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1、Chapter 6 pragmatics 語用學(xué)知識點:1. *Definition: pragmatics; context2. *sentence meaning vs utterance meaning3. *Austin's model of speech act theory4. Searle's classification of speech acts5. *Grice's Cooperative Principle 考核目標:識 t己:*Definition: pragmatics; context 領(lǐng)會: Searle's classifica

2、tion of speech acts 綜合應(yīng)用: sentence meaning vs utterance meaning; Austin's model of speech act theory; Grice's Cooperative Principle一、定義1. Pragmatics 語用學(xué):Pragmatics: the study of how speakers of a languageuse sentences to effect successful communication. Pragmatic can also be regarded as a ki

3、nd of meaning study.語用學(xué)研究的是語言使用者是如何使用旬 子成功進行交際的。語用學(xué)也可以看作是一中意義研究。(它不是孤立地去研究語義,而是把語義置于使用語境中去研究的一門學(xué)科。)2. Context 語境:The notion of context is essential to the pragmatic study of language, it ' s generonsidered as constituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer.語境這個概念對語言的語用研究來說是必不可少

4、的。一 般認為他是由言者和聽者的共享知識所構(gòu)成的。二、知識點6.1.2 pragmatics vs. semantic 用學(xué)與語義學(xué)二十世紀初,Saussures Course in General Linguistics 一書的出版標志著現(xiàn)代語 言學(xué)研究的開始,同時也為現(xiàn)代語言學(xué)奠定了基礎(chǔ)調(diào),即語言應(yīng)該作為一個獨立 的,內(nèi)在的系統(tǒng)來加以研究。語用學(xué)和語義學(xué)既有相關(guān)性又有相異性。兩者都是對意義的研究。傳統(tǒng)語義 學(xué)把語義看成是抽象的,內(nèi)在的,是語言本身的特性,不受語境的影響。因此傳 統(tǒng)語義學(xué)只研究語義的內(nèi)在特征,不把語義研究置于語境中來考察。語用學(xué)研究的是交際過程中語言意義的表達和理解。語用學(xué)家

5、認為不把意義放在語境中來考慮就不可能對語義進行充分的描述,因此在研究語義時是否考慮語境便成了傳 統(tǒng)語義學(xué)和語用學(xué)的根本區(qū)別所在。Semantics 和 Pragmatics 的區(qū)分Pragmatics studies how meaning is conveyed in the process of communication.The basic difference between them is that pragmatics considers meaning in context, traditional semantics studies meaning in isolation f

6、rom the context of use.6.1.3 contextContext 語境:The notion of context is essential to the pragmatic study of language, it ' s generally considered as constituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer.語境這個概念對語言的語用研究來說是必不可少的。一般認為他是由言者和聽者的共享知識所構(gòu)成的。(語境是交際雙方共有的知識,它包括雙方具有的語言知識以及有關(guān)客觀世界的

7、知識,而客觀世界的知識又包括有關(guān)世界的常識性知識以及交際發(fā)生的實際情景 知識。)(參考p79英p235-236中 例子)6.1.4 Sentence meaning vs. utterance meaning 子意義與話語意義1) Sentence meanin如子意義-abstract抽象的,decontextualized脫離語境的2) Utterance meaning話語意義-concrete具體的,contextualized依賴語境的, it ' based on sentence meaning, it 'the realization of the abstra

8、ct meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication, or simply in a context.話語的意義是 基于句子意義之上的;它是一個句子的抽象意義在一個真實的交際場合,或僅在 一個語境中的體現(xiàn)。區(qū)分句子和話句,類似區(qū)分語義和語用學(xué),關(guān)鍵在于是否考慮語境。句子是語法單位。當(dāng)把句子用在實際交際中時,句子便成了話語。句子意義是抽象的,是句子的語義內(nèi)容,它孤立于語境之外;話語意義是具體的,它基于句子意義與語境的結(jié)合,是句子意義在特定語境中的具體化,體現(xiàn)了說話人的意圖和目的。由于話語語義是句子意義與語境結(jié)合的結(jié)果,話語語義

