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1、Medical Terminology6The Reproductive System The Reproductive System: The function of the gonads(性腺) (sex glands) in both males and females is to produce the reproductive cells, the gametes(配子), and to produce hormones. The gametes are generated by meiosis(減數(shù)分裂), a process of cell division that halve

2、s the chromosome(染色體) number from 46 to 23. When male and female gametes unite in fertilization(受精), the original chromosome number is restored. The sex hormones aid in the manufacture of the gametes, function in pregnancy and lactation(哺乳), and also produce the secondary sex characteristics such as

3、 the typical size, shape, body hair, and voice that we associate with the male and female genders. The reproductive tract develops in close association with the urinary tract. In females, the two systems become completely separate, whereas the male reproductive and urinary tracts share a common pass

4、age, the urethra. Thus, the two systems are referred to together as the genitourinary (GU) or urogenital (UG) tract(泌尿生殖道), and urologists(泌尿科醫(yī)師) are called on to treat disorders of the male reproductive system as well as of the urinary system.The Male Reproductive System: The Testes(睪丸): The male g

5、erm cells(生殖細(xì)胞), the spermatozoa (sperm cells), are produced in the paired testes (singular, testis)that are suspended outside of the body in the scrotum(陰囊) . Although the testes develop in the abdominal cavity, they normally descend through the inguinal canal(腹股溝管) into the scrotum before birth or

6、 shortly thereafter. From puberty(青春期) on, spermatozoa form continuously within the testes in coiled seminiferous tubules(精小管) . Their development requires the aid of special Sertoli cells and male sex hormones, or androgens(男性荷爾蒙), mainly testosterone(睪丸酮). These hormones are manufactured in inters

7、titial cells(睪丸間質(zhì)細(xì)胞) located between the tubules. In both males and females, the gonads are stimulated by the hormones follicle stimulating hormone(促卵泡成熟激素)(FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH)(促黃體生成激素), released from the anterior pituitary gland(垂體前葉) beneath the brain. Although these hormones are the

8、 same in both males and females, LH is called interstitial cell-stimulating hormone (ICSH) (促間質(zhì)細(xì)胞激素)in males.Transport of Spermatozoa: After their manufacture, sperm cells are stored in a much-coiled tube on the surface of each testis, the epididymis(附睪). Here they remain until ejaculation(射精) prope

9、ls them into a series of ducts that lead out of the body. The first of these is the vas deferens(輸精管). This duct ascends through the inguinal canal into the abdominal cavity and travels behind the bladder. A short continuation, the ejaculatory duct(射精管), delivers the spermatozoa to the urethra as it

10、 passes through the prostate gland(前列腺) below the bladder. Finally, the cells, now mixed with other secretions, travel in the urethra through the penis(陰莖) to be released. The penis is the male organ that transports both urine and semen. It enlarges at the tip to form the glans penis(龜頭), which is c

11、overed by loose skin, the prepuce(包皮) or foreskin. Surgery to remove the foreskin is circumcision(包皮環(huán)切術(shù)). This may be performed for medical reasons, but is most often performed electively in male infants for reasons of hygiene, cultural preferences, or religion.Formation of Semen: Semen is the thick

12、, whitish fluid in which spermatozoa are transported. It contains, in addition to sperm cells,secretions from three types of accessory glands. The first of these, the paired seminal vesicles(精囊,精囊腺), release their secretions into the ejaculatory duct. The second, the prostate gland, secretes into th

13、e first part of the urethra beneath the bladder. As men age, enlargement of the prostate gland may compress the urethra and cause urinary problems. The two bulbourethral glands(尿道球腺) secrete into the urethra just below the prostate gland. Together these glands produce a slightly alkaline mixture tha

14、t nourishes and transports the sperm cellsand also protects them by neutralizing the acidity of the female vaginal tract(陰道).I Roots Pertaining to Male ReproductionROOTMEANINGEXAMPLEDEFINITION OF EXAMPLETest/oTestis, testicletesticularPertaining to a testicleOrchi/o, orchid/otestisanorchismAbsence o

