【語文版】中職英語基礎模塊下冊:Unit 2《Shopping》ppt課件(21張PPT)_第1頁
【語文版】中職英語基礎模塊下冊:Unit 2《Shopping》ppt課件(21張PPT)_第2頁
【語文版】中職英語基礎模塊下冊:Unit 2《Shopping》ppt課件(21張PPT)_第3頁
【語文版】中職英語基礎模塊下冊:Unit 2《Shopping》ppt課件(21張PPT)_第4頁
【語文版】中職英語基礎模塊下冊:Unit 2《Shopping》ppt課件(21張PPT)_第5頁
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1、Unit 2 ShoppingShopaholic購物狂Shopaholic(購物狂) Miss. Xiaos bag.blouseT-shirtskirtdressjacketjeansWhere does Miss. Xiao usually shop?Question:Where do you usually go shopping in Luohe? 超市Supermarket 商 業(yè) 街 mall 專賣店 Specialty store 百貨商場Department storeShopping PlaceTask 1 Learn by Yourselfstore 商店,店鋪 depa

2、rtment store 百貨公司,商場 specialty store 專賣店 bookstore 書店chain store 連鎖店 stand 路邊攤 newsstand 報攤fruit stand 水果攤 snack stand 小吃攤 grocery grusri 雜貨店 green grocery 蔬菜水果店 mall 商場,商業(yè)街 shopping center 購物中心 shopping plaza 購物廣場 supermarket 超級市場Words & PhrasesI am a shopaholic. Help me!help Miss. Xiao to save mon

3、ey !ITS TIME TOContinue There are 2 shopping lists for different shopping places and 10 products for each list. In this game you should try to guess the products according to the given pictures. Each round is timed, you only have 40 seconds each round. So try to say as many as you can! Winner goes t

4、o the group who gets the most answers. ContinueRULESSTARTRound OneSupermarket The Crazy Shopaholic40393837363534333231Round One- Supermarket 302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987654321bottleGroup 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Score:STARTRound Two Department StoreThe Crazy Shopaholic Round Two - Depa

5、rtment Store40393837363534333231302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987654321Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Score:a reasonable pricecheapexpensiveproduct貴便宜Task 2 Talk about Price price高低highlowa reasonable price合理Shopping place (在哪購物?)Product (買什么?)Price (多少錢?)詢問多個價格總和:e.g. How many products did

6、 you guess in total?總計,總共3 Key Points of ShoppingTry to find the 3 key points in the dialogue quickly.Where did Mr. Wallace shop? Mr. Wallace went shopping in Xiushui Market and Wangfujing Street.2.What did Mr. Wallace buy at last? He bought two silk blouses for her wife.3.How much is it in total? T

7、wo hundred and twenty Yuan.Task 3 Read & PracticeWhat gifts will you buy for yourself ? Making a dialogue with your partnerTask 4 Skill training!Choose gifts¥45¥16¥50¥10¥200¥85Dont be a shopaholic!6、 (支付)1、(店員招呼顧客)Welcome to our shop!/May I help you ,sir ?/ Can (May) I help you ?/What can I do for y

8、ou?2、 (顧客表達想買什么)would you please show me ?/ I want to buy /Id like to have /Im looking for3、(店員咨詢顧客相關信息)What color do you like?/What size (style, pattern ,color )do you want?4、 (顧客要求)Can you show me /Have you got /Let me have a look/May I try it on ?5、(詢問價格)How much is it?/ Whats the price of ? /How much do cost? How would you like to pay?/In cash or by credit card?Summary :Useful Expression Homework1、Make a shopping list(including shopping place,products and


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