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1、Unit 7How America LivesBy James A. MichenerLesson summaryChanges and problems of American society;“Unique American democratic system”;Languages points;Features of exposition;Discussion: China VS AmericaPre-tasksPre-tasks: Ss presentation1. How do Americans live? 2. Make a comparison between the life

2、styles of the Americans and Chinese. Pre-reading questionsAmericaHighly competitive, aggressiveA strong sense of national prideIdeological principles: individualism faith in freedom & democracyChristian America VS. ChinaChina Compromise, harmony, peaceWorship foreign thingsGood qualities: collectivi

3、smSocial principle: personal connectionsSupplementary material: Comparison of thinking style between western countries and ChinaPre-reading questionsAmerican lifestyleFamily relationships: parents full time jobs, children at school or daycare facility; single parent children more independent; family

4、 reunions on a wedding, chirstmas, bithday, thanks-giving, etc.More info., refer to: Pre-reading questionsAmerican lifestyleTime punctuality: arrive exactly on time or a few minutes earlier; inform the other party of the delay and apologizeMore info., refer to: Pre-reading questionsAmerican lifestyl

5、eGoing for a walk: walk during morning hours and after dinner; walk in parks or other proper places; keep body fit in gym, Golds Gym is a national chainMore info., refer to: Pre-reading questionsAmerican lifestyleSocial meeting: visit someones home if you are invited; bring a gift for the host; stay

6、 for a further chat after dinnerMore info., refer to: Pre-reading questionsAmerican lifestyleOthers first: it is regarded curteous to open the door for others; more important to do so for ladies not necessary when you are waiting for your turnMore info., refer to: Pre-reading questionsAmerican lifes

7、tyleWeekends: enjoy weekend; participate in activities; generally not supposed to workMore info., refer to: Questions: What are the major changes that have taken palce or are taking place in America? What serious problems exist in America according to the author?Section 1: Global readingMajor change

8、s: growing conservative patterns of courtship and marriage have changed radically women are changing the rulesSerious problems: worried about education must live on welfare no enough housing for the youngSection 1: Global readingText ExplanationJames Albert Michener, in this text, he showsreaders of

9、 American society in: politics,courtship & marriage, feminist; and also theexistence of three serious in: schooleducation, jobs opportunities and welfare, andhousing for the young.VSchangesproblemsSection 2: Pre-reading activitiesText ExplanationsDespite these problems, the writer feels confidenttha

10、t America has good prospects.He feels proud of his motherland, of the greatAmerican people, and of the unique Americandemocratic system.Section 2: Pre-reading activitiesSeparation ofExecutiveLegislative Judicial Section 2: Pre-reading activities Structural analysis: now its your task _Part I(para. 1

11、) reality : Americans still follow many of the old ways,more similarities than differences.(Paras. 2-4) major changes in American society(Paras. 5 7) main problems in American society(Paras. 8 9) explains why America has good prospects and why the American system has survived and should survivePart

12、IIPart IIIPart IVSection 3: Detailed ReadingParagraph 1 :AnalysisMain idea?That Americans still follow many of the old ways thoughdifferences are obvious in American lifeQuestions for comprehension:(1) Which sentences in this part show the main similaritiesbetween American life in the present and th

13、at in the past?(2) In what ways are Americans generous?They are always ready to pay taxes for education, and theygenerously support institutions like hospitals, museums andlibraries.Section 3: Detailed ReadingParagraph 1 Language work1. “In a time of rapid change it is essential that we rememberhow

14、much of the old we cling to.”In a time of quick transformation it is necessary for usto remember how many of the old ways we still adhere to.cling to: stick to, adhere to, be emotionally attached tocling to the last hopeHis mothers last words clung to her memory.Paraphrase?Section 3: Detailed Readin

15、gParagraph 1 Language work2. “They belong to churches, even though they attendsomewhat less frequently, and they want their children tohave religious instruction.”They belong to particular groups of Christians, eventhough they attend religious services a bit less often, andthey want their children t

