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1、unit 6 EmploymentPreviewIn life, we may experience difficulties and troubles. Losing a job may be the worst thing that could ever happen to us. But persevere, and never give up. We will prove that we can find ways back to successful careers. So don't be afraid to move on and try your wings. Rall

2、y your support system. Persevere! Firing doesn't mean your life is over. It might turn out to be the best thing that ever happens to you.Part I.Text ReadingWarm-upI. Looking for a career advisor.Step oneAre you recently unemployed? Considering a new career? Or a new grad entering the job competi

3、tion, and looking for your first job? Or are you an experienced professional, seeking a part-time job? No matter where you are in the cycle of work, career advisors can provide valuable guidance and resources to help you make productive and appropriate career decisions.Direction: Work in pairs or gr

4、oups to guess what a career advisor can help you? You can choose the words and expressions in the following ellipse:career development/ job market/ career coach/ career assessment/ career exploration/ job searching/ resume writing/ interviewing/ salary negotiating/ salary information/ career resourc

5、es/ personal criteria/ qualification/ polishing one's skill/ industry trend/ establishing goals/ productive/ efficient/ targeted/ constructive/ on-line/ professional/ valuable/ appropriateStep TwoTry to be a career advisor, and help others to seek a job in today's challenging job market. You

6、 are supposed to give advice on the following aspects:·Career assessment and career exploration·Career transition information·Job finding techniques·Personal marketing plansII.Attitude toward a job.A common reason given to dismiss people is that they "don't have the righ

7、t attitude." What does this mean? What would be looked at by the boss in determining a person's attitude? What attitudes do you have which could have an effect on the type of job you should do?CIRCLE those words that apply to you now.UNDERLINE those words that you would like to apply to you

8、.My attitude to WORK usually is:slackdedicateddisorganizedefficienteffectiveambitiousindustriousinnovativehard workingsincerepersistenthyperactiveacademicresponsiblepracticallazybusinesslikematureboredpositiveorganizedpunctualreliableimmaturenegativeadaptablepositiveunreliablekeenMy attitude to my W

9、ORKMATES usually is:cooperativecheesed offaloofindependentsuperiorinferiorequalsympatheticracistcaringthoughtfulinspiringboredcompetitiveirritableprotectivehelpfulshyquarrelsometolerantfriendlytrustingpolitemoodypushyaggressivesupportivesexistMy attitude to AUTHORITY usually is:dependablerebelliousa

10、ngrysubservientscaredeager to please stubbornloyalcautioussuspicioushappyargumentativesneakyopenassertivepassiveaggressivetolerantproudcynicalIf you were fired, what would you do?·Being painful and dejected, feel like having a cry·Feel humiliated, and give up ever since.·Analyze reaso

11、ns that lead to dismissal.·Find a career advisor for landing another job.·Begin another career exploration by yourself.TextI Was Fired! (fire開(kāi)火<->cease fire?;?Joan Hamburg11 Fresh out of (Having just graduated from) Barnard College and the Speedwriting (速記) Institute, I was hired (em

12、ployed) as a secretary to the editor of Coupon優(yōu)待券Magazine. Tiny (small) circulation (發(fā)行量), but a real job. So now I had an income and an apartment (=flat公寓/ 住宅) in Manhattan: heaven (Paradise/ Eden) for a young woman from a small town on Long Island.2 Like (prep.象) so many women of my generation (一代

13、人), I went straight (directly) from college to secretarial (文秘) school to learn shorthand (速記), or speedwriting, despite (=in spite of) the fact that I had already co-written a book called New York on $5 a Day在紐約生活一天只花5元錢(qián).3 As a former (the former前者, the latter后者;the former husband/ wife/ president)

14、 lefty (left-hander左撇子, 左翼分子) turned righty, thanks to an overzealous (過(guò)分熱情的) teacher, I had distinctly (obviously顯然) illegible (難識(shí)別的, 字跡模糊的) handwriting (筆跡-> calligraphy書(shū)法)-so bad (poor learner差生=bad student壞學(xué)生) that after taking dictation (口授/ 聽(tīng)寫(xiě)to dictate a letter), I couldn't translate (

15、make out看不清) it. The magazine was (The magazine was advertise->The magazine was advertisement->) advertising dependent (靠/ 依賴(lài)的), so in letters to the heads of major corporations (公司, 企業(yè)), I was told to offer (give) them the opportunity to place (put) their ads (advertisements) in four colors i

16、n our magazine for the mere (only) price of $10,000. Inadvertently (Carelessly不注意地), the d in ads became an s, and the president of one of those big companies was invited to "have his ass (屁股) in four colors" in our publication (出版物).4 Guess what (what might/ would happen)? I was fired (di

