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1、1劍橋少兒英語(yǔ)預(yù)備級(jí)知識(shí)點(diǎn)總結(jié)目錄劍橋少兒英語(yǔ)預(yù)備級(jí)下知識(shí)點(diǎn)匯總 . 2Unit 1 School is fun. . 2Unit 2 Classroom Olympics . 3Unit 3 You and I . 3Unit 4 They are my friends. . 3Unit 5 I like dogs. . 4Unit 6 Do you like oranges? . 5Unit 7 WhatsBobby doing? . 5Unit 8 Whatsin the pizza? . 6Unit 9 Dress for Children sDay . 6Unit 10 What a

2、re they doing? . 7Unit 11 Where are you going? . 7Unit 12 A song of opposites . 8Unit 13 The big man and the little people . 8Unit 14 Hello! This is my friend, Linda. . 9Unit 15 Hesgot three sticks. . 9Unit 16 Game time. 10劍橋少兒英語(yǔ)預(yù)備級(jí)上冊(cè)知識(shí)點(diǎn)總結(jié).10一、問(wèn)候用語(yǔ): .10二、 告別用語(yǔ): .211三、感謝: Thank you ! Thanks謝謝! .11四、書(shū)

3、中句型: .11五、單詞分類總結(jié): . 141. 顏色: . 142. 水果: . 143. 地點(diǎn): . 144. 衣物: . 145. 動(dòng)物: . 156. 交通工具: . 157. 文具: . 158. 食物: . 159. 物品: . 1510.表示方向和位置的詞: . 1611. 數(shù)詞: . 16劍橋少兒英語(yǔ)預(yù)備級(jí)下知識(shí)點(diǎn)匯總Unit 1 School is fun. 重點(diǎn)詞匯:【默寫(xiě)】包 bag,書(shū) book,鋼筆 pen【認(rèn)讀】鉛筆 pencil,文具盒 pencil-case,橡皮 eraser,尺 ruler,黑板 blackboard【復(fù)習(xí)】 操場(chǎng) playground, 游

4、泳池 swimming pool, 教室 classroom,花園 garden重點(diǎn)句型: 你能看見(jiàn)什么? What can you see?3我能看見(jiàn)一本大書(shū)。 I can see a big book. 這是我們的游泳池。 Thisis our swimming pool.School is fun,school is fun,Drawing,singing and we are NumberOne.School is fun,school is fun,Reading,writing and we are NumberOne.Dancing,running,jumping and swi

5、mming.Dancing,running,jumpingand swimming. We are Number One,We are Number One.Unit 2 Classroom Olympics 重點(diǎn)詞匯:【默寫(xiě)】一 one,二 two,三 three【認(rèn)讀】單腳跳 hop,跳 jump,碰 touch,接住 catch,數(shù) count,踢 kick,停 stop, bounce 拍【復(fù)習(xí)】 一 one, 二 two,三 three,四 four, 五 five, 六 six, 七 seven,八 eightDraw a picture,Bounce the ball.Hop t

6、o the blackboard.Touch the table and count the numbers.Run to the window.Unit 3 You and I 重點(diǎn)詞匯:【默寫(xiě)】我 I,你 you,他 he,【認(rèn)讀】她 she,它 it,我們 we,他們 they 重點(diǎn)句型:你和我 you and I 他和她 he and she我們和你們 we and you 它和他們 it and theyYou and I.You and I.You can draw and I can write.He and she.He and she.He can dance and she

7、 can read.We and you.We and you.We can skate and you can paint.It and they . It and they .It can talk and they can play.Unit 4 They are my friends.重點(diǎn)詞匯:【默寫(xiě)】我是 I am ,他是 he is,她是 she is【認(rèn)讀】他們是 they are,我們是 we are,尼克 Nick,帕特 Pat,湯姆 Tom,看電視 watch TV,來(lái) come,玩 play 重點(diǎn) 句型:4你好,我是尼克。 Hello, ImNick. 她是帕特。 She

8、sPat.她是我的朋友。 She is my friend. 他是湯姆。 HesTom.他是我的朋友。 He is my friend. 我們都是朋友。 We are all friends.他們都是朋友。 They are all friends.Welcome!Come and watch TV or you can play with toys. This isNick. Hesmy friend.This is May. Shesmy friend.This is Tom. Hesmy friend.This is Linda. Shesmy friendNick,May,Tom,Li

