



1、,8D Assessment method/ 8D評估方法,Disciplines參考,General整體,D1,D2,D3,D4 O,D4 N,D5 O,D5 N,D6 O,D6 N,D7,D8,8D Basic8D 基礎(chǔ),General整體,D1,D2,D3,D4 O,D4 N,D5 O,D5 N,D6 O,D6 N,D7,D8,8D Excellence卓越8D,Ratio符合率,0 / 2,0 / 5,0 / 3,0 / 6,0 / 6,0 / 5,0 / 5,0 / 5,0 / 3,0 / 3,0 / 2,0 / 3,NOK,Basic Requirements基本要求,Fulfil

2、led (OK) 滿足Not fulfilled (NOK)不滿足,Criteria for Achieving Excellence達(dá)成卓越的準(zhǔn)則,Fulfilled (1)滿足Not Fulfilled (0)不滿足,General整體,General basic requirements整體的基本要求,NOK,General criteria for achieving Excellence整體達(dá)到“卓越”的準(zhǔn)則,Version numbering of the report is adhered to遵守報告的版本,Content is written efficiently, obj

3、ectively and in full; abbreviations are explained內(nèi)容描述是有效、客觀和完整的,對縮寫已進(jìn)行說明,Dates of measures are up to date措施的日期狀態(tài)是最新更新狀態(tài),The report is described consistently and transparently and the formatting is clearly structured報告內(nèi)容一致、易于理解,格式清晰明了,The report also contains a summary of the content (table template

4、or management summary, oner, etc.). 報告中還包含一個總結(jié)報告(如管理總結(jié),一頁匯總報告等),Specified dates are adhered to已遵守期限規(guī)定,D1,D1 Basic requirementsD1 基本要求,NOK,D1 Criteria for achieving “Excellence”D1 達(dá)成“卓越”的準(zhǔn)則,Team leader appointed已任命團(tuán)隊(duì)組長,Clearly defined and easy-to-follow role description and department description清晰易懂

5、的職能描述和部門描述,Sponsor appointed已任命發(fā)起人,The team is supported by an independent 8D moderator團(tuán)隊(duì)由一位獨(dú)立的8D主持人主持,The relevant departments are represented in the team, expertise is available團(tuán)隊(duì)由具備專業(yè)知識的相關(guān)部門代表組成,Designation of an independent third party (outside the 8D team) for the assessment任命獨(dú)立第三方(8D團(tuán)隊(duì)之外)進(jìn)行評估,

6、The sponsors position within the hierarchy reflects the importance of the problem發(fā)起人在領(lǐng)導(dǎo)層中的位置符合問題的規(guī)模,Skills relating to the 8D problem-solving process are available in the team團(tuán)隊(duì)具備8D問題解決過程的知識和能力,D2,D2 Basic requirementsD2 基本要求,NOK,D2 Criteria for achieving “Excellence”D2 達(dá)成卓越的標(biāo)準(zhǔn),Comprehensible sympto

7、m description (description of the non-conformity from the target state to the actual state)可理解的癥狀描述(描述實(shí)際狀態(tài)與目標(biāo)狀態(tài)間的偏差),Other documentation with additional media (images, audio, video) is attached.已附上附加每題(圖片、聲音、視頻)的進(jìn)一步文檔,Number, data, fact-based problem description; clear and easy-to-follow description

8、: What exactly is the non-conformity? Where is the non-conformity? When did the non-conformity occur? How often does the non-conformity occur? How many items or item numbers are affected?基于數(shù)字、數(shù)據(jù)、實(shí)施的問題描述;清晰易懂的描述:偏差到底是什么?偏差在哪里?偏差是什么時候發(fā)生的?偏差多久發(fā)生一次?涉及的對象或者零件號有多少?,Is/Is-Not analysis is documented using o

9、ther methods結(jié)合使用了更多其他的方法進(jìn)行“是/非”的分析并進(jìn)行了記錄歸檔,Is/Is-Not analysis performed進(jìn)行了“是/非”的分析,Potential effects on similar products, processes and locations have been checked已檢驗(yàn)對同類產(chǎn)品、工藝和產(chǎn)地的潛在影響,D3,D3 Basic requirementsD3 基本要求,NOK,D3 Criteria for achieving Excellence”D3 達(dá)成“卓越”的準(zhǔn)則,Identification and selection of

10、 containment actions based on the Is/Is-Not analysis根據(jù)“是/非”分析識別和選擇了遏制措施,Ongoing documentation of the effectiveness of the containment actions after their introduction until confirmation of the effectiveness of the implemented permanent corrective measures在遏制措施實(shí)施后,持續(xù)記錄期有效性,直到確認(rèn)永久性措施的有效性。,Detailed des

11、cription of the containment actions對遏制措施的詳細(xì)說明,Methodical investigation of the residual risk and side effects, and documentation基于方法論確定風(fēng)險和副作用以及進(jìn)行記錄,Responsible party appointed已任命責(zé)任人,Easy-to-follow documentation of the identification and selection of containment actions based on the Is/Is-Not analysis

