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1、牛津初中英語7A Unit 4 Food單元復(fù)習(xí)案 【重點(diǎn)詞組】1.walk to 向走去2.many times a day 每天多次3.join an e-club 加入電子俱樂部4.get tired (變得)勞累 be / get tired of (doing) sth 厭煩(做)某事5.need lots of energy 需要很多能量6.eat an apple for breakfast 早飯吃一個(gè)蘋果7.a top student 一個(gè)尖子生8.play computer games 玩電腦游戲9.chat with sb on the Internet 在網(wǎng)上與某人聊天1

2、0.have a healthy meal 吃健康的食物11.have good health 很健康 同義詞組:be in good health, be healthy 反義詞組:have poor health 12.do sports activities 進(jìn)行體育活動(dòng)13.different tastes 不同的味道 sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty 酸, 甜, 苦, 辣, 咸14.want to be healthier 想要更健康15.dried fish 魚干16.Sichuan hotpot 四川火鍋17.go roller skating

3、溜旱冰18.ice cream 冰淇淋19.a glass / cup of 一杯 a bowl of 一碗 a packet of 一袋 a piece of 一片,一塊 a kilo of 一公斤 a pair of 一副,一雙20.keep fit / stay healthy 保持健康21.less than 不到,少于; more than 多于,超過22.try to be healthier 努力做到更健康23.Congratulations to sb on sth 因某事而祝賀某人24.so many bananas 這么多香蕉; so much milk 這么多的牛奶25.

4、healthy eating 健康飲食; a healthy diet26.give sb energy for (doing) sth 為給某人提供能量27.take in about 800 calories 吸收大約800卡路里熱量28.do exercise,做鍛煉 do exercises, 做練習(xí)題 do eye exercises, 做眼保健操29.on the tree,(生長)在樹上 in the tree,(外界的東西)在樹上 It doesnt grow on the tree. 錢不是從樹上長出來的。(不可浪費(fèi)金錢)【重點(diǎn)句式】1.I need a lot of ene

5、rgy. 我需要很多能量。2.I need a lot of energy to dance. 我需要很多能量來跳舞。3.Its important for a dancer to be healthy. 對一個(gè)舞蹈演員來說健康很重要。4.I know that sweet snacks are not good for me. 我知道甜食對我沒有好處。5.I do not eat sweet snacks between meals any more. =I no more eat sweet snacks between meals. 兩餐之間我再也不吃甜的零食了。6.I swim twi

6、ce a week. 我一星期游泳兩次。7.I always have a healthy meal for dinner. 正餐我總是吃健康的食物。8.Simon did not have time to read this weeks article. Simon 沒有時(shí)間看本周的文章。9.Where did Kitty get her energy from? Kitty從哪里獲取能量?10.How much do you know about food? 你對食物了解多少?11.How well do you know the different tastes? 你對不同的味道有多了解

7、?12.Millie is helping her mother make a shopping list. Millie 正在幫她的媽媽列購物清單。13.Her grandparents are coming for dinner tonight. 她的祖父母今晚要來吃晚飯。14.We need an egg and a tomato for the soup. 我們需要一個(gè)蛋和一個(gè)西紅柿來做湯。15.It takes half an hour to cook. 做飯需要半個(gè)小時(shí)。16.Lets make a pancake. 讓我們做個(gè)煎餅。17.How often do you exer

8、cise? 你多久鍛煉一次?18.How long do you sleep every night? 你每晚睡多久?19.How much TV do you watch every day? 你每天看多少電視?20.How healthy are you? 你有多健康?21.You are not fit at all! 你一點(diǎn)也不健康22.Do you feel better? 你感覺好點(diǎn)了嗎?23.Good luck with your new diet. 祝愿你的新飲食有效.24.Design a diet for yourself and write a report on it.

