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1、Unit 9vContradictory oppositions are ubiquitousvContradictvContradictionvSelf-contradictoryvBenevolencevFreelance positionvThought-provokingvEntrepreneurvWith regard to your loan request, you have been approved.Reading I Pair-work: Work with your partner and share your opinions. 1 What kind of food

2、do you like best? State your reasons. 2 Can you cook some Chinese dishes? 3 How important is food to us Chinese? 4 What are the characteristics of Chinese cuisine? Kenneth Lo is renowned for his culinary experience and teaching expertise, and in this attractive and authoritative book he shows you ho

3、w to master both traditional and modern Chinese dishes. Full of comprehensive instruction, his course contains everything you need to know about Chinese cuisine, from equipping your kitchen with the necessary utensils and ingredients to preparing menus for a varying number of guests. You will soon l

4、earn the art of slicing, shredding and chopping the Chinese way and the basic cooking methods, including steaming and stir-frying. Here too are lessons on preparing meat, fish and garnishes and how to cook those delicious Chinese snacks, Dim Sum. About Kenneth Lo and one of his cookery books:CHINESE

5、 COOKERY SCHOOLWords and Expressions:gourmet n. Gourmet Street 美食街 Gourmet powder 味精glutton n. (colloq.) 對(duì). 入迷的人, 酷愛.的人 a glutton of books 手不釋卷的人 a glutton for work 閑不住的人 gluttony n. gluttonous adj. Confucius is considered the greatest of the ancient Chinese sages. 孔子被認(rèn)為是中國古代最偉大的圣賢圣賢。 Some sage advi

6、ce, a sage leader primal adj. (syn.) primary bedeck v. 裝飾(扮)裝飾(扮) bedeck sth / sb/oneself with , be bedecked with sth The lady bedecks herself with jewel. 街上紅旗招展。街上紅旗招展。 The streets are bedecked with red banners.exotica n.異族事物,新奇事物異族事物,新奇事物 exotic adj. 具有異國情調(diào)的具有異國情調(diào)的 joint n. a. a large cut of meat

7、for roasting 大塊肉大塊肉 b. a place or part at which two or more things are joined. 接頭,關(guān)節(jié)接頭,關(guān)節(jié) adj. Shared by or common to two or more 共同的,共同的, 聯(lián)合的聯(lián)合的 a joint declaration / statement 聯(lián)合聲明聯(lián)合聲明 joint enterprise 合資企業(yè)合資企業(yè) sensuality n. sensual adj. sensual gratification or indulgence 享樂感官的滿足或沉溺享樂感官的滿足或沉溺famo

8、us / unknown notorious= infamous fame notorietybe famous/infamous forvtexture n. v the way that a type of food, material, skin feels by touching, vtasting, or seeing 材質(zhì),質(zhì)地,紋理,口感材質(zhì),質(zhì)地,紋理,口感v smooth / coarse texture Her skin has a fine texture. 她的皮膚細(xì)膩。她的皮膚細(xì)膩。vpart and parcel n. 重要重要(或必要、基本或必要、基本)的部的部分

9、分 v Receptions are part and parcel of my job.v 我的主要工作是接待來賓。我的主要工作是接待來賓。v Unemployment is part and parcel of the bigger problem - a sagging economy. fastidiously adv. 過于,過于小心過于,過于小心 fastidious adj. with excessive care or delicacy 難取悅的難取悅的; 苛求的苛求的; 挑剔的挑剔的 be fastidious about ones food 挑食挑食 She stared

10、fastidiously at the table. He fastidiously copied every word of his notes onto clean paper.fastidiousness n.vbraise v. vTo cook (meat or vegetables) by browning in vfat, then simmering in a small quantity of vliquid in a covered container. 燜,燉燜,燉batter n. A liquid or semi-liquid mixture, as of flour

11、, milk, and eggs, used in cooking.牛奶雞蛋面糊牛奶雞蛋面糊palate n. Lets have a dinner to delight the palate. I have a good palate for fine wine. 我善于品嘗好酒。我善于品嘗好酒。 vfowl n. v syn. bird, poultry v chicken v duckv goosev turkeyventerprise n. v U willingness to undertake new ventures; initiative v 冒險(xiǎn)精神冒險(xiǎn)精神;進(jìn)取心進(jìn)取心,事

