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1、Unitl Meeting and Greeting PeopleModule 2 Video Watch (先睹為快)Hi-tech cameras track shoppers to help companies better market products. 、, / 、 、: Key Words and Expressions1 .retailer n.零售商人 2.grab v. M3.psychology n.心理學,心理狀態(tài)14.merchandise n.商品,貨物z 5.a short fuse比喻人們易于煩躁或焦慮6.queue n.行列,長隊,隊列;vi.排隊,排隊等待

2、、, /I .Interactive Activities (互動練習)Direction: Watch the video clip for the first time and discuss the following questions or topics with other students orally.What are the major problems with the shopping centers in your own experience?.Do you think it is necessary to install Hi -tech cameras to tr

3、ack shopping behaviors?3.In your opinion, are there any other alternatives to solve the problem in this video clip?II .Spot Dictation(聽寫練習)Direction: Watch the video clip carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing words.Smile, youre on consumer behavior camera. No surprise that youUl likely b

4、e (1) videotaped while holiday shopping, but ifs not all fbr (2) .security . Some of it is for market research. Retailers are tracking you to learn how you shop.“Where are people, shoppers, spending time? What is grabbing their attention? Are they having to wait too, too long fbr customer service at

5、 different points?”Consumer behavior analysis, its part (3) observation, part science, part technology and a bit of psychology. Rajeev Sharmas software turns (4) images of customers working their way through stores into hard (5) data, allowing retailers to take fast action if things arent working ou

6、t.“You can move around the merchandise to position of products so that it, it, it creates the right (6) sequence, and right products in front of the right people in the right time.”With the holiday shopping crunch, retailers know their customers have short fuses, and crowd hassles dont help.“And you

7、 can create this kind of maps, the hot spots and the cold spots. These are extremely important because theres no number. By just looking at this, this colored-coded map, you can see which (7) portion of this store is receiving more attention.”And that helps retailers decide where to place display un

8、its.After browsing, decide to interact with it, as in read labels or, or, or you know, experience it more. And finally, of course, what every product and retailer, er, the product manufacturer and retailer want you to drop it into your basket.”But its not all creative marketing; traffic jams at (8)

9、checkout are often the biggest problem.“What this shows is a, is a line-forming, and something that you are very familiar with in this, this season.Answer: Women are not treated as women but are introduced according to their business rank. TapescriptBusiness greetings usually begin with a handshake.

10、 Social hand-shaking codes are relaxed (Not rigorous or strict; Easy and informal in manner) in business situations where it is assumed that people meeting for the first time or after not seeing one another for a while will shake hands as a natural part of their greeting, no matter what their rank i

11、n relationship to one another and no matter what their gender. When you are introduced to someone, either one of you may extend your hand first.Your handshake should be relaxed but firm, never limp, and you should look the other person in the eyes, smile and say “I am very glad to meet you“ or give

12、another cordial greeting. Do not hold on to the other persons hand or pump his or her arm. If someone you are meeting seems to back off, do not force a handshake. If he does not respond to your offer to shake hands, simply drop your hand back to your side, smile and say, Hello.”After greeting each o

13、ther, people can then make an introduction if they havent net before. In general, there are three basic rules in social introductions.First, a man is always introduced to a woman. Second, a young person is always introduced to an older person. Third, a less important person is always introduced to a

14、 more important person. Socially this can be difficult, since it is sometimes hard to determine who is most important.But in business introductions, the third rule always applies. A less important person is introduced to a more important person, whether male or female. If the executive vice presiden

15、t, Allan Palmer, and the new product vice president, Jennifer Cato, have not met, you would introduce them by saying, Allan, this is Jennifer Cato, Jennifer, Allan Palmer. When introducing the new office manager, Valerie Adams, to the company president, Loretta Polhill, you would say, Mrs. Polhill,

16、I would like you to meet Valerie Adams, our new office manager. Valerie, this is Mrs. Polhill, our company president. When introducing people of equal rank in business situations, social rules apply一a man is introduced to a woman, and a younger person to an older person.Do not use first names in bus

17、iness introductions, unless it is the office custom, or with a business client or customer until requested to do so.Finally, there is a difference between the rules for social introduction and the rules for business introductions. For example, women are not treated as women but are introduced accord

18、ing to their business rank.Passage 2(sturdy adj.強健的,堅定的、spur v.鞭策,刺激 / hold up a mirror to 反映出drive n.推進力,驅(qū)使,動力(sturdy adj.強健的,堅定的、spur v.鞭策,刺激 / hold up a mirror to 反映出drive n.推進力,驅(qū)使,動力buoy vt.使浮起,支撐,鼓勵 a large chunk of 一大塊 /precautionary adj. 預防的(propensity n.彳頃向outstrip v.超過recreational goods 休 閑

