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1、WORD格式.一、單項選擇( 15 分)()1.-How do you study _a test?-I study _reading the textbook.A.for;forB.for;byC.by;forD .by ; by()2. I dont know _.Can you tell me_?A. how swim; what to doB. howto swim ; whatto do itC. how to swim; what to doD. what to swim;how to do()3. Liu Xiang is one of _ runners in the worl

2、d.A. famousB. more famousC. themost famous()4. My brother spends too much time _computer games.A.toplayB.playC.playsD.playing()5. IfI _ ten milliondollars,I _travelaround the world.A.have;willB.had;willC.had;willD .had; would()6.The young trees should _well as often as possible專業(yè)資料整理.A.be waterB. wa

3、teredC. wateringD.be watered()7.He pretended _me when he walked by.A.notseeB.nottoseeC.dontseeD. to not see()8._that river _very clean?A. Did ;use toB. Did ;use to beC. Does ;used toD.Does ;use to be()9.You_to school so early. It opens at 7.A. neednt comeB. dont need comeC. neednt comingD. neednt to

4、 come()10.-How many people will come to Beijing next year?-Its hard to say. _people , I think.A. Million ofB. Millions ofC. Three millionsD.Three millions of()11.-Whose guitar is this?-Susan plays the guitar. It must _.A. belong to herB. belong herC. belong to hersD.belong hers()12.Do you like music

5、 _makes you excited?A. thatB. whatC. whoD. it.()13.We prefer _at the party rather than_.A. to sing;danceB. to sing;dancingC. sing;to danceD.sing ;dance()14.-Where would you like to visit?- Id like to visit_A. warm somewhereB. warm anywhereC. somewhere warmD. anywhere warm()15.I like places _its not

6、cold in winter.A. thoseB. whichC. whereD.this二、完形填空 (15 分)Jack went to a barbers shop and had his hair cut. But whenhe_1 out ,he was not happy_2_ the result When his friend Bobsaw him,he laughed and said ?!癢hat has happened to your hair 。 Jack?Jack said “ I trieda new barber s shop today , _3_1 wasn

7、t quitesatisfied with my old one,but this one seems_4_ worse ”Bob agreed ,“ Yes,I think you re right,Jack Now Ill tell you _5to do when you go into a barber s shop nexttime :look at allthe barbers hair ,findout whose hair1ooks6_,and then go straight to him.”.“ _7_ shall I go to him? ” Jack asked But

8、 that would be foolish! ”“ Oh,no,it wouldnt ,” answered Bob“ Whocut that mans hair?Just think it. He couldnt cut it8_ , could he?9barbercut it So you know he10be the worstbarber ”1AbroughtB cameC1ookedDwatched2AwithB onCintoDalong3A. soBwhenC andDbecause4AveryB tooC evenDquite5AwhyB howCwhenD what6A

9、. worstBbestCshortestD longest7A. HowB WhatCWhyDWhen8AherselfBhimselfCyourselfD myself9A. OtherB. OthersCAnotherDThe other10. A mustntB cantC mustD can三、閱讀理解 (20 分)A.We asked thirty children between 14 and 1 8 A11 the children hadcomputers at home The usual time spent on computer in a week was about

10、 1 2 hours, with the highestuser about 3 2 hoursand the lowest user only 5 hoursA11 the children said they usually used computers to play gamesFourteen children told us thev did some word processing(文字處理 )attimes Only two of them said computers helped them with their lessonsand eightchildrentoldus t

11、hey kept addresses and phone numbers on theircomputers or used them as diariesOnly three children said they werelearning to make computer programs and nobody looked up databases(數(shù)據(jù)厙 ) The diagram givesallthe resultsone by oneThe resultsshow thatcomputer use is quite high among 14 to 18-yearold child

12、renThey alsoshow quite clearly that computers are looked on by most young people aslittle more than gamemachinesIt meansthat ,though computers are common in the homes of young people , they have not yet become popular in everyday 1ife () 1 In the diagram,what does the letter d show?AIt shows three p

13、eople between 14 and 18B It shows only two of the thirty childrenC It shows that only two of them use computers to help them withtheir lessonsDIt shows that only three of them use computers to help them make computer programs ()2.Most of the 3 0 childrenspent abouthours on computersin a week A5B1 2C

14、20D32()3.There iS one mistake in the diagram What is it?AThe number of“e should be lowerBThe number of d should be higher.CThenumber of“a” is too highDThere should be no number about“f ()4.In the last paragraph“l(fā)ittle more than” meansAalmost the sameasB far more thanC differentfromD muchmore than()5

15、.The writer thinksAchildren must learn to play a11 kinds of gamesBmore other uses of computers should be learnedCyoung people should spend more time on computersD computers will become much cheaperBMy grandfatheris an eighty-year-oldman. He changed, and he oftensays that life used to be better.Famil

16、ies aren t families the way they used to be A lot offamilies have broke down If husband and wife have problems with their marriage, they no longer stay together And mothers used to stay at homeand take care of theirchildren,but now everyone s working No one hastime to look after children at homeAnd