15、f a testis(無(wú)睪)Semin-semeninseminateTo introduce semen into a woman(人工受精)Sperm/i, spermat/oSemen, spermatozoaoligospermiaDeficiency of spermatozoa(精子減少)Epididym/oepididymisepididymitisInflammation of the epididymis(附睪炎)Vas/oVas deferens; also vesselvasorrhaphySuture of the vas deferens(輸精管縫合術(shù))Vesicul

16、/oSeminal vesiclevesiculographyRadiographic study of the seminal vesicle(精囊造影術(shù))I Roots Pertaining to Male ReproductionROOTMEANINGEXAMPLEDEFINITION OF EXAMPLEProstat/oprostateprostatometerInstrument for measuring the prostate(前列腺測(cè)量器)Osche/oscrotumoscheomaTumor of the scrotum(陰囊瘤)Scrot/oscrotumscrotop

17、lastyPlastic repair of the scrotum(陰囊成形術(shù))Female Reproductive System: The Ovaries: The female gonads are the paired ovaries (singular, ovary)(卵巢) that are held by ligaments(韌帶) in the pelvic cavity(盆腔) on either side of the uterus(子宮). It is within the ovaries that the female gametes, the eggs or ova

18、 (singular, ovum), develop. Every month several ova ripen, each within a cluster of cells called a graafian follicle(格拉夫氏泡,囊狀卵泡). At the time of ovulation(排卵), usually only one ovum is released from the ovary and the remainder of the ripening ova degenerate. The follicle remains behind and continues

19、 to function for about 2 weeks if there is no fertilization of the ovum and for about 2 months if the ovum is fertilized.The Oviducts, Uterus, and Vagina:After ovulation, the ovum travels into an oviduct(輸卵管) (also called the uterine tube or fallopian tube), one of thetwo tubes attached to the upper

20、 lateral portions of the uterus. These tubes arch above the ovaries and have fingerlike projections (fimbriae,菌毛) that sweep the released ovum into the oviduct. If fertilization occurs, it usually takes place in the oviduct. The uterus is the organ that nourishes the developing offspring. It is pear

21、-shaped, with an upper rounded fundus, a triangular cavity, and a lower narrow cervix(子宮頸) that projects into the vagina(陰道). The innermost layer of the uterine wall(子宮壁), the endometrium(子宮內(nèi)膜), has a rich blood supply. It receives the fertilized ovum and becomes part of the placenta(胎盤(pán)) during preg

22、nancy. The endometrium is shed during the menstrual period(經(jīng)期) if no fertilization occurs. The muscle layer of the uterine wall is the myometrium(子宮肌層). The vagina is a muscular tube that receives the penis during intercourse, functions as a birth canal, and transports the menstrual flow out of the

23、body.The Mammary Glands: The mammary glands, or breasts, are composed mainly of glandular tissue(腺組織) and fat. Their Purpose is to provide nourishment for the newborn. The milk secreted by the glands is carried in ducts to the nipple.II Roots Pertaining to the Female Reproductive SystemROOTMEANINGEX

24、AMPLEDEFINITION OF EXAMPLEGyn/o,gynec/owomangynecologyStudy of disease of womanMen/o, mensMonth, menstruationpremenstrualBefore a menstrual periodooOvum, egg celloocyteCell that gives rise to an ovumOv/oOvum, egg cellovulationRelease of an ovum from the ovaryOvari/oovaryovarianPertaining to an ovary

25、Oophor/oovaryoophorotomyIncision of an ovary III Roots for the Oviducts, Uterus, and VaginaROOTMEANINGEXAMPLEDEFINITION OF EXAMPLESalping/oOviduct, tubesalpingectomyExcision of an oviduct(輸卵管切除術(shù))uter/outerusuterinePertaining to the uterusMetr/o,metr/iuterusmetrorrhagiaAbnormal uterine bleeding (子宮出血