9、 為你自己設(shè)計(jì)一個(gè)食譜并作一個(gè)相關(guān)的報(bào)告。25.They gives me 340 calories to start the day. 他們給了我340卡路里熱量來開始這一天。26.I need vitamins to stay healthy. 我需要維生素來保持健康。27.There are no calories in water, so you can drink it without getting fat. 水里不含卡路里,這樣你就可以喝水而又不發(fā)胖。28.Eating good food and doing exercise help you stay healthy. 吃有益

10、食品和做運(yùn)動(dòng)能幫助你保持健康?!菊Z法】(一)頻率副詞的意義及用法1.never , hardly, seldom 屬否定副詞,never 意為“從不”,表示全部否定;hardly 意為“幾乎不”;seldom 意為“很少”;sometimes 意為“有時(shí)”;often 意為“經(jīng)?!?;usually 意為“通常”;always 意為“總是”。可以看出其頻率逐漸遞增的。2.頻率副詞在句中的位置:通常位于行為動(dòng)詞之前,be 動(dòng)詞之后,sometimes可位于句首。如:He _ gets to school late. 他從來都不遲到。(never) The girl _ plays with oth

11、er children. 這女孩幾乎從不和其他孩子玩。(hardly) The little boy _eats fish. 那男孩很少吃魚。(seldom) I am _ busy with my homework. 我常常忙于做我的家庭作業(yè)。(often) She _has lunch at school. 她通常在學(xué)校吃午飯。(usually) _ I watch TV at home. 有時(shí),我在家看電視。(sometimes) The mother is _ good to her children. 這位母親總是待她的兒女很好。(always)3.對頻率狀語提問時(shí),用how oft

12、en _do you write to your parents? Seldom, but I often call them.(How often)(二)、名詞的分類及可數(shù)名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式的構(gòu)成1.普通名詞可分為兩大類:可數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞。 可數(shù)名詞有單數(shù)和復(fù)數(shù)形式,單數(shù)形式前可加不定冠詞a / an 不可數(shù)名詞沒有復(fù)數(shù)形式,需要計(jì)量時(shí),要加量詞組成短語表示 如:一則消息 (a piece of news);兩袋牛奶 (two packets of milk)2.可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)形式的構(gòu)成(1)一般在詞尾加s,如: toy _, tree _, month _(2)以s,x sh, ch結(jié)尾的,

13、加es,如: class _,watch _, brush _, pencil-box _ (3)以輔音字母加y結(jié)尾的,變y為i加es,如: baby _, family _(4)以f, fe 結(jié)尾的,變f, fe為v加es, 如: thief _, knife _(5)以o結(jié)尾的少數(shù)名詞,加es,如: tomato _, potato _, hero _, mosquito _, mango _(6)有些名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式是不規(guī)則的 man _, woman _, policeman _, Englishman _ Frenchman _, (例外:German _, human _) foot

14、 _, tooth _, child _ mouse _ sheep _, deer _, fish _, Chinese _, Japanese _ people 作“人,人們”講時(shí)是復(fù)數(shù),而peoples 是可數(shù)名詞a people (民族)的復(fù)數(shù)。(三)、不定冠詞a 和an 單數(shù)名詞第一次提及時(shí),前面用不定冠詞,以輔音音素開頭的名詞前用a, 以元音音素開頭的名詞前用an,如: a useful book, an hour, an unusual present, an s (x, h, f , r, l, m, n), a u., an a(e,i,o)【重要語言知識點(diǎn)】1. I nee

15、d a lot of energy. need作實(shí)義動(dòng)詞時(shí),指“需要”,有人稱、數(shù)和時(shí)態(tài)的變化。否定形式和疑問形式要借助于助動(dòng)詞do,does等,主要用于以下結(jié)構(gòu)中:need sth. need to do sth.need sb. to do sth.need doing /need to be done need作情態(tài)動(dòng)詞時(shí),指“必須,必需,需要”無人稱、數(shù)和時(shí)態(tài)的變化,只用于否定句和疑問句中。否定形式為neednt,疑問形式將need位于主語之前。其后接動(dòng)詞原形。 need 作名詞時(shí),指“需要,必須,必需品”。in need指“有需要的”,There is need (for sb.)t

16、o do sth. needy是形容詞,指“貧窮的,缺乏生活必需品的”完成以下練習(xí):The garden doesnt need_(water). Because it rained last night. wateringWill we need_(show)our passport. to showThere is no need for you _(start) yet. to startWe should try our best to help the poor and _(need). needyYou neednt_( hurry), there is enough time l

