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1、How are you?Im feeling very good!(*_*) one 認(rèn)識詞性認(rèn)識詞性two 認(rèn)識句子認(rèn)識句子tasks 學(xué)好英語的必備秘訣:正確區(qū)分詞性。學(xué)好英語的必備秘訣:正確區(qū)分詞性。 你知道幾種詞你知道幾種詞ne? ne? 告訴大家你是怎么記憶的告訴大家你是怎么記憶的名詞、動詞、副詞、介詞、形容詞、代詞、不定代詞、情態(tài)動詞、非謂語動詞。O(_)ONo.1 n -名詞名詞what,是什么是什么表示人、事物、地點或抽象概念的表示人、事物、地點或抽象概念的名稱名稱的詞的詞 地名、人名、國家、花草、數(shù)目。地名、人名、國家、花草、數(shù)目。 mother,Juke,method,Ma

2、th,informationdiploma,technology.-tion -ment -al -ure -ance -age n 個體名詞個體名詞:student 可數(shù)名詞可數(shù)名詞 c.n普通名詞普通名詞 集體名詞集體名詞:people 物質(zhì)名詞物質(zhì)名詞:water 不可數(shù)名詞不可數(shù)名詞 u.n專有名詞專有名詞:China 抽象名詞抽象名詞:sorrow,happiness 注注: 量化名詞做主語,謂語動詞單復(fù)數(shù)與量詞保持一致。量化名詞做主語,謂語動詞單復(fù)數(shù)與量詞保持一致。Eg.1.There is a pair of shoes.2. Five tons of coal were car

3、ried to that factory.No.2 V -動詞動詞表表動作動作 ,干干什么,什么,Do 跑跳笑寫說,彎腰,走路,睡,成長,喝。跑跳笑寫說,彎腰,走路,睡,成長,喝。look,be ,appear ,smell ,taste ,sound ,look , feel , stay , remain ,prove ,become , get , grow , come , go , turn. 及物動詞及物動詞(vt)(后面(后面必須必須跟賓語)跟賓語)eg:have dinner行為動詞行為動詞(實意動詞)實意動詞) 不及物動詞不及物動詞(vi)(后面不跟賓語)(后面不跟賓語)eg

4、:smile,fly動詞系動詞動詞系動詞 smell,taste,sound,look,feel,seem,stay.助動詞助動詞bedo,does,did,have,has,had,will,shall,would,should情態(tài)動詞情態(tài)動詞can/could,may/might,must,have to,ought to,need,dare. VNo.3 adj -形容詞形容詞“。的”,形容、描述一個東西是什么樣子的是什么樣子的,是怎樣的是怎樣的,表一種狀態(tài)eg: beautiful flowershappy,good,ill,poor, tall,great,glad, bad, be

5、autiful flower,funny man.高的、矮的、胖的、瘦的、緊急的、緩慢的、洶涌的。No.4 adv-副詞副詞“。地” 修飾、限定修飾、限定 動詞、形容詞、副詞或一個句子a動詞(大聲地笑)b形容詞(非常漂亮)c另一副詞(I love you very much),d整個句子的詞Luckily,I arrived at the station on time.a時間副詞:soon, then, today, afterwards, now.b地點副詞: here, therec方式副詞: beautifully, well.d程度副詞:very,quite, rathere. 程度

6、副詞:always, often, never.advNo.5 conj-連詞連詞連接單詞、短語、從句或句子的詞并列連詞從屬連詞and, but, or, for, as well as.引出名詞性從句和狀語從句:that, whether,when, because, since, if 表示地點位置at ,in, on, to,for 表示時間in , on,at表示運(yùn)動方向across, through表示其他意義 by, with, in 表示方法、手段、工具 about關(guān)于 except, besides 除了。No.6 prep-介詞介詞 句子種類兩種分類法句子種類兩種分類法1、按

7、句子的用途可分四種:、按句子的用途可分四種:1)陳述句(肯定、否定)陳述句(肯定、否定): He is six years old. She didnt hear of you before.2)疑問句(一般、特殊、選擇、反意):)疑問句(一般、特殊、選擇、反意): Do they like skating? How old is he? Is he six or seven years old? Mary can swim, cant she? 3)祈使句:)祈使句:Be careful, boys; Dont talk in class.4)感嘆句)感嘆句:How clever the b

8、oy is!2). 認(rèn)識句子認(rèn)識句子2、按句子的結(jié)構(gòu)可分三種:、按句子的結(jié)構(gòu)可分三種:簡單句、簡單句、 并列句和復(fù)合句。并列句和復(fù)合句。1)簡單句簡單句:只有一個主語(或并列主語):只有一個主語(或并列主語)和一個謂語(或并列謂語)。和一個謂語(或并列謂語)。e.g. He often reads English in the morning. Tom and Mike are American boys. She likes drawing and often draws pictures for the wall newspapers.2) 并列句并列句:由并列連詞(:由并列連詞(and,

