譯林牛津版九年級英語上Unit4 Growing up reading (1)The shortest player in the NBA導(dǎo)學(xué)設(shè)計(無答案)_第1頁
譯林牛津版九年級英語上Unit4 Growing up reading (1)The shortest player in the NBA導(dǎo)學(xué)設(shè)計(無答案)_第2頁
譯林牛津版九年級英語上Unit4 Growing up reading (1)The shortest player in the NBA導(dǎo)學(xué)設(shè)計(無答案)_第3頁




1、9上 Unit4 Growing up 導(dǎo)學(xué)設(shè)計Reading(1)The shortest player in the NBA【學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)】1. 了解斯巴德韋伯的經(jīng)歷以及全美職業(yè)籃球聯(lián)賽。2. 學(xué)會在閱讀中分享自己的感受和想法。3. 通過學(xué)習(xí)本課,能積極面對挫折,形成永不放棄的意識?!颈尘爸R】關(guān)于NBA: NBA全稱the National Basketball Association. 該協(xié)會組織的賽事代表了世界籃球的最高水平。一些世界籃球巨星如邁克爾喬丹,姚明,科比布萊恩特,勒布朗詹姆士等先后成為NBA球員。該協(xié)會目前一共有30支球隊,分屬兩個聯(lián)盟:東部聯(lián)盟和西部聯(lián)盟。主要賽事有兩種:常

2、規(guī)賽和季后賽。關(guān)于斯巴德韋伯:身高僅1.7米,被昵稱為“土豆。1986年,韋伯在全明星灌籃大賽中戰(zhàn)勝所有對手,成為NBA歷史上最矮的灌籃王。韋伯原地彈跳高度1.3米左右,助跑彈跳是1.5米左右。韋伯從不因奪得灌籃大賽冠軍而到處自吹自擂。反而更加認(rèn)真地打球,受到了許多球迷的稱贊?!菊故窘涣鳌縎tep 1 Lead-in1. Watch a short video about an NBA match, introducing the background information about NBA and Spud Webb.2. Predict what information may be

3、included in the article according to the title.Step2 Reading comprehension1. First readingRead the article quickly and get the main idea about the article.e.g. Who is this article about? What was he? What was his dream? What did he prove?2. Second readingThere is some important information on Spuds

4、basketball career. Read the article again and find out in which paragraph can you find it?Para.1 Spud became an NBA player in 1985Para.2 Spud was named Player of the YearPara.3 Spud got a scholarship from a universityPara.4 Spud scored 20 points in his first gamePara.5 small Spud had a big dream3. T

5、hird readingRead Para.2-5 more carefully to find out information about the difficulties Spud met at different stages/periods and how he dealt with them.Different stages/periods: in junior high_after graduating(1) Read Para.2 (in junior high) and answer questions:What difficulty did Spud meet when he

6、 tried out for the school team and how did he face it?Thinking: If you were Spud, how would you feel at that moment and what would you do?You answer: I would feel _ and I would _.(2) Read Para.3 (in senior high) and complete the flow chart.In senior highhad to _ even hardergot the coach to _ of the

7、teamwas named _.Thinking: If you were the coach, would you choose Spud to play in the match? Why or why not? (work in pairs)You answer: I would choose him to play, because_. I would not choose him to play, because_.(3) Read Para.4 ( at a junior college and university) and answer some questions:A. Di

8、d Spud get into university successfully?B. What did he decide to do after he was refused by university?C. What brought him to the attention of university?Thinking: What do you think of his choice to play at a junior college?Your answer: I think he was _, because _.(4) Read Para. 5 (after university)

9、 and complete the passage below:At first, the NBA was not interested in Spud Webb because all its players were _ than him. He was forced to play in _ for about a year. In 1985, Spud joined _. In 1986, he won _. It was his _.Thinking: Which stage was the most important to his success and why? (work i

10、n groups)Your answer: I think the time in/at _ is the most important, because_.Step 3 Enjoying readingRead after the flash with correct pronunciation(語音), intonation(語調(diào)) and emotion(感情).Step 4 Summary Summarize what you have learnt today and complete the mind map.The shortest player in the NBAStep 5 Extension Playing a game called Stay to the End. Rules(規(guī)則): A boy and a girl stand in the front to answer questions. If it is a boy, others boys ask him questions. And if it is a girl, other girls ask questions. The person who answers more questions correctly is the winne


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