12、對基于“是/非矩陣分析識別和選擇了遏制措施進(jìn)行了易于理解的記錄,Dates (planned-actual) recorded已記錄時間期限(計劃-實(shí)際),Proof of effectiveness kept保留和更新有效性的證據(jù),Risk and side effects of the containment actions已考慮遏制措施的風(fēng)險和副作用,D4 Occurrence發(fā)生,D4 Occurrence basic requirementsD4 發(fā)生-基本要求,NOK,D4 Occurrence Criteria for achieving “Excellence”D4 發(fā)生-達(dá)成

13、“卓越”的準(zhǔn)則,Systematic identification of causes with the aid of methods (e.g. cause-effect diagram or 5 Why)借助方法(例如因果圖和5個為什么)來系統(tǒng)地識別原因,Easy-to-follow documentation; all causes of the occurrence of the problem have been determined by verification易于理解的文件記錄;所有的發(fā)生的原因已經(jīng)得到證實(shí),Technical root causes for the occur

14、rence have been identified已識別導(dǎo)致發(fā)生的技術(shù)性根本原因,The consistent description of the procedure for describing symptoms through to the verification of causes is understandable for third parties對從問題描述到原因驗(yàn)證的過程進(jìn)行了全面的描述,且是可被第三方所理解的。,Confirmation of causes via Is/Is-Not analysis description from D2 (no contradicti

15、on)基于D2的“是/非”分析確認(rèn)原因(原因與之不矛盾),Systemic root causes for the occurrence have been identified已識別導(dǎo)致發(fā)生的系統(tǒng)性根本原因,Each identified root cause has been assigned to a failure cause category每一個識別出來的根本原因都?xì)w入到一種缺陷原因分類中,Risk assessment is updated (taking into consideration the analysis of the root causes of the occu

16、rrence)已更新風(fēng)險評估(考慮導(dǎo)致發(fā)生的根本原因分析),D4Non-detection未探測到,D4 Non-detection basic requirementD4 未探測到-基本要求,NOK,D4 Non-detection criteria for achieving “Excellence”D4 未探測到-達(dá)成“卓越”的準(zhǔn)則,Systematic identification of causes with the aid of methods (e.g. cause-effect diagram or 5 Why)借助方法(例如因果圖和5個為什么)來系統(tǒng)地識別原因,Easy-to

17、-follow documentation; all causes of the non-detection of the problem have been determined by verification易于理解的文件記錄;未發(fā)現(xiàn)問題的所有原因都已經(jīng)得到證實(shí)。,Technical root causes for the non-detection have been identified已識別導(dǎo)致未探測到的技術(shù)性的根本原因,The consistent description of the procedure for describing symptoms through to the

18、 verification of causes is understandable for third parties對從問題描述到原因驗(yàn)證的過程進(jìn)行了全面描述,且是可被第三方所理解。,Systemic root causes for the non-detection have been identified已識別導(dǎo)致未探測到的系統(tǒng)性的根本原因,Each identified root cause has been assigned to a failure cause category每一個識別出來的根本原因都?xì)w入到一種缺陷原因分類中,Risk assessment is updated

19、(taking into consideration the analysis of the root causes of non-detection )已更新風(fēng)險評估(考慮導(dǎo)致未探測到的本本原因分析),D5Occurrence發(fā)生,D5 Occurrence basic requirementsD5 發(fā)生-基本要求,NOK,D5 Occurrence - criteria for achieving “Excellence”D5 發(fā)生- 達(dá)成“卓越”的準(zhǔn)則,Possible corrective actions for an occurrence in relation to all tec

20、hnical and systemic root causes are listed針對所有導(dǎo)致發(fā)生的技術(shù)和系統(tǒng)的根本原因,已列出可能的糾正措施,Methods are used to verify and document the selection of corrective actions (e.g. via a decision matrix)運(yùn)用方法(例如,通過決策矩陣)對措施的選擇進(jìn)行驗(yàn)證和記錄,Easy-to-follow effectiveness/efficacy assessment of the achievable corrective actions, with ju

21、stification對可實(shí)現(xiàn)的永久糾正措施的效率/有效性進(jìn)行了評估,易于理解,且附帶了相關(guān)理由說明,Verification for the selection of the corrective actions is described in a way that is understandable for third parties對選定的糾正措施所進(jìn)行的驗(yàn)證作簡單易懂的描述,可被第三方所理解。,The selection of corrective actions for each identified root cause must be transparent針對每一個識別的根本原

22、因,糾正措施的選擇是透明的,Approved, detailed action plan (dates, responsible parties, required resources are approved)批準(zhǔn)了詳細(xì)的行動計劃(日期、負(fù)責(zé)人、需要的資源已經(jīng)過批準(zhǔn)),Possible undesirable effects of each of the corrective actions have been analyzed and are recorded已分析了各項(xiàng)糾正措施可能造成的不良后果并記錄存檔,D5Non-detection未探測到,D5 Non-detection basi

