Dark Winds《黑暗之風(fēng)(2022)》第一季第三集完整中英文對(duì)照劇本_第1頁
Dark Winds《黑暗之風(fēng)(2022)》第一季第三集完整中英文對(duì)照劇本_第2頁
Dark Winds《黑暗之風(fēng)(2022)》第一季第三集完整中英文對(duì)照劇本_第3頁
Dark Winds《黑暗之風(fēng)(2022)》第一季第三集完整中英文對(duì)照劇本_第4頁
Dark Winds《黑暗之風(fēng)(2022)》第一季第三集完整中英文對(duì)照劇本_第5頁
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1、- 前情回顧 -你把水樣拿去實(shí)驗(yàn)室檢測(cè)一下I need you to take that to the lab and get it analyzed.不太可能吧?How does that work?行了 吉姆 別演了 我知道你是聯(lián)邦調(diào)查局的Come on, Jim. You can cut the act. I know you're FBI.我沒讓你喝了它I'm not asking you to drink it.只是讓你檢測(cè)一下I'm asking you to analyze it.你估計(jì)里面有什么?What were you hoping to find?

2、我想我可能找到了那架直升機(jī)Thought I might've found your helicopter.你給的水樣里檢測(cè)出液壓油There was hydraulic fluid in your water sample.我需要巨石旅館雙殺案的尸檢報(bào)告I need the autopsy reports from the Big Rock murders.去拿吧Take 'em.嘿!你說這里只有.Hey! You said it was just a.我覺得她遇到了惡靈I think she's encountered a dark spirit.我沒開玩笑I kn

3、ow I did.她差點(diǎn)就侵入我腦子里了She was getting into my head,還想拽掉幾根我的頭發(fā)and she tried to take some of my hair.我想你去蓋洛普的女性庇護(hù)所會(huì)比較好I think you'd be better off in a women's shelter in Gallup.我想知道是誰I need a name.都在這兒么? - 一分不少Is it all there? - Every penny.現(xiàn)在我們?cè)趺崔k?Now what do we do?計(jì)劃不變Stick to the plan.驕傲的瑪麗(蒂

4、娜·特納,1970)Proud Mary- And we're rollin'- Rollin'- Rollin', yeah- Rollin'- Yee-ha!- Oh.- Rollin' on the river- Rollin' on the.嘿 你要去哪兒?我怎么辦?Hey, where you going? What about me?- Oh, I left a good jobin the city Workin' for the manevery night and day And I never los

5、tone minute of sleepin' Worryin' 'bout the waythings might have been Big wheel keep on turnin'- Turnin'- Proud Marykeep on burnin' - Burnin'- Rollin', rollin'- Yeah, all rightboth: Rollin' on the river- Rollin' now- Rollin' Said we're rollin'-

6、Yeahboth: Rollin' on the river- Move upboth: Do, do, do, do,do, do, do, do Do, do, do, do- Whoo, yeah All right Cleaned a lot of platesin Memphis, y'all Pumped a lot of 'tanedown in New Orleans But I never sawthe good side of the city Till I hitched a rideon the riverboat queen Big wheel

7、 keep on turnin'- Turnin'- Proud Marykeep on burnin' - Burnin'both: Rollin' Rollin'- Yeah Rollin' on the river你們應(yīng)該給我預(yù)留一幅畫的Y'all were supposed to be holding a painting for me.五分鐘前被我賣♥♥掉了I sold that one five minutes ago.賣♥♥給誰了

8、?To who? Do, do, do, do,do, do, do, do - All right Yeah為什么每個(gè)人都盯著我們看?Why is everyone staring at us?因?yàn)槲覀儙е誌t's not us. It's the badge.看見雷蒙德·比格了么?You seen Raymond Begay?這是我爺爺親手做的項(xiàng)鏈This silver was made by my grandpa.他在納瓦霍遠(yuǎn)行時(shí)戴過He wore it on the Long Walk of the Navajo.雷蒙德Raymond.嘿!別跑!停下!He

9、y! Stop! Stop!你為什么要跑?Why are you running?去追吧 猛♥男♥Go get him, tiger.我年紀(jì)大 就不參與了I'm too old for that.別跑!Stop running!來個(gè)櫻桃味的 謝謝Let me get a cherry, please.嘿!別跑!Hey! Stop!過來!Come here!噢 媽的 - 別追我!Ah, shit. - Leave me alone!你停下!God, stop!快站?。ust stop!不跑了?You done?我能陪你跑一整天I could