9、要比句子的語義豐富得多。如:" You are a machine.” 句子的意思是“你是機器。",但是一旦與具體的語境相結(jié)合,就會產(chǎn)生不同的話語語義, 如說話人可能是說聽話人沒有情感,或說聽話人不知疲倦地工作,或者說聽話人做事比較機械等。 要如何理解它要視它所發(fā)生的語境和言者說這話的目的而定。大部分話語在語法形式上與句子相吻合,但是也有一些話語在語法上是不完整的,有些 甚至不能還原為完整的句子。如,語言使用者在特定的語境中可以使用話語"The door,please! ”去行使關(guān)門的請求。像“Hi! ”和“Ouch!”這樣的話語很難還原成語法完整的句子。?區(qū)分句

10、子和話句,類似區(qū)分語義和語用學(xué),關(guān)鍵在于是否考慮語境。While most utterances take the form of sentences, i.e. most utterances are complete sentences.In terms of syn tax, some utterances are not, and some can' t even be restorsentennoeBplete6.2 speech act theory 語行為理論6.2. Austin s model speech ac噢:斯汀的言語行為模式1 .英國哲學(xué)家John Aust

11、in在20世紀50年代末提出了 speech act theory言 語行為理論。在他的言語行為理論中,奧斯汀區(qū)分了敘事tS語(constative)和行 事話語(performative) 。 P238 中 e.g.2 )敘事話語是陳述之言,用于陳述或描述,其真值是可以檢驗的。3 )行事話語的話語不是以陳述或描述事實為目的的,是沒有真值的。奧斯 汀認為語言使用者在使用句子時并不總是為了去陳述或描述,而是為了實施一個言語行為。4 .他又設(shè)立了另一個新模式,定義了言內(nèi)行為locutionary act 、言外行為 川ocutionary act,和 perlocutionary act 言后行為

12、奧斯汀認為人在說話時很可能同時實施三種言語行為,、即言內(nèi)行為(locutionary act ) 、言外行為(illocutionary act) 和言后行為 (perlocutionary act) 。1)言內(nèi)行為指的是“說話”這一行為本身,如說出單詞、短語和句子等。言內(nèi)行為通過句法、詞匯和語音傳遞一個字面語義。5 )言外行為是通過說話這一動作實施一種行為,體現(xiàn)了說話人的說話意圖。人們通過說話可以達到各種目的,如傳遞信息,發(fā)出命令、作出承諾、提出建議 等。6 )言后行為是指說話帶來的后果,例如通過說話聽話人受到了警告等。e.g. You have left the door wide ope

13、n.7 ) Locutionary act: expressed what each word of this sentence literally mean表達了 每個詞的字面意義。8 ) Illutionary act: expressed his intention of speaking, asking someone to close the door.表達了他說話的意圖(即請某人把門關(guān)上,或者抱怨,視語境而定。)9 ) Perlocutionary act: someone heard the sentence, and close the door, then this act

14、is successfully performed.指話語的效果(即聽者聽到言者信息,明白并言者要他關(guān) 門,并把門關(guān)上,這樣就成功地實施了。)X在這三種行為中,語言學(xué)家對illocutionary act言外行為最感興趣this kind of speech act is identical with the speaker 'indention, and in their study of language communication, linguists are most interested in how a speaker expresses his intention and

15、 alsohow his intention is recognized by the hearer.因為這種語言行為與言者的意圖一致,而且在他 們對語言交際的研究中,語言學(xué)家門最感興趣的是言者是如何表達其意圖,以及他的意圖是如何為聽者所識別。(它與說話人的真實意圖相吻合。)10 2.2 Searles classification of speech actSearle 對語言行為的分類)美國語言學(xué)家 John Searle 把illocutionary act言外行為分為五大類:the sameillocutionary point, but differ in their strengt

16、h.每一類中的具體行為都具有相同的言外之意,但是他們的力度有所不同。1)representatives/assertives 闡述類:闡述類的言外之意是說話人相信自己所說話 的真實性。即說出言者認為正確的東西。(陳述,相信,發(fā)誓,假設(shè))例如:It ' s going to rain.(I swear ) I have never heard it before.(I state ) The earth is globe.2) directives 指令類:指令類的言外之意是說話人通過說話使聽話人去做某件事的 企圖,(邀請,建議,要求,忠告,警告,威脅, 命令)如:Come to me

