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1、Unit 9 What does he look like?課堂實錄及反思Section B (1a-1e)作課時間:2013年5月23日下午作課教師:李珍霞作課班級:濟瀆路學校七年級三班Teaching aims:一.語言知識目標:知識目標:1)Learn the words :nose, blonde, mouth ,round ,face, eye , singer2)Describe peoples looks.能力目標:1)Listen to the tape and write down the message about the people .2)Describe ones f

2、avorite singer or athlete.2.情感態(tài)度價值觀目標:幫助學生正確描述人物的相貌。二、教學重難點:正確熟練地描述人物相貌。三、教學過程:Step I .GreetingT: Class begins.S: Stand up ,please.T: Good afternoon ,class.Ss:Good afternoon,Ms Li.T: How are you ?Ss: Im fine,thanks.How are you ?T:Im fine,too.Thank you .Hows the weather ?Ss: Its cloudy.T:What day is

3、it today?Ss:Its Thursday.T:Whats the date today?Ss:Its May 23rd.T:Good !Sit down,please.Ss:Thank you.(設計意圖及反思:按說,后面幾句話不屬于問候的,但是學過這些常用句型之后,我習慣于上課前運用一下,往往學生們對日期回答得不太熟練,大概今天是公開課的緣故吧,他們竟然回答得很流利。)Step II .Warming up and revisionT: Today well learn Unit 9 What does he look like ?( 1a-1e).Before class ,let

4、s have a revision .Describe you and your friend to your classmates.You can do it like this.I am of medium height .And I have long straight hair.My friend is tall and thin .She has long black hair. She wears glasses.Are you clear?Ss: Yes.T: Good! Now work in pairs ,please.(小組活動,教師巡視。)(A few minutes l

5、ater.)T:Which group will show your description ?(及時提醒學生:Dont be nervous.OK?)T:Zhang Weihuans group,Please.S1:I am tall and thin.And I have short straight black hair .My friend Li Na is tall. She has long straight hair.S2: I am tall .And I have long straight hair. My friend Zhao Hengchao is of medium

6、 height.And he has short black hair.S3: I am of medium height .And I have short black hair. My friend Zhang Weihuan is tall.He has short straight black hair.S4:I am tall.And I have long straight black hair. My friend is of medium height .He has short black hair .T: Good! Sit down ,please. Next group

7、 .(接著,連玉潔組,楊晨組,張冰潔組逐一這樣展示了自己的對話成果。)(設計意圖及反思:這是本單元的第四個課時,之前第二、三課時的課前熱身活動,我都是讓學生們兩人一組編對話的,但考慮到不能只會對話,還應該培養(yǎng)學生會單獨對人物進行描述的能力,于是,今天的課前展示我就設計了小組循環(huán)描述自己和朋友的外貌這一活動。從學生們的回答來看,效果還挺不錯的。他們能夠用簡單的語言較為準確地描述自己和他人的外貌特征。)Step III .New words1.認讀單詞。T: Look at the picture.Can you say them out ?Ss:Yes.Blonde hair ,round ,f

8、ace ,mouth, eyes, nose, singer.2.齊讀單詞。3.小組讀之后抽一列學生起來讀。幫助發(fā)音不準確的學生糾正讀音。4.檢測。教師說漢語,學生說英語并拼讀單詞。(設計意圖及反思:在第一次備課的時候,我沒有把單詞教學放到課堂教學內容中,但想著應該讓教學過程更完整些,后來就加上了,但也只是簡單的認讀就可以了。可是,等到了課堂上的時候,我不僅讓學生進行認讀,還進行了齊讀、小組讀、抽查讀以及檢測等環(huán)節(jié)。事實證明,這樣確實太耽誤時間。也就是這里用時太多,影響了后面的教學環(huán)節(jié)未能完全展開。)Step IV. Presentation1.T: Open your books and t