17、eft. hurryThey need something to eat,_? dont they患難之交才是真朋友。 A friend in need is a friend indeed2. You never exercise. exercise作動(dòng)詞,指“鍛煉,運(yùn)動(dòng);訓(xùn)練,練習(xí)” 我應(yīng)該多鍛煉。I should exercise more他在練習(xí)唱歌。 He is exercising himself in singing. exercise作不可數(shù)名詞,指“鍛煉,運(yùn)動(dòng)” 他每天堅(jiān)持做運(yùn)動(dòng)。He keeps on doing exercise.exercise作可數(shù)名詞,指“體操,練習(xí)

18、題” 我們每天做兩次眼保健操。 We do eye exercises twice a day. 有五條數(shù)學(xué)習(xí)題要做。 There are five math exercises to do.3. I walk to my bowls many times a day.(1) walk to sp. “步行去某地”類似結(jié)構(gòu)有: ride to sp./run to sp./drive to sp./fly to sp.(2) a day 指“每天”=per day 這時(shí)的a 通常不用every 與one替換4. a healthy person 一個(gè)健康的人 healthy (adj.) “健

19、康的” n. health , adv. healthily ,反義詞 unhealthy Exercise is good for your health. After 2 month exercise, he is much healthier than before. Eating healthily is very important. Now many teenagers have an unhealthy diet.5. tired 疲勞的,累的; tiring 令人疲勞的 The work is very tiring. I feel tired of it. Because o

20、f taking the wrong medicine, he felt even more tired.6. It is important for a dancer to be healthy.It is +adj. +for sb to do sth. 做某事對某人來說是,在這種句型中,形容詞描述的是動(dòng)詞不定式的特征。(2)It is + adj.+of sb to do sth. 某人做某事是,在這種句型中,形容詞描述的是人的特征。 It is necessary for us to study computer. It is generous of him to give away

21、all his money to the poor.7. between meals 兩餐之間 between (prep)指“兩者之間”或“兩兩之間”,而among指三者或三者以上之間。如: This is a secret between you and me.(你我之間)。 Can you tell any differences between the four words? Little Tom is standing among the crowd.8. notany more = no more 指“再也不,不再”,可指時(shí)間不再延續(xù)或程度,數(shù)量不再增加。他不再害怕. He isn

22、t afraid any more.嬰兒不再哭了.The baby didnt cry any more. not any longer = no longer 也指“不再”,通常指時(shí)間上不再延續(xù)。他不再是個(gè)孩子了 He isnt a child any longer.9. on the Internet 在網(wǎng)上on the Internet / telephone / radio / TV / mobile phone / page 35 / map.in the book / newspaper / magazine / dictionary / picture10.change my d

23、iet and life stysle 改變我的飲食和生活方式change 作及物動(dòng)詞 change sth, change sth into sth, change sth for sthchange 作不及物動(dòng)詞change 作可數(shù)名詞指“變化” the change(s) in/to change 作不可數(shù)名詞指“零錢”在這最近的幾年中,我的家鄉(xiāng)發(fā)生了巨大的變化My hometown has changed a lot in the past few years.There have been a lot of changes during the last few years.Grea

24、t changes have taken place over the last few years.11. a top student 尖子生 top 指“一流的,名列前茅的,最高級的,最優(yōu)秀的”首席偵探 a top detective , 他名列前茅 He is top on the list.top 還可指“頂部,頂部的”, at the top of在山頂 at the top of the mountain12. fish 作“魚肉”,為不可數(shù)名詞你要再吃點(diǎn)兒魚嗎? Would you like some more fish?fish 作“魚”時(shí),單復(fù)數(shù)同形這些魚是被活捉的 Thes

25、e fish were caught alive.fish 作“不同種類的魚”時(shí),復(fù)數(shù)形式為fishes它們是大小不同的魚 They are fishes in different sizes.13. How does it taste? 這個(gè)嘗起來怎么樣?(1) taste 作系動(dòng)詞,后接adj. 作表語 The meat tastes bad (bad).taste 作動(dòng)詞,指“嘗” 我嘗了魚干,發(fā)現(xiàn)很咸 I tasted the dried fish, and found it salty.taste 作n.指“口味,味道”四川火鍋味道很辣 Sichuan hotpot has a ho

