



1、翻譯訓練(一)大綱樣題87. whether (it is) heated or not88. Not only did he charge me too much或 Not only did he overcharge me89. compared with mine 或 in comparison with mine90. half as much (money)91. to attribute/ascribe their children's success to06.687. finding the way to the history museum88. In order t

2、o support my university studies( 或: to finance my education ; to pay for my education/to pay mytuition fees)89. we(should) hand in our/the research report(s)90. the more confused I am91. he was fired by the company06.1287. adapt oneself to life/living in different cultures88. nothing is more attract

3、ive to me than reading 或 to me, nothing is more important than reading89. would have had a chance to survive 或 would have survived90. might feel lonely when they are far from home/ are not in their hometown/ traveling.91. at a speed/rate of 12 million per year或 at an annual speed of 12 million07.687

4、. take people's sleep quality/quality of sleep into account/consideration88. a field in which we can work together / a field in which we can cooperate89. decided to quit the match90. contact us at the following address91. at your convenience/if it is convenient for you07.1287. Thanks to/ because

5、 of a series of new inventions88. I have been more likely to get tired than before/1 get tired more easily than before89. no matter at what expense (cost)/ no matter what I have to sacrifice (pay)/ would have to sacrifice (pay)90. the former/ shopping online is more convenient and efficient (time-sa

6、ving) (can save more time)91. is measured in terms of how much they can borrow08.687. can be applied to the development of the new technology.88. must be wrong89. whatever job it is/ no matter what job it is90. Compared with the place where I grew up91. Not until he had finished the mission六級大綱樣題72.

7、 we sign the contract before the end of the month73. adapted (herself) to campus life a month after entering college74. of failure to fulfill its promise to reduce the unemployment rate75. it very important to comply with / follow the safety regulations76. had he tried to use the machine than it sto

8、pped working06.1272. followed my advice/suggestion, you would not have been/put yourself in trouble73. watched her injured son being sent into the surgery/operation room.74. were (have been )suggested/advised not to travel to that country at the moment.75. via/with/through email instead of / rather

9、than telephone76. Not until the deadline did he send out07.682. competing with overseas/ foreign companies for market share83. does he feel secure and relaxed84. be deprived of the right to receive education/ be denied the right to receive education85. let alone / not to mention the large amount of

10、money we have spent86. have received considerable public attention/concern in recent decades07.1282. our communication would not have been so efficient and convenient.83. nothing is more helpful than humor/ a sense of humor84. (he) refused to make further explanation/ to further explain why85. while

11、 animal behavior depends mainly upon ( 或 on) their instinct(s)86. should he lie to the court / is he allowed to lie to the court08.682. who dedicate/ devote/ contribute their whole life to poems83. otherwise, she would have replied to me last week84. have finished the chemistry experiment85. have th

12、e old couple quarreled with each other86. To a great extent ,the future prosperity of a country depends on1 1. Seen from spaceSeen from space 此處用做狀語,它和句子主句 the earth 的關系是被動的,要用過去分詞, being seen 是現(xiàn)在分詞的 被動形式 , 這種形式用在動作正在進行或與 謂語表示的動詞同時發(fā)生,在作狀語的分詞里較少適用。2. are they reported in the newspaperbut 后的分句是以含有否定意義

13、的 seldom 起首的,后面要用倒裝結構。由于是被報紙報道,所以 report 要用它的 被動形式。3. which is exactly the amount I needed此處用關系代詞 which 指代 a thousand pounds. 英語中表示金錢、時間、距離等數(shù)量的名詞短語,雖然形式上是復數(shù)的,其后動詞仍用單數(shù)形式。4. take it for grantedtake it for granted 是固定搭配,意思是 " 理所當然地認為5. If any quarrel arises between my brother and me此句容易把 arise 用成

14、rise, 但是 rise 的意思是“升起,起來”,而 arise 的意思是“出現(xiàn),發(fā)生,呈現(xiàn)”,主語一般為 抽象名詞,如 “ problem, trouble, quarrel 等”.2 1. The clock struck時鐘報時用strike,而不用ring,電話鈴響了一 般用ring.2. adapt to the climate thereadapt to有"與 相適應"的意思,還可以用"be accustomed to "或“ be adjusted to來表達類似的意思。注意這些 "to ”3. explain the word

15、 in greater detail“ explain the word in greater detail 即“詳細解釋某事”的意思。4. Compared with adults learning foreign languages此句考查分詞的正確 T 吏用,它的主語是 children, 與 adults 相比,與 compare 是動賓關系,所以要用表示被動關系的 過去分詞形式。5. As far as the appearance is concerned3 1. nor did she ever lose temper/become angry(本題有兩個考察點,第一,表示“兩個

16、都不”的否定詞應該用 nor, 要把它置于句首句子要有倒裝,第二,“發(fā)脾氣” 的表達法: lose temper/become angry )2. draw /attract reader's attention(考察 draw /attract reader's attention "弓 I 起某人注意 ", so as to 后接 do sth.)3. can't have been cleaned(" 情態(tài)動詞 +have done ”表示推測, can't 表示不可能,如推測的事為過去式,則情態(tài)動詞后用完成式)4. The