12、業(yè)心事業(yè)心v Tom is a man of great enterprise. v 湯姆很有進(jìn)取精神。湯姆很有進(jìn)取精神。 v a spirit of enterprise 進(jìn)取精神進(jìn)取精神v C (有一定冒險(xiǎn)性的有一定冒險(xiǎn)性的)事業(yè)事業(yè); 企業(yè),公司企業(yè),公司v undertake take on an enterprise 創(chuàng)辦事業(yè)創(chuàng)辦事業(yè)v The enterprise was doomed to failure.v 該企業(yè)注定要失敗該企業(yè)注定要失敗.piquant adj. having a pleasantly sharp or strong taste 開胃的,辛辣的開胃的,辛辣的

13、 With that piquant tomato sauce, the dish tastes much better. a piquant wit 妙趣橫生的巧語妙趣橫生的巧語piquancy n. 1) What is the Western attitude toward food?2) What is the Chinese attitude toward food?3) What does to eat with a capital E mean?4) What has helped the spread of Chinese food to the rest of the wor

14、ld? 5) Why is a Chinese meal compared to a religious ceremony? 6) What else must Chinese food please besides the palate? Why? Structure:The text can be divided into three parts.Part 1 (Para.1- 4) The difference between Chinese attitude and Western attitude toward food. Part 2 (Para.5-6) how Chinese

15、food has become an international food. Part 3 (Para.7-9) The nature of Chinese food.attend to to take care of, look after, deal with 注意(注意(照料,專心于,處理)照料,專心于,處理) The nurse is attending to a sick man. You should attend better to your studies. Ill leave you to attend to the matter.我委托你我委托你辦此事辦此事。 如果你工作不

16、專心,你就不會(huì)成功。如果你工作不專心,你就不會(huì)成功。 If you don t attend to your work, you won t succeed. 因?yàn)槲颐?,你能代我處理這件事嗎?因?yàn)槲颐Γ隳艽姨幚磉@件事嗎? Since I am busy, would you attend to the matter for me?derive from vi. vt. derive from, derive sth from to come from a source or origin 起源于, 出自 to obtain or receive from a source. 取得,得到 T

17、he word deduct derives from Latin. The story derives from a very common folktale. She derives great pleasure from her stamp collection. no less than vs. not less than no less than的意思是的意思是“不亞于不亞于”,not less than的意思是的意思是“不少不少于于”。試比較:。試比較: There were no less than a thousand people at the meeting. 到會(huì)的有一千

18、人之多。到會(huì)的有一千人之多。(有有“到會(huì)人多到會(huì)人多”的含義的含義) There were not less than one thousand people at the meeting. 到會(huì)的至少有一千人。到會(huì)的至少有一千人。(沒有沒有“到會(huì)人多或人少到會(huì)人多或人少”的含義的含義) This song is no less popular than that one.這首歌同那首歌一樣受歡迎。這首歌同那首歌一樣受歡迎。(有有“兩首歌都受歡迎兩首歌都受歡迎”的含義的含義) This song is not less popular than that one.這首歌受歡迎的程度不比那首差。

19、這首歌受歡迎的程度不比那首差。(純粹比較。不一定有純粹比較。不一定有“兩首兩首歌都受歡迎歌都受歡迎”的含義的含義)This song is no less popular than that one.這首歌同那首歌一樣受歡迎。這首歌同那首歌一樣受歡迎。(有有“兩首歌都受歡迎兩首歌都受歡迎”的含的含義義) This song is not less popular than that one.這首歌受歡迎的程度不比那首少。這首歌受歡迎的程度不比那首少。This song is no more popular than that one.這首歌同那首歌一樣不受歡迎。這首歌同那首歌一樣不受歡迎。(“

20、兩首歌都不受歡迎兩首歌都不受歡迎” 含含義義) This song is not more popular than that one.這首歌受歡迎的程度不比那首多。這首歌受歡迎的程度不比那首多。vHe sprang up from the sofa.vNew records and inventions spring up.vThe plant is beginning to spring up.vIncidentallyvIncidentvCo-incidencevA plain brown dressvA plain look vPlain-looking vThe truth is p

