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1、-. z.Unit 1-. z.chat v.聊天;閑聊acknowledge vt. 成認;答motivate vt. 刺激;使有動機characteristic adj. 典型的;n. 特征;特性;despite prep. 盡管,不管influencen.影響;感化;vt. 影響;改變 cite vt. 引用;傳訊想起;表彰 obstaclen. 障礙,干擾;妨害物intrinsic adj. 本質(zhì)的,固有的criteria n. 標準,條件criterion的復數(shù)obsession n. 癡迷;困擾innate adj. 先天的;固有的;contribution n . 奉獻;捐獻;投

2、稿contemporary adj. 當代的;同時代的;submit vt. 使服從;主;vi. 提交;服從morale n. 士氣,斗志-. z.Im just ing around to have a friendly chat with you. How are you doing我只是過來和你有一個友好的聊天。近來怎么樣?When youre writing a paper,you must acknowledge the sources of the statements you have quoted to support your argument.