已閱讀5頁(yè),還剩10頁(yè)未讀, 繼續(xù)免費(fèi)閱讀




1、小學(xué)英語(yǔ)詞匯歸類(lèi)表(三年級(jí)上冊(cè)-六年級(jí)下冊(cè)) 一、學(xué)習(xí)用品(school things) pen(鋼筆) pencil(鉛筆) pencil-case(鉛筆盒) ruler(尺子) book(書(shū)) post card(明信片) comic book(漫畫(huà)書(shū)) bag(包) newspaper(報(bào)紙) schoolbag (書(shū)包) eraser(橡皮) crayon(蠟筆) sharpener(卷筆刀) story-book(故事書(shū)) notebook(筆記本) Chinese book(語(yǔ)文書(shū)) English book(英語(yǔ)書(shū)) math book(數(shù)學(xué)書(shū)) magazine(雜志) dic

2、tionary(字典,詞典) 二、人體(body) foot(腳) nose(鼻子) head(頭) face(臉) hair(頭發(fā)) mouth(嘴) eye(眼睛) ear(耳朵) arm(手臂) hand(手) finger(手指) leg(腿) tail(尾巴) 三、顏色(colours) colour(顏色) red(紅) blue(藍(lán)) yellow(黃) green(綠) white(白)black(黑) pink(粉紅) purple(紫) orange(橙) brown(棕) 四、動(dòng)物(animals) cat(貓)dog(狗)pig(豬)duck(鴨)rabbit(兔)ho

3、rse(馬)elephant(大象)fish(魚(yú))kangaroo(袋鼠)ant(螞蟻) bird(鳥(niǎo)) eagle(鷹) beaver(海貍) snake(蛇) mouse(老鼠) squirrel(松鼠) monkey(猴) panda(熊貓) bear(熊) lion(獅子) tiger(老虎) fox(狐貍) zebra(斑馬) deer(鹿) giraffe(長(zhǎng)頸鹿) goose(鵝) hen(母雞) turkey(火雞) lamb(小羊) sheep(綿羊) goat(山羊) cow(奶牛) donkey(驢) squid(魷魚(yú)) lobster(龍蝦) shark(鯊魚(yú)) sea

4、l(海豹) sperm whale(抹香鯨) killer whale(虎鯨) 五、人物(people) friend(朋友) boy(男孩) girl(女孩) mother(母親)father(父親)sister(姐妹) brother(兄弟)uncle(叔叔,舅舅)mom(媽媽) grandpa/ grandfather(祖父,外祖父) man(男人) woman(女人) Mr(先生) Miss(小姐) lady(女士,小姐) dad(爸爸) parents(父母) grandma/ grandmother(祖母,外祖母) aunt(姑姑) cousin(堂表兄弟,堂表姐妹) son(兒子

5、) baby(嬰兒) kid(小孩) classmate(同學(xué)) queen(女王) visitor(參觀者) neighbour(鄰居) principal(校長(zhǎng)) university student(大學(xué)生) pen pal(筆友) tourist(旅行者) people(人物) robot(機(jī)器人) 六、職業(yè)(jobs) teacher(教師)student(學(xué)生)doctor(醫(yī)生)nurse(護(hù)士)driver(司機(jī))farmer(農(nóng)民)singer(歌唱家)writer(作家)actor(男演員)actress(女演員)artist(畫(huà)家)TV reporter(電視臺(tái)記者)en

6、gineer(工程師)accountant(會(huì)計(jì))policeman(警察)salesperson(銷(xiāo)售員)cleaner(清潔工) baseball player(棒球運(yùn)動(dòng)員) assistant(售貨員) 七、食品、飲料(food & drink) rice(米飯) bread(面包) beef(牛肉) milk(牛奶)water(水)egg(蛋)fish(魚(yú)) tofu(豆腐)chicken(雞肉) honey(蜂蜜) lunch(中餐) cake(蛋糕) hot dog(熱狗) hamburger(漢堡包) French fries(炸薯?xiàng)l) cookie(曲奇) biscuit(餅干

