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1、 語法填空+小作文+讀后續(xù)寫組合訓練2 語法填空:閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入適當?shù)膬热?1個單詞)或括號內單詞的正確形式。Many people have the hobby of collecting things, e.g. stamps, postcards or antiques. In the 18th and 19th centuries, 1 (wealth) people travelled and collected plants, historical objects and works of art. They kept their collection at home

2、until it got too big 2 until they died, and then it was given to a museum. The 80,000 objects collected by Sir Hans Sloane, for example, 3 (form) the core collection of the British Museum 4 opened in 1759.The parts of a museum open to the public 5 (call) galleries or rooms. Often, only a small part

3、of a museums collection 6 (be) on display. Most of it is stored away or used for research.Many museums are lively places and they attract a lot of visitors. As well as looking at exhibits, visitors can play with computer simulations (模擬) and imagine 7 (they) living at a different time in history or

4、8 (walk)through a rainforest. At the Jorvik Centre in York, the citys Viking settlement is recreated, and people experience the sights, sounds and smells of the old town. Historical 9 (accurate) is important but so is entertainment. Museums must compete 10 peoples spare time and money with other amu

5、sements. Most museums also welcome school groups and arrange special activities for children.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 提綱類作文:假定你是李華, 上周日你校舉辦了5公里越野賽跑活動。請你為校英文報寫一篇報道, 內容包括:1. 參加人員: 2. 跑步路線:從校門口到南山腳下: 3. 活動反響。注意:1. 寫作詞數(shù)應為80左右:2. 請按如下格式在答題卡的相應位置作答。A Cross-Country Running Race_ _ 讀后續(xù)寫:閱讀下面材料, 根據(jù)其內容和

6、所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段, 使之構成一篇完整的短文。The Meredith family lived in a small community. As the economy was in decline, some people in the town had lost their jobs. Many of their families were struggling to make ends meet. People were trying to help each other meet the challenges.Mrs. Meredith was a most kind and t

7、houghtful woman. She spent a great deal of time visiting the poor. She knew they had problems, and they needed all kinds of help. When she had time, she would bring food and medicine to them.One morning she told her children about a family she had visited the day before. There was a man sick in bed,

8、 his wife, who took care of him and could not go out to work, and their little boy. The little boy -his name was Bernard-had interested her very much.“I wish you could see him,” she said to her own children, John, Harry, and Clara. “He is such a help to his mother. He wants very much to earn some mo

9、ney, but I dont see what he can do.”After their mother left the room, the children sat thinking about Bernard. “I wish we could help him to earn money,” said Clara. “His family is suffering so much.”“So do I,” said Harry. “We really should do something to assist them.”For some moments, John said not

10、hing, but, suddenly, he sprang to his feet and cried, “I have a great idea! I have a solution that we can all help accomplish(完成).”The other children also jumped up all attention. When John had an idea, it was sure to be a good one. “I tell you what we can do,” said John. “You know that big box of c

11、orn Uncle John sent us? Well, we can make popcorn(爆米花), and put it into paper bags, and Bernard can take it around to the houses and sell it.”注意:1. 續(xù)寫詞數(shù)應為150左右:2. 請按如下格式在答題卡的相應位置作答。 When Mrs. Meredith heard of Johns idea, she thought it was a good one, too. _ _ With everything ready, Bernard started

12、 out on his new business. _ _ 組合訓練答案2語法填空:1wealthy 2or 3formed 4which/that 5are called6is7themselves8walking9accuracy10for【分析】這是一篇說明文。文章主要介紹了博物館藏品的來源及博物館給人們帶來的好處和面臨的挑戰(zhàn)。1考查形容詞。句意:在18和19世紀,富人旅行并收集植物、歷史物品和藝術品。此處修飾名詞people,應使用形容詞,做定語。故填wealthy。2考查連詞。句意:他們把自己的藏品留在家里,直到收藏變得太大或者自己去世,然后這些藏品被捐給一家博物館。根據(jù)語境可知,前

13、后陳述的是兩者可能性,應使用連詞or:或者。故填or。3考查動詞時態(tài)。句意:例如,漢斯斯隆爵士的8萬件藏品構成了1759年開館的大英博物館的核心藏品。此處是謂語動詞,根據(jù)時間狀語in1759可知,應使用一般過去時。故填formed。4考查定語從句。句意:例如,漢斯斯隆爵士的8萬件藏品構成了1759年開館的大英博物館的核心藏品。此處是限定性定語從句,先行詞是the British Museum,關系詞在從句中做主語,應使用關系代詞which/that引導。故填which/that。5考查動詞時態(tài)及語態(tài)。句意:博物館對公眾開放的部分被稱為畫廊或展廳。此處描述的是客觀使用,應使用一般現(xiàn)在時;主語與c