9、urn to page 52. Look at the pictures,match the description words with the pictures.First ,you should read these phrases ,make clear the meanings.Read these words first ,then match the pictures.Clear?Ss:Yes.T:One minute ,OK?(學生獨立完成匹配工作。)(設計意圖及反思:活動之前對學生進行方法指導,其實也是對學生做其他活動的指導。)2.檢測學生做題情況。指名譚佳敏同學說出自己的答

10、案,要求其他學生核對自己的答案。3.Describe these persons.Now,look at picture a .(提醒學生可以用書上1a中的短語進行回答)What does a look like ?Ss: She has blonde hair and she has big eyes.T:She has big eyes and blonde hair.Ask the students to read the sentences together.T:Can you describe other persons ?Ss:Yes .T:OK.Now ,work in pair

11、s ,please.(A few minutes later)T: Now ,look at picture b .Zhao Bingxin and your partner.Zhao Bingxin :What does b look like ?Song Yanan:He has black hair and a long face .And he wears glasses.T:Good, sit down ,please.Du Jiangtao and your partner,please.Picture b.Lv Linjing: What does b look like ?Du

12、 Jiangtao: He has a long face and is wear glasses.T:Yes ?Ss:No.T:Please help him .What does b look like ?Ss: He has black hair and a long face .And he wears glasses.T:Lian Yujie and your partner,please.Wu Kangkang :What does b look like ?Lian Yujie: He has a long face and he wears glasses.T:(指向杜江濤和他

13、的同伴)You ,please.Lv Linjing :What does b look like ?Du Jiangtao :He has a long face and he is wear glasses.T:(示意其他學生再次幫助)Ss:He wears glasses.T:Say it again,please.Du Jiangtao : He has a long face and he wears glasses.T:OK,sit down ,please.(設計意圖及反思:課本中只是要求學生做個簡單的匹配,我想充分利用課本資源,對1a進行了拓展:即運用所學句型及1a中出現的短語

14、,對人物進行描述。值得肯定的是,對待學生的錯誤,教師很有耐心地對其進行幫助,并最終使學生改正自己的錯誤。蘇霍姆林斯基曾經說過:“要像呵護荷葉上晶瑩脆弱的露珠一樣呵護孩子的心靈?!蔽蚁?,我今天的做法應該是呵護了孩子的心靈了吧。但是,這一過程也出現了一個很明顯的不足之處:那就是以圖片a/b/c/d代替人物不太合適。因此,可以把對話改成:Look at picture a/b/c/d. What does look like ?這樣的話,就能清楚地針對某個人進行活動了。以后要避免出現類似的問題。)OK,lets ask and answer together.Ss:What does c look

15、like ? She has a small mouth and a round face.And she has black hair. What does d look like ? He has a big nose.(設計意圖及反思:在剛才的展示過程中,杜江濤同學出現了意想不到的錯誤,糾錯用時過多,教師只好臨時改變個別展示的方案,改為集體反饋。)Step V. PracticeT:Do you know other people who has big eyes ,or blonde hair ?Now make sentences about famous people or you

16、r favorite people . Look at 1b,fill in the blanks.(A few minutes later,ask them to work in groups.)(設計意圖及反思:書上只是讓學生填寫名人的名字,可是對于現在的孩子來說,他們又知道多少個名人呢?因此,我將活動延伸為“名人或者你喜歡的人”,我甚至允許他們填寫自己熟悉的人,比如自己的朋友或親人。這樣,他們的選擇范圍就大了些。)Step VI. ListeningWork on 1c.T:You will hear Maria and Danny talking about Tina Brown an

17、d Jonny Dean.Look at the picture,try to guess their jobs.(Students guess their jobs freely.)Then listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.Listen for the first time ,try to write down their jobs.Then check the answer.Listen for the second time ,complete 1d. Ask two students to write their answers on