10、do this all day.你倆玩夠了么?You two done screwing around?你為什么要跑 雷蒙德? - 我也不知道Why'd you run, Raymond? - I don't know.上次出來后 我啥也沒干I didn't do anything since last time.你還沒被海軍開除時(shí) 潛過水沒?Did you do any diving before you were booted out of the Navy?掃雷艇上干過Minesweeper.A支隊(duì) 駐扎在越南茹縣(胡志明市郊)Detachment Alpha a

11、t Nhà Bè.想不想光明正大掙點(diǎn)錢?You want to make an honest buck today?能幫個(gè)忙么?謝謝Can you take this? Thanks.沒出什么事吧?Is everything okay?我來月經(jīng)了 姑媽I got my period, Auntie.噢Oh.我給你些衛(wèi)生巾帶回家I'm gonna send you home with some napkins.我必須得回家么?Do I have to go home?怎么了?你告訴你♥爸♥爸了么?What's wro

12、ng? Have you told your father?告訴了 他就站在那這表情Yeah. He just stood there.完全呆住了 不知所措He didn't know what to say or what to do.他需要給你準(zhǔn)備 Kinaaldá 成人禮了He needs to make arrangements for your Kinaaldá.我會(huì)跟他說的I'll talk to him.其實(shí) 我想說.Actually, I was wondering.什么也沒有!Nothing!去那邊試試!Try over there!過去1

13、6個(gè)月就一起持刀傷人案 為了一箱啤酒Nothing as much as a stabbing over a case of beer in 16 months.現(xiàn)在三周內(nèi) 出了一起雙重謀殺案和一起銀行劫案Now we're dealing with a double homicide and a bank heist in a span of three weeks.你覺得兩起案子有關(guān)聯(lián)?You think they're related?不 還看不出來No. Nothing to go on.感覺不對(duì)勁It doesn't feel right.看上去完全沒關(guān)聯(lián).也

14、沒什么線索Seems totally random.nothing concrete.是啊.Yeah.只不過 雷姑娘家門前的車轍印except the tire tracks at the Growing Thunder house跟摩♥門♥教♥家庭失蹤現(xiàn)場(chǎng)我看到的matching the same ones we found out at the desert完全一致where the Mormons went missing.同一輛四驅(qū)車Four-wheel drive.也許是他們車壞了 然后搭了順風(fēng)車Tourists pr

15、obably had car trouble and hitched a ride.車一點(diǎn)問題沒有Car ran perfectly.你怎么知道?咱又沒鑰匙How do you know? We didn't find the keys.我搭線啟動(dòng)了Hot-wired it.怎么了?我當(dāng)警♥察♥之前學(xué)的What? I wasn't always a cop.什么也沒有! - 繼續(xù)找Nothing! - Keep looking.我累了I'm getting tired.也許你剛才不該像野兔子一樣在沙漠里猛跑Well, mayb

16、e you shouldn't have run around the desert like some jackrabbit.我也許有個(gè)保護(hù)中的目擊證人能給點(diǎn)線索I also got a witness in custody who might shed some light on things.誰?在哪?Who? Where?雷姑娘.她現(xiàn)暫住在我家Growing Thunder girl.She's my house guest.她說了什么嗎?She given up any intel?還沒有No, not yet.但我讓我的警員去辦了But I got my deput

17、y working on it.伯納黛特?Bernadette?非也,我老婆Uh-uh, my wife.請(qǐng)進(jìn)吧 歡迎Come in. Welcome.嗨 薩麗 這是我侄女納諾巴Hi, Sally. This is my niece Nanobah.她會(huì)跟我們一起住四天She's gonna be staying with us for the next four days.她能跟你住在一屋不?Is it okay if she shares your room?納諾巴要準(zhǔn)備慶祝她的 Kinaaldá 成人禮Nanobah's gonna be celebrating

18、 her Kinaaldá.我不知道那是什么I don't know what that is.不用擔(dān)心 我們會(huì)教你Don't worry. We'll teach you.什么也沒有Nothing.也許你漏掉了Well, maybe you missed something.再找一圈吧 - 別想了 什么時(shí)候給我錢?Take another lap around. - Hell, no! When do I get paid?會(huì)給你的You'll get paid.一定在里面It's got to be there.那你自己試試吧 - 嘿!Be