16、o receive religious instruction.Paraphrase?Section 3: Detailed ReadingParagraphs 2-4 AnalysisTell us about the major changes that have taken place andthat are occurring in American life.We can also have a clear idea of the writers attitude(?)towards these changes in American life.Obviously, he fully

17、 them.Question for comprehension (2-4)List the major changes that have taken place or are takingplace in American society.supports and welcomesSection 3: Detailed ReadingParagraphs 2-4 Language Work3. “Americans seem to be growing conservative.”Americans seem to be increasingly opposed to great orsu

18、dden changes. 4.“The 1980 election, especially for the Senate and House of Representatives, signaled a decided turn to the rightinsofar as political and social attitudes were concerned.”1980 election, especially for the Senate and House ofRepresentatives, indicated a definite change to the right int

19、erms of the voters political and social attitudes.Paraphrase?Paraphrase?Section 3: Detailed ReadingParagraphs 2-4 Language Work5. “It is as if our country spent the 1960s and 1970s jealouslybreaking out of old restraints and now wishes to put thebrakes on, as cautious people often do after a binge.

20、”It seems as though during the 1960s and 1970s weAmericans made bold efforts to escape from oldrestrictions now intend to put an end to it, just as cautiouspeople often do after excessive indulgence.restraint n. restriction, sth. that checks or controlsI sharply feel the restraints of a limited inco

21、me on the familybudget.Paraphrase?Section 3: Detailed ReadingParagraphs 2-4 Language Work6. “We should expect to see a reaffirmation of traditionalfamily values, sharp restraints pornography, a return toreligion and a rejection of certain kinds of sociallegislation.”We hope and feel confident that t

22、raditional familyvalues will be reaffirmed and pornography rigorouslyrestricted, that those who have abandoned religion willcome back to it, and that some kinds of social legislation willbe turned down.Paraphrase?Section 3: Detailed ReadingParagraphs 2-4 Language Workpattern n. the way in which sth.

23、 happens, moves, developsor is arranged; excellentSuch behavior patterns are not to be imitated.These sentences have the same grammatical pattern.Section 3: Detailed ReadingParagraphs 2-4 Language Workcourtship n. spending time together with a view tomarriage; the period of romantic relationship bef

24、oremarriageThey married after a brief courtship.Their long courtship ended in failure.Section 3: Detailed ReadingParagraphs 2-4 Language Work7. “Patterns of courtship and marriage have changed radically.”People have thoroughly changed the ways in which they date and marry.Paraphrase?Section 3: Detai

25、led ReadingParagraphs 2-4 Language Workrepression n. restraining or suppressinge.g. His childhood was characterized by repression and solitude.They held a discussion about unhealthy sexual repression.Section 3: Detailed ReadingParagraphs 2-4 Language WorkPuritanism n. practices and beliefs of a Puri

26、tan, a personwho is extremely strict in morals and who tends to regardpleasure as sinfulPuritans strictly practice Puritanism.Puritanism is not very popular nowadays.husky adj. big and strong; dry in the throat, soundingslightly hoarseThose basketball players are all husky young men.Our teacher is s

27、till a bit husky after his bad cold.Section 3: Detailed ReadingParagraphs 2-4 Language Work8. “Where sex was concerned, I was raised in an atmosphere ofsuspicion, repression and Puritanism, and although huskyyoung kids can survive almost anything, many in mygeneration suffered grievously.”With regar

28、d to sex, I was brought up in an environmentwhere suspicion, repression and Puritanism dominated.Although stoutly-built young people can endure almostanything, many people in my generation had awfulexperiences.Section 3: Detailed ReadingParagraphs 2-4 Language Work9. “Without reservation, I applaud

29、the freer patterns of today,although I believe that its being difficult for some familiesto handle the changes.”I fully praise or approve of the less rigid patterns of courtship and marriage today, despite the fact that, in myopinion, some families are finding it very hard to cope withthese changes.