19、商品make a difference產(chǎn)生影響;有重要性disposable incomes 可支配收入boost v.推進straddle v.跨騎/ CITIC Securities 中信證券ou do, Mr. Wells? (6) I vm very glad to meet you.Wells: Glad to meet you too, Mr. Wang. This is Ellis Porter, my assistant.Porter: How do you do? (7) Welcome to Shanghai.Wells: (8) Its very kind of you

20、to invite us to Shanghai and come to meet us at the airport.Wang: Not at all. I hope youve had a good flight.Wells: Oh yes. The view of Shanghai is (10) lovely from the plane.Wang: I hope (11) youll enjoy you) stay here in Shanghai.Wells: Thank you.( Im suie we will.Li: Our car is waiting outside. I

21、 think youd like to (13) take a rest to (14) overcome the jet lag. (15) Shall we go to the hotel first?Wells: Yes. Ifs very (16) considerate of you.Li: (17) This way please. We are going to take you to the Hilton Hotel.精彩點怦.對第一次見面的客戶,為了顯示尊重,我們最好用比擬正式的語氣打招呼,如“Glad to meet you, How do you do? ”等。當然,如果

22、對方是第一次來中國,一句Welcome to China”會收至U良好的歡迎效果。.在這個對話中,王先生用一句Is this your first visit to Shanghai?”開啟了一段自然親切的 談話。我們在實際工作中可以效仿這種做法,尋找雙方能產(chǎn)生共鳴的話題切入點,如旅 途見聞,天氣狀況等,但切忌詢問過于私人的話題,如年齡、體重、婚姻狀況、收入、 政治及宗教信仰等。 Tapescript(Flight Attendant: Ladies and gentleman, we shall soon be landing at Shanghai Pudong International

23、 Airport. Local time is 10:20 in the morning, and local weather conditions are slightly cloudy. The temperature outside is 18 degrees Celsius.)Li: Excuse me, but are you Mr. Wells from the U.S.?Wells: Yes, Im John Wells. You must be from CCPIT?Li: Yes, Im Li Xia .Nice to meet you, Mr. Wells. And thi

24、s is Mr. Wang Pin, head of Foreign Investment Office.Wang: How do you do, Mr. Wells? I am very glad to meet youWells: Glad to meet you too, Mr. Wang. This is Ellis Porter, my assistant.Porter: How do you do, Mr. Wang and Ms. Li?Wang &Li: How do you do? Welcome to Shanghai.Wells: Its very kind of you

25、 to invite us to Shanghai and come to meet us at the airport.Wang: Not at all. I hope youve had a good flightWells: Oh yes. The view of Shanghai is lovely from the plane.Wang: Is this your first visit to Shanghai, Mr. Wells?Wells: Well, actually I have come to China every one or two years since 1990

26、, but most of my visits are in Hong Kong and Beijing, so it is my first visit to Shanghai. It is Elliss second visit here. She was here last year to initiate an investment project and attend a trade fair.Wang: I hope youll enjoy your stay here in Shanghai.Wells: Thank you. Im sure we will.Li: Our ca

27、r is waiting outside. I think youd like to take a rest to overcome the jet lag. Shall we go to the hotel first?Wells: Yes. Ifs very considerate of you.Li: This way, please. We are going to take you to the Hilton Hotel.Dialogue 2On the Way to the HotelThey get on the car and drive to the hotel. On th

28、e way to the hotel, they are talking about Shanghai and the tremendous business opportunities it has.overseas adj.海外的thanks to .由于,因為headquarter n.總部stream n.流,川;一股,一串:unprecedented adj.前所未有的,史無前例的 /zSino-American 中美的 (Sino-Japanese 中日的)reform and opening up 改革開放The New Century Building (上海)新世紀大廈HSB

29、C (The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation)匯豐銀行(Citibank花旗銀行;GM (General Motor Corporation)美國通用公司Philips荷蘭飛利浦公司The Fortune財富雜志Exercise 1Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with the information you hear.Mr. Wells wants to set up a new office in Shanghai.Mr. Wells and Ms. Porter p

30、lan to participate in the Shanghai Trade FairShanghai Municipal Government has drawn up preferential policies to attract foreign investment.Many foreign businesses in Shanghai have made a profit much bigger than their investment. 5. Mr. Wells and Ms. Porter hope they will sign an investment contract