7、) jam(果醬) noodles(面條) meat(肉) pork(豬肉) mutton(羊肉) vegetable(蔬菜) salad(沙拉) soup(湯) ice-cream(冰淇淋) ice(冰) Coke(可樂(lè)) juice(果汁) tea(茶) coffee(咖啡) breakfast(早餐) dinner(晚餐)八、水果、蔬菜(fruit & vegetables) apple(蘋(píng)果) banana(香蕉) watermelon(西瓜) pear(梨) orange(橙)grape(葡萄)eggplant(茄子)green beans(青豆)tomato(西紅柿)potato(

8、土豆) peach(桃) strawberry(草莓) cucumber(黃瓜) onion(洋蔥) carrot(胡蘿卜) cabbage(卷心菜) 九、衣服(clothes) jacket(夾克衫)shirt(襯衫) T-shirt(恤衫)shirt(短裙子)dress(連衣裙)jeans(牛仔褲) pants(長(zhǎng)褲)socks(襪子) shoes(鞋子) sweater(毛衣) coat(上衣) raincoat(雨衣) shorts(短褲) sneakers(網(wǎng)球鞋) slippers(拖鞋) sandals(涼鞋) boots(靴子) hat(有沿的帽子) cap(便帽) tie(領(lǐng)

9、帶) scarf(圍巾) gloves(手套) sunglasses(太陽(yáng)鏡)十、交通工具(vehicles) bike(自行車(chē)) bus(公共汽車(chē)) train(火車(chē)) boat(小船) ship(輪船) yacht(快艇) car(小汽車(chē)) taxi(出租車(chē)) jeep(吉普車(chē)) van(小貨車(chē)) plane(飛機(jī)) subway(地鐵) motor cycle(摩托車(chē)) 十一、雜物(other things) window(窗戶) door(門(mén)) computer(計(jì)算機(jī)) desk(課桌) chair(椅子) bed(床) board(寫(xiě)字板)teachers desk(講臺(tái)) fan

10、(風(fēng)扇) light(燈)wall(墻壁) floor(地板) picture(圖畫(huà),照片) curtain(窗簾) closet(壁櫥) trash bin(垃圾箱) mirror(鏡子)end table(床頭柜)football(足球) present(禮物) walkman(隨身聽(tīng)) lamp(臺(tái)燈) phone(電話) sofa(沙發(fā)) shelf(書(shū)架) fridge(冰箱) table(桌子) air-conditioner(空調(diào)) TV(電視) key(鑰匙) lock(鎖) photo(照片) chart(圖表) plate(盤(pán)子) knife(刀) fork(叉) spoo

11、n(勺子) chopsticks(筷子) pot(鍋) gift (禮物) toy(玩具) doll(洋娃娃) jigsaw puzzle(拼圖游戲) ball(球) kite(風(fēng)箏) balloon(汽球) box(盒子) umbrella(傘) zipper(拉鏈) violin(小提琴) yo-yo(溜溜球) nest(鳥(niǎo)窩) toothbrush(牙刷) hole(洞) tube(管子) menu(菜單) e-card(電子賀卡) e-mail(電子郵件) money( 錢(qián)) medicine(藥) 十二、地點(diǎn)(locations) home(家) room(房間) living ro

12、om(起居室,客廳)bedroom(臥室) study(書(shū)房) kitchen(廚房) bathroom(衛(wèi)生間) classroom(教室)school(學(xué)校) park(公園) library(圖書(shū)館) post office(郵局)hospital(醫(yī)院) cinema(電影院) bookstore(書(shū)店) farm(農(nóng)場(chǎng)) zoo(動(dòng)物園) garden(花園) playground(操場(chǎng)) canteen(食堂) gym(體育館) teachers office(教師辦公室) washroom(衛(wèi)生間) art room(繪畫(huà)教室) music room(音樂(lè)教室) computer

13、 room(計(jì)算機(jī)教室) TV room(電視機(jī)房) flat(公寓) company(公司) factory(工廠) fruit stand(水果攤) pet shop(寵物商店) nature park(自然公園) theme park(主題公園) supermarket(超市) bank(銀行) the Great Wall(長(zhǎng)城) science museum(科學(xué)博物館) country(國(guó)家) village(鄉(xiāng)村) city(城市)十三、課程(classes) class(課程)Chinese(中文,漢語(yǔ))English(英語(yǔ))math(數(shù)學(xué))P.E.(體育) music(音樂(lè))