17、at 7 this evening!Open the window!You'd better go to the clinic!Your money or your life!Would you like to go to the picnic with us?3) commissives 承諾類:承諾類的言外之意是使說話人對某一未來的行為作出承諾, 說話的時候言者將自己置于某種義務(wù)之中(允諾,保證,發(fā)誓)如:I promise to come.I will bring you the book tomorrow without fail.4)expressives 表達類:表達類的言

18、外之意是對命題內(nèi)容中表明的某種事態(tài)表達說話 人的某種心理狀態(tài),換句話說,說話人對某一事態(tài)表達自己的情感和態(tài)度, (道歉,感謝,祝愿)如:I am sorry to interrupt you.Thank you very much for your kind help.It ' s really kind of you to have thought of me.5)declarations 宣告類:宣告類的言外之意是使客觀現(xiàn)實與所表達的命題內(nèi)容立即相 一致(這種行為的成功執(zhí)行會帶來所說的話與現(xiàn)實之間的一致)如:I now declare the meeting open.I appo

19、int you chairman of the committee.I fire you!屬于同一類別的言外行為具有相同的言外之的,但是它們的言外之力可能會存在程度上 的差別,如:(p241中)I swear that he is innocent.I guess that he is innocent.I think that he is innocent.6.2.3 indirect speech actSJ 接的語言行為Indirect language: instead of using the imperative form#使語氣 to make a request e.g. Do

20、 you mind closing the door?The door is open!Three basic sentencesforms: 1) the declarative sentence陳述旬 2)the imperative sentence祈使旬 3)the interrogative sentence®問句 e.g. Can you lend me your lecture notes?The kitchen is in an awful mess.Indirect speech act: aimed to explain indirect language in

21、the light of speech act theory, two speech acts theory.When a speaker is using indirecy language, he is performing two speech acts simultaneously:1)the primary speech act: the speakes goal of communication.2) the secondary speech act: means by which he achieves.Student X : Let's go to the movies

22、 tonight.Student Y: I have to study for an exam.(間接回答 no,表示拒絕)6.3 principle of conversation 話原貝U(the cooperative principle會話原則,簡稱CF; by Paul Grice )英國哲學(xué)家Paul Grice 提出的合作原則是指導(dǎo)有效交際的最高原則。合作原則的具 體內(nèi)容是:.合作原則 Cooperative PrincipleIt ' psoposed and formulated by P.Grice, a pragmatic hypothesis, is about

23、 that the participants must first of all be willing to cooperate, otherwise, it would not be possible for them to carry on the talk.(每一個參加交際的人在交際過程中所說的話要符合為大家所接受的交際目標或方 向。)合作原則具體體現(xiàn)為以下四條準則:1. the maxim of Quantity 數(shù)量準則:1) Make your contribution as informative as required 你說的話應(yīng)包含 (當(dāng)前交談意圖)所需要 的信息。2) Do

24、 not make your contribution more informative than is required所說的話不應(yīng)包含超出需要的信息。2. the maxim of Quality 質(zhì)量準則:1) Do not say what you believe to false.不要說自知是假的話2) Do not say for which you lack adequate evidence1 。 不要說缺乏足夠證據(jù)的話。3. the maxim of relation 關(guān)聯(lián)準貝 U:be relevant 要有關(guān)聯(lián)性4. the maxim of manner方式準貝U :1

25、) Avoid obscurity of expression 避免表達晦澀2) Avoid ambiguity 避免歧義3) Be brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity )要簡練(避免不必要的冗繁)4) Be orderly要條理清晰在交際中,雖然說話幾乎總是遵循合作原則,但是他們并不一定始終如一地嚴格遵守合作原則以下的各條準則。當(dāng)這些原則公然受到違反/鄙視(flout)時往往我們的言語變的間接,會話含義就有可能產(chǎn)生。Mary: Do you know where Prof. Zhang lives?John: Somewhere beyond the lake.當(dāng)Mary知道John是知道 Prof. Zhang 確切的住址,而且 John也知道 Mary是知道他


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