17、key to the success of this project( key 在這里解答、關鍵,其后一般接介詞to)5. found/caught him cheating me(本題考察 find/catch+ 賓語 +賓補結構,表示發(fā)現(xiàn)某人做某事, cheat 是及物動詞,直接接賓語)4 1. to students 9 being late for(本題考查點之一是 be used to+doing/noun 結構,表示過去習慣于做某事,要注意它和 used to +do 結構之間的 區(qū)別, 后者表示“過去有規(guī)律的習慣性動作或 狀態(tài),而現(xiàn)在已不存在了”考查點之二: be late fo

18、r " 遲到”。考察點之三: one's doing 非謂語動詞的復合結構。)2. should adapt himself to(本題主要考查虛擬請氣,suggest作建議時,其賓語從句中要用虛擬句型“ suggest that sb do sth結構,”考查短語 adapt on eself to.意為使自 己適應或習慣于。 )3. hand over his business(本題考查“傳給”的表達法,“轉(zhuǎn)交權力或產(chǎn)業(yè)”等用hand over )4. everybody has faults/there is no man without fault(本題可從正面直譯,

19、也可以采用雙重否定進彳亍反譯,比較兩種答案可以看出雙重否定句更具感染力)5. wondering about his real purpose本題考查 leave sb doing 結構,表示“讓某人繼續(xù)處于某種狀態(tài)中”)5 答案:1. had to be operated manually( have to 意為“不得不”其否定形式意思是“不一定”或“沒有必要"pumps 是被操作,所以要用被動語態(tài),“手工”修飾“操作”所以要用副詞形式)2. nothing but labor and diligence(本題考查 nothing but. 這個強調(diào)判斷句型,意為“也只不過是”)3

20、. even so( even so “雖然如此,即使這樣 ")4. None of us expected the headmaster to turn up(本題考查全部否定,考查 "expect sb to do sth ,?,expect 要用過去時,還考查固定短語 "turn up", 表示在某場合出現(xiàn))5. ranges/varies from 30 cents to 5cents(本題考查句型 "range/vary. .from. .to "意為“從 . 到. 范圍內(nèi)的變化 " )6 1. neither w

21、ill they( neither 表示“兩者都不”也表示“也,也不”的句子,要用部分倒裝)2. It is because she is too inexperienced(本題考查句型 it is because ( that) ”表示“正是由于”,因為“沒有經(jīng)驗”在句中作表語,所以將其譯為形容詞形式的"inexperienced ) ”3. are being developed(“ be being done現(xiàn)在進行時的被動語態(tài)表示此時此刻某事正在被做,其中動詞be應隨主語作相應變化)4. for fear that he should be recognized( for

22、fear that 意為“唯恐,就怕”其后要用虛擬語氣)5. is often a very time-consuming job(本題關鍵在于“耗時”該如何翻譯,合成詞 time-consuming 簡練而準確)7 1. not so much a writer("與其說,不如說 "可以用 not so much.as. 的結構來表達)2. derives pleasure from helping others("derive from "意為“從獲得.from是介詞,所以后面要接動名詞。要注意區(qū)分"derive., .from"

23、和"deprive sb. Of.后者意為“剝奪某人的 . ”)3. was finally called off/cancelled because of the bad weather(分析題干可知句子的主語為“the sports meet", which was planned to be held last Friday 是修飾它的定語從句,且事情發(fā)生在過去,故謂語動詞應該用過去時單數(shù)。因動詞“取消”的邏輯主語不是句子的主語,因此要用被動語態(tài)?!叭∠钡谋磉_法有 “call off,cancel 等)4. second only to(本題考查 be second

24、 to 的結構,注意不要漏譯副詞“僅僅”)5. such fine weather(such 可以表示“如此,這般”之意,其后可直接跟名詞,表強調(diào))8 1. So far as I know/As far as I know(本題考查固定用法 so/as as sb knows,據(jù)某人所知)2. too old to enjoy a Christmas stocking(本題考查 too.to. 的句型,表示 "大. 以至于不能 ." ,還考查 enjoy 詞的用法, enjoy sth 表示"享受某事帶來的 樂趣 ")3. They were hard

25、ly ever parted(本題主要考查否定詞 hardly, 意為“幾乎從來沒有”,由于它沒有置于句首,句子用正常語序即可,be parted 意為“分 開" )4. play important roles(本題考查"play a part/role in doing st h"結構,表示“起著 作用,飾演.的角色")5. not to do anything /not to take any action("would rather "的否定形式是 would rather not to do ,would rather 沒有人稱和數(shù)的變化。"采取措施“可譯為"do something"或"take some action, )9 1. needn't have borrowed it from the bank(本題考查虛擬語氣,“本來"意味著與過去事實相反,因此用have+動詞過去分詞,譯文中用it指代前文提到的 money,避免了重復)2. to the best of their ability(本題考查慣用詞組 “to the best of one's ability", 意為“


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