14、 science (科學(xué)) sports(體育活動(dòng)) Moral Education(思想品德課) Social Studied(社會(huì)課) 十四、國(guó)家、城市(countries & cities) China/ PRC(中國(guó)) American/ USA(美國(guó)) UK(聯(lián)合王國(guó)) England(英國(guó)) Canada/ CAN(加拿大) Australia(澳大利亞) New York(紐約) London(倫敦) Sydney(悉尼) Moscow(莫斯科) Cairo(開(kāi)羅) 十五、天氣(weather) cold(寒冷的) warm(溫暖的)cool(涼爽的)snowy(下雪的)sunn

15、y(晴朗的)hot(炎熱的) rainy(下雨的) windy(有風(fēng)的) cloudy(多云的) weather report(天氣預(yù)報(bào)) 十六、景物(nature) river(河流) lake(湖泊) stream(河、溪)forest(森林) path(路,小道) road(公路,大道)house(房子bridge(橋)building(建筑物) rain(雨) cloud(云) sun(太陽(yáng))mountain(山) sky(天空) rainbow(彩虹) wind(風(fēng)) air(空氣) 十七、植物(plants) flower(花) grass(草) seed(種子)sprout(苗,

16、芽,嫩芽) tree(樹(shù)) plant(植物,種植)soil(土壤) rose(玫瑰) leaf(葉子) 十八、星期(week) Monday/ Mon. (星期一) Tuesday /Tue. (星期二) Wednesday /Wed. (星期三)Thursday /Thu. (星期四) Friday /Fri. (星期五) Saturday /Sat. (星期六)Sunday /Sun. (星期日) weekend(周末) 十九、月份(months) Jan.(January 一月)Feb.(February 二月)Mar.(March 三月)Apr.(April 四月)May(五月)Ju

17、ne(六月) July(七月) Aug.(August 八月)Sept.(September 九月)Oct.(October十月) Nov.(November 十一月) Dec.(December十二月)二十、季節(jié)(seasons) spring(春)summer(夏)fall(秋)winter(冬) 二十一、方位(directions) left(左邊)right(右邊) east(東) west(西) south(南) north(北) 二十二、患?。╥llness) hurt(疼痛)sore(疼的) have a cold(感冒) have a fever(發(fā)燒) have a toot

18、hache(牙疼)have a headache(頭疼)have a sore throat(喉嚨疼)二十三、數(shù)詞(numbers) one(一) two(二) three(三) four(四) five(五) six(六)seven(七) eight(八) nine(九)ten(十) eleven(十一)twelve(十二)thirteen(十三)fourteen(十四) fifteen(十五)sixteen(十六) seventeen(十七) eighteen(十八) nineteen(十九) twenty(二十) thirty(三十) forty(四十) fifty(五十) sixty(

19、六十) seventy(七十) eighty(八十) ninety(九十) hundred(百) first(第一) second(第二) third(第三) fourth(第四) fifth(第五) eighth(第八) ninth(第九) twelfth(第十二) twentieth(第二十) 二十四、形容詞(adj.) good(好的) big(大的) small(小的) long(長(zhǎng)的) tall(高的)short(短的,矮的) young(年輕的) old(舊的,老的) strong(健壯的)thin(瘦的)active(積極活躍的)quiet(安靜的) kind(和藹親切的)str

20、ict(嚴(yán)格的) smart(聰明的)funny(滑稽可笑的) tasty(好吃的) sweet(甜的) salty(咸的) sour(酸的)favourite(最喜愛(ài)的) fresh(新鮮的)clean(干凈的) tired(疲勞的)excited(興奮的)angry(生氣的,憤怒的)happy(高興的) sad(憂愁的,悲傷的) bored(無(wú)聊的,煩人的)taller(更高的)shorter(更矮的)stronger(更強(qiáng)壯的)older(年齡更大的)younger(更年輕的)bigger(更大的)heavier(更重的)longer(更長(zhǎng)的)thinner(更瘦的)smaller(更小

