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1、The TrashmanUnit 6 Section A共二十九頁ContentsWarming up activitiesGlobal understandingLanguage pointsWriting skills共二十九頁Warming up activities: career orientationWhats your plan?What are you going to do after graduation?Tips:engineer, technician, researcherchemist, physicist, electriciancomputer programm

2、ersoftware/web developersystem analyst/architect共二十九頁Job satisfactionDescribe your ideal job.What makes a job great?Tips:Making a difference / feeling proudComplexity and variety / challengingWorry-free security / safeOpportunities for advancement / promising共二十九頁Workplace discrimination & euphemism

3、sstylistpurchasing guidemechanicdomestic workerpublic relationssanitation workerutensil maintenance operatorlobby VIPhairdressershop assistantrepairmanservantreceptionistroad sweeperdishwashercleaner共二十九頁Basic principles of sociologyPeople are products of the values and norms of the society they liv

4、ed in.People behave differently in groups than they do as individuals. People obey rules that are socially constructed. People socially construct the rules. Some people have more say-so than others in making the rules. There are rewards for following the rules and penalties for breaking the rules. T

5、he rules of society can be studied scientifically.共二十九頁Global understandingPara.Main idea1-2A tedious and repetitive job3-6Ignored and alienated7-11Steves similar experience12-14Job and social equality共二十九頁Language point: occasionallyPara 1I can remember very few occasions when he had to cancel beca

6、use of ill health. 我記得他因?yàn)榻】挡患讯黄热∠那闆r(qngkung)絕無僅有。He spent five years in Paris, with occasional visits to Italy. 他在巴黎度過了五年,偶爾去意大利看看。We occasionally meet for a drink after work. 我們下班后偶爾相聚小酌。共二十九頁Language point: dumpPara 2Too much toxic waste is being dumped at sea. 太多的有毒廢料在向大海里(hil)傾倒。Hes got no rig

7、ht to keep dumping his problems on me. 他沒有權(quán)利總是把他的問題推到我身上。Just dump your stuff over therewell sort it out later. 就把你的東西堆在那兒吧 我以后再整理。Did you hear hes dumped by his girlfriend? 他已被女朋友給甩了,你聽說了嗎? dumping ground 垃圾傾倒場(chǎng) anti-dumping investigation 反傾銷調(diào)查共二十九頁Language point: exchangePara 3We need to promote an

8、 open exchange of ideas and information. 我們需要促進(jìn)思想和信息的公開交流。There was only time for a brief exchange. 只有簡(jiǎn)短的交談時(shí)間。The Prime Minister was involved in a heated exchange with opposition MPs. 首相參與了和下院反對(duì)黨議員(yyun)的激烈爭(zhēng)論。Our school does an exchange with a school in France. 我們學(xué)校與法國(guó)的一所學(xué)校進(jìn)行交流。 an exchange of glanc

9、es 互換眼色 currency exchange facilities 貨幣兌換服務(wù)共二十九頁Language point: roundPara 3 the qualifying rounds of the National Championships 全國(guó)錦標(biāo)賽的資格賽Hewitt was knocked out of the tournament in the third round. 休伊特在錦標(biāo)賽的第三輪被淘汰出局。 the daily round of school life 學(xué)校(xuxio)的日常生活Dr Green was on her daily ward rounds.

10、格林醫(yī)生照例在查房。 roundsman(NAmE route man) a person who delivers things to people in a particular area (特定區(qū)域的)送貨員共二十九頁Language point: approachablePara 3Despite being a big star, shes very approachable. 她雖然是個(gè)大明星,卻非常(fichng)平易近人。 an approachable piece of music 淺顯易懂的樂曲The local people are very hospitable to

11、strangers. 當(dāng)?shù)厝藢?duì)外來客人十分友好熱情。Her parents seemed very amiable. 她的父母好像很和藹可親。 an amicable relationship 和睦的關(guān)系It was a neighbourly gesture of theirs. 這是他們友好的表示。共二十九頁Language point: casePara 4. I was shocked to find that this wasnt the case.We tend to think of these people as untrustworthy, but that is not t

12、he case. 我們往往會(huì)認(rèn)為這些人不可靠,但事實(shí)并非如此。It is simply not the case that prison conditions are improving. 監(jiān)獄條件得到改善的情況絕非事實(shí)。If that is the case (= if the situation described is true), we need more staff. 如果(rgu)真是那樣,那我們就需要更多的員工了。In this case, several solutions could be tried. 在這種情況下可以嘗試幾種解決辦法。I cannot make an ex

13、ception in your case (= for you and not for others). 我不能對(duì)你破例。共二十九頁Language point: registerPara 5 to register a birth/ marriage/ death 登記出生結(jié)婚死亡 to register a company/ trademark 注冊(cè)公司商標(biāo)The thermometer registered 32C. 溫度計(jì)顯示讀數(shù)為 32 攝氏度。Her face registered disapproval. 她臉上(lin shn)流露出不贊同的神色。Shock registere

14、d on everyones face. 人人都面露震驚之色。He barely registered our presence. 他幾乎沒有注意到我們?cè)趫?chǎng)。共二十九頁Language point: retreatPara 6Bored with the conversation, she retreated to her bedroom. 她厭倦了這樣的交談,躲進(jìn)了自己的臥室。The army was forced to retreat after suffering heavy losses. 部隊(duì)因傷亡慘重被迫撤退。The flood waters slowly retreated. 洪

15、水慢慢(mn mn)地消退。Share prices retreated 45p to 538p. 這種股票價(jià)格下跌 45 便士,降到了 538 便士。 a country retreat 鄉(xiāng)間幽靜的住所 to go on a Buddhist retreat 去參加佛教的靜修共二十九頁Language point: spontaneousPara 7. Steve raged spontaneously about these things on the long ride to the dump.We spontaneously started to dance. 我們情不自禁地跳起舞來。