17、the cars!No one walks any more: everyone drives Weused to walkfive miles to school every day, even in winterBut now they don t And in schoo1 the childrendont have to thinkany more In math class ,forexample, we used to add,subtract,multiplyand dividein our headsKids don t use their heads any more; in

18、stead , they use calculators(計算器).Most familieshave computersnow Inthepastwe didn thavecomputers We didnt even have lightsMy mother used to spend all daycooking in the kitchen But now nobody eats home cooked food any more And people don t talk to each other any moreThey are too busy totalk ,too busy

19、 to eat,too, busy to thinkLife used to be simple, but it isn t any more ()6 My grandfather thinks the 1ifeA is better than it used to beB is worse than it used tobeCis as good as it used to beD is as bad as it used tobe()7 What does the underlinedword “ marriage ” meanin Chinese?A 生活B 工作C婚姻D家庭()8 Wh

20、at changes have happened to some families?There are lights at homePeople like to eat homecooked food Lots of families have computersLots of couples live apart because of some prob1emsAB CD()9 Which is TRUE according to the passage?APeople have too much time to talk with each other.BLife now is very

21、simpleCManyfamilies have broken down because of problems between husbands and wives D. Mothers stay at home and look after their children()10. Which is the best title for this passage?AHow life used to beB The better lifeCThe changes in our lifeD. Hard-working students四、任務型閱讀( 10 分)閱讀短文,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容,完成下列任務

22、。Do Yao Ming, Liu Xiang and JustineHenin have anythingin commonwithpeople like us? You probably answer“NO!”It seemsthat top athletes live in a world that is completely different from ours. However, if we could see into their minds, it would be clear that they are actually just like us.Just how an at

23、hlete becomes a success meansfor us all.To achieve their goals, sportspeople not only have to prepare physically, but mentally( 內(nèi)心地 ). They have to get to know themselves, manage stress and develop their powers of concentration. So they can put all their effort into their events.Wemaynot be sportsst

24、arsourselves,but we have to face sameproblems.Weset goals forourselvesand thinkabout personaldevelopment.Wehaveto manageour fearsbefore big exams. Weworry about our friendshipswithboth classmatesteachers.Like sportspeople, we try to be mentally strong and give our best.Only few of us will be competi

25、ng in the Olympic Games. But, all thesame, there is much we share with sports heroes. Just like athletes, how we feel influences our decisions, behavior and achievements.Top athletes show us that success isnt simply down to chance. Wecan control the direction of our lifes journey.任務一:請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,分別寫出、處所

26、缺單詞。(每空限填一詞)1. _任務二:請把上文中畫線的句子翻譯成漢語。2. _任務三:請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答下列問題。3. What does Justine Henin do?She_4.The writer has a positive attitude towards top athletessuccess, doesn t he?_5. What can we learn from the reading above?_五、詞匯( 25 分)(一)、單詞拼寫( 10 分)1.Ifyou want to s_in passing the exam, you have to workhard

27、.2.He lookedsadatthatmoment. Ir_therewassomething wrong with him.3.The doctor toldmethatitwas h _to eat vegetables.4.I find it hard to d _with family problems.5.You won t pass the exam u _you work hard.(二)、綜合填空( 15 分)選擇單詞,用其適當?shù)男问教羁眨苟涛囊馑颊_、通順。(每詞限用一次)with;on;tell;be;part;their;three;remember;whole;m

28、agazinesThe “book-reading campaign” will start this year. This campaign(1)_ to improve the culturaland ethical(道德 ) qualityof the(2)_ country.The campaign about reading books across the country will also (3)_ people to read some good books by using radio,television,(4) _, newspapers, the Internet an

29、d so on.The campaign has (5) _ parts with different themes. Thefirst part started during the Spring Festival in February, a time whenmanypeople returnedto (6) _ hometowns. The campaign advisespeople to take a good book (7) _ them to read in their freetime.The second (8) _ startedsometime after“World

30、 ReadingDay” (9) _ April 23 and before August. This part will tellpeople something about science and technology.The thirdpartisto (10)_ the 30 years of China s opening up.1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._10._六、書面表達 (15 分)你喜歡旅游嗎?我們的祖國地大物博 ,有著很多讓人流連忘返的美麗景觀。你去過的那些地方中,你最喜歡哪里?.請你用英語寫一篇短文 ,介紹一處給你留下深刻印象的自然景觀或旅游圣地。題目自擬,短文不得少于80 個單詞。_九年級英語期中試題參考答案:一、單選 BCCDD DBBAB AAACC二、完形填空 1-5 BADCD6-10ACBCB三、閱讀理解1-5 DBDAB6-10 BCDCC51. 任務型閱讀1. lessons/examples/models/ and/ 2. 看起來似乎優(yōu)秀運動員與我們處于 (生活在)一個完全不同的世界。3. (She) is an athlete./ a sportsperson./ a s


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