9、nda,they are all my friends.Unit 5 I like dogs. 重點(diǎn)詞匯:【默寫(xiě)】貓 cat,狗 dog,鴨 duck,【認(rèn)讀】兔 rabbit,鼠 mouse,鸚鵡 parrot,蜘蛛 spider 【復(fù)習(xí)】烏龜 turtle,蛇 snake重點(diǎn)句型:你喜歡什么動(dòng)物? What animal do you like? 我喜歡狗。 I like dogs.我喜歡貓。 I like cats.我喜歡鴨子。 I like ducks.我喜歡烏龜。 I like turtles.我喜歡兔子。 I like rabbits.Tell me please.What ani

10、mals do you like? I like dogs. I like dogs.I like parrots .I like parrots.I like rabbits. I like rabbits.I like cats. I like cats.Unit 6 Do you like oranges?重點(diǎn)詞匯:【默寫(xiě)】蘋(píng)果 apple,香蕉 banana,桔子 orange【認(rèn)讀】桃子 peach,梨 pear【復(fù)習(xí)】 菠蘿 pineapple,檸檬 lemon,芒果 mango 重點(diǎn)句 型:你喜歡桔子嗎? Do you like oranges?是的,我喜歡。 Yes, I do

11、.5你喜歡菠蘿嗎? Do you like pineapples?不,我不喜歡。 No, I dont.Unit 7 WhatsBobby doing?重點(diǎn)詞匯:【默寫(xiě)】臥室 bedroom,浴室 bathroom,【認(rèn)讀】客廳 living room ,廚房 kitchen ,餐廳 dining room , 洗wash,吃 eat,睡 sleep,玩 play,看 watch,做 do重點(diǎn)句型:波比正在做什么? WhatsBobby doing?他正在洗澡。 Hestaking a bath.現(xiàn)在幾點(diǎn)? What time is it?現(xiàn)在 8 點(diǎn)。 It 8spm.你可以看見(jiàn)一個(gè)浴室。

12、You can see a bathroom. 這是我的臥室。 Thisis my bedroom. This is Bobbyshouse.You can see a bathroom,aliving room,a kitchen, a diningroom and two bedrooms.This is my bedroom. bedroom ,bedroom. I sleep in the bedroom,bedroom.This is my bathroom. bathroom ,bathroom. I wash in thebathroom ,bathroom.This is ou

13、r dining-room. dining-room , dining-room. I eat in thedining-room , dining-room.This is our living-room. living-room , living-room. I play in the living-room , living-oom.Unit 8 Whatsin the pizza? 重點(diǎn)詞匯:【默寫(xiě)】 豆子 bean, 土豆 potato,番茄 tomato 【認(rèn)讀】 胡蘿卜 carrot,豌豆 pea,洋蔥 onion,香腸 sausage 重點(diǎn)句型:匹薩里有什么 ?Whatsi n

14、 the pizza? 我喜歡吃有一些洋蔥的匹薩。 Ilike to eat a pizza with some onions.Carrots are orange,Apples are green.Bananas are yellow.Peaches are pink.Tomatoes are red.Coconuts are brown. Grapes are purple andonions are white.6Unit 9 Dress for ChildrenDsay 重點(diǎn)詞匯:【默寫(xiě)】禮帽 hat,鴨舌帽 cap,襯衫 shirt【認(rèn)讀】眼鏡 glasses, T 恤衫 T-shi

15、rt,長(zhǎng)裙 dress,夾克衫 jacket,背心 vest,短裙 skirt,褲子 trousers,短褲 shorts,牛 仔褲 jeans,襪子 socks,鞋子 shoes,兒童節(jié) Children Day, 穿 wear,藍(lán)色 blue,粉色 pink 重點(diǎn)句型: 今天是兒童節(jié)。 It Cshildren Dsay.你喜歡穿什么? What do you like to wear? 我喜歡襯衫。 I like shirts.Idon ltike trousers. You can put on the blue dress.It beasutiful.我喜歡 T 恤衫但是我不喜歡襯衫

16、。I like T-shirts but I dontlike shirts.I like T-shirts but I donltike shirts.I like trousers but I donltike jeans.I like skirts but I donltike dresses.I like sun-glasses but I donltike hats.Ah-h,but I donltike hats.Unit 10 What are they doing? 重點(diǎn)詞匯:【默寫(xiě)】蜜蜂 bee,魚(yú) fish,兔子 rabbit【認(rèn)讀】母雞 hen,綿羊 sheep,山羊 g