21、的) nice(好看的) fine(好的) great(很好的) heavy(重的) new(新的) fat(胖的) happy(快樂(lè)的) right(對(duì)的) hungry(饑餓的) cute(逗人喜愛(ài)的) little(小的) lovely(可愛(ài)的) beautiful(漂亮的) colourful(色彩鮮艷的) pretty(漂亮的) cheap(便宜的) expensive(昂貴的) juicy(多汁的) tender(嫩的) healthy(健康的) ill(有病的) helpful(有幫助的) high(高的) easy(簡(jiǎn)單的) proud(驕傲的) sick(有病的) bette

22、r(更好的) higher(更高的)二十五、介詞(prep.) in(在里) on(在上,在時(shí)候) under(在下面)near(在旁邊) behind(在后面) next to(與相鄰)at(在點(diǎn)鐘) by(經(jīng)乘) for(為,給) to(朝,向) over(在上方) in front of(在前面) 二十六、代詞(pron.) I(我)me we(我們)us you(你,你們)you he(他)him she(她)herit(它)it they(他/她/它們)themmy(我的)mineour(我們的)oursyour(你的,你們的)yourshis(他的)hisher(她的)hers t

23、his(這,這個(gè)) that(那,那個(gè)) 二十七、動(dòng)詞(v.) work(工作) play(玩,踢) swim(游泳) skate(滑冰) fly(飛) jump(跳) walk(走) run(跑) climb(往上爬) fight(打架) swing(蕩) eat(吃) sleep(睡覺(jué)) like(像,喜歡) have(有,吃) turn(轉(zhuǎn)彎) buy(買(mǎi)) take(買(mǎi),帶) live(居住) teach(教) stop(停,停車(chē)站) wait(等) study(學(xué)習(xí)) learn(學(xué)習(xí)) sing(唱歌) dance(跳舞) row(劃) do homework(做作業(yè)) watch

24、 TV(看電視) read books(讀書(shū)) cook the meals(做飯) water the flowers(澆花) sweep the floor(掃地) clean the bedroom(打掃臥室) make the bed(鋪床) set the table(擺飯桌) wash the clothes(洗衣服) do the dishes(洗碗碟) use a computer(使用計(jì)算機(jī)) eat breakfast(吃早飯) eat dinner(吃晚飯) do morning exercises(晨練,做廣播操) go to school(上學(xué)) play sport

25、s(進(jìn)行體育運(yùn)動(dòng)) get up(起床) have English class(上英語(yǔ)課) climb mountains(爬山) play the piano(彈鋼琴) fly kites(放風(fēng)箏) make a snowman(堆雪人) plant trees(種樹(shù)) draw pictures(畫(huà)畫(huà)) cook dinner(做飯) read a book(看書(shū)) answer the phone(接電話) listen to music(聽(tīng)音樂(lè)) clean the room(打掃房間) write a letter(寫(xiě)信) write an e-mail(寫(xiě)電子郵件) drink w

26、ater(喝水) take pictures(照相) watch insects(觀察昆蟲(chóng)) pick up leaves(采摘樹(shù)葉) do an experiment(做實(shí)驗(yàn)) catch butterflies(捉蝴蝶) count insects(數(shù)昆蟲(chóng)) collect insects(收集昆蟲(chóng)) collect leaves(收集樹(shù)葉) write a report(寫(xiě)報(bào)告) play chess(下棋) have a picnic(舉行野餐) get to(到達(dá)) ride a bike(騎自行車(chē)) play the violin(拉小提琴) make kites(制作風(fēng)箏) co

27、llect stamps(集郵) go shopping(買(mǎi)東西) go swimming(去游泳) go fishing(去釣魚(yú)) go hiking(去遠(yuǎn)足) go skiing(去滑雪) go ice-skating(去滑冰) visit grandparents(看望祖父母/外祖父母) meet(見(jiàn)面) welcome(歡迎) thank(謝謝) love(愛(ài)) drink(喝) taste(嘗) smell(聞) feed(喂養(yǎng)) shear(剪) milk(擠奶) look(看) guess(猜) help(幫助) pass(傳遞) show(展示) use(使用) clean(打