21、lainvPlain paper / ruled papervBe plain with sb.vPlainly plainness vHe is second to none.vWith regard to your loan request, we have approved.v.vConsumervTime consuming time-wastingvEnergy-consumingvConsumption n. ecstasy sudden intense feeling or excitement 狂喜狂喜, 忘形忘形, 心醉神迷心醉神迷 He is in an ecstasy o

22、f delight. 歡喜若狂歡喜若狂 They went / got into ecstasies at the thought of going to a party. 興奮到極點(diǎn)興奮到極點(diǎn) 他聽音樂聽得入神。他聽音樂聽得入神。 He listened to the music with ecstasy.ecstatic adj. He was ecstatic at the news. 他對(duì)他的新玩具著了迷。 He is ecstatic over his new toy. vPill vTabletvCapsulevSyrupvherbsvInjectionvInfuse infusi

23、on operation accupuncture and massage vtransplantsmother v.t. a. to cover closely or thickly, to kill from lack of air 覆蓋,使窒息覆蓋,使窒息 The cook smothered a steak with mushrooms. 殺人犯用枕頭悶死了受害者。殺人犯用枕頭悶死了受害者。 The killer smothered the victim with a pillow. b. to keep from developing, growing, or getting out

24、, stifle 壓抑,忍住壓抑,忍住 I just managed to smother a yawn. We tried to smother our laughter. c. to lavish an excess of a given emotion on (someone) 溺愛溺愛 spoil 祖父母們溺愛這孩子。祖父母們溺愛這孩子。 The grandparents smothered the child with too much affection. Spare the rod, spoil the child.smothery adj. 令人透不過氣的令人透不過氣的lavi

25、sh adj. vt. adj. be lavish with / of sth. (fml.), be lavish in doing sth Characterized by or produced with extravagance and profusion奢侈的奢侈的,大方的大方的, 豐富的豐富的, 浪費(fèi)的浪費(fèi)的 a lavish buffet The critics were lavish with their praise for his latest album. 評(píng)論家們對(duì)他的最新專輯大加贊美。評(píng)論家們對(duì)他的最新專輯大加贊美。vt To give or bestow in a

26、bundance; shower generously or wastefully 大量地給予或贈(zèng)予,浪費(fèi),揮霍大量地給予或贈(zèng)予,浪費(fèi),揮霍 lavish sth on sb / sth lavish sb. with sth. He lavished attention on his customers. 對(duì)顧客非常周到對(duì)顧客非常周到He lavished care and affection on his children 溺愛子女溺愛子女lavishness n. ubiquitous adj. seeming to be everywhere His ubiquitous influe

27、nce was felt by the whole family. This problem was ubiquitous at that time. spring up to appear or come into being or action quickly or from nothing. 突然出現(xiàn),迅速發(fā)生,興起,冒出突然出現(xiàn),迅速發(fā)生,興起,冒出 Storms spring up easily in this region. 這個(gè)地區(qū)很容易發(fā)生風(fēng)暴。這個(gè)地區(qū)很容易發(fā)生風(fēng)暴。 New houses are springing up all over the city. 新建筑物猶如雨

28、后春筍般地出現(xiàn)在這座城市里。新建筑物猶如雨后春筍般地出現(xiàn)在這座城市里。phenomenal adj. very remarkable, amazing Charlie Chaplin enjoyed phenomenal success as a comedian. She has a phenomenal memory.The term chop suey means mixture of chopped up pieces. Many say that chop suey is not actually an authentic Chinese dish, and that it was

29、created in the United States by Chinese immigrants. No matter what, its become a popular American dish. A meal of chop suey consists of meat cooked with vegetables in a thickened sauce and is typically served over rice. The meat can be traditional Chinese fare such as chicken, fish or shrimp, or it can even stretch the boundaries a bit and encompass ground beef and tomato sauce. contrive v. to make or invent something in a skilful way 發(fā)明; 策劃, 設(shè)計(jì) to bring about, to manage contrive to do sth.設(shè)法做到設(shè)法做到 He contrived a new machine for flying. 他設(shè)計(jì)了一種新式飛行器。 你能不能設(shè)法早到點(diǎn)? Can you contrive to be h


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