人教版高中英語必修第一冊《WELCOME UNIT SectiomⅢ》精品課件_第1頁
人教版高中英語必修第一冊《WELCOME UNIT SectiomⅢ》精品課件_第2頁
人教版高中英語必修第一冊《WELCOME UNIT SectiomⅢ》精品課件_第3頁
人教版高中英語必修第一冊《WELCOME UNIT SectiomⅢ》精品課件_第4頁
人教版高中英語必修第一冊《WELCOME UNIT SectiomⅢ》精品課件_第5頁
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1、WELCOME UNITSection Listening and Talking,Reading for Writing課前自主預(yù)習(xí)課內(nèi)要點(diǎn)探究隨堂達(dá)標(biāo)驗(yàn)收夯基提能作業(yè)課前自主預(yù)習(xí)重點(diǎn)單詞1_adv.向前;前進(jìn)adj.向前的;前進(jìn)的2_n.光;信號vi.閃耀;閃光;發(fā)出信號vt.使閃耀;發(fā)出(信號) _n.手電筒3_vt.組織;籌備;安排;組建vi.組建;成立 _ adj.有組織的 _n.組織;團(tuán)體;機(jī)構(gòu)forwardflashflashlightorganiseorganisedorganisation4_ adj.好奇的;求知欲強(qiáng)的 _adv.好奇地 _n.好奇心5_n.人;(語法)人稱

2、;身體 _adj.私人的;個人的;親自的 _adv.親自地 _n.性格;個性6_n.目標(biāo);球門;射門curiouscuriouslycuriositypersonpersonalpersonallypersonalitygoal7_n.策略;策劃8_n.同伴;配偶;合伙人9_vt.& vi.改進(jìn);改善 _ n改進(jìn);改善10_n.公司;商行;陪伴 _n.同伴;伴侶11_n.方式;作風(fēng)12_vt.& vi.修改;修訂;復(fù)習(xí) _n.復(fù)習(xí);溫習(xí);修訂strategypartnerimproveimprovementcompanycompanionstylereviserevision重點(diǎn)短語1look

3、 forward _盼望;期待2_ the same time與此同時(shí)3come _實(shí)現(xiàn);成為現(xiàn)實(shí)4_ down下降;下落5come _顯現(xiàn);出來6_ notes記筆記7_ a diary記日記8make plans _為制訂計(jì)劃toattruegoouttakekeepfor9be curious _對好奇10_ to do sth.計(jì)劃做某事11either._.或者或者12_ computer games玩電腦游戲13be busy _ sth.忙于做某事14begin _由開始15do well _擅長,善于16_ ones own獨(dú)自地17decide _決定;選定18write _

4、寫下;記下aboutplanorplaydoingwithinonondown重點(diǎn)句型1I take notes _ listening and reading.我邊聽邊讀邊做筆記。2Youll _ see me _ a book or a pen.你看到我的時(shí)候,我永遠(yuǎn)都拿著一本書或一支筆。3If Im not in class,Im _ in the library _ in the computer lab.如果我不上課,我要么在圖書館要么在計(jì)算機(jī)實(shí)驗(yàn)室。whileneverwithouteitheror4If you like to talk, then _ may be best _

5、 in groups.如果你喜歡說話,那么小組學(xué)習(xí)可能是最好的。No matter what you want to learn, _ important _ on your goal before you make a plan無論你想學(xué)什么,重要的是在你制訂計(jì)劃之前確定你的目標(biāo)。If you are learning new words, _ wise _ small cards with the words written on them.如果你正在學(xué)習(xí)新單詞,最好用寫有單詞的小卡片。itto studyit isto decideit isto use課文預(yù)讀Read the text

6、 on Page 8 and then choose the best answers.1Whats the main purpose of the two passages?_ATo introduce information.BTo write student profiles.CTo look for a friend.DTo make a good impression.B2What are Anns hobbies?_AHaving sports and asking questions.BLearning physics and reading.CDancing and skati

7、ng.DReading and designing.C3What does “Youll never see me without a book or a pen.” in passage 2 mean?_AYoull see me with a book and a pen.BYoull find that I often lose a book or a pen.CYoull see me when you find a book or a pen.DI never like to take a book or a pen.A課內(nèi)要點(diǎn)探究My first job was to collec