30、Do you like such freer pattern?Section 3: Detailed ReadingParagraphs 2-4 Language Worksue vt. make a legal claim (against sb.)allege vt. state sth. as a fact without proof; give sth. as anargument or excuseThe prisoner alleged that he was at home on the night of thecrime.He alleged illness as the re

31、ason for his absence.The boss was sued for breaching contract.The man is suing for a divorce.Section 3: Detailed ReadingParagraphs 2-4 Language Work10. “Thirty years ago I could not have imagined a group ofwomen employees suing a major corporation for millions ofdollars of salary which, they alleged

32、, had been denied thembecause they had been discriminated against.”Thirty years ago, it would be simply unimaginable that agroup of women employees should sue a major companyfor millions of dollars of salary which was their due but wasdenied by the corporation just because they were the“weaker sex”.

33、Section 3: Detailed ReadingParagraphs 2-4 Language Work11. “Nor could I have imagined women in universities going upto the men who ran the athletic programs and demanding a justshare of the physical education budget.”Nor could I have accepted the fact that university womenshould go up to the men in

34、charge of the sports plans, and askfor an equal share of the amount of money allotted for theirphysical education.athletic adj. of athletes or athletics; physically strong, healthy and activeHe often goes to an athletic club.He has an athletic figure.Section 3: Detailed ReadingParagraphs 5-7 Analysi

35、spoint out the main problems in American society:Americans who cannot find jobs do not get sufficient welfare;American schools are not as good as before;America shows itself impotent to house its young people. We can also see the writers opinions of these problems.Section 3: Detailed ReadingParagrap

36、hs 5-7 Analysis12.”If I had a child today, I would send her or him to aprivate school for the sake of safety, for the discipline thatwould be enforced and for the rigorous academicrequirements. “ (5)Should I have a child of school age today, I would havehim or her receive education at a private scho

37、ol, wheresecurity for kids is guaranteed, discipline is enforced, andstrict scholastic expectations are placed on them.note that this sentence is in the subjunctive mood.Section 3: Detailed ReadingParagraphs 5-7 Analysis13. “But I would doubt that the child would get any bettereducation than I did i

38、n my good public school.” (5)In other words, the author believes that even privateschools in America today cannot be compared with goodpublic schools in the past in terms of the education quality.How do you understand the implied meaning of thissentence? Do you agree with that?Section 3: Detailed Re

39、adingParagraphs 5-7 Analysis14.”The problem is that good public schools are becomingpitifully rare, and I would not want to take the chance thatthe one I sent my children to was inadequate.”The problem is that nowadays good public schools arebecoming fewer and fewer, and I would not run the risk ofs

40、ending my kids to one of them.”inadequate adj. not sufficient or enough; not good enoughfor a particular purpose; not sufficiently able or confidentto deal with a difficult situationbe inadequate to do sth.Section 3: Detailed ReadingParagraphs 5-7 Analysis15. “Since it seems obvious that our nation

41、can produce all itsneeds with only a part . must be doled out to those whocannot find jobs.” (6)As it seems quite clear that only a certain proportion ofall the available workers are needed to produce sufficientfood and goods, etc. to meet the needs of all the Americanpeople some kind of social welf

42、are assistance must beprovided for those who are not able to find jobs.dole sth. out: distribute (esp. food, money, etc.) in small amountsThe food was doled out to the poor.Allowances are grudgingly doled out to the elderly.Section 3: Detailed ReadingParagraphs 5-7 Analysis16. destitution n. in a st

43、ate of poverty; in a condition of beingimpoverished; being without ill food, and other life necessitiesAfter his death, his family was plunged into destitution.There are still some people wholive in complete destitution.Section 3: Detailed ReadingParagraphs 5-7 Analysis17. “In the bad old days she m

44、ight have known destitution,but with family assistance she was able to hold herchildren together and produced three fine, tax-payingcitizens.” (6)In the bad old days she might have experienced or lived inabject poverty, but with welfare assistance for families shemanaged to keep her three children u

