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1、Book 4 Module 3wordsshake hands 握手wave handssmile vgive me fiveGive me five是give me five fingers的縮略形式,也稱為high five,意指雙方舉手相互擊掌,用于打招呼或者相互慶賀。high five一般為美式用法。擊掌慶賀;Hello(打招呼)comunicationn 交流;溝通詞根comunicate v(用語言、信號)傳遞信息;交流comunicate with sb和.溝通交流相互溝通交流comunicate with each otherWriting:他不擅長溝通交流,和他交流很困難。H

2、e is not good at comunicating so it is difficult to comunicate with him.unconscious adj無意的;不知不覺的;失去意識的去掉前綴unconscious adj有意的;感覺得到的;神志清醒的be conscious of .意識到.;知道Writing :The greatest of faults is to be conscious of none.最嚴(yán)重的錯誤在于沒意識到錯。她意識到有人尾隨。She was conscious of being followed by somebody.I suddenly

3、 became conscious that someone was looking at me. 我突然意識到有人在看著我。be/become conscious that+賓語從句意識到. be conscious of sth/doing sth.vary vi 變化;不同=change vt 改變;換(衣服)varied varied varying varies派生詞various adj不同的;各種各樣的=different adj a pile of applesThis pile of apples vary in size.這堆蘋果大小不一。Peoples attitudes

4、 towards gift giving may vary from country to countryA人們的態(tài)度是國家之間要送禮物。B不同的國家的人對送禮的態(tài)度各不相同。C國與國之問人們對送禮物的看法不盡相同。D各國人們送禮的做法都在變化。Buse various to make a sentence 他為自己的遲到舉出了種種理由。He gave various reasons for being late.vary from culture to culture因文化的不同而又差異vary from country to country因國家而異(不同)vary from person

5、 to person因人而異學(xué)習(xí)方法因人而異The methods of study vary from person from personon guard (保持)警惕;站崗=on duty 執(zhí)勤;值班;今天誰值日?Who is on duty today?guard n 警衛(wèi);看守Two guards must be on guard all night.必須要兩位警衛(wèi)通宵值班。formal adj正式的派生詞informal adj非正式的正式場合英語怎么說?on formal occasions在正式的場合It is not good to wear informal clothes

6、 on formal occasions.在正式場合穿便裝不合適。兩國之間舉行了一次非正式首腦會議.There was an informal meeting between two leaders from two countries. traditionally adv傳統(tǒng)地tradition n 傳統(tǒng)=custom n 習(xí)俗;風(fēng)俗traditional adj傳統(tǒng)的中秋節(jié)吃月餅是我國的傳統(tǒng)。It is our tradition to eat some mooncakes on Mid-autumn DayYou must spend the spring festival with y

7、our family. Its a custom.你必須和你的家人度春節(jié)。這是風(fēng)俗。threatening adj恐嚇的;具有威脅的派生詞:threat n 威脅threaten v 威脅Translate:那位記者受到死亡威脅。That reporter received a death threat.當(dāng)我試圖給警察打電話時,他威脅我說:“再那樣做,我將打你?!盬hen I tried to call the police,He threatened me ,saying Do it again,and I will hit you.Remember:threat nthreaten vth

8、reatening adjdeal n 協(xié)議;交易make a deal 達(dá)成協(xié)議;做成交易deal with.與.交易;處理involve v包括=include短語:be involved in .涉及;卷入我離開的原因是我不想卷入那次爭論當(dāng)中。The reason why I left was that I didnt want to be involved in the argument.slightly adv輕微地;稍微Each person learns in a slightly different way.每個人的學(xué)習(xí)方法都稍有不同。forehead n前額 (注意:h不發(fā)音)bow v 鞠躬bow n 弓bown.弓; 鞠躬; v向.彎腰,鞠躬hold up 舉起hold back 阻礙;阻擋;忍住hold on 堅持;等一等;別掛電話;抓緊不放hold out 伸出hold v 握住;拿住palm n 手掌give away 暴露(自己的情況)關(guān)于give的詞組短語總結(jié)辨析give away 捐贈, 暴露(自己的情況)give back 還給


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