19、 my guest. - Hey!普若佛警局今早打來電♥話♥ 他們查了車牌號(hào)♥Provo PD called this morning! They ran the plates!威爾森·史密斯 40歲Wilson Smith, age 40,和他太太凱倫 36歲along with his wife, Karen, age 36,還有兩個(gè)孩子 露西和卡珊卓and their two children, Lucy and Cassandra,12歲和9歲 四個(gè)人都被報(bào)告失蹤了ages 12 and 9, are all

20、officially reported missing.還覺得這幾件事沒有關(guān)聯(lián)么?You still think this is all random?還有這個(gè) 在他們車后備箱里看到的I, uh, came across this, too. Found it in the trunk.是什么?What is it?在麥金尼斯店里買♥♥畫的小票It's a receipt from McGinnis' trading post for a painting.然后呢? - 然后 沒看到那幅畫So? - Well, there's

21、 no painting找遍車都沒有 - 嗯found in the car. - Hmm.綁♥架♥? - 或者更糟Kidnapping. - or worse.我需要跟聯(lián)邦調(diào)查局溝通一下I need to sort this out with the feds.然后 你倆跟進(jìn)下這條線索In the meantime, you two follow up on this.盡量別掐架 好不?And try not to kill each other, hmm?我這事兒已經(jīng)夠多了I got enough on my plate.什么時(shí)候給我錢?When

22、 do I get paid?你知道我會(huì)開車 對(duì)吧?You know I know how to drive, right?你認(rèn)識(shí)路么?Do you know where you're going?這里可沒什么路牌可以看There's not a lot of street signs around here.我已經(jīng)記起這里來了It's all coming back to me.很好 如果你出外勤了Good, 'cause when you're out on the call方圓幾百英里內(nèi)什么都沒有and there's nothing ar

23、ound you for hundreds and hundreds of miles,你得會(huì)報(bào)位置 我們才能找到你it's important to be able to tell people where to find you.嘿 羅德里克Hey, Roderick.吁Whoa.你朋友?Friend of yours?他幫我照顧我的馬兒們He works my horses for me.你有多少馬??? - 你可以不用沒話找話了 齊How many horses do you have? - You can give it a rest, Chee.我不太擅長(zhǎng)尬聊I'm

24、not good with small talk.好吧 我只是想打發(fā)時(shí)間Okay. I'm just trying to pass the time.我不煩你了I'll leave you alone.我有四匹 還代養(yǎng)了兩只 包括艾瑪?shù)囊榜RI own four, and I board two, including Emma's mustang.我那兒相當(dāng)不錯(cuò)I got a great setup.一輛房♥車 兩英畝地A trailer out on two acres,干凈的水井.我很知足了clean well.It's everythi

25、ng I want.我很想去拜訪一下I'd like to see it sometime.除非你要寄養(yǎng)馬Not unless you board a horse.除此我不讓別人來我家No one comes to my place.誰都不行?No one?我是太陽神I am the sun bearer.Tsohanoai(納瓦霍人的太陽神)好吧Okay.所以從來沒有其他人進(jìn)過你的房♥車?So no one's ever stepped foot inside your trailer?這也太不可思議了That's just weird.這里凈是

26、些浪蕩公子哥All that's around here are a bunch of Sonny boys連個(gè)工作都沒有 啃老一族who can't keep a job, mooch off their mamas,連我是哪個(gè)家族都不問問 就想進(jìn)我房♥車?yán)颽nd try to get in my trailer without even asking about my clan.我有馬兒們陪著就很好了 謝謝I'm good with the horses, thank you.媽的Damn it.這還差不多There we go.早啊 萊斯特

27、- 嘿M(fèi)orning, Lester. - Hey.這不是利普霍恩的小跟班么.If it isn't the Leaphornettes.保留地警局的活力二人組The Reservation's dynamic background duo.有什么可以為二位效勞的?What can I do for you?你能不能幫忙看看這個(gè)Wondering if you could help us out with something.噢 這是賣♥♥旺達(dá)那幅巨丑畫的小票Yeah, it's a receipt for one of Wa

28、nda's ugly paintings.你還記得賣♥♥給誰了不?Do you remember who you sold it to?嗯 幾個(gè)摩♥門♥教♥的人Mm, a bunch of Mormons.高興得跟什么似的Cheerful as all get-out.在他們同類里也算特別興奮的Even more so than the rest of 'em.送了只玩具小馬給他們一個(gè)孩子Gave a toy horse to one of their kids.他們開

29、了一輛林肯大♥陸♥They drive a Lincoln Continental,還記得么?by any chance?是的 沒出啥事吧? - 他們失蹤了Yeah. Is everything okay? - They went missing.還有什么可以告訴我們的么?Is there anything else you can tell us?呃 他們剛走一會(huì)就來了個(gè)白人佬Yeah, a bilagáana guy came in not long after,說就想要那同一幅畫wanting that same painting,還