23、c requirementD5 未探測到-基本要求,NOK,D5 Non-detection criteria for achieving Excellence”D5 未探測到- 達(dá)成“卓越”的準(zhǔn)則,Possible corrective actions for non-detection in relation to all technical and systemic root causes are listed針對所有導(dǎo)致未探測到的技術(shù)和系統(tǒng)的根本原因,已列出可能的糾正措施,Methods are used to verify and document the selection of

24、corrective actions (e.g. via decision matrix)運(yùn)用方法(如,通過決策矩陣)對措施的選擇進(jìn)行驗(yàn)證和記錄,Easy-to-follow effectiveness/efficacy assessment of the possible corrective actions, with justification對糾正措施的效率/有效性進(jìn)行了評估,易于理解,且附帶了相關(guān)理由說明,Verification for the selection of the corrective actions is described in a way that is und

25、erstandable for third parties對選定的糾正措施所進(jìn)行的驗(yàn)證作簡單易懂的描述,可被第三方所理解,The selection of corrective actions for each identified root cause must be transparent針對每一個識別的根本原因,糾正措施的選擇是透明的,Approved, detailed action plan (dates, responsible parties, required resources are approved)批準(zhǔn)了詳細(xì)的行動計劃(日期、負(fù)責(zé)人、需要的資源已經(jīng)過批準(zhǔn)),Possib

26、le undesirable effects of each of the corrective actions have been analyzed and are documented已分析了各項(xiàng)糾正措施可能造成的不良后果并記錄存檔,D6Occurrence發(fā)生,D6 Occurrence basic requirementsD6 發(fā)生-基本要求,NOK,D6 Occurrence - criteria for achieving “ExcellenceD6 發(fā)生-達(dá)成“卓越”的準(zhǔn)則,Implementation of the selected permanent corrective a

27、ctions based on the action plan (from D5)根據(jù)行動計劃(源自D5)實(shí)施選定的永久性糾正措施,The provision of evidence, particularly for validation, is carried out and documented with the aid of methods (e.g. experiments, photos, drawings, etc.).通過方法(如實(shí)驗(yàn)、照片、圖紙等)對證據(jù)(尤其是驗(yàn)證證據(jù))進(jìn)行驗(yàn)證并記錄在案,Validation of the effectiveness of the perm

28、anent corrective actions驗(yàn)證永久性糾正措施的有效性,The provision of evidence, particularly for validation, is described in a way that is understandable for third parties以第三方可理解的方式對證據(jù)的驗(yàn)證(尤其是驗(yàn)證)進(jìn)行描述。,Removal of containment actions after validation of permanent corrective actions永久性糾正措施經(jīng)過驗(yàn)證后取消遏制措施,Permanent incorpo

29、ration of the corrective actions is documented and described in a way that is understandable以可理解的方式記錄和描述糾正措施的永久實(shí)施,D6Non-detection未探測到,D6 Non-detection basic requirementD6 未探測到-基本要求,NOK,D6 Non-detection criteria for achieving “Excellence”D6 未探測到-達(dá)成“卓越”的準(zhǔn)則,Implementation of the selected permanent corr

30、ective actions based on the action plan (from D5)根據(jù)行動計劃(源自D5)實(shí)施選定的永久性糾正措施,The provision of evidence, particularly for validation, is carried out and documented with the aid of methods (e.g. experiments, photos and drawings, etc.).通過方法(如實(shí)驗(yàn)、照片、圖紙等)對證據(jù)(尤其是驗(yàn)證證據(jù))進(jìn)行驗(yàn)證并記錄在案。,Validation of the effectiveness

31、 of the permanent corrective actions驗(yàn)證永久性糾正措施的有效性,The provision of evidence, particularly for validation, is described in a way that is understandable for third parties以第三方可理解的方式對證據(jù)的驗(yàn)證(尤其是驗(yàn)證)進(jìn)行描述。,Removal of containment actions after validation of permanent corrective actions永久性糾正措施經(jīng)過驗(yàn)證后取消遏制措施,Perma

32、nent incorporation of the corrective actions is documented and described in a way that is understandable以可理解的方式記錄和描述糾正措施的永久實(shí)施,D7,D7 Basic requirementD7 基本要求,NOK,D7 Criteria for achieving “Excellence”D7 達(dá)成“卓越”的準(zhǔn)則,Documents that the problem-solving team are able to influence are reviewed and revised i

33、f necessary (e.g. FMEA, test schedules and instructions); documentation available and traceable如有必要,需對受問題解決團(tuán)隊(duì)影響的文件進(jìn)行了評審以及修訂(如FMEA、測試計劃和測試說明);相關(guān)文件可獲取及可追溯,The party responsible for supervising the preventive measures and transferring the acquired knowledge/information to the organization (e.g. to a le

34、ssons learned process) is designated已任命監(jiān)督預(yù)防措施或者將已獲得知識傳遞到組織中的負(fù)責(zé)人(例如導(dǎo)出到經(jīng)驗(yàn)教訓(xùn)流程中),Evaluation of whether the existing problem resolution can also be applied to comparable products, processes and locations; this can be carried out with the involvement of further positions/persons (e.g. sponsor) or functions. If necessary, the lessons learned process or the continuous improvement process (CIP), etc. is initia


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