14、all是邏輯動賓關系,應使用被動語態(tài),且主語是復數(shù)概念。故填are called。6考查主謂一致。句意:通常,博物館只展出一小部分藏品。此處描述的是客觀事實,應使用一般現(xiàn)在時,主語a small part of a museums collection是單數(shù)概念,謂語動詞應使用第三人稱單數(shù)形式,且后面的Most of it is stored away or used for research.中的is也是提示。故填is。7考查反身代詞。句意:除了觀賞展品,游客還可以玩電腦模擬游戲,想象自己生活在一個不同的歷史時期,或者漫步在熱帶雨林中。此處指代visitors,意為“他們自己”,應使用反身代

15、詞。故填themselves。8考查非謂語動詞。句意:除了觀賞展品,游客還可以玩電腦模擬游戲,想象自己生活在一個不同的歷史時期,或者漫步在熱帶雨林中。此處與living是并列成分,共同做imagine的賓補,imagine sb doing sth. “想象某人做某事”。故填walking。9考查名詞。句意:歷史的準確性很重要,但娛樂也很重要。此處做主語,位于形容詞historical之后,應使用名詞,意為“歷史的準確性”。故填accuracy。10考查介詞。句意:博物館必須和其他娛樂活動競爭人們的業(yè)余時間和金錢。此處是固定短語:compete for,意為: “為了競爭”。故填for。小作文

16、:A Cross-Country Running RaceLast Sunday witnessed an extraordinary cross-country running race, which nearly drew the attention of every student and teacher of our school.The students selected from every class took part in the competition. The route measured five kilometers, from our school gate to

17、the foot of Nanshan Mountain. Every runner tried their best to finish the task, with their classmates along the way giving them necessarily help as well as encouragement. At last, all the runners managed to arrive the finish line, receiving cheers from all the directions.The activity was highly spok

18、en of, because not only did it provide chance for us to exercise, but also made us more cohesive.【分析】這是一篇應用文。本篇要求考生就上周日學校舉行的5公里越野賽活動寫一篇新聞報道。體裁:應用文時態(tài):根據(jù)提示,時態(tài)應以一般過去時為主 結構: 總分總要求:1. 參加人員 2. 跑步路線 3. 活動反響第二步:列提綱(重點詞組)attend/witness/ draw ones attention/ manage to do sth./ measure/ speak highly of/ provid

19、e sth. for sb.第三步:連詞成句1. Last Sunday witnessed an extraordinary cross-country running race, which nearly drew the attention of every student and teacher of our school.2. The students selected from every class took part in the competition.3. The route measured five kilometers, from our school gate to

20、 the foot of Nanshan Mountain.4. Every runner tried their best to finish the task, with their classmates along the way giving them necessary help as well as encouragement.5. At last, all the runners managed to arrive the finish line, receiving cheers from all the directions.6. The activity is highly

21、 spoken of, because not only does it provide chance for us to exercise, but also makes us more cohesive.第四步:連句成篇(加入銜接詞或從句)表示并列的連詞:and/but/or/so狀語從句連詞:because/ if/ though/ although定語從句連詞:which/ that/ when/ where第五步:修改潤色(加入高級詞匯或短語)【點睛】范文內容完整,要點全面,語言規(guī)范,語篇連貫,詞數(shù)適當,上下文意思連貫,符合邏輯關系。作者在范文中使用了一些高分句型,例如:Last S

22、unday witnessed an extraordinary cross-country running race, which nearly drew the attention of every student and teacher of our school. 中which引導非限制性定語從句;The activity is highly thought of, because not only does it provide chance for us to exercise, but also makes us more cohesive.中使用了部分倒裝。讀后續(xù)寫(參考范文)

23、When Mrs. Meredith heard of Johns idea, she thought it was a good one, too. So, they went to the local supermarket together. They bought a bag of corn and some special bags for popcorn. When they got home, they made a lot of popcorn and put it in the special bags. With the popcorn, they went to Bern

24、ards home. They told Bernard how to sell the popcorn. Bernard and his parents were very grateful. And the Meredith family also felt very happy to help this family.With everything ready, Bernard started out on his new business. He took the popcorn around to the houses and sold all his popcorn. He earned a lot of money. Then, he wanted to be self-dependent. Therefore, he asked Mrs. Meredith to teach him how to make popcorn. After that, not only did he sell popcorn, but he also added cream and salt to the popcorn to make it taste better. Bernard grew up


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