31、 with Shanghai.Exercise 2Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with appropriate words.Shanghai is developing very fast. There9re more hotels and new buildings being built all around here, and it is expecting more (1) foreigners as more and more (2) overseas companies set up their offices

32、 here. Many big banks and companies which (3) rank among the Fortune Top (4) 500 come here in a (5) continuous stream. They have established their offices and even their (6) headquarters in Shanghai. In 2003 alone, Shanghai (7) approved the establishment of 3,783 joint (8) ventures and cooperative (

33、9) enterprises with investments of (10) 17.84 billion US dollars.To (11) attract foreign investment, Shanghai Municipal Government has drawn up (12) preferential policies. The entire (13) investment environment has been (14) improved a great deal. Thanks to Chinas (15) entry into the WTO and the (16

34、) deepening of its reform and opening up, Shanghais economy has been developing at an (17) unprecedented spend. It is now the (18) window of China to the outside world. The future of Shanghai is really (19) encouraging.精彩點評. Ms. Porter來過一次上海,對上海的情況顯得較為熟悉。因此,再詳細介紹上海的基本 情況就顯得不合適了。王先生不失時機地向外賓們介紹了上海的晚上投

35、資新政策,尤其是對 方感興趣的合資企業(yè)情況,為以后的工程洽談做一些鋪墊。.在對話中不時地附和一下對方可以是對話顯得更為融洽。除了常用的“Yes,” “Right,” “Quite so,” “I see,” “I can,agree more”等,最好的莫過于偶爾發(fā)表具體一些的意見。大家 還可以留意自己接觸的其他對話材料中談話雙方是如何自然地讓對話順利持續(xù)下去的,從而 更熟悉地掌握對話技巧。 TapescriptDialogue 2Wang: Look, thafs the New Century Building, where many foreign corporations have t

36、heir offices and branches.Porter: It seems to me there9re more hotels and new buildings being built all around here.Wang: Quite right. Shanghai is expecting more foreigners as more and more overseas companies are going to set up their offices here.Porter: I heard many big banks and companies have es

37、tablished (To set up; found) their offices and even their headquarters in Shanghai, such as HSBCQ, Citibank(), GM, Philips, etc. They all rank among the Fortune Top 500. Shanghai is growing so rapidly that no wonder they come here in a continuous stream.Wang: Right. Ms Porter knows a lot about Shang

38、hai. Shanghai Municipal Government has drawn up preferential policies to attract foreign investment. The entire investment environment has been improved a great deal. Thanks to Chinas entry into the WTO and the deepening of its reform and opening up, Shanghais economy has been developing at an unpre

39、cedented (Having no previous example) speed. It is now the window of China to the outside world.Wells: I see, Mr. Wang. During our stay here, well first negotiate (To succeed in accomplishing or managing; To arrange or settle by discussion and mutual agreement) an agreement with you and hope to find

40、 out if we can set up an office in Shanghai, aside from participating in the Shanghai Trade Fair. An American friend told me that Shanghai is doing well with its joint venture enterprises.Wang: Quite so. Probably youve heard about quite a few joint ventures such as GM, a Sino-American joint venture,

41、 and Shanghai Sharp, a Sino-Japanese one. These businesses have made a profit much bigger than their investment, as they have got a large market share. So more and more overseas businesses are coming here. In 2003 alone, Shanghai approved the establishment of 3,783 joint ventures and cooperative ent

42、erprises with investments of 17.84 billion US dollars.Wells: So we hope well sign an investment contract with Shanghai as well.Wang: Yes, it sounds really encouraging.Li: Well, here we are at the hotel. Lets be off.II .Discussions在商務活動中我們不可防止地會討論一些比擬重要的話題。因此,學會如何讓在比擬正式 的討論中發(fā)表自己的意見是一項必不可少的技能。Discussi

43、on 1、, / (inevitable adj.不可防止的irreversible adj,不可逆轉(zhuǎn)的hostility n.惡意;不友善have access to有權使用/ tap into 接進unparalleled adj.無與倫比的inequality n.不均,不平等 Some view it as. Others regard it with有人將它視為,其他人將其視為I mean.我認為On the one hand. On the other hand .一方面,另一方面 /, /Directions: An IMF representative has come to

44、CCTV 9 dialogue program to talk about globalization process.全球化(globalization)是一個不可防止的趨勢,那么,什么是全球化?我們對全球化應該 抱持什么樣的態(tài)度? 一位國際貨幣及組織的代表就這一問題接受了電視臺的采訪。Exercise 1Listen to the interview and answer the following questions.Question 1: What is the topic of the interview?GlobalizationQuestion 2: Will all the c