17、oat,老虎 tiger【復(fù)習(xí)】貓 cat,狗 dog,鴨子 duck,大象 elephant,長(zhǎng)頸鹿 giraffe,馬 horse,蛇 snake,烏龜 turtle,熊貓 panda【短語(yǔ)】刷牙 brush teeth,讀書(shū) read books,洗澡 take a bath, 玩游戲 play a game, 吃早飯 have breakfast, 看電視 watch TV,講故事 tell a story,玩捉迷藏 play hide-and-seek, 爬樹(shù) climb the tree ,踢足球 play football( 該部分短語(yǔ)比較多也 比較難,小朋友可以根據(jù)老師的要求,

18、選擇認(rèn)讀。 ) 重點(diǎn)句型:這些奶牛正在做什么? What are the cows doing? 他們正在吃草。They are eating grass.What are the pets doing in the house?I donktnow.Letassk our friends.Thatasgood idea.Who can tell us, what are the cows doing ? 它是什么動(dòng)物 ? Whatanimal is it? 它是綿羊。 It assheep. 這是我的寵物。 This is my pet.7我把它養(yǎng)在房子里。 I keep it in the

19、 house.This is the duck I keep in the house. Keep in the house, keep in thehouse. This is the duck I keep in the house. And wash its face in themorning.Unit 11 Where are you going?重點(diǎn)詞匯:【默寫(xiě)】自行車 bike,小汽車 car,公共汽車 bus【認(rèn)讀】 飛機(jī) plane,火車 train, 輪船 ship, 小船 boat,吉 普車 jeep,步行 on foot 重點(diǎn)句型:你們將要去哪? Where are y

20、ou going?我們要去上海。 We are going to Shanghai.你呢? What about you?我們要去昆明。 We are going to Kunming. 你將怎么去上海? Howare you going to Shanghai? 我將騎車去那。 Imgoing there by bike.你將要去哪? Where are you going?我要去大連。 Imgoing to Dalian.你們將怎么去那? How are you going to there? 我要坐輪船去。 Imgoing there by ship.Unit 12 A song of

21、opposites重點(diǎn)詞匯:【默寫(xiě)】大的 big,小的 small/little【認(rèn)讀】長(zhǎng)的 long,短的 short;冷的 cold,熱的 hot;高的 tall,矮的 short;開(kāi)心的 happy,傷心的 sad;快的 quick,慢 的 slow ;年輕的young,年老的 old ;左 left,右 right ; 重點(diǎn)句型:這是大的,那是小的。 This is big and that is small. 這是長(zhǎng)的,那是短的。This is long and that is short. The dog is big and the cat is small.This ruler

22、 is long and that is short.This is cold and that is hot.This tree is short and that is tall.Unit 13 The big man and the little people重點(diǎn)詞匯:【默寫(xiě)】眼睛 eye,耳朵 ear,鼻子 nose8【認(rèn)讀】頭發(fā) hair,嘴巴 mouth,腳 foot-feet,腿 leg,胳 膊 arm,手 hand,頭 head,牙齒 tooth-teeth,重點(diǎn)句型:這是什么? Whatsthis?這是一只眼睛。 This is an eye.This is an arm.

23、This is an ear.那是什么? Whatsthat?那是一張嘴巴。 It asmouth. It thse body.This is a man with two big eyes.This is a man with two big ears.This is a man with one big nose.This is a man with one small mouth.Unit 14 Hello! This is my friend, Linda. 重點(diǎn)詞匯:【默寫(xiě)】我的 my,你的 your,他的 his,【認(rèn)讀】她的 her,我們的 our,你們的 your,他們的 th

24、eir 重點(diǎn)句型:這是我的朋友。 This is my friend.這是你的書(shū)。 This is your book.這是他的食物。This is his food. 這是我們的新老師。This is our newteacher. 那是他們的新老師。That is their new teacher. 那是她的狗。That is her dog.這是什么? Whatsthis?那是誰(shuí)? Whosthat?那是他們的新老師。 That is their new teacher. 他是我們的新老師。He is our new teacher.Hello!This is my friend,Li

