山東省高青縣第三中學(xué)七年級英語上冊 Unit 1 I’m watching TV Section A1課件 魯教版_第1頁
山東省高青縣第三中學(xué)七年級英語上冊 Unit 1 I’m watching TV Section A1課件 魯教版_第2頁
山東省高青縣第三中學(xué)七年級英語上冊 Unit 1 I’m watching TV Section A1課件 魯教版_第3頁
山東省高青縣第三中學(xué)七年級英語上冊 Unit 1 I’m watching TV Section A1課件 魯教版_第4頁
山東省高青縣第三中學(xué)七年級英語上冊 Unit 1 I’m watching TV Section A1課件 魯教版_第5頁
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1、Unit 1Im watching TV.Section APeriod OneTo learn use the present progressive tense To learn to talk about what people are doingReviewWords and expressionsRead the words and Read the words and expressions loudly.expressions loudly.cleanreadhappyonsurewaitv. 打掃打掃; 清除清除v. 讀讀; 閱讀閱讀adj.快樂的;幸福的快樂的;幸福的prep

2、. 通過通過; 以以的方式的方式adv. 當(dāng)然當(dāng)然; 的確的確v. 等待等待; 等候等候Words and expressionsWhats he/she doing?Whats he doing? Hes watching TV.watchingwatch TVWhats he doing? Hes_.readingreadingreadsmilesmilingWhats she doing? She is _.smilingWhat_ she_? She_.s cleaningsdoingcleancleaningdancedancingWhat_ he_? He_.s dancingsd

3、oingWhat are they doing? They_.talk on the phonere talking on the phonetalkingWhat_ they_? They_.runningrunre runningaredoingskateskatingWhat_ the girl_? She_.sdoings skatingwatch TVwatching TVdo homeworkdoing homeworkreadreadingeat dinnereating dinner What are you doing?Im watching TV. What are you

4、 doing?Im doing myhomework. What are you doing?Im reading. What is he doing?Hes talking onthe phone.Hes cleaning. What is he doing? What is shedoing?Shes eating dinner.現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時態(tài)現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時態(tài)1. 定義:定義:表示現(xiàn)在正在進(jìn)行的動作。表示現(xiàn)在正在進(jìn)行的動作。2. 構(gòu)成:構(gòu)成:be + 動詞的現(xiàn)在分詞動詞的現(xiàn)在分詞。 be 隨著人稱、數(shù)的變化而變化。隨著人稱、數(shù)的變化而變化。(am is are)現(xiàn)在分詞的構(gòu)成規(guī)則如下現(xiàn)在分詞的構(gòu)

5、成規(guī)則如下: 1) 一般動詞后一般動詞后直接加直接加-ing. 如:如: reading, watching, seeing2) 以不以不發(fā)音的發(fā)音的e結(jié)尾的詞去掉結(jié)尾的詞去掉e再加再加-ing. 如如: makemaking writewriting 3) 以重讀、閉音、單輔音字母結(jié)尾的以重讀、閉音、單輔音字母結(jié)尾的 詞,詞,雙寫這個輔音字母雙寫這個輔音字母,再加,再加-ing.如如: get-getting, swim-swimming put-putting, run-runningdrawing drinking speakingeating thinking readingtalki

6、ng cleaning watching TVdoing homeworkrun-runningwrite-writing skate-skatingdance-dancing smile-smilingRead these words. _doing homework2. _ watching TV3. _ cleaning4. _ eating dinner5. _ reading6. _ talking on the phoneMatch the words with the activities. (1a)abcfeda. Jenny _b. Dave and Mary _c. Joh

7、n _412Listen. What are these people doing? Write numbers from 1a. (1b)Pair workPractice the conversation. Then ask and answer questions about the pictures.A: Whats he/she doing?B: Hes/Shes reading.1. What is Steve doing? _2. Does Steve want to go to the movies? _Listen to the conversation and answer

8、 these questions. (2a) He is watching TV.Yes, he does.Put these questions and answers in order to make a conversation. (2b)_ Do you want to go to the movies?_ Im watching TV._ What are you doing?_ That sounds good. This TV show is boring.3214Lets guess what are they doing?Is Nancy doing homework?No,

9、 she isnt. Shes writing a letter.Lets guess what are they doing?Is Mary doing homework?No, she isnt. Shes playing with a bird.Lets guess what are they doing?Is Tom doing homework?No, he isnt. Hes drawing.Lets guess what are they doing?Is Bill doing homework?No, he isnt. Hes eating dinner.A: Is Nancy

10、 doing homework?B: No, she is not. She is writing a letter.Pair workTalk about the pictures with your partner.Oral practice 1Look at the pictures. Answer these questions.What is the boy doing? He is playing basketball. What is the boy doing? He is swimming. She is painting.Whats the girl doing?A: Wh

11、at are they doing?B: They are .Practice in pairs. Tom Jim JohnMr WangBill Steve Li LeiA: Whats he /she doing?B: He /Shes .boating watching TVshopping fishing reading eg. - Is she/he boating? - Yes, she is. / No, he isnt.Oral practice 2A: Is Tom reading a book?B: No, he isnt. Hes doing his homework.

12、TomMr GreenMr SmithGuessing game【例句例句】1. The room is big and clean.2. We must clean our classroom every day. 作形容詞,意為作形容詞,意為“干凈的、清潔的干凈的、清潔的”,其反義詞為其反義詞為dirty。 作動詞,意為作動詞,意為“打掃、清理打掃、清理”。如:如:clean the room 打掃房間打掃房間【拓展拓展】派生詞:派生詞:cleaner n. 清潔工、清潔器清潔工、清潔器cleaning n. 打掃、清掃打掃、清掃如:如:do some cleaning 打掃打掃詞語鏈接詞

13、語鏈接【例句例句】1. Jim is reading an interesting storybook.2. My father often reads newspapers aftersupper.作動詞,意為作動詞,意為“讀、閱讀讀、閱讀”,后可直接跟,后可直接跟賓語。漢語中表示賓語。漢語中表示“看報、看書、看信看報、看書、看信”等,英語中要用動詞等,英語中要用動詞read表示。表示?!就卣雇卣埂坑⒄Z中表示英語中表示“看看”的習(xí)慣用法:的習(xí)慣用法:watch TV 看電視看電視 see a movie 看電影看電影see / visit a friend 看朋友看朋友 read a boo

14、k / newspaper / magazine 看書看書 / 報紙報紙 / 雜志雜志- What are you doing?- Im watching TV.- Whats he doing?- Hes doing his homework.- Whats she doing?- Shes reading.用所給動詞的現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時形式填空。用所給動詞的現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時形式填空。1. Its 7:20. Jane and her father _ _ (walk) in the park.2. Look! The girl _ _(play) the piano.3. _ Ben _(write)

15、a letter now?4. The man _ _(buy) some vegetables in the store.5. My parents _ _(have) breakfast now.areis playingIs writingis buyingare havingwalking用用look, watch, see, read的適當(dāng)形式填空。的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. Please _ the book. Its interesting.2. Is he _ TV now? Yes, he is.3. Let me _. Oh, its a beautiful picture.4.

16、 _ at the blackboard (黑板黑板). What can you _?5. Dont _ the newspaper when you walk.Look seereadwatchingseereadTranslate and write them down.1. - 她正在干什么?她正在干什么? - 她正在看電視。她正在看電視。2. Nancy 正在做她的作業(yè)嗎?正在做她的作業(yè)嗎? - 不,她沒有。她正在寫信。不,她沒有。她正在寫信。- What is she doing?- Shes watching TV.- Is Nancy doing her homework?- No, she isnt. Sh


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