26、,崩中漏下)Hyster/outerushysteroscopyEndoscopic examination of the uterus(子宮鏡監(jiān)察術(shù))Cervic/oCervix, neckendocervicalPertaining to the lining of cervixVagin/ovaginavaginoplastyPlastic repair of the vagina(陰道成形術(shù))Colp/ovaginacolpoceleHernia of the vagina(陰道脫垂,陰道疝)IV Roots pertaining to Pregnancy and Birth:ROOT

27、MEANINGEXAMPLEDEFINITION OF EXAMPLEamnioAmnion(羊膜)diamnioticDeveloping in separate amniotic sacs(雙羊膜腔的)Embry/oEmbryo(胚胎)embryonicPertaining to the embryoFet/oFetus(胎兒)fetoscopeEndoscope for examining the fetus(胎兒鏡)toclaboreutociaNormal labor(順產(chǎn))Dystocia (難產(chǎn))Nat/ibirthneonateNewborn(初生嬰兒)Lact/omilkla

28、ctationSecretion of milk(分泌乳汁)galact/omilkgalactogogueAgent the promotes the flow of milk(催奶劑)IV Roots pertaining to Pregnancy and Birth:ROOTMEANINGEXAMPLEDEFINITION OF EXAMPLEGravida(孕婦)Pregnant womanmultigravidaWoman who has been pregnant two or more times(經(jīng)產(chǎn)孕婦)paraWoman who has given birthnullipa

29、raWoman who has never given birth(未產(chǎn)婦)Clinical Aspects of Male Reproductive System:Infection: Most infections of the male reproductive tract are sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The most common STD in the United States is caused by the bacterium Chlamydia(衣原體), which, in males, mainly causes ur

30、ethritis. This same organism also causes lymphogranuloma venereum(性病淋巴肉芽腫), an STD associated with lymphadenopathy(淋巴結(jié)病), which is rare in the United States. Both forms of these chlamydial infections respond to treatment with antibiotics. Gonorrhea(淋病) is caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae(淋病奈瑟氏菌), the

31、 gonococcus (GC)(淋菌). Infection usually centers in the urethra, causing urethritis with burning, a purulent discharge(排膿), and dysuria. Untreated, the disease can spread through the reproductive system. Gonorrhea is treated with antibiotics, but there has been rapid development of resistance to thes

32、e drugs by gonococcuus. Another common STD is herpes(皰疹) infection, caused by a virus. Mumps(腮腺炎) is a nonsexually transmitted viral disease that can infect the testes and lead to sterility(不孕). Other microorganisms can infect the reproductive tract as well, causing urethritis, prostatitis, orchitis

33、, or epididymitis.Cancer of Prostate:Cancer of the prostate is the most common malignancy in men in the United States. Only lung cancer and colon cancer cause more cancer-related deaths in men who are past middle age. Prostatic cancer may metastasizerapidly and is difficult to remove surgically. Oth

34、er methods of treatment include radiation; measures to reduce male hormones (androgens), which stimulate prostatic growth; and chemotherapy. In cases of prostatic cancer, a protein produced by prostate cells increases in the blood. This prostate-specific antigen(PSA)(前列腺特異性抗原) is used, along with re

35、ctal examinations, to screen for prostate cancer and to assess the results of treatment.Clinical Aspects of Pregnancy and Birth: Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH), also referred to as pre-eclampsia (前兆子癇)or toxemia(血毒癥) of pregnancy, is a stateof hypertension during pregnancy in association with

36、oliguria(尿少), proteinuria, and edema. The cause is a hormone imbalance that results in constriction of blood vessels. If untreated, PIH may lead to eclampsia with seizures(癲癇), coma, and possible death. Development of a fertilized egg outside of its normal position in the uterine cavity is termed an ectopic pregnancy(異位妊娠) . Although it may occur elsewhere in the abdominal cavity, this abnormal d


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