25、nda,Thathersdog,Bobby.Linda.whatthat?sThis is his food. Hello!This is your book.Your name is on it.Thank you very much!His,her,my,his,her,my.His toy,her pet and my kite.His,her,my,his,her,my.His bread,her cake and my rice.Unit 15 Hesgot three sticks.9重點(diǎn)詞匯:【默寫(xiě)】四 four ,五 five ,六 six【認(rèn)讀】棕色 brown,黑色 bla

26、ck,家庭比賽 family contest【復(fù)習(xí)】 一 one,二 two, 三 three,四 four, 五 five, 六 six, 七 seven,八 eight,九 nine,十 ten,重點(diǎn)句型:他有兩根木棒。 Hesgot two sticks.有多少只貓? How many cats are there? 有兩只貓。 There are twocats.Come on!One little,two little,three little lndians,Four little,five little,six little lndians,seven little,eight

27、little,nine little Indians.Ten little Indian boys.Unit 16 Game time重點(diǎn)詞匯:【認(rèn)讀】 唱歌 singing, 跑步 running, 讀書(shū) reading, 跳舞 dancing,跳 jumping,踢足球 playing football,游泳 swimming ,釣魚(yú) fishing重點(diǎn)句型:你的名字是什么? Whatsyour name? 我的名字是林華。 My nameis Lin Hua.你喜歡做什么? What do you like doing? 我喜歡跑步 I like running.Two little b

28、lack birds Two little black birds, Sitting on a wall,One named Peter,one named paul.Fly away,Peter! Fly away,Paul!Come back,Peter! Come back ,Paul!劍橋少兒英語(yǔ)預(yù)備級(jí)上冊(cè)知識(shí)點(diǎn)總結(jié)、問(wèn)候用語(yǔ):1. Hello ! / Hi !你好 !2. Hey! 嗨?。ú惶?,用于比較熟悉的人之間)3. Good morning. 早上好 / 上午好。104. Good afternoon. 下午好。5. Good evening. 晚上好。6. Good ni

29、ght. 晚安。7.How are you ?你好嗎?(詢問(wèn)對(duì)方身體狀況)Imfine,thank you. 我很好,謝謝。And you ? 你呢? Imfine, too, thank you. 我也很好 ,謝謝。8. How do you do !( 結(jié)尾問(wèn)號(hào)也可以 ) 你好!回答 How do you do !(正式場(chǎng)合初次見(jiàn)面時(shí)使用)9. Nice/ Glad to meet you. 很高興認(rèn)識(shí)(見(jiàn)到)你?;卮?Nice to meetyou, too. 我也很高興認(rèn)識(shí)(見(jiàn)到)你。二、告別用語(yǔ):Bye-bye! / Goodbye! / Bye! / See you. 再見(jiàn)!三、感

30、謝: Thank you ! Thanks 謝謝!四、書(shū)中句型:1. What colour is it ? 它是什么顏色?It is.它是。2. What tshis ? 這是什么? / What is it ? 它是什么? Itsa / an . 它是一個(gè)。3.Say hello to (名字).和 說(shuō) Hello。4.An apple, please. 請(qǐng)給我一個(gè)蘋(píng)果。5.Some cake ?吃點(diǎn)蛋糕? No! No !不!不! / Yes, thank you. 好的,謝謝。6. Look! It as/an . 看!它是一個(gè)。7. Welcome! 歡迎! Have fun !玩得

31、開(kāi)心點(diǎn)! I will. 我會(huì) 的。8. Look at my . 看我的。9.lt the letter . 它是字母。 This is the letter . 這 是字母。10.Please read after me. 請(qǐng)跟我讀。11.l can see you. 我能看見(jiàn)你。12. Letsmake a / an (字母) . 讓我們站成一個(gè) (字母 )。1113. The queen is sitting at home, at the table and eating a pineapple.女王正坐在家里,在桌子旁吃著一個(gè)菠蘿。14. Where is the pen ? 鋼筆

32、在哪?15. Who wants to be the queen ? 誰(shuí)想成為(當(dāng))女王?16.Stand up. 起立。 Sit down. 坐下。 Come here. 過(guò)來(lái)。 Go back. 回去。Run to the . 跑向。 Hop to the . 單腿跳向。17 .Look ! What are they ? 看!它們是什么? They re . (名詞應(yīng)該用復(fù)數(shù)形式)它們是。18. What are they doing ? 它們?cè)诟墒裁矗?They remaking the letter . 它們正在做字母。19. Whatsbehind the clouds ? 什么在