30、要找我老婆asking for my wife,我還一直想搞清楚怎么回事which I've been meaning to get to the bottom of.還記得他長(zhǎng)什么樣么 身高 體型 頭發(fā)?You have any description.Height, build, hair color?就一個(gè)普通的白種男Just some white guy,呃 胡子有點(diǎn)像鯰魚杭特(美國(guó)職棒大聯(lián)盟投手)uh, mustache like Catfish Hunter.除此之外 沒什么特別的Otherwise, nothing special.如果你想起點(diǎn)什么 就告訴我們Well,

31、if you can think of anything else, let us know.好 如果你們發(fā)現(xiàn)了什么也要告訴我哦Yeah, and if you find out anything else, you let me know.謝謝 萊斯特 - 好的 也謝謝你Thanks, Lester. - All right, thank you.好的All right.嘿Hey.您這是要喂飽整個(gè)部落么 神父?Feeding the whole tribe, are we, Father?基♥督♥用五張餅和兩條魚讓五千人吃飽了Jesus made

32、do with five loaves and two fish.我就用一袋大米吧I'll settle for a bag of rice.Yá'át'ééh(你好?。?- Oh. Yá'át'ééh(噢 你好)嘿 喬叔叔Hey, Uncle Joe.噢 嗨Oh, hi.家里挺熱鬧啊It's a full house.納諾巴月經(jīng)初潮了Nanobah got her period.噢 那你弟弟為啥不能.Oh. Well, why can't your brot

33、her.因?yàn)樗欢瓸ecause he can't.我們可以在這里慶祝一下We could use a little celebration around here.好的 我明天要去旗手市Yeah, I have to go to Flagstaff tomorrow.好的Okay.那 你去了以后Oh, and while you're there,幫納諾巴帶一條束腰帶吧Nanobah needs a sash belt.我的可樂被她們喝光了They drank all my RC.還要帶什么? - 柴火Anything else? - Firewood.多備點(diǎn)柴火吧We co

34、uld always use more firewood.嗯 好的Mm, okay.她跟你透露什么了么?She say anything to you yet?把你衣服換下來Leave your shirt.我來把這印子洗掉 - 好的I'll get the stain out. - Okay.笨手笨腳Clumsy!嗨 亞茲 車不錯(cuò)嘛Hey, Yazzie. Nice truck.我買♥♥的 沒偷也沒搶 如果你是要問這個(gè)的話Bought and paid for, if that's what you're asking.能看

35、看車輛登記證么?Can I see the registration?“靠譜丹二手車行”抱歉打擾了Sorry for the inconvenience.怎么都看著我們笑?What's going on?沒事 因?yàn)槲覀兇髦誑othing. It's the badge.嘿 旺達(dá)Hey, Wanda.介紹一下你的新男友唄Who's your new boyfriend?他不是我男友He's not my boyfriend.別介意哈 親愛的 逃婚的男人不值得留戀Don't take offense, darlin'. Runaway Berni

36、e ain't no prize.你清庫(kù)存呢?賺點(diǎn)外快?You selling overstock? Making some money on the side?這不犯法吧?- 萊斯特可能不太高興Is that a crime? - Lester might not like it.我老早就不在乎他高不高興了I stopped caring about what Lester likes a long time ago.嗯Hmm.好吧 他也不怎么喜歡你的畫Well, he's not a big fan of your art either.知道么 有一家摩門家庭You kno

37、w, a Mormon family買♥♥了你的畫 然后失蹤了bought one of your paintings, then went missing.我可不會(huì)大變活人I don't possess that kind of magic.我們要問的也不是他們Well, it's not them we're curious about.而是之后進(jìn)去的一個(gè)白人佬It's the, uh, white guy that came in after也要買♥♥那幅畫to buy

38、 the exact same canvas.我的作品很受歡迎啊My art is popular.R·C·戈?duì)柭袎毫α耍{瓦霍著名藝術(shù)家)R.C. Gorman needs to watch himself.這家伙去找你 表現(xiàn)得非常不高興This guy came to see you, and he left upset.你們倆之間有什么故事?You two have something going on?我不喜歡白人.I don't like white men.也不喜歡警♥察♥or cops.完事了么?Are

