魯教版六年級下冊英語 Unit 2 Period 1 Section A(1a-2d) 習(xí)題課件_第1頁
魯教版六年級下冊英語 Unit 2 Period 1 Section A(1a-2d) 習(xí)題課件_第2頁
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魯教版六年級下冊英語 Unit 2 Period 1 Section A(1a-2d) 習(xí)題課件_第4頁
魯教版六年級下冊英語 Unit 2 Period 1 Section A(1a-2d) 習(xí)題課件_第5頁
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1、 魯教五四制 六年級下 Unit 2My favorite subject is science. Period 1 Section A (1a2d)答 案 呈 現(xiàn)溫馨提示:點擊 進入講評習(xí)題鏈接1favorite2math because3science; Friday4Why678910WhatsWhy; Becauseplays games withMonday; P. E. ; historythe next; Saturday先練后背 夯實基礎(chǔ)5Saturday答 案 呈 現(xiàn)習(xí)題鏈接1favorite2Jacks3C4Why do you like history?678910Wed

2、nesdayDbecausealwaysalways題組專訓(xùn) 突破考點5Thursday1112Aplaying games with答 案 呈 現(xiàn)習(xí)題鏈接1B2C3A4B678910Sunday favoritesubjectsscience histories課后鞏固 拓展延伸5D1112131415Why; BecauseGinas favorite; Saturdayfor surenext day playing games with答 案 呈 現(xiàn)習(xí)題鏈接1617181920CADEB課后鞏固 拓展延伸2122232425lessonsare ourfinishesreally262

3、7282930mygoboringinterestingwith一、根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子, 并背記相應(yīng)英語詞匯1. Red is my _(最喜歡的) color. 2. I dont like _(數(shù)學(xué)) _ (因為) its difficult. 3. They dont have _(科學(xué)) on _(星期五). 4. _ (為什么) are you late?5. _ (周六) is the seventh day of a week. favoritemath becausescience FridayWhySaturday二、根據(jù)提示完成句子, 并背記英語句子6. 你最喜歡的科目是

4、什么? _ your favorite subject?Whats7. 你為什么喜歡體育? 因為它很有趣。_ do you like P. E. ?_ its fun. WhyBecause8. 我們的體育老師總是和我們一起做游戲。Our P. E. teacher always _ _ _ us. plays games with9. 我喜歡星期一, 因為我上體育課和歷史課。I like _ because I have _ and _. Monday P. E. history10. 因為第二天是星期六。Because _ _ day is _. the next Saturday1. H

5、er f color is green. avorite2. Whats _ (Jack) favorite subject?Jacks3. _ do you like Chinese?Because its useful. 【2021淄博臨淄區(qū)月考】A. What B. Where C. Why D. When【點撥】考查疑問詞的選用。由答語中的because可知問句用why。C4. 你為什么喜歡歷史? _Why do you like history?5. I have music and P. E. on _ /:zde/. Thursday6. My brother likes _ /

6、 wenzde/ best. Wednesday7. I like Monday _ I have art on Monday afternoon. A. or B. soC. but D. becauseD8. My favorite subject is math b it is interesting. ecause9. I _ /: lwez / do my homework first after school. always10. He is a good student and he _ (總是) does his homework first. 【2021泰安新泰市測試】alw

7、ays11. After school I often play games _ my friends. A. with B. forC. and D. at【點撥】考查play games with。其意思為“和玩游戲”。A12. 她喜歡課后和同學(xué)玩游戲。She likes _ _ _ her classmates after class. playing games with一、單項選擇1. _ is your mothers favorite food?Her favorite food is bread. A. Who B. What C. Which D. How【點撥】考查疑問詞辨

8、析。who“誰”, 詢問人; what“什么”, 詢問事物; which“哪一個/些”, 詢問物或人; how“如何; 怎么樣”, 表示方式或程度。根據(jù)答語“她最喜歡的食物是面包”可知問句句意為“你媽媽最喜歡的食物是什么? ”, 故用what提問。B2. _ do you like dogs?Because they are very interesting. A. What B. How C. Why D. Who【點撥】考查疑問詞的選用。答語是由because引導(dǎo)的表示原因的句子, 故用問原因的why(為什么) 提問, 選C。C3. What _ does your brother lik

9、e best?English. But I like math best. A. subject B. food C. sport D. fruitA4. Science is my favorite subject. Its very _. A. well B. interestingC. difficult D. boringB5. I dont like history _ its difficult. A. and B. but C. so D. becauseD二、根據(jù)句意、首字母提示或漢語提示完成單詞6. The first day of a week is S . 7. Her

10、f teacher is Ms. Green. unday avorite8. 【新題】As a student now, we must learn all the s to suit the society(適應(yīng)社會). 【點撥】考查subject。其意思為“科目”。由all可知subject用復(fù)數(shù)形式。ubjects9. We have _ (科學(xué)) on Monday morning. 10. They have two _ (歷史) on Tuesday. science histories三、根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子11. 你為什么喜歡體育? 因為它令人興奮。_ do you like

11、 P. E.?_ it is exciting. WhyBecause12. 吉娜最喜歡的一天是星期六。_ _ day is _. Ginas favorite Saturday13. 地理有趣。的確如此。Geography is interesting. Thats _ _. 【點撥】固定結(jié)構(gòu)法。 Thats for sure. 意為“的確如此。”for sure14. 第二天我們上英語課。We have English the _ _. next day 15. 課后和我們玩游戲怎么樣? How about _ _ _ us after class?【點撥】考查play games wit

12、h。其意思為“和玩游戲”。how about后接動詞時動詞要加-ing形式。playing games with四、補全對話A: Nice to meet you, Helen. B: _16A: Are you a student?B: Yes. I am. _17 A. How about you?B. Then you can speak Chinese?C. Nice to meet you, too, Mary. D. Well, its difficult for me. E. Who is your Chinese teacher?CAA: Im a student, too.

13、Do you like science?B: _18 I like Chinese. A. How about you?B. Then you can speak Chinese?C. Nice to meet you, too, Mary. D. Well, its difficult for me. E. Who is your Chinese teacher?【點撥】分析前后文可知此處應(yīng)表達否定意思, D項恰當(dāng)。DA: _19B: Mr. Li. He is from China. He likes to talk(交談) with us in Chinese. A. How about

14、 you?B. Then you can speak Chinese?C. Nice to meet you, too, Mary. D. Well, its difficult for me. E. Who is your Chinese teacher?【點撥】分析答語可知此處應(yīng)詢問語文老師是誰, E項恰當(dāng)。EA: _ 20 B: Thats for sure. I can teach you. A: Thats great. A. How about you?B. Then you can speak Chinese?C. Nice to meet you, too, Mary. D.

15、Well, its difficult for me. E. Who is your Chinese teacher?B五、綜合填空Hello, Im Eric. Im a student in No. 5 Middle School. On Tuesday, I have three _21 (lesson) in the morning. They _22 (be) English, math and music. We have _23 (we) morning break at 9: 50. 【點撥】21. 由句中的three可知lesson用復(fù)數(shù)形式。lessonsare ourI

16、always play football with my classmates. My class _24 (finish) at 15: 50. But after that I have a P. E. lesson for one hour. Its _25 (real) relaxing. 【點撥】24. 主語class為第三人稱單數(shù), 故finish用第三人稱單數(shù)形式?!军c撥】25. 副詞修飾形容詞。real對應(yīng)的副詞為really。finishesreallyHi, _26 name is Gina. Im a student in No. 10 Middle School. I always _27 (go) to school at 7: 10 in the morning. On Tuesday, I am very busy. I have math, art


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