26、t taste.14. how often “多久一次”詢問動(dòng)作發(fā)生的頻率 how long “多久,多長”詢問時(shí)間有多長,或物體的長度how far “多遠(yuǎn)”詢問距離how much “多少(錢)”詢問價(jià)格how soon “還有多久”詢問動(dòng)作還有多久將會(huì)發(fā)生,主要用于將來時(shí)態(tài)how many times “多少次”詢問動(dòng)作發(fā)生的次數(shù)How often do you write to your parents? Once a week.How soon will you come back? In three days.How far is your school from your hom

27、e? Ten minutes walk.How long does it take him to finish homework? Half an hour.15. give advice on exercise 提供有關(guān)鍛煉方面的建議 give (sb) advice on 對提出建議 My mother often gives me advice on my studies.(對我的學(xué)習(xí)提出建議) advice 為不可數(shù)名詞, 一條建議應(yīng)為 “a piece of advice ” 一些建議為 “some advice” advise 為動(dòng)詞 建議某人做某事 advise sb to do

28、 sth16. not at all(1) 一點(diǎn)也不, 根本不 我一點(diǎn)也不喜歡 I dont like it at all.(2) 不用謝,哪兒的話 “Thanks very much for your help.” “.Not at all”. 17. less than 不到,少于; more than 超過,多于 less Uthan/fewerCthan 比少 more + U / C + than 比多我每天花在英語上的時(shí)間不到兩小時(shí) I spend less than two hours on English every day.我一周去游泳三次以上 I go to swim mo

29、re than three times a week.我的錢比你少/ 多 I have less/more money than you.他摘的蘋果比我少/ 多 He picked fewer/more apples than I.18. Good luck with your new diet. good luck with sth 祝你工作順利 Good luck with your work.祝你考出好成績 Good luck with your exam. good luck to sb祝你好運(yùn) (1) Good luck to you.(2) I wish you good luck

30、. luck 為不可數(shù)名詞 adj. lucky adv. luckily What an unlucky girls she is. She lost her both hands in the accident. Luckily, Jim got the last ticket.20. Design a diet for yourself. for oneself “為某人自己”他為自己買了一件襯衫 He bought a shirt for himself. for oneself 還可指“某人親自” If you dont believe me, you may go and see

31、it for yourself (親自). by oneself 指“獨(dú)自,單獨(dú)”王阿姨不能把小嬰兒獨(dú)自一人留在家 Uncle Wang cant leave the baby at home by itself21. stay healthy(1) stay 系動(dòng)詞“保持,持續(xù)”接形容詞或介詞短語作表語 The shop stays open (open) till ten at night. The boys temperature stays above 40(40度以上)。(2) stay 不及物動(dòng)詞“停留,逗留,暫住” 呆在家 stay (at) home 呆在戶外,不回家 stay

32、 out 遠(yuǎn)離 stay away (from)(3) stay 作名詞 “逗留,停留”許多鳥在冬天飛往南方作短暫停留Many birds fly to the south for a short stay.22. amount 數(shù)量 an amount of + U an amount of time / money / information 一段時(shí)間/ 一筆錢/ 一些信息23. give sb energy for doing sth 為給某人提供能量 We eat food to give ourselves energy for working.(給自己工作提供能量) energy

33、“能,能源,精力” adj. energetic太陽能 solar energy 水能 water energy他是一個(gè)精力充沛的人 He is a man full of energy = He is an energetic man.24. take in 吸收這種紙吸收墨水很快 This kind of paper takes in ink quickly.讀書俱樂部將吸收更多成員 The Reading Club will take in more members.25. You can drink it without getting fat. without 是介詞,接名詞,代詞或

34、動(dòng)詞ing形式他們不辭而別 They left without saying “Goodbye”.She came late, so we went without her(she).26. Eating good food and doing exercise help you stay healthy.在英語中動(dòng)詞原形不能作主語,動(dòng)詞若要作主語用v-ing形式或不定式吃得太多對健康不利(1) Eating too much is bad for health .To eat too much is bad for health . It is bad for health to eat t

35、oo much.27. on the tree / in the tree on the tree 指本屬于樹上的東西在樹上 in the tree 指不屬于樹上的東西在樹上 a bird in a tree; children in the tree, leaves on the trees; fruit on the tree, a bird on a dead tree28. It take half an hour to cook. take 指“花費(fèi)(時(shí)間)”,通常用于句型“It take (sb)+時(shí)間+ to do sth.”她修理自行車用了三個(gè)小時(shí)。It takes her t

