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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上專心-專注-專業(yè)專心-專注-專業(yè)精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上專心-專注-專業(yè)上學(xué)期期中復(fù)習(xí)同步練習(xí)(答題時(shí)間:60分鐘,滿分100分). 聽力部分(30分)一、聽對話,為圖片排序并將序號(hào)填入括號(hào)中。(10分) (1)( ) (2)( ) (3)( ) (4)( ) (5)( )二、聽單詞,選擇你所聽到的單詞或者短語。(10分)( ) 1. A. take B. make C. cake( ) 2. A. nice B. rice C. mice( ) 3. A. look B. cook C. took( ) 4. A. winner B. w

2、rite C. want( ) 5. A. love B. like C. lake三、聽短句,選擇你所聽到的句子。(10分)( ) 1. A. What is he doing? B. What are you doing?( ) 2. A. Have you got chopsticks? B. Have you got fast food?( ) 3. A. Hes making noodles. B. Hes making a cake.( ) 4. A. I love vegetables. B. I love dumplings.( ) 5. A. Do you want some

3、 sweets? B. Do you want some milk?. 筆試部分(70分)四、選出與所給中文意思相符的單詞。(10分)1. 閱讀 A. red B. row C. read2. 火車 A. turn B. train C. tree 3. 左邊 A. left B. live C. lost4. 畫 A. dragon B. dance C. draw5. 船 A. by B. boat C. beside五、根據(jù)所給單詞類別,從方框中選擇同類單詞寫在橫線上。(共5分)rice run jump dumpling cake noodles swim skip skate sou

4、pFood: _Sports: _六、看圖,找出與圖片對應(yīng)的短句,將其代號(hào)填在括號(hào)內(nèi)。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A. do taijiquan B. play football C. take pictures D. read a book E. watch TV F. listen to music七、根據(jù)情境選擇適當(dāng)?shù)亩叹洹#?0分)1. 當(dāng)別人夸你漂亮?xí)r,你應(yīng)該回答:( ) A. Oh, no. B. Thank you.2. 當(dāng)你要用英語告訴問路的朋友“直走”時(shí),應(yīng)說:( ) A. Go straight on. B. Turn left.3. 當(dāng)你去Sa

5、m家做客,Sam問你:Do you want some milk?如果你不想喝,應(yīng)說:( ) A. No, I havent. B. No, thank you.4. 你想去公園,可是不知道怎么去,你可以這樣問:( ) A. Excuse me, whats the park, please? B. Excuse me, wheres the park, please?5. 當(dāng)你想買文具,又不知道文具多少錢的時(shí)候你應(yīng)該問:( ) A. How are you? B. How much is it?八、看圖,將問句和答句搭配起來。(12分)( ) 1. What are you doing, A

6、my? A. Im making dumplings.( ) 2. What are you doing, Tom? B. Im rowing a boat.( ) 3. What are you doing, Dad? C. Im playing with a toy train.( ) 4. What are you doing, Mum? D. Im swimming.( ) 5. What are you doing, Sam? E. Im playing basketball.( ) 6. What are you doing, Daming? F. Im making noodle

7、s. Mum Tom Sam Dad Daming Amy九、選詞填空(5分)( ) 1. _ you want some fish? No, thank you.A. Are B. Do C. Is( ) 2.Have you got chopsticks? Yes, I _.A. havent B. have C. dont( ) 3. What are you doing? Im _ some soupA. making B. make C. playing( ) 4._ are Chinese fast food.A. Hamburgers B. Dumplings C. Soup(

8、) 5. Can I have some fish? -_ A. Sorry, you cant. B. No, please. C. No, thank you.十、請你以A Happy Saturday為題,寫一篇小作文,字?jǐn)?shù)50左右。(13分)_上學(xué)期期中復(fù)習(xí)同步練習(xí)參考答案聽力部分一、答案:5 2 3 1 4 聽力原文:Look, my mom is making noodles. Do you want some noodles?No, thank you. Id like some rice. I love rice and soup. I also like dumplings.

9、 Lets make a cake after dinner.二、答案:A B B A B 聽力原文:1. take 2. rice 3. cook 4. winner 5. like 三、答案:A A B B A 聽力原文:1. What is he doing? 2. Have you got chopsticks? 3. Hes making a cake.4. I love dumplings.5. Do you want some sweets?筆試部分四、1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B五、Food: rice, dumpling cake noodles soup

10、 Sports: run jump swim skip skate 六、A C F E B D 七、1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. B 八、 1. B 2. C 3. F 4. A 5. E 6. D 九、1. B 解析:主語是you,助動(dòng)詞用do。2. B 解析:問have you.? 用have ,或havent 來回答。因?yàn)榇鸢甘莥es,所以用have。3. A 解析:make some soup 做湯4. B 解析:餃子是中式快餐。漢堡不是。而湯是不可數(shù)名詞,后面的be動(dòng)詞應(yīng)該用is。5. A 解析:我能吃些魚嗎?對不起,你不能。C用來回答:Do you want? 十、Yesterday was Saturday, and it was a sunny day. After breakfast, my father took my mother and me to a mountain. There were lots of trees and birds. W


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