39、we done here?再見 旺達(dá)Bye, Wanda.她在撒謊She's lying.是的 看出來了Yeah, I know.嗯Hmm.來了 警長(zhǎng)Well, Lieutenant.大高個(gè)High-pockets.你遲到了 - 嗯 我過的印第安時(shí)間You're late. - Mm, I'm on Indian time.我只能待一小會(huì) 四點(diǎn)還要去打高爾夫(tea/tee 同音)Well, I'd sit, but I have a tee time at 4:00.噢 早知道給你帶點(diǎn)烤面餅來Eh, if I would've known, I wou

40、ld've brought you some crumpets.是打高爾夫不是下午茶 - 噢It's golf. - Oh.太浪費(fèi)土地了What a waste of land.總比荒在那兒強(qiáng)吧Well, beats a whole lot of nothing.還有.So.一家四口剛被報(bào)告失蹤family of four just up and disappears.你有什么說法不?You got any explanation for that?還沒有Not yet.好吧 只要沒出人命 就歸你管Well, no bodies means it's yours.情況有

41、變的話 你還是接著管吧Anything changes, it's still yours.我這兒工作日程已經(jīng)排滿了My crime sheet is full.你打完高爾夫就能空出來了吧?I guess you'll be solving that on the back nine, huh.沒錯(cuò) 再會(huì)了 忠實(shí)的朋友Yep. Adiós, kemosabe.我需要巨石旅館雙殺案的最新案情I need updates on the Atcitty/Tso case.哦 那個(gè)案子已經(jīng)結(jié)了Well, that case is closed.案子已經(jīng)結(jié)了什么意思?What

42、do you mean it's closed?我該怎么跟他們家人說?What do I tell the families?跟他們說可以來取遺體了You tell 'em they can retrieve the bodies.我會(huì)把遺體送到咱們的冷藏間去I'll have 'em sent over to our funeral home.他們的家人沒有辦法取回遺體These families have no means of retrieving the bodies.好吧 你是執(zhí)法官員 利普霍恩Well, you're an officer o

43、f the law, Leaphorn.你可以把他們送回去You can bring 'em back.否則的話 遺體將被移交給州政♥府♥處理Otherwise, they'll be turned over to the state.怎么了 奶奶?What is it, Grandma?不要這么抓No scratching.你想變成丑女沒人要么?You want to be ugly and forsaken?“沒人要”?不 奶奶"Forsaken"? No, Grandmother.我保證會(huì)盡力做好I prom

44、ise I'll do my best.您看可以了么?Is this fine enough?再磨細(xì)一些Finer.你做得很好 納諾巴You're doing well, Nanobah.英雄打工人(約翰·列儂,1969)Working Class Hero從出生開始 你就被迫自視卑微 As soon as you're born, they make you feel small 一直忙個(gè)不停 卻始終生活悲催 By giving you no time instead of it all - 臺(tái)♥灣♥制&h

45、earts;造♥ -不知不覺 直到身心已疲憊 Till the pain is so big, you feel nothing at all 嘿 兄弟 - 下午好Hey, brother. - Good afternoon.你是哪個(gè)部落的? - 納瓦霍What tribe are you? - Navajo Nation.腰帶都在這兒了Here's all the sashes.多少錢?How much?英雄打工人不該如此頹廢 A working-class hero is something to be 如果你想當(dāng)英雄 只管跟我起飛 If you want t

46、o be a hero, well, just follow me 我們來這里干嗎?Why are we here?我覺得我們可以重新來過I thought you and I could start over.好的 那就重新來過Okay, well, start over, then.我不喜歡剛才旺達(dá)那么言語攻擊你I didn't like the way Wanda took a shot at you back there.畢竟 我們是搭檔You know, we're partners.我們應(yīng)該為對(duì)方撐腰We've got to have each other&

47、#39;s backs.旺達(dá)那人說話就那樣That's just Wanda being Wanda.話中帶刺是她一貫風(fēng)格Being awful is all she's got.這你也能忍♥么?And that doesn't bother you?在這里生活 你得臉皮厚一點(diǎn)Well, you got to have thick skin around here.要是臉皮薄呢?What if you don't?這是什么地方?What is this place?這是我的家 我長(zhǎng)大的地方This is my home. It's

48、where I grew up.噢Oh.這里很美 - 是啊It's beautiful here. - Yeah.你為什么離開?Why did you leave?我沒得選I didn't have a choice.我喜歡這里.I love this place.你知道的you know.自從我媽找了個(gè)混♥蛋♥男友My mom started dating this real asshole.有一天 他對(duì)她拳腳相加One day, he roughed her up, and.我媽拿平底鍋把他抽了個(gè)半死 差點(diǎn)靈魂出竅she knoc