16、 a tape recording of spontaneous speech 一段自然(zrn)講話的磁帶錄音 a spontaneous offer of help 主動(dòng)提出幫助The audience burst into spontaneous applause. 觀眾自發(fā)地鼓起掌來。共二十九頁Language point: ashamedPara 10You should be ashamed of yourself for telling such lies. 你扯這種謊應(yīng)該感到羞恥(xic)。The football riots made me ashamed to be Eng

17、lish. 足球騷亂事件使我身為英國(guó)人汗顏得無地自容。Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of. 精神病并不可羞愧。ashamed, embarrassed, sorryI am sorry that I forgot to buy the milk.Im ashamed to say that I lied to her.I was embarrassed about forgetting his name.共二十九頁Language point: sympathyPara 11 to express/ feel sympathy for sb 向

18、某人表示體恤(tx);對(duì)某人感到同情I have no sympathy for Jan, its all her own fault. 我不同情簡(jiǎn),那都是她自己的錯(cuò)。I wish hed show me a little more sympathy. 我多希望他能再體諒我一點(diǎn)。Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the victims of the war. 我們對(duì)戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)的受害者表示由衷的同情。The seamen went on strike in sympathy with (= to show their support for) the dockers

19、. 海員舉行罷工,以表示對(duì)碼頭工人的支持。共二十九頁Language point: originallyPara 12Originally, we had intended to go to Italy, but then we won the trip to Greece. 我們本來打算去意大利,但后來贏得機(jī)會(huì)去了希臘。The school was originally very small. 這所學(xué)校當(dāng)初很小。 The room still has many of its original features. 房間(fngjin)還保留著當(dāng)初的許多特點(diǎn)。 an original paint

20、ing by local artist Graham Tovey 一幅本土藝術(shù)家格雷厄姆 托維的繪畫創(chuàng)作 aboriginal art/ culture 土著藝術(shù)文化 an original idea 獨(dú)到的見解共二十九頁Language point: loadPara 12The trucks waited at the warehouse to pick up their loads. 貨車在倉庫等著裝載貨物。They ordered three truckloads of sand. 他們訂購(gòu)了三卡車沙子。a busload of tourists 一公共汽車游客Teaching loa

21、ds have increased in all types of school. 各種( zhn)學(xué)校的教學(xué)工作量都增加了。 a heavy caseload/workload 繁重的工作量 Knowing that they had arrived safely took a load off my mind. 得知他們平安到達(dá)后我如釋重負(fù)。共二十九頁Language point: contraryPara 12Contrary to popular belief, many cats dislike milk. 與普通的看法相反,許多貓不喜歡牛奶。contrary advice/ opi

22、nions/ arguments完全相反的建議觀點(diǎn)論點(diǎn)In the end the contrary was proved true: he was innocent and she was guilty. 最后證明事實(shí)正好相反:他是無辜的,而她則有罪。 -It must have been terrible. 那一定(ydng)是很糟糕。-On the contrary, I enjoyed every minute. 恰恰相反,我非常喜歡。I will expect to see you on Sunday unless I hear anything to the contrary (=

23、 that you are not coming).我星期天等你,除非你說不來了。共二十九頁Language point: harmPara 13The court case will do serious harm to my business. 這起訴訟(s sn)案件將嚴(yán)重?fù)p害我的生意。He may look fierce, but he means no harm. 他可能看上去很兇,但并無惡意。The treatment they gave him did him more harm than good. 他們的治療對(duì)他弊多于利。努力工作對(duì)任何人都絕無害處。Hard work nev

24、er did anyone any harm.休息幾天肯定對(duì)你的身體大有好處。Im sure a few days off would do you a power of good.共二十九頁Detailed study of the textPara 13Frankly, Im proud. Im doing an essential task. I left this country a little cleaner than I found it this morning. Not many people can say that each night.說實(shí)話,我感到驕傲,我在做一項(xiàng)必不

25、可少的工作。每晚工作結(jié)束時(shí),我發(fā)現(xiàn)(fxin)這個(gè)國(guó)家比早上更干凈了。并不是許多人每晚都能這樣說的。Question:Whats your job? What differences do you make every day?共二十九頁Detailed study of the textPara 13John Gardner wrote that a society, which praises its philosophers and looks down on its plumbers, is in for trouble. Neither its pipes nor its theor

26、ies will hold water, he warns. He might have gone a step further and called for respect for both our economists and our trashmen; otherwise, theyll both leave garbage behind.約翰加德納曾寫道,一個(gè)只贊揚(yáng)哲學(xué)家而蔑視管道工的社會(huì)必定會(huì)出現(xiàn)麻煩。他警告說:“這個(gè)(zh ge)社會(huì)的管道和理論都會(huì)出問題?!彼苍S應(yīng)該進(jìn)一步要求人們既尊重經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家又尊重垃圾工;不然的話,他們都會(huì)在身后留下垃圾。共二十九頁Further Discus

27、sion: social equalityEqual opportunities and obligationspolitical rightseconomic rightseducational rightscivil rightswithout discriminationsa hierarchical society/ structure/ organization 分等級(jí)的社會(huì)結(jié)構(gòu)組織the centralization of political power 政治權(quán)力的集中meritocracy 精英(jn yn)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)體制共二十九頁Mankiws Ten Principles of EconomicsPeople face tradeoffs.The cost of something is what you give up to get it.Rational people think at the margin.People respond to incentives.Trade can make everyone better off.Markets are usually a good way to organize


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