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1、九年級作文范文Unit 1 Stay healthy近20年來各方面調(diào)查表明青少年體質(zhì)的下降令人擔憂。請你以Howto keep healthy為題,寫一篇6080詞的短文,說說你的看法和建議。要求:主要包括以下內(nèi)容,可以適當發(fā)揮。開頭已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。1. 體質(zhì)卜降的原因;如:eat too much junk food , have too much homework,2. 合理的健康建議。如:someuseful advice, should do more exercise, eat a balanced diet(飲食平衡),enough sleepHow to keep hea

2、lthyNowadays students physical fitness is體質(zhì)下降)year by year.declining( I think there are some reasons.One possible version:Nowadays students physical fitness is declining(體質(zhì)下降)year byyear. I think there are some reasons.Students have too muchhomework to do,so they have little time to have sports. Som

3、e students eat too much junk food. That s also too bad fortheir health.Then,how to keep healthy? Here is some useful advice.First,students should do more exercise. Second, students should eat a balanced diet.They should eat more vegetables and fruits,a nd try to eat less junk food. Finally, enough s

4、leep is also very important.Unit 2 Great people每個人都有自己心目中的英雄,那么誰是你心目中的英雄呢?請你根據(jù)以下 提示寫一篇短文來描述一下他吧!提?。?When and where was he born?What is he famous for?(3)Do you want to be a person like him? Why?要求:短文須包括所有提示內(nèi)容,可適當發(fā)揮;80詞左右。One possible version:Yao Ming is my hero. He is famous for playing basketball an

5、d being a model of protecting wild animals. Yao was born in Shanghai in 1980. He was given his first basketball on his fourth biithday, and he began to play basketball at the age of nine. His parents and wife are all basketball players.I think Yao is a successful man. He has his own business and a h

6、appy family. I also like playing basketball, and I will try my best to bee a famous sports star, too.Unit 3 Safety校園安全(schoolyard safety )很重要。構(gòu)建平安校園,保護學生安全越來越為 社會所關(guān)注。請根據(jù)下面的要求,用英語寫一篇80詞左右短文,談?wù)勛鳛橐幻?學生,怎樣做才能保證自己在校期間的安全,文中不得出現(xiàn)真實的人名和校名。要求:1.按時上卜課,不遲到早退(go to class on time )。2. 不在樓道里追逐打鬧,不打架斗毆(chase each

7、 other in the hallway )。3. 不喝酒,不吃腐爛變質(zhì)的食物(don? t drink, food that goes bad) o One possible version:As we know, nowadays schoolyard safety is one of the most important problems. In order to keep us safe, here are some of my opinions. First of all, we are supposed to get to class on time. It s impolite

8、 to arrive late. Next, we shouldn t chase each other in the hallway to stop something dangerous happening. Then, we aren t allowed to fight with any otherstudent. Its a bad behavior. Besides, its not safe for us to drinkor eat the food that goes bad.In a word, we should learn to take good care of ou

9、rselves and tryto stay away from danger.One possible version:青少年的安全至關(guān)重要,請根據(jù)下面的要求寫一篇80字左右的作文,文中不得出現(xiàn)真實姓名和校名。要求:1.在網(wǎng)上交友需要謹慎。(make firiends on line )2, 遇到危險的時候應(yīng)該及時報警。(call the police for help)3, 應(yīng)該遵守交通規(guī)則。(obey traffic rules )How to keep safe?As teenagers, we should always keep safety in mind. But how ca

10、n we keep safe? Here are some of my suggestions. First, we should be careful when we make friends, especially on line. Second, if we are in danger, we must call the police for help in time so that we can keep ourselvessafe. Also, we must obey the traffic rules when we go out. Don t crossthe street w

11、hen the traffic lights are red. Keep to the right in the street. Last but not least, summer is ing, and we must remember it is dangerous to swim in the river.In short, it is important to remember that safety must e first!Unit 4 Stories and poems 假如你是詩人Tom,請根據(jù)來信的內(nèi)容,給 Lucy寫一封回信。 Dear Tom,I m a fan of

12、yours and I m interested in writing poems. But I cant write very we 11. Can you help me?Look forward to hearing from you soon!Yours, LucyDear Lucy,I m glad to know that you are interested in poems. There are some ways for us to write poems we 11.First, you must get some knowledge about poems. If so,