33、云的后面?The is behind the clouds. 在云的后面。20. Colour it (顏色單詞 ). 把它涂成 (顏色)。21. Thatsgreat. 好極了。 / 棒極了。22. Let plsay a game. 讓我們做個(gè)游戲吧。 Please find . 請(qǐng)找到。23. Come here quickly. 快過(guò)來(lái)。24. This is the small letter (字母 ).這個(gè)是小寫(xiě)字母。This is the big letter (字母) . 這個(gè)是大寫(xiě)字母。25. This is (人名 ). 這位(個(gè))是。26. What ysur name

34、? 你叫什么名字?My name is ./I m-.我叫。27. What is red ? 什么是紅色的? The is red. 是紅色 的。 (可以替換成其他顏色提問(wèn))28.Please show me something red. 請(qǐng)給我看紅色的東西。 (可 以替換其他顏色提問(wèn))29.Which is a school ? 哪個(gè)是學(xué)校? This is a school. 這個(gè)是 學(xué)校。(可以將地點(diǎn)替換提問(wèn))30.Where thse bookshop ? 書(shū)店在哪? It hsere. 它在這。 (可以將12地點(diǎn)替換提問(wèn) )31. Park and school,these are

35、 the places I often go to.公園和學(xué) 校,這些是我經(jīng)常去的地方。32. Where are you going ?你要去哪兒? I nmoing to the (地點(diǎn)名詞)我要去。33. Let gostogether. 讓我們一起走 /去吧。 That gsreat. 好 極了。/ 棒極了。34. How many lions can you see ? 你能看見(jiàn)多少頭獅子?I can see two. 我能看見(jiàn)兩頭。 (可以將動(dòng)物替換提問(wèn) )35. How many pandas are there ? 有多少只熊貓?There are six. 有六只。(可以將動(dòng)

36、物名詞替換提問(wèn) )36. Give me a B / C / D / G / J / K / P / Q / T / U / V / W / Y / Z.給我一個(gè)。Give me an A / E / F / H / I / L / M / N / O / R / S / X. 給我一 個(gè)。注意:哪些字母前面用 a ,哪些字母前面用 an 。 Give me anotherE . 再給我一個(gè) E。37. What have you got ? = What do you have ? 你有什么?I have got a / an . I have a / an . 我有一個(gè)。38. What

37、has she / he got ? 她/他有什么? She/He has got a / an .她 / 他有一個(gè)。39. What does (人名) want for a new year present ? (人 名)想要什么作為一份新年禮物?13 (人名)/ He / She wants a / an. (人名)想要一個(gè)。(物品名稱)1140.What do you like to do on New YearDsay ? 新年你喜歡做什 么?I like to go bike-riding. 我喜歡去騎自行車。 其他可以替換的短語(yǔ):go swimming 去游泳 go1. 顏色:b

38、lack 黑色 white 白色 pink 粉色 red 紅色 green 綠色 blue 藍(lán)色yellow 黃色 orange 橙色 purple 紫色 indigo 藍(lán)紫色 brown 棕色 /咖啡色 grey 灰色2. 水果:apple 蘋(píng)果 orange 桔子 /橙子pear 梨 pineapple 菠蘿 banana 香蕉 watermelon 西瓜 lemon 檸檬 mango 芒果 peach 桃子3. 地點(diǎn):classroom 教室 school 學(xué)校 playground 操場(chǎng) kindergarten 幼兒園 sea大海 beach 海灘 swimming pool 游泳池 zoo 動(dòng)物園 garden 花園 shop商店 bookshop 書(shū)店 street 街道 farm 農(nóng)場(chǎng) supermarket超市 bank 銀行 park 公園 post office 郵局 bus station 公共汽車站 busstop 公共汽車站點(diǎn) hospital 醫(yī) 院 market 市場(chǎng)4. 衣物: jacket 夾克衫 shoes 鞋 vest 背心,馬夾


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  • 5. 人人文庫(kù)網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲(chǔ)空間,僅對(duì)用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護(hù)處理,對(duì)用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對(duì)任何下載內(nèi)容負(fù)責(zé)。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請(qǐng)與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時(shí)也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對(duì)自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。