17、smissed), but luck showed her face (miracle took place). The editor was desperate for was in bad need (want) of急需 a copywriter (廣告撰稿人). I was heading for the door, dejected (sad/ depressed沮喪的, 灰心的), afraid of (=feared) what my parents would think, when (suddenly) I heard her call out, "You-Joan

18、! Can you write (寫(xiě)作能力) better than you can type (打字)?" I said, "Yes, of course." A copywriter was born.5 When the magazine folded (failed倒閉), I got a chance to audition (interview試聽(tīng)/ 面試) for a two-hour daily radio program (節(jié)目) on a major (important) New York station. To everyone's

19、 surprise (n.), I got the job.6 One day, a new present: (1)禮物;2在場(chǎng)的;3再現(xiàn)歷史事實(shí);表演-> presence (person) arrived at the station, a female program director (節(jié)目編導(dǎo)). This large (魁梧) and formidable (強(qiáng)大的, 令人敬畏的) woman came to work every day with an equally large and formidable German (sheep + herd->herdsm

20、an牧師->) shepherd (牧羊犬). I thought I was doing a great job. She (the woman, not the dog) decided she didn't like me. When she called me into her office one Friday afternoon, she simply (only) said, "You're fired!" leaving (making) me to wonder what had gone so terribly wrong.7 Si

21、x months later, after calling every program director (編導(dǎo)) in town, I went to work for another major-market radio station, doing four-minute stories for a low $15 each. With two young children and a husband who was just starting his own career, I took a chance.8 Today, some (=about) 28 years later, I

22、 am still at WOR Radio2 with a two-hour daily talk show (脫口秀/ 談話(huà)節(jié)目) interviewing celebrities, authors and politicians, imparting (=offering) information to more than a million listeners a week and loving every minute of it.9 I was young when those firings happened, but the process (1)工藝工序;2加工, e.g.

23、word processor文字編輯軟件 is still the same. Firings know no (=pay no attention to) age or gender. This is exactly what Sherrye Henry did.10 Sherrye, returning home to New York City after a successful political career with the Clinton Administration (當(dāng)局/ 政府) and working on the Hill3, was looking forward

24、to (期待) a change of pace (speed/ rate步伐/ 節(jié)奏/ 節(jié)律) as a development officer (開(kāi)發(fā)部經(jīng)理) for a large nonprofit. When the organization hit (=met) turbulent financial water4, and she was the last one in, she was the first one out (最后加盟的人最先被裁員). Says Sherrye, "This wasn't the first job I had lost. Ha

25、rd as it is (Although it is difficult), one (anybody/ everybody) must remember that there is always life after losing a job." Helpful friends, tenacity (堅(jiān)韌), good luck and a good resume got (made) Sherrye back on track (回到正軌,找到工作). Within a month, she landed (got) what she calls the most satisf

26、ying job of her life: raising money (籌集捐款) for Episcopal (主教的, 主教制度的, 英國(guó)國(guó)教的) Relief (aid) and Development5, which provides emergency (緊急的) assistance to people in 40 countries.11 (Pauline<->) Paul Jones has a different story. He had started at what is now JPMorgan Chase6 (摩根大通銀行) as a high sch

27、ool student and climbed through the ranks to vice president. His 31-year career ended when his job was outsourced (arrange for sb outside a company to do work or provide goods for that company外包) to India. Paul was only in his 40s, and although there was no pension, he was offered (given) a two-year

28、 buyout 全部買(mǎi)下市上產(chǎn)品. With the children out of school (Their children were independent), he and his wife made a decision: no more corporate (connected with a corporation) stress. They would do their own thing. Paul recently started a business developing and marketing cognac (a type of fine brandy made i

29、n western France) for the female market. He is his own boss, and he is filled with a new sense (feeling) of adventure and excitement. "Had they not pushed me out," he says, "I would still be there waiting for the ax to fall (任人宰割)."12 Lynn Sherr, ABCs7 (reward酬勞<->) award (

30、獎(jiǎng)金)-winning television correspondent (通訊員), writes in Outside the Box (置身事外), her autobiography, that she was gainfully employed (高薪挖走) at WCBS-TV8 in New York when (=suddenly) someone handed (gave) her the early edition of the Post (郵報(bào)). In the back, there was a story stating (saying) that Lynn She

31、rr was leaving CBS9 to write a book. Thinking that it was a ruse (trick詭計(jì)) to keep her in line (control her), she didn't worry, but then her news director's deputy called: "Your contract is not being renewed, and you won't be on the air anymore. You can pick up your stuff (物品) at an

32、y time."13 Says Lynn, "I felt like a failure (=wretch)." Worse yet (still), when an unnamed executive (執(zhí)行編輯) was asked why he let her go, he answered, "Her shoulders were too wide for a closeup shot (photo/ picture近照)."14 "In retrospect (thinking about a past event or s