13、 you will have more chances to write poems we 11. Second, read more and write more. The more you write, the more writing skills you will get. Third, you must have your own way to express your feelings. All in all, if you want to be a good poet, you must be creative.I hope these can help you.Yours,To

14、mUnit 5 Look into Science假如你是林飛,6月18日你校舉行了 “科技節(jié)”展示活動,請你根據(jù)以下要點用英語給你的筆友BiU寫一封郵件,介紹本次活動的情況?;顒幽康模禾岣邔嵺`技能,培養(yǎng)團隊精神活動準備:學生結(jié)成小組、選擇活動項目、進行實驗研究展示內(nèi)容:1、從局處扔雞蛋,雞蛋完好無損2、紙做的橋上能站人活動感受:談?wù)勛约夯顒雍蟮母惺躉ne possible version:Dear BiU,In your last e-mail, you asked meabout the Science and Technology Festival in our school I m g

15、lad to tell you something about it.This activity is aimed at improving students practice skill, anddeveloping team spirit. Students make preparations for the festiva 1. We form groups, choose programs and then begin research and experiments.Finally it is the time to show the amazing science and tech

16、nologye xpe rime nt resu Its .For instance, thrown from high points,eggs are stillunbroken and plete. Bridge, madeof paper can bear people standing on it.From this activity, I realized the importance of teamwork and was amazed by the charm of science and technology. I found my interest in science.I

17、m looking forward to learning about your school life.Yours,Lin FeiUnit 6 Movies and Theatre以My favourite movie為題寫一篇短文。要求寫出電影的梗概及自己喜歡電 影的原因,此書控制在80100。One possible version:My favourite movieMy favourite movie is Love Me Once More, Mom. It is a moving storyabout a mother and her son. The son was lost

18、one day and the mother wasso worried that she looked for him everywhere, but she couldn t find him.She was very sad and almost went mad. In the end, the son found his mother.But they don t know each other.I cried when I saw the movie. All people say it is so moving. The mother is kind and the son is

19、 very lovely. I like the little boy. He makes me strong. I like it very much. It is my favourite movie.Unit 7 Work for Peace英語課堂上,老師要求學生就“與人相處”的話題展開小組討論。請根據(jù)以下你 所在小組的討論結(jié)果,以“ How to get on well with others ”為題,寫一篇英 語短文。Suggestions.learn to share.municate with each other.respect(尊重)others .My suggestio

20、n One possible version:How to get on well with othersAs we know, students should learn how to get on well with others. But in what ways? First of all, we should respect others. Everybody has theii- own ways to do things, so we should understand each other. Besides, it is important for us to municate

21、 with each other and share our happiness and sadness. What is more, we should be kind to others and offer necessary help to those who are in trouble.Unit 8 Culture Shapes Us越來越多的中國家長喜歡把孩子送到國外去學習,讓他們接受異國教育。請你就此事談一談自己的看法。參考詞7匚: on the one hand, a foreign language, activities, on the other hand, proble

22、ms, lonely, think twice要求:1.意義連貫、通順。2.80詞左右One possible version:Nowadays, more and more Chinese parents like to send theii, children abroad. They hope their children can receive foreign education.On the one hand, I think studying abroad can help theii- children learn a foreign language quickly. They

23、 can municate with others in English.Studying abroad can also open up theii- eyes. At the same time, they can take more activities. On the other hand, I think studying alone in foreign countries may be a big challenge for the children. They may meet many problems and some of them may feel lonely.So

24、parents should think twice before they send their children abroad.Unit 9 munication人際交往是學習和生活中的重要組成部分, 擁有良好的人際關(guān)系有助于我們 更好的完成工作,關(guān)于如何與他人交往,你的觀點是什么?你有哪些好的建議? 寫下來與大家分享一下吧!要求:1 .語句通順,語法正確,表達清晰。2. 詞數(shù)100左右。One possible version:munication is a very mon and necessary activity in our daily life, especially when we need to work in a group. People who know how to municate with others are more satis fied with their study. He re is some advice on interpersonal munication.First, do your best to make people feel fortable talking with you.You may choose a topic you re both int


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