36、hree hours to mend the bike.The journey from London to Oxford takes about half an hour.(大約需要半小時(shí)) spend 指“花費(fèi)時(shí)間/金錢”主語為人,用于以下結(jié)構(gòu)中: spend time (in) doing sth, spend money (on) doing sth, spend time / money on sth We students should spend as much time as we can speaking (speak) English. pay 指“付錢;償還”用于以下結(jié)構(gòu)

37、中 pay sb (付給某人報(bào)酬), pay sth (付) , pay for sth pay money for sth你買房花了多少錢? How much did you pay for the house?付帳 pay the bill 賠償你丟失的書 pay for your lost book cost 指“價(jià)錢為,需花費(fèi)”主語通常是物 cost money , cost sb money How much does this chair cost(花費(fèi))?【Exercises】單項(xiàng)選擇( )1._old lady in brown is _university professor

38、. A. An, a B. An, the C. The, an D. The, a( )2.He enjoyed writing stories and became a famous writer_. A. when he thirties B. in the thirties C. in his thirties D. at thirties( )3.I have got_news from my friend. Do you want to know? A. a very good B. any C.a piece of D.two pieces( )4.Yesterday I wro

39、te_letter to my teacher.a 11-hundred word B an 11-hundred words C.an 11-hundred-word D.an 11 hundred words( )5.Our class won the girls400 metres. _Congratulation B. Congratulation for you C. Congratulation to you D. Congratulations( )6. English is a bridge_.of many knowledge B. of much knowledge C.

40、to many knowledge D. to much knowledge( )7. I keep the bottles on the top shelf, out of the childrens_. A. hand B. hold C. reach D. place( )8. He dropped the_and broke it. A. cup of coffee B. coffees cup C. cup for coffee D. coffee cup( )9. It took us quite a long time to get there. It was_journey.

41、A. three-hour B. a three hour C. a three-hour D. three hours( )10. In his lecture, Mr. Wu gave them some _on how to learn Chinese. A. advise B. advice C. advices D. advises( )11.What is Shanghai like,Tommy? Oh, it is_New York of China. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )12. You can have_second try if you fail

42、 _first time. A. the, a B. a, a C. a, the D. the, the( )13.The play is never put on here,_it ? _.Only once three weeks ago. A. is;Yes ,it is B. isnt;Yes ,it isnt C. is;No, it isnt D. isnt; No,it is( )14._does he call his parents a week? About twice or three times. A. How often B. How soon C. How man

43、y times D. How long( )15. He kept on working,_he was very tired. A. through B. but C. if D. though( )16. Im not sure hell come or not this afternoon.A. if B. whether C. when D. where( )17. The victim put a good fight.A. on B.off C. up D. down( )18. He was killed at the place he lived.A. which B. whe

44、re C. that D. who( )19. The murderer attacked the young man a knife.A. use B. to use C. with D. by( )20. The teacher asked Mr. Smith to for a moment. A. hold up B. hold on C. hold off D. hand in( )21. Jim sat to his mother with his eyes half .closed; opened B. close; open C. closely; opening D. clos

45、ely; opened ( )22. We must be strict ourselves and strict our work.A. in; with B. with; in C. in; in D.with; with( )23. Bob doesnt know to write about.A. how B. that C. what D.where( )24. Dont open the window, ?A. shall we B. wont you C. do you D. will you( )25. Do you have any other to make on the

46、subject? A. advices B. informations C. suggestions D. newses( )26. The workers were made the whole day.A. work B. to work C. worked D. working( )27. He always makes his class .A. lively and interested B. lively and interesting C. alive and interested D. alive and interesting( )28. Your father goes t

47、o the cinema, does he? A.usually B.always C.hardly D.sometimes( )29. these words, he threw the big stone at a dog. A.After B.With C.In D.By( )30.Take exercises every day, youll become stronger. A.or B.but C.and D.while( )31.Must I return the book tomorrow? No, you . A.mustnt B.may not C.neednt D.can

