jià)值 be valuable = be of value 有價(jià)值52. make sure 確信53. the right to do sth 做某事的權(quán)利54. a picture in ones mind 某人大腦中的一幅畫55. Thank sb for .由于.感謝某人56. plan ones day carefully 仔細(xì)計(jì)劃某人的一天plan to do sth 計(jì)劃做某事the plan for ,.的計(jì)劃57. make a list of 列出的清單58. work out 算出work it

37、 out 算出它work on sth. 忙于,從事work on it代詞不放在動(dòng)詞和介詞之間的: get on/off it; look at/after/for/on it; work on it; take care of it59. give sb an idea of = make sb know 讓某人知道.60. according to .根據(jù).61. go home earlier 回家早62. 幾種“建議”的不同表達(dá)方式:Why not do sth ? = Why dont you do sth ?為什么不做某事?What / How about .?.怎么樣?Lets

38、 do sth .讓我們做某事吧。Shall we do sth ?我們將做某事嗎?63. agree with sb / what sb says 贊同某人/某人的話agree to do sth 同意做某事GRAMMAR:64. find a quiet place 發(fā)現(xiàn)一個(gè)安靜的地方65. share sth with sb 與某人分享某物share worries with sb 與某人負(fù)擔(dān)憂慮share ones problems with sb與某人負(fù)擔(dān)問題I need someone to share my worries with .我需要人與我分擔(dān)我的焦慮。keep worr

39、ies to oneself 把煩惱放在心里不說出來。66. go to sb for help / some advice 去某人那尋求幫助/建議ask for help / advice尋求幫助/建議67. solve the problem 解決問題68. improve English quickly很快提高英語69. What would life be like without hobbies ?沒有愛好生活會(huì)是什么樣?(在賓語從句中)70. write to sb = write a letter to sb 寫信給某人71. a youth worker 一個(gè)青少年工作者72. do a great job 做一項(xiàng)了不起的工作73. get ones replies 得到某人的答復(fù)74. have a meeting about 開一個(gè)有關(guān).的會(huì)議speak at the meeting 在會(huì)上發(fā)言75. feel tired these days


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