33、ituation)," Lynn writes, "I was only 32, and it did turn out (prove證明) to be the best thing that ever happened to me. It proved I could stand on my own (live independently) and not give up. It was about breaking out in order to break into the next level (不破不立)." She landed (was employ

34、ed) at ABC News, covering political campaigns (a series of planned activities that are intended to achieve a particular social, commercial or political aim戰(zhàn)役/運(yùn)動(dòng)/活動(dòng)), conventions (traditions) and special events.15 Each of these people found a way back to a (full + fill->) fulfilling (successful) c

35、areer. And they all (=without exception) learned that the pain and humiliation (insult/ embarrassment) are temporary. So don't be afraid to move on and try your wings (振翅飛翔). Rally 發(fā)動(dòng)/ 調(diào)動(dòng)vt. 重整旗鼓; n. 集會(huì)) your support system (支援系統(tǒng)). Persevere (vt.堅(jiān)持-> Perseverance: n.)! Firing doesn't mean

36、 your life is over (人生到了盡頭). It might turn out (prove) to be the best thing that ever happened to you.Notes1. Joan Hamburg: Born on August 12, 1935, she is a radio personality (person人-> personal個(gè)人的-> personnel人事) on WOR radio station in New York since the early 1970s. Hamburg is extremely fam

37、ous, and show-business-conscious (奇才), and now bills (lists) herself as "America's foremost (most important) shopper and celebrity interviewer (host主持人)."2. WOR Radio: WOR is a class A (一流的) radio station located in New York City, operating on 710 kHz. The station has a talk format (st

38、yle風(fēng)格) and has conservative (保守的), or right (右翼的) of center hosts.3. the Hill (->Hilly多丘陵的): the Capital Hill (國(guó)會(huì)山), which refers to the United States Congress.4. (finance->) financial water: financial crisis.5. Episcopal Relief and Development: The worldwide relief agency of the Episcopal Chu

39、rch which provides money and resources in times of emergency (緊急情況) or disaster (災(zāi)難). It reaches more than 2 million people in over 40 countries. 英國(guó)國(guó)教會(huì)Church of England,也稱(chēng)為安立甘宗或圣公宗,是基督新教的一個(gè)教派,與信義宗、歸正宗同屬基督新教三大主流教派。 由英國(guó)國(guó)王亨利八世創(chuàng)始 并作為當(dāng)時(shí)英國(guó)的國(guó)教,由英國(guó)國(guó)王擔(dān)任教會(huì)最高首腦?!鞍擦⒏省本褪怯⑽摹癆nglican”英國(guó)的的音譯。普世華人基督徒使用圣公會(huì)為公用名稱(chēng)。但是,圣公

40、宗到了美國(guó)之后,英文名稱(chēng)卻改為“The Episcopal Church”?!癊piscopal”意思為主教制的教會(huì)。6. (JPMorgan與Chase Manhattan合并的) JPMorgan Chase (摩根大通銀行): JPMorgan Chase & Co. It is a leading global financial services firm with assets of $2 trillion and operations in more than 60 countries.7. ABC: the abbreviation of an American tel

41、evision network American Broadcast Company (美國(guó)廣播公司), one of television's original "big three", which also include NBC and CBS.8. WCBS-TV: the flagship station of the CBS television network, located in New York City and owned by CBS Corporation. 9. CBS: abbreviation of the network's

42、 former name, Columbia Broadcasting System哥倫比亞廣播公司.Word Bankass: n.hip (top<->bottom<->margin)臀部; hip-shoot莽撞(audio-:與聽(tīng)力有關(guān)->) audition (interview: n./vt.-> interviewer<-> interviewee; trainer教練<->trainee受訓(xùn)者; addresser演講人<->addressee聽(tīng)眾);employer雇主<->employee雇

43、員): v. to take part in a trial performance試演,試播hand (push) cart->carriage/coach; auto-: 自動(dòng)-> (auto + mobile->) automobile汽車(chē); alto) autobiography: n.the biography written by that person自傳buyout: n. the entire purchase全部買(mǎi)下campaign: n.series of operations運(yùn)動(dòng)/ movement(celebrate->) celebrity:

44、 n.a famous person名人(circle園->cycle周期->recycle回收->circulate->) circulation: n.the number of copies of a publication發(fā)行量; public: (1)adj. property; (2)n., e.g. in public公開(kāi)地;publicate =publish出版cognac: n.a brandy produced in the vicinity of cognac一種法國(guó)白蘭地convention: n.(1)a formal meeting會(huì)議;

