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1、 英語教學(xué)課件系列必修 5Unit 2 考點提要 單詞回閃 words Flashbackprovince roughlyclarify attractunitecountrysideaccomplish opportunityunwilling arrangeunion enjoyableconvenienceuniformquarrel foldstatue alike省, 行政區(qū) n.澄清;闡明 vt.聯(lián)合; 團(tuán)結(jié) v.完成, 達(dá)到 vt.不愿意的 adj.聯(lián)盟; 協(xié)會 n.便利; 方便 n.粗糙地;大略地 adv.吸引, 引起注意 v.機(jī)會; 時機(jī) n.鄉(xiāng)下, 農(nóng)村 n.安排, 籌備

2、vt.令人愉快的 adj.制服 n.對折,折疊 vt.爭吵,爭論 n./v.雕像;塑像 n.相同的;類似的 adj.單詞拼寫練習(xí):The tides are caused by the a_ of the moon for the earth.2. Lets a_ a time and place for our next meeting.3. What do you think of students wearing school u_?4. What p_ me is why his books are so popular?5. This is a c_ of poems of the

3、Tang dynasty, which I like very much.ttractionrrangeniformuzzlesollection6. The positions of the house combines quietness and c_ .7. R_ between the two countries has improved recently.8. When will the government c_ its position on equal pay for women?9. You must decide for yourself. Dont let anyone

4、else i_ you.10. Although she didnt mention any names, everyone knew who she was r_ to.onvenienceelationslarifynfluenceeferring短語回閃 Unit 2 Phrases Flashbackbe made up of/consist of divide into/separatefrombreak away from be used to do sthleave out refer totake the place of as well/as well asbreak dow

5、n be known aslook around take the place ofin memory of to ones surprise掙脫, 脫離省去, 遺漏, 不考慮取代位置損壞, 破壞把分開由組成四處看, 參觀為了紀(jì)念, 懷念被用來作什么提到, 涉及, 參考也, 還作為而出名代替, 替換令某人驚訝的是be proud of/take pride in leave forfall asleepbe worried aboutmake a list ofpass throughon show not only but alsoenjoy doing sth. have an influ

6、ence onfor convenienceIts convenient for sb. to doto ones credit to ones delight因為而感到自豪離開去地方擔(dān)心, 擔(dān)憂的通過, 穿過不但而且喜歡做睡著, 睡覺列的清單正在展出, 展覽對有影響為了方便起見某人方便做某事值得贊揚(yáng)讓人高興的是短語實際應(yīng)用:You should _ the things you want before going shopping. (列清單)2. SHE _ three lovely girls.3. The plan that they go to spend the honeymoon

7、 _.4. Nowadays plastics have _ of many traditional materials. (取代)5. _, I picked 100 yuan last night. (讓我高興的是)6. Sanlu Milk Powder _ on childrens health. (對有不好的影響)make a list ofconsists ofbroke downtaken the place To my delighthas a bad influence7. Dont _ your English book when having an exam. (參考)8. But hang on a minute. Do you think I might have _ anything _?(遺漏)9. Lets _ ourselves _ several groups before we discuss this question. (把分成)10. A lot of Chinese pots and other objects are _ in the museum. (展覽)11. The v


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