28、掃) open(打開(kāi)) close(關(guān)上) put(放) read(讀) write(寫(xiě)) paint(繪畫(huà)) tell(告訴) kick(踢) bounce(反彈) ride(騎) find(尋找) drive(駕駛) fold(折) send(寄) wash(洗) shine(照耀) become(變成) feel(感覺(jué)到) think(思考) fall(落下) leave(離開(kāi)) wake up(醒來(lái)) put on(穿上) take off(脫掉) hang up(掛起) wear(穿) go home(回家) go to bed(上床睡覺(jué)) play computer games(玩

29、電腦游戲) do housework(做家務(wù)) empty the trash(倒垃圾) put away the clothes(收拾衣服) get off(下車(chē)) take a trip(去旅行) read a magazine(閱讀雜志) go to the cinema(去看電影) 二十八、其他(others) day(天,日子) today(今天) date(日期) yes(是,是的) no(不,不是) not(不,不是的) oclock(點(diǎn)鐘) time(時(shí)間) here(這兒,這里) there(那兒,那里) very(很,非常) but(但是) then(然后) and(和)

30、too(也,太) next week(下周) last(上一個(gè),僅余的,留在最后的) noon(中午) evening(夜晚,晚上) please(請(qǐng)) usually(通常,一般) often(經(jīng)常) sometimes(有時(shí)候) hobby(興趣,愛(ài)好) best(最,極) because(因?yàn)? straightly(成直線地) birthday(生日) traffic(交通) traffic light(交通燈) traffic rule(交通規(guī)則) matter(事情,麻煩) should(應(yīng)該) come from(從來(lái),來(lái)自) this morning(今天上午) this af

31、ternoon(今天下午) this evening(今天晚上) 二十九、動(dòng)詞的第三人稱單數(shù)形式 watchwatches teachteaches wash-washes gogoes dodoes havehas readreads livelives 三十、動(dòng)詞的-ing形式 runrunning swimswimming shopshopping sitsitting putputting havehaving liveliving makemaking taketaking useusing divediving writewriting rideriding gogoing dod

32、oing walkwalking jumpjumping climbclimbing playplaying teachteaching catchcatching watchwatching readreading cookcooking cleancleaning answeranswering listenlistening collectcollecting countcounting 三十一、動(dòng)詞的過(guò)去式 watchwatched washwashed is/amwas arewere cleancleaned playplayed visitvisited learnlearned

33、 climbclimbed rowrowed dancedanced dodid gowent singsang eatate taketook havehad seesaw buybought readread hurthurt drawdrew put-put 三十二、形容詞的比較級(jí) talltaller shortshorter oldolder youngyounger smallsmaller longlonger strongstronger bigbigger thinthinner heavyheavier 三十三、疑問(wèn)詞 what(什么) which(哪一個(gè)) when(什么

34、時(shí)候) where(在哪里) why(為什么) how(怎樣,如何) how many(多少) how much(多少錢(qián)) what about(怎么樣) what time(幾點(diǎn))三十四、單詞的縮寫(xiě) Im = I am its = it is hes = he is shes = she is thats = that is whos = who is whats = what is theyre = they are isnt = is not arent = are not cant = cannot dont = do not doesnt = does not lets = let

35、us 三十五、同音詞 onewon two-too fourfor bybuy redread noknow flourflower wearwhere theretheir pair-pear earyear flu-flew hearhere Ieye Bbe Csee Rare Ttea Uyou sonsun rightwrite weak-week 小學(xué)PEP英語(yǔ)四會(huì)單詞和句子四年級(jí)home room school classroom door chair bed desk window bread egg milk water rice beef chicken fish sist

36、er brother father mother farmer driver nurse doctor computer board fan light teachers desk picture floor wall one two three four five six seven eight nine ten music math Chinese English P.E. red blue yellow green white skirt shirt jacket dress T-shirt jeans pants socks shoes sunny warm cold snowy bi