8、t and organise a working team.我第一件事是集合與組織一個工作團(tuán)隊(duì)。Well organise an oral English contest.我們將組織一次英語口語比賽。The story is very well organised.這個故事組織得很好。重 點(diǎn) 單 詞1organise vt.組織;籌備;安排;組建vi.組建;成立organiser n組織者;安排者organised adj.有組織的;有條理的well/badly organised組織得好/不好;有/沒有條理的organisation n組織,機(jī)構(gòu),團(tuán)體;組織工作,籌備工作用organise的

9、適當(dāng)形式填空The _ was set up in 1990.Its _,Mr. Smith, is an experienced team leader.He has built an _ team. Recently, he is _ an important meeting to expand (擴(kuò)展) their anisationorganiserorganisedorganisingHer goal was to become a lawyer.她的目標(biāo)是當(dāng)律師。Tom headed the ball into his own goal.湯姆把球頂進(jìn)了自己的

10、球門。Liverpool won by three goals to two.利物浦隊(duì)以三比二獲勝。2goal n目標(biāo);球門;射門achieve ones goal 實(shí)現(xiàn)目標(biāo)He worked out a detailed plan to achieve his goal.為了實(shí)現(xiàn)他的目標(biāo),他制訂了詳細(xì)的計(jì)劃。單句語法填空To succeed in life,one first needs to set _ goal and then gradually make it more practical.aThe foreign tourists were surrounded by the cu

11、rious children.國外游客被一群好奇的孩子包圍著。The child was curious about everything around him.這個孩子對身邊的每一件東西都感到很好奇。I was curious to know the results of the exam.我極想知道考試的結(jié)果。3curious adj.好奇的;求知欲強(qiáng)的be curious about.對感到好奇be curious to do sth.渴望做某事curiously adv.好奇地,奇怪地curiosity n好奇心;古玩out of curiosity出于好奇meet/satisfy o

12、nes curiosity滿足某人的好奇心with curiositycuriously好奇地單句語法填空The little boy observed (觀察) the cat _(curious) and wanted to know how it could get through such a small hole in the wall.(2018天津閱讀理解改編)The people in the hall seemed very nosy (愛窺探的), keeping their eyes on me with _(curious)curiouslycuriosityShe w

13、as curious _(know) what was going on in the neighborhood.(2018北京師大附中期中)I am curious _ how coffee companies such as Starbucks will handle (處理) the “coffee cancer warning” problem.to knowaboutHe didnt finish the work on time and was fired by the company.他沒有按時(shí)完成工作,被公司解雇了。I spent a pleasant evening in t

14、he company of friends.我與朋友們一起度過了一個愉快的夜晚。The children are very good company at this age.和這個年齡的孩子們在一起很開心。4company n公司;商行;陪伴keep pany做伴;陪伴in sbs company和某人在一起in company with sb和某人一起單句語法填空In his spare time, he likes _(keep) his children company.He usually is in company _ friends at weekends.一句多譯和他在一起我感到

15、很不自在。_keeping/to keepwithI felt nervous in his company.I felt nervous in company with him.His dream will come true sooner or later.他的理想遲早會實(shí)現(xiàn)。He was delighted that his wishes had come true.他很高興他的愿望都實(shí)現(xiàn)了。重 點(diǎn) 短 語1come true(愿望、夢想等)實(shí)現(xiàn);成為現(xiàn)實(shí)come up (計(jì)劃、議題等)被提出;發(fā)芽;上升;發(fā)生come to power 當(dāng)權(quán);上臺come into being 形成;產(chǎn)

16、生come across(偶然)遇見;碰見;被理解單句語法填空His dream of being a pilot came _(truth) in the end.trueSo it is important to improve my English to take notes.因此,做筆記對提高我的英語很重要。Do you usually take notes in class with a pen or pencil?你在課堂上記筆記通常用鋼筆還是鉛筆?2take notes記筆記take turns依次;輪班,輪流take off脫掉;起飛;成功take trouble to do