48、t ( )32.I need ink. Could you give me ? A.a bit; some B.a little; some C.a bit of; any D.a little of; any( )33.Id like to be a doctor you are. A.so B.as C.what D.since( )34.She bought a camera online she saved a lot of time. A.so that B.as soon as C.in order to D.no matter what ( )35.Miss Green didn

49、t tell us in 2002. A.where does she live B.where she lives C.where did she live D.where she lived( )36.Look at that lady name is Mary. A.who B.whose C.whom D.that( )37.He said he the army in 1943. A.had joined B.joined C.joins D.had been in( )38. He is _unusual boy. Now he studies in _university in

50、Lanzhou. A. the; the B. an; an C. a; an D. an; a( )39. Well have _ holiday very soon. A. two months B. a two-month C. a two months D. two-month( )40. How much money did they _ the house for? A. spend B. pay C. cost D. buy二、詞匯運(yùn)用。1. There are two _(foreign), they are _(Germany).2. In autumn the_(leaf)

51、 on the trees turn red and look _(beautiful).3. D_ is the _(twelve) month of a year.4. He ran as fast as he could _(catch) the train.5. Would you like coffee or tea? Neither. I dont feel like _(drink). Im not thirsty.6. China has a country with 56 _(people) and the people there are _(friend) than I

52、thought.7. Ill call you if anything _(need).8. The house need not _(cost) much.9. It is important to stay _(calm) when you are having an exam.10. He always feels _(tire). Because he has an _(health) lifestyle.11. His friend was killed and he knows he is _(luck) to be alive.12. Do you enjoy your _(st

53、ay) in london?13.The problem is so easy that we can work it out without_(think).14. Look, there are two _(piano) in the classroom.15. “How soon _Wei Fang_(change)her work?” asked Lily.16._(luck),our team lost again. I think we need_(exercise) more.17. The meat tastes _(terrible) bad. Youd better _(t

54、hrow) it away.18. Tom got up late, so he had to hurry_(dress) himself.19. A large amount of money_(spend) on this house already.20. The Blacks (watch) TV when the telephone (ring) last night.三、任務(wù)型閱讀(A)Shenzhen is a city in South China. It is not very big, (1) but it has attracted people of the whole

55、 contry and the whole world as well. Just about twenty years ago, it was only a small fishing village. There were not many people there. (2) 他們過著艱苦的生活,大多數(shù)人都是以打漁為生。 (3)自從20世紀(jì)80年代初期,深圳發(fā)生了巨變。 It became the first special econmic zone. Exchanges between China and the outside world have increased greatly.

56、 Both foreigners and some Chinese people have built a lot of factories, companies and tourist attractions here. People all over the country have come to find jobs. Many of them have settled down in this new city. (4)深圳發(fā)展得如此迅速,它已經(jīng)成為一個(gè)世界聞名的城市。根據(jù)短文回答下列問題將(1)句翻譯成中文 2將(2)句翻譯成英文 3將(3)句翻譯成英文 4將(4)句翻譯成英文 5W

57、hat has Shenzhen become? (B)Its hard to make friends if you stay home alone all the time.Get out of the house and do things that will put you in touch with other people.(1) 當(dāng)你們有著相似的興趣時(shí),就會(huì)較容易成為朋友。Dont be afraid of to show people what youare really good at.Talk about the things you like and do best.Pe

58、ople will be interested in you if there is something interesting about you.Look people in the eye when you talk to them.That way,theyll find it easier to talk to you,(2)否則人們可能認(rèn)為你對他們不感興趣,那么他們也會(huì)對你失去興趣。Be a good listener. Let people talk about themselves before talking about“me,me,me”.Ask lots of quest

59、ions. Show interest in their answers.(3)設(shè)法和那些你真正喜歡和欽佩的人交朋友not just with those who are easy to meet.Be friendly with a lot of people.That way, you llhave a bigger group of people to choose from and have more chances to make friends.把中文翻譯成英文。 (1) (2) (3) 把畫線部分翻譯成中文。 3、Cindy always talk about herself w

60、hen she talks to others.What advice do you think she needs to follow? 四、首字母填空(A)A: Good afternoon. May I help you?B: Yes. Im i 1 in a onebed room. Do you have any?A: Im sorry. None are l 2 at this time. Could I interest you in a twobed room?B: Well. Im a student and I have to consider the c 3 . How


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