18、 the blackboard.Then check the answer.(這里,根據學生做題情況,又增加了一次聽力練習,并適時停頓,讓學生重復。)Then retell the conversation.For the first time ,say the sentences with the students together,then ask the students to retell it together.(設計意圖及反思:聽前,讓學生們進行了預測活動;聽中,要求學生寫出相關信息,并讓其中兩個學生上臺展示;聽后,對聽力進行了拓展根據表格內容復述兩個核心人物的職業(yè)和長相。這中間,

19、出現了一個小小的教學事故:原本沒有打算讓康同學上臺書寫的,可是看著孩子高舉著的手,我給了他展示的機會??墒?,他沒聽懂老師的指令,以為在第一遍聽力之后就寫出表格所有的內容,在老師提示之下,才和課堂同步在第二遍聽力開始之后再寫出相關內容。剛開始的時候,他不懂得寫出核心信息即可,在老師的指導之下,才明白了聽力題的回答方法。不過,他的主動剛好也彌補了他本身在聽力練習方面的不足。那么,現在,我不再認為“原本沒有打算讓康同學上臺展示”了,每個學生都是大寫的人,作為教師的我,要尊重每個學生個體。)Step VII.PracticeT:Can you describe famouse people ? Now

20、, have a try. Look at this picture, who is he ?Ss:He is Wang Feng.T:Now ,suppose he is your favorite singer ,try to describe him .(學生們自由表達,之后,找學生單獨描述。)Yangchen: My favorite singer is Wang Feng .He is of medium height .He has short curly hair .And he wears glasses.T:OK.Lets read it together.Ss: My fa

21、vorite singer is Wang Feng .He is of medium height .He is a little heavy. He has curly hair .And he wears glasses.T:And who is he ?Ss:Yao Ming.T:Suppose he is your favorite athlete. Can you describe him ? Work in pairs, please.(學生們兩人一組練習。幾分鐘之后,找學生進行陳述。)Bi Longlong: My favorite athlete is Yao Ming.He

22、 is tall. He has short black hair .He is playing basketball.T: is playing?Ss: plays.Bi Longlong :He plays basketball.T:Yes.He plays basketball every day or he often plays basketball.Zhang Weihuan,say it again,please.Zhang Weihuan: My favorite athlete is Yao Ming.He is tall.He has short black hair .

23、He often plays basketball.(及時幫助學生更正錯誤,并讓其他學生再次重復描述,這算是檢查了其他學生的口語表達能力和聽課情況,也讓學生們對正確知識有了整體感知。)T:Now,lets say it together.Ss:My favorite athlete is Yao Ming .He is really tall.And he has short black hair . He is handsome.(設計意圖及反思:原計劃在圖片展示之后,學生們可以自由描述自己喜歡的明星,并寫成一段話??墒且驗榍斑叺木毩曈脮r偏多,這里留下的時間已經不充分,當堂寫作這一環(huán)節(jié)沒有進

24、展。學生們只是按照老師的“假設”去對人物進行描述,這樣的活動有些牽強,極大地限制了學生的思維。這是本節(jié)課的一個敗筆。)Step VIII.SummaryT:What have you learnes today? You can say it in Chinese.Now say it with your partner.(學生漢語表達,略。)(設計意圖及反思:學了一節(jié)課,如果學生們能夠說出他在這節(jié)課上學到了什么,是對本節(jié)課內容的回顧,也是對學生語言表達能力的一種測試。說給同伴的同時,就是自己能力的一種提高。然后在全班同學面前展示,其實也是向大家說明這節(jié)課的重點內容,也是給聽者一個查漏補缺的機會。)Homework:Write an article about Jonny Dean and Tina Brown.(設計意圖及反思:這樣的作業(yè)設計沒有創(chuàng)新,只是要求學生把課堂上口頭的東西變成書面作業(yè)。對于目前學生的水平而言,我覺得還是讓他們從基礎做起,只要能夠做到讀寫結合,讀寫一致,那么,換成其他人物的描寫也是水到渠成的事情。但是,針對本節(jié)課1e教學現狀來


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