45、nder her care andnurtured them into citizens that made contributions totheir country.Section 3: Detailed ReadingParagraphs 5-7 Analysis18. “America is essentially a compassionate society.” America is, in its true nature, a society filled with pity for others sufferings and inclined to help others.in

46、clining one to helpa compassionate judgecompassionate allowanceMost people are compassionate beings, but there are somewho never know passionate adj. sympathetic; being filled with pitySection 3: Detailed ReadingParagraphs 5-7 Analysis19 . “and I am appalled that the condition has been allowed todev

47、elop.” (7). and I am shocked that this dreadful condition shouldhave been allowed to exist and deteriorate.appall vt. Fill sb. with horror or dismay; shock sb. deeplyThe newspaper reports about starving children appalledme.We were appalled at the prospect of having to miss ourholiday.Section 3: Deta

48、iled ReadingParagraphs 5-7 Analysis20. “Well, this dreadful social sickness has now overtaken theUnited States, and for the same reasons.” (7)Well, America has now been seized by this terrible social illness, and for the same reason.This sentence involves a case of metaphor.Section 3: Detailed Readi

49、ngParagraphs 5-7 Analysis21. “The builders in our society find it profitable to erectthree-bathroom homes that sell for $ 220,000 with amortgage at 19 percent but find it impossible to erect smallhomes for young marrieds.”The builder in our society find it lucrative to buildupapartments or houses wi

50、th three bathrooms that sell for $220,000 with a mortgage at 19 percent but find it lessprofitable to put up small homes for young married people.Section 3: Detailed ReadingParagraphs 5-7 Analysis“For a major nation to show itself impotent to house itsyoung people is admitting a failure that must be

51、 corrected.”For a powerful nation its inability to provide housing forits young married couples is equivalent to acknowledginga failure that must be put right.Section 3: Detailed ReadingParagraphs 7 AnalysisGist questions:What is the writers attitude towards the young peopleshousing problem in Ameri

52、ca?The most serious danger confronting family life in America, inhis opinion, for a great nation like America to show itselfimpotent to house its young people means that it admits afailure that must be corrected.How about the similar case in China nowadays?Section 3: Detailed ReadingParagraphs 8-9 A

53、nalysisThe concluding part of the essay, draw our attention to thewriters opinions of the nations prospects and its system.From the conclusion, we can also get to know that thewriter feels proud of his motherland and thinks highly ofthe American people and particularly the American system.Section 3:

54、 Detailed ReadingParagraphs 8-9 Analysis23. “We also have a magnificent mixture of peoples from allthe continents with varied traditions strengths. But most ofall, we have a unique and balanced system of government.”In our country, the citizens, who have come from all partsof the world and possess a

55、 variety of traditions andadvantages, mingle together and live in harmony,constituting a great people. Above all, ours is a governmentwith an unparalleled and stable system.Section 3: Detailed ReadingParagraphs 8-9 AnalysisWhy has the American system survived and why should itsurvive? Do you agree w

56、ith author?Because, according to the writer, the American system ofgovernment is a truly democratic system; it has notexperienced either parliamentary change or revolutionarychange; moreover, it offers the maximum number ofpeople a maximum chance for happiness.Section 4 After Reading ActivittiesDisc

57、ussion What do you think are the merits that Chinese people could learn from Americans?Section 5: Consolidate SectionLanguage work:Restraint VS. constraintRestraint and constraint are sometimes interchangeable in use, meaning control over the wayyou behave which prevents you from doing what youwant

58、to do. But restraint can specially refer to calm,controlled, and unemotional behavior, whileconstraint is something that limits or controls whatyou can do.Section 5: Consolidate SectionLanguage work:expect VS. hopeBoth words pertain to the attitude of looking forwardto something that is to occur in the future. Hopesuggests looking forward exclusively to somepositive or favourable outcome; it may be well-founded in probability or completely beyond thescope of the possible. Expect sug


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