37、g small long short nice apple banana pear orange watermelon cat rabbit pig duck dog eleven twelve thirteen fifteen twenty This is my computer. That is your computer. Is this a teachers desk? Yes, it is. What time is it? Its two oclock. Its 9:45. Its time for math class. Is this your T-shirt? No, its

38、 not. What colour is it? Its white. Its warm today. Lets play football. Its cool. Is it cold? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Its How much is it? Its ten yuan. How much are they? Theyre three yuan. Are they ducks? No, they arent. How many horses are there? Twelve. 五年級(jí)上冊(cè)young funny tall strong kind old sh

39、ort thin smart active strict quiet Monday (Mon.) Tuesday (Tue.) Wednesday (Wed.) Thursday (Thu.) Friday (Fri.) Saturday (Sat.) Sunday (Sun.) do homework watch TV read books green beans eggplant fish tofu potato tomato tasty sweet sour fresh salty cook the meals water the flowers sweep the floor clea

40、n the bedroom make the bed set the table wash the clothes do the dishes use a computer curtain trash bin closet mirror end table clothes in on under behind near over in front of next to mountain river flower grass lake forest path park house bridge tree road building Whos your English teacher? Mr. C

41、arter. Whats he like? Hes tall and strong. Is she quite? No, she isnt. Shes very active. Is she strict? Yes, she is, but shes very kind. What day is it today? Its Wednesday. What do you have on Thursday? We have English, math and science on Thursdays. What do you do on Saturdays? I watch TV on Satur

42、days. What do you have for lunch on Mondays? We have tomatoes, tofu and fish. Whats your favourite fruit? I like apples. Theyre sweet. I like fruit. But I dont like grapes. Theyre sour. What can you do? I can sweep the floor. I can cook the meals. I can water the flowers. Can you make the bed? No, I

43、 cant. Can you use a computer? Yes, I can. There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. There is a mirror, a bed and a big closet. The closet is near the table. Many clothes are in the closet. The trash bin is behind the door.Is there a forest in the park? Yes, there is. Is there

44、 a river? No, there isnt. Are there any fish in the rivers? Yes, there are. Are there any pandas in the mountains? No, there arent. 五年級(jí)下冊(cè) do morning exercises eat breakfast have English class play sports eat dinner get up climb mountains go shopping play the piano visit grandparents go hiking spring

45、 summer fall winter season swim fly kites skate make a snowman plant trees January (Jan.) February (Feb.) March (Mar.) April (Apr.) May June July August (Aug.) September (Sept.) October (Oct.) November (Nov.) December (Dec.) draw pictures cook dinner read a book answer the phone do the dishes listen

46、 to music clean the room wash clothes write a letter write an e-mail fly jump walk run swim sleep climb fight swing drink water take pictures watch insects pick up leaves collect leaves do an experiment catch butterflies count insects write a report play chess have a picnic When do you eat dinner? I

47、 eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening. When do you get up? I usually get up at 12:00 at noon. What do you do on the weekend? Usually I watch TV and go shopping. Sometimes I visit my grandparents. What about you? I often play football. Sometimes I go hiking. Which season do you like best? I like winter

48、best. Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season. Why do you like summer? Because I can swim in the lake. Why do you like winter? Because I can sleep a long time. When is your birthday? Its in May. My birthday is in June. Uncle Bills birthday is in June, too. Is her birthday in June? Yes. Whats

49、 the date? June 9th . This is Zhang Peng. What are you doing? Im doing the dishes. Im reading a book. Grandpa is writing a letter. Brother is doing homework. Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen. Hes writing an e-mail in the study. What is it doing? Its eating bananas. What is she doing? Shes jumpin

50、g. What are they doing? Theyre swimming. Theyre climbing trees. Are you eating lunch? No, we arent. Are they eating the honey? Yes, they are. Is he playing chess? Yes, he is. Is she counting insects? No, she isnt. 六年級(jí)上冊(cè) on foot by bike by bus by train by plane by ship by subway go to school traffic lights traffic rules stop wait go get to library post office hospital cinema bookstore turn right t


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