9、 but, or等)等)或分號(或分號(;)把)把兩個或兩個兩個或兩個以上以上的的簡單句簡單句連在一起構(gòu)成。連在一起構(gòu)成。e.g. You help him and he helps you. The future is bright; the road is tortuous. 前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。3)復(fù)合句復(fù)合句:含有:含有一個或一個以上從句一個或一個以上從句的的句子。復(fù)合句包含:句子。復(fù)合句包含:名詞性從句名詞性從句(主語(主語從句、賓語從句、表語從句和同位語從從句、賓語從句、表語從句和同位語從句)、句)、定語從句定語從句和和狀語從句狀語從句等。等。e.g. The foreig

10、n visitors took a lot of pictures when they were at the Great Wall.簡單句的五種基本句型:簡單句的五種基本句型:(S+V)e.g. a. Spring is coming. b. This factory opened in 1989.(S+V+O)e.g. She has bought a new house.三、主語連系動詞表語三、主語連系動詞表語(S+V+P)e.g. a. She looked worried. b. Miss Zhao is one of the most popular teachers in the

11、 school.四、主語及物動詞間接賓語直接賓語四、主語及物動詞間接賓語直接賓語(S+V+IO+DO)e.g. My father bought me a lot of books.五、主語及物動詞賓語賓語補(bǔ)足語五、主語及物動詞賓語賓語補(bǔ)足語(S+V+O+C)e.g. a. They made him their monitor. b. We consider him very capable.句子成份練習(xí)句子成份練習(xí)1、You should study hard.2、The teacher got very angry.3、The boy told me his story.4、We ele

12、cted him our monitor.5、The sun keeps us warm.6、I told him to open the window.7、We watched the train leaving the station.狀語狀語表語表語間語間語+直賓直賓賓語賓語+賓補(bǔ)賓補(bǔ)賓語賓語+賓補(bǔ)賓補(bǔ)賓語賓語+賓補(bǔ)賓補(bǔ)賓語賓語+賓補(bǔ)賓補(bǔ)8. I think it difficult to finish the work this morning.9. There seems little hopes of success.10、To our joy, they arrived safe

13、.11、The fact is very clear that our team will win the game.12. After graduation he will work where he came from. 賓語賓語+賓補(bǔ)賓補(bǔ)主語主語狀語狀語同位語同位語狀語狀語Exercises把下列句子譯成英語,并指出各屬于哪種基本句型。把下列句子譯成英語,并指出各屬于哪種基本句型。 1. 這些花聞起來很香。這些花聞起來很香。 These flowers smell good. 2. 這里夏天經(jīng)常下雨。這里夏天經(jīng)常下雨。 It always rains here in summer. 3.

14、 李平逗得嬰兒笑起來了。李平逗得嬰兒笑起來了。 Li Ping made the baby begin to laugh.4. 剛才她給了我一些墨水。剛才她給了我一些墨水。 Just now she gave me some ink. 主及物動間賓直賓(主及物動間賓直賓(S+V+IO+DO)主連動表主連動表(S+V+P)主不及物動主不及物動 (S+V)主及物動賓賓補(bǔ)(主及物動賓賓補(bǔ)(S+V+O+C)1. Give me one more minute _ Ill be able to finish it. A. and B. or C. if D. so2. - Your uncle isnt

15、 an engineer, is he? - _.A. Yes, he isnt B. No, he isntC. No, he is D. He is3. _ joyful he was to meet his brother again! A. How B. What C. What a D. What an4. Let us pass, _? A. shant we B. shall we C. wont we D. will you5. I suppose he isnt serious, _ ?A. do I B. dont I C. is he D. isnt he6. You h

16、ad better not smoke here, _? A. will you B. had you C. shall you D. have you7. Train as hard as you can _ youll win the swimming competition. A. then B. but C. and D. or8. Im sorry to have to say this, _ you forgot to turn off the lights when you left the room last night. A. and B. but C. so D. beca

17、use9. John has not yet passed the driving test, and _.A. Henry hasnt too B. Henry also has not either C. neither Henry has D. neither has Henry10. There are many sports lovers in his office. Some love climbing, _ others enjoy swimming. A. or B. For C. while D. so11. - Do you feel like going out _ wo

18、uld you rather have dinner at home? - Id like to go out. A. or B. and C. but D. so補(bǔ)充:補(bǔ)充:there be句型:句型:A. there be 結(jié)構(gòu)中的結(jié)構(gòu)中的be 是可以運(yùn)用是可以運(yùn)用各種時態(tài)各種時態(tài)的。的。 1. 今晚有個會議。 There is going to be/will be a meeting tonight.2.有個女孩一直在等你。 There has been a girl waiting for you. 3.你來之前就有過很多起這樣的事故。 There had been many suc

19、h accidents before you came. B. There be 結(jié)構(gòu)變形。結(jié)構(gòu)變形。 1. There used/seem/ happen/appear to be1). 看來沒人愿意幫忙。 There appeared to be nobody willing to help.2). 過去這兒有一座樓房。 There used to be a building here.3). 碰巧有個人在此經(jīng)過。 There happened to be a man walking by.4). 好象沒有太大的希望。 There doesnt seem to be much hope.B. There be 結(jié)構(gòu)變形。結(jié)構(gòu)變形。 2. 在在


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