17、sth.費(fèi)心做某事;費(fèi)心take ones placetake the place of sb.代替(職務(wù)或工作等);接替take away拿走;帶走;奪去;使離去take part in參加take place發(fā)生take ones time不著急; 慢慢來take good care of好好照料;照顧take the place of(replace)代替;取代take advantage of利用;使用take in吸收;欺騙;理解take on接受;從事;呈現(xiàn);雇用take up開始做;占去(時(shí)間或空間);開始學(xué)習(xí)(某個課程)單句語法填空When are you leaving?My

18、 plane takes _ at 1030.完成句子You can _ on your note book.你可以把筆記記在你的筆記本上。So to improve my English it is important to _.因此,做筆記對提高我的英語很重要。offtake notestake notesAt the same time,a large quantity of money started disappearing from the bank.與此同時(shí),銀行大批的資金開始丟失。3at the same time但是;然而;與此同時(shí)in timesooner or later

19、及時(shí);不遲on time準(zhǔn)時(shí)ahead of time提前in no time立即;馬上at one time同時(shí);曾經(jīng);一度at no time從不;決不all the time一直;始終at a time一次;同時(shí);每次at all times不論什么時(shí)候;老是(at) any time隨時(shí);無論何時(shí)at times有時(shí);偶爾;不時(shí);暫且from time to time時(shí)常;有時(shí)單句語法填空At _ same time,they are taking strong action to protect the wildlife.theIt came out that hed been te

20、lling a pack of lies.后來才知道他一直在說謊。The crocuses came out late this year because of the cold weather.因?yàn)樘鞖夂?,今年藏紅花開得晚。4come out出來;出版;顯現(xiàn);真相大白;(花)盛開The first text book written for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.第一本把英語作為外語教學(xué)語言而寫的教科書是在十六世紀(jì)出版的。come about發(fā)生come up with提出co

21、me at.向逼近c(diǎn)ome off脫落come to提到,說到;總共,達(dá)到判斷下列句子中come out的含義The sun came out from behind the clouds late in the afternoon. _His first novel has received good reviews (書評) since it came out last month._The roses in the garden came out early this year._出現(xiàn);出來出版,發(fā)行(花)盛開After seeing all the books,we decided o

22、n this one.看了所有的書之后,我們決定選這本。We have decided on going for a trip next week.我們決定下周去旅行。5decide on決定;選定;對做出決定“決定/決心做某事”表達(dá)法:decide on doing sth.make a decision to do sth.decide to do sth.make up ones mind to do sth.determine to do sth.be determined to do sth.單句語法填空We have a tenday holiday.Lets decide _ t

23、he date when we are going camping.In the end, he decided on _(spend) his summer holiday by the sea.onspending重 點(diǎn) 句 型1I take notes while listening and reading.我邊聽邊讀邊做筆記?!斑B詞現(xiàn)在分詞”結(jié)構(gòu)當(dāng)when,while,unless,as if等引導(dǎo)狀語從句時(shí),如果從句的主語和主句的主語一致,從句謂語中含有be動詞,且從句的主語與謂語動詞之間為主謂關(guān)系,則可以省略從句的主語和be動詞而保留原連詞,構(gòu)成“連詞現(xiàn)在分詞”結(jié)構(gòu)。Dont li

24、sten to music while (you are) doing your homework.做作業(yè)的時(shí)候不要聽音樂。While (I was) waiting, I was reading a daily newspaper.我一邊等,一邊讀著一份日報(bào)。When (she was) walking along the riverbank, she was singing a pop song.她沿著河堤邊走邊唱著流行歌曲。當(dāng)從句的主語與謂語動詞之間為動賓關(guān)系時(shí),可用“連詞過去分詞”結(jié)構(gòu),連詞和過去分詞之間省略了與主句一致的主語和be動詞。The palace looked very i

25、mpressive when first built!剛建成的時(shí)候,那座宮殿看起來很壯觀!將下列句子改為省略句While you are crossing the road, watch out for the passing cars._,watch out for the passing cars.When I was walking alone in the street, I heard my name called._,I heard my name called.While crossing the roadWhen walking alone in the street單句語法填