45、ountries benefit from the globalization process?No. If poor countries do not have the correct policies they can neither cajoy the market efficiency nor benefit from the market opportunities.Exercise 2Listen to the interview and full in the blank with the information you hear.Globalization is a histo

46、rical process. It refers to the increasing integration of economies around the world, particularly through trade and financial flows. The term also refers to the movement of people (labor) and knowledge (technology) across international borders.People are worried about globalization because markets

47、promote efficiency through competition and the division of labor, this means the specialization allows people and economy to focus on what they do best. On the other hand global markets offer greater opportunity for people to tap into more and larger markets around the world, so they can have access

48、 to more capital flows, technology, cheaper imports, and larger export markets. But on the other hand, markets do not necessarily ensure that the benefits of increased efficiency are shared by all countries. You must be prepared to embrace the policies needed, and in the case of the poorest counties

49、 may need the support of the international community as they do so.精彩直評在正式場合發(fā)表觀點或采訪時,可采用較為正式的說話方式,主要反映在兩個方面:一 是較為正式或?qū)I(yè)化的用詞,如本對話中的“financial flow,” division of labor,” “income inequality”等;二是比擬復雜或委婉的句型的運用,如本對話中的“has acquired considerable emotion,“The 20th century saw unparalleled economic growth ”以及用

50、 because, so, that等連詞構成的復雜句等。大家可以仔細區(qū)分一下,還有哪些句子或用詞顯得比擬正 式。 TapescriptDiscussionl(A: CCTV Host; B: IMF (International Monetary Fund 國際貨幣基金組織)Representative)Many people are worried about but more seem to be confused. What is “globalization after all?The term “globalization“ has acquired considerable em

51、otion. Some view it as a process that is beneficial as well as inevitable and irreversible (Impossible to reverse). Others regard it with hostility (The state of being hostile; antagonism or enmity), even fear. Actually globalization” is a historical process. It refers to the increasing integration

52、of economies around the world, particularly through trade and financial flows. The term also refers to the movement of people (labor) and knowledge (technology) across international borders.That sounds very good. I mean the free flow of goods, people and technology. But why are people so worried abo

53、ut globalization?Because markets promote efficiency through competition and the division of labor, this means the specialization allows people and economy to focus on what they do best. On the one hand global markets offer greater opportunity for people to tap into more and larger markets around the

54、 world, so they can have access to more capital flows, technology, cheaper imports, and larger export markets. But on the other hand, markets do not necessarily ensure that the benefits ofincreased efficiency are shared by all countries. You must be prepared to embrace the policies needed, and in th

55、e case of the poorest countries, they may need the support of the international community as they do so.So what you mean is that if poor countries do not have the correct policies they can neither enjoy the market efficiency nor benefit from the market opportunities.Exactly. The 20th century saw unp

56、aralleled (Without parallel, equal, or match; unequaled) economic growth, but this growth is not steady. It is also quite obvious that the progress was not evenly dispersed (To strew or distribute widely). The gaps between rich and poor countries, and rich and poor people within countries, have grow

57、n. Income inequality has clearly increased.Discussion 2In a seminar, a professor and his students are discussing about what culture is. Each student is required to give a unique metaphor of culture.文化是什么? 一位教授和他的學生們給我們做了形象的說明。讓我們來了解一下他們對文化 所做的不同定義吧!另一方面,請注意他們都是如何發(fā)表自己意見的。/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

58、 / / / / / / / / /J metaphor n.暗喻;比喻 preference n.偏愛;優(yōu)先選擇iceberg nscan v.瀏覽;掃描;審視hatred n. brainstorming.冰山憎恨;仇恨n.自由討論;發(fā)表獨創(chuàng)性意見awareness n.意識z Hofstede荷蘭心理學家awareness n.意識z Hofstede荷蘭心理學家visible adj.可見的;可視的ExerciseListen to the seminar twice and fill in the following table with appropriate informatio

59、nParticipantsMetaphors (images of culture)Descriptions with examplesThe purpose of learning cultureStudent ACulture is like an icebergAbove the waterline: a small part of culture, like food, dress, paintings, architecture and dance, etc.Below the waterline:_a_ greater part of culture, such as views,

60、 attitudes, preferencesjove and hatred, customs and habits, and so on.To raise the hidden part of the iceberg so that more of it becomes visibleStudent BCulture is like the software of the mindHardware:our physical selves ; Culture: a mental set of Windows (software or the basic operating environmen


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