45、制度-> conventional: adj. traditional傳統(tǒng)的copywriter: n.one who writes copy, especially for advertising廣告(文案)撰稿人;copier復(fù)印機(jī); copyright版權(quán)(co + operate->) corporate (->corporation協(xié)作): adj.of a company公司的; student version學(xué)生版; home version, professional version, corporate version企業(yè)版corporation: n.a

46、company as a separate legal entity公司,法人de-:(1)向下; (2)加強(qiáng) dejected: adj.being in low (high) spirits; depressed垂頭喪氣的,情緒低落的; the Great Depression大蕭條monitor: (1) n. 班長(zhǎng)/ 監(jiān)視器;2監(jiān)控 deputy: n. an assistant of authority for the superior副手despair: (1)n.; (2)vi.-> desperate: adj.losing all hope; despairing絕望的

47、fold: v. to fail 失敗formidable: adj.fearful; frightening可怕的, 難對(duì)付的; be frightened be sth.(humiliate->) humiliation: n. degradation羞辱illegible: adj. not legible; unclear模糊的,難辨的inadvertently: adv. (attention注意力) not attentively; carelessly未留心地,疏忽地nonprofit: adj.not seeking profits非盈利的; profit from st

48、h.從中獲利;profit sb.對(duì)有利outsource: v.to subcontract外包overzealous: adj. excessively enthusiastic (->enthusiasm)過(guò)分熱情的pension: n. a sum of money paid regularly as a retirement benefit退休金,撫恤金(per-: through; severe: adj.激烈,e.g. competition激烈的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)) persevere: v.persist; hold on堅(jiān)持不懈publication: n.an issue of

49、printed material for sale or distribution出版物rally: v. to reassemble; to restore , to rouse or to revive重整,重振;assemble組裝->assembly line裝配流水線(xiàn)retrospect: n. a review回憶評(píng)論; Peking Review北京周報(bào)ruse: (=trick) n.a strategy (->strategic missile戰(zhàn)略導(dǎo)彈)詭計(jì),計(jì)策; (secret: n. ->secretary->) secretarial: adj

50、. of the secretary秘書(shū)的shorthand: n. a system of rapid handwriting速記; be short of sth. 短缺speedwriting: n.a form of shorthand that uses letters速記法temporary (->temporarily暫時(shí)地): adj.lasting for a limited time暫時(shí)的tenacity: n. perseverance堅(jiān)韌(turbine渦輪->) turbulent: adj.restless; violent騷動(dòng)的,動(dòng)亂的Phrases

51、and Expressionsbe on the air: to broadcast廣播 On airhead for (make for / go to somewhere): to proceed for動(dòng)身,前往keep sb. in line: to control sb.控制某人stand on sb's own (=self-rely): to be independent and responsible for oneself獨(dú)立,自立thanks to: on account of; because of因?yàn)椋?由于Reading ComprehensionChoose

52、 the best for each of the following.1. Right after graduation, the authorA. worked as an editor of a magazineB. co-wrote a bookC. worked in a broadcasting companyD. became a secretary2. Why was the author fired?A. Because she had illegible handwriting.B. Because she had the ass of the company heads

53、in four colors.C. Because she made a mistake when writing letters to the heads of major corporations.D. Because the editor didn't like her.3. Sherrye Henry lost the job becauseA. the organization had financial troublesB. she worked for Clinton AdministrationC. she was the last one inD. she was a

54、 female4. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Lynn Sherr?A. She was ABC's award-winning television correspondent.B. She was gainfully employed at WCBS-TVC. She was fired by WCBS.D. She has never been on the air.5. What does the author hope to convey in the article?A. If fired, do

55、n't give up, and you will find a fulfilling career.B. If fired, you should find a way back.C. If fired, your wings will help you.D. Losing a job is the biggest trouble in one's life.II. Complete the following summary of the text by filling in the blanks with words. The initial letter of each

56、 word has been given to you.(1) Fresh out of Barnard College and the Speedwriting Institute (Department), I was lucky enough to find a job as a (2) secretary to the editor of Coupon Magazine which was advertising dependent. I had distinctly illegible handwriting. In a letter to one of the heads of a

57、 major corporation, I (3) mistakenly wrote the d in ads as an s. The president who was invited received the letter to "have his ass in four colors" in our (4) publication. I was fired, but lucky enough to become the (5) copywriter of the editor. Firings happened later in my life. But with

58、persistence, I gained my success. (6) Similar experiences happened to Sherrye Henry, Paul Jones, and Lynn Sherr. All of them chose to (7) persevere and they finally found ways back to a (8) fulfilling career. And they all learned that the pain and humiliation were (9) temporary. So don't be afra

59、id to move on and try your (10) wings. Rally your support system. Firing doesn't mean your life is over. It might turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you.Vocabulary I. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.1. _ your advice (->advise), much trouble was avoided.A. Thanks toB. Supposes


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