26、空(2018江蘇完形填空改編)When _(leave) home, Raynor and Moth had just 320 in the bank.(湖南高考改編) Video games can be a poor influence if _ (leave) in the wrong hands.leavingleft2Youll never see me without a book or a pen.你看到我的時(shí)候,我永遠(yuǎn)都拿著一本書或一支筆。雙重否定結(jié)構(gòu)雙重否定是指同一個句子里出現(xiàn)兩個否定詞,即否定之否定。雙重否定句表示的意思是肯定的,通常比肯定句的語氣更重或更委婉。譯成漢語時(shí)可

27、以譯成肯定形式,也可以保持雙重否定的形式。雙重否定表現(xiàn)形式多種多樣,常見的主要有:(1)否定詞no/not等表示否定意義的形容詞It is not uncommon for the students to make spelling mistakes.學(xué)生們出現(xiàn)拼寫錯誤是常見的。He is not displeased with my answer.他對我的回答感到滿意。(2)否定詞no/not/never等without.There is no smoke without fire.(諺)無風(fēng)不起浪。Reading is the best way to pass time on the tr

28、ain.在火車上閱讀是打發(fā)時(shí)間的最好方式。Thats true.I never go traveling without a book.的確如此。我出行絕對不會不帶書。(安徽高考)(3)否定詞no/not/never/nobody等具有否定意義的動詞或短語Her grandson never fails to phone her on her birthday.她孫子從來不會在她生日時(shí)不打電話給她。翻譯句子At the beginning of learning English, you cannot speak it without making mistakes._Nothing is u

29、nexpected._The Great Wall never fails to attract a large number of visitors._你開始學(xué)英語時(shí),講英語不可能不犯錯誤。一切都在預(yù)料之中。長城總能吸引大量的游客。(1)句式分析:If Im not in class是if引導(dǎo)的條件狀語從句,后面的部分是主句。3If Im not in class,Im either in the library or in the computer lab.如果我不上課,我要么在圖書館要么在計(jì)算機(jī)實(shí)驗(yàn)室。(2)either.or.意為“或或,不是就是”,在句中連接兩個并列成分。Either

30、 you or Tom has done it.(連接并列主語)不是你就是湯姆做了這件事。You may either stay at home or go there with us.(連接并列謂語)你既可以待在家里也可以和我們一道去。在連接兩個并列主語時(shí),謂語動詞必須在人稱和數(shù)上與靠近的主語保持一致。Either you or he has made the mistake.不是你就是他犯了這個錯誤。either的反義詞為neither“(兩者)都不”,either.or.的反義詞組為neither.nor.“既不也不”。You can drop either of the two cou

31、rses.你可以放棄這兩門課程中的任何一門。You can drop neither of the two courses.這兩門課程中的任何一門都不能放棄。Neither you nor he has made the mistake.犯錯誤的既不是你也不是他。neither.nor.連接兩個相同的句子成分,表示否定的意思。動詞的單復(fù)數(shù)形式與nor后的主語相一致。Neither Li Lei nor Wang Hai was there.李雷和王海都不在那里。I neither watch TV nor listen to the radio.我既不看電視也不聽收音機(jī)。單句語法填空Eithe

32、r he or I _(be)to go to the laboratory.Neither you nor he _(be) right.When the girl is happy, she either sings or _(dance)amisdances4If you like to talk, then it may be best to study in groups.如果你喜歡說話,那么小組學(xué)習(xí)可能是最好的。No matter what you want to learn, it is important to decide on your goal before you ma

33、ke a plan.無論你想學(xué)什么,重要的是在你制訂計(jì)劃之前確定你的目標(biāo)。If you are learning new words, it is wise to use small cards with the words written on them.如果你正在學(xué)習(xí)新單詞,最好用寫有單詞的小卡片。以上三個句子都屬于“It is/wasadj.(for sb.)to do sth.”句型,意為“(某人)做某事是的”。其中It是形式主語,真正的主語是后面的動詞不定式。該結(jié)構(gòu)中常見的形容詞有necessary,important,easy,difficult,hard,dangerous,possible,impossible等表示事物的屬性、特征的詞。(2018北京)Its hard to predict w


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