49、ked him halfway to Shiprock with a frying pan.幾周后 我來到學(xué)校Then a couple weeks later, I showed up to school,沒有一個(gè)同學(xué)愿意跟我說話and none of the kids would talk to me.后來知道是有人做了這個(gè)Came to find out it was 'cause someone did this.“女巫”"Witch."這謠言一傳十十傳百The rumor spread on the moccasin telegraph.她所有的朋友都不再

50、理她All her friends turned their backs on her.你知道當(dāng)你還是個(gè)孩子Do you know what it's like to be a kid and.卻要安慰媽媽 讓她不哭的感覺么?comfort your mom while she cries?第二天 她收拾好行李 我們就開車離開了The next day, she packed up the car, and we left.她最終也沒能葉落歸根She died among strangers.她曾經(jīng)臉皮也厚She had a thick skin, too, once.很遺憾你身上發(fā)生

51、了這些事I'm sorry that happened to you.我曾想回這里找到他I used to dream about coming back here to find him,完成她未竟之事finish what she started.但有人搶先我一步But someone beat me to it.艾瑪?shù)闹杜k Kinaaldá 成人禮.Emma's niece is having her Kinaaldá.就在利普霍恩家over at Leaphorn's.你可以 呃 去看看.You should, uh, stop by.幫

52、幫手 玩玩篝火help out, tend to the fire.你會(huì)去么?Will you be there?保留區(qū)里哪里有儀式If there's a ceremony anywhere on the Rez,我都會(huì)排第一位I'm the first in line.好的Okay.好的Okay.你好? - 嘿Hello? - Hey.我還在旗手市I'm still here in Flagstaff.買♥♥到腰帶了么? - 當(dāng)然Did you pick up the belt? - Of course.而且我特意從納瓦霍

53、人那買♥♥的 不是普韋布洛噢And I got it from a Diné, not a Pueblo.我需要在這里待一晚上Look, I need to spend the night.喬 我這邊需要你Joe, I need you back here.是 我 我知道Yeah, I-I know.但是他們讓我明天去取遺體But they're releasing the bodies to me in the morning.我得帶他們回家 艾瑪I'm bringing 'em home, Emma.我做到了 -

54、 我知道你可以的I made it. - I knew that you would.你跑得越遠(yuǎn) 壽命就會(huì)越長(zhǎng)The farther you run, the longer life you will have.我能幫忙處理玉米么?Can I help with the corn today?當(dāng)然Of course.多少錢?How much?海倫Helen.她是個(gè)很棒的姑娘She was a wonderful girl.確實(shí)Truly.曹神父?Father Tso?有人么?Hello?救命!救命!Help! Help!有人么? - 有人么?Hello? - Hello?我們?cè)谶@下面We

55、9;re down here!有人么?- 有人在么?Hello? - Hello?幫幫我們! - 我們?cè)谙旅?!Help us! - We're down here!我們?cè)谶@兒!- 幫幫我們!We're here! - Please!你見過我們的客人了I see you met our houseguests.我不明白I don't understand.為了保險(xiǎn).Insurance.這是你的疏忽帶來的必然結(jié)果A necessary result due to your negligence.放我們出去 - 求求你了!Get us out. - Please!新的畫在哪里

56、?Where's the new painting?警♥察♥問到了那幅賣♥♥掉的畫The police are asking about the one they were sold.他們?cè)谲嚴(yán)镎业搅速?gòu)買♥♥小票They found a receipt in the car.我什么也沒跟他們講 我發(fā)誓I didn't tell them anything, I swear.我相信你I trust you.你對(duì)我們這事很認(rèn)真You're tr

57、ue to the cause.發(fā)卡真好看That's a beautiful hair clip.從哪兒來的?Where'd you get it?市場(chǎng)買♥♥的 - 我能看看么?At the market. - Can I see it?能送給我么?May I keep it?這是我家傳的It's a family heirloom.你剛還說從市場(chǎng)買♥♥的You said you got it at the market.我知道有人會(huì)非常喜歡這個(gè)I know someone who'd really like this.謝謝你 旺達(dá)Thank you, Wanda.不客氣You're welcome.出去時(shí)別讓人看到Make sure no one sees you on the way out.你覺得她會(huì)說出去么?You think she'll rat?我不知道I don't know.你知道該給誰 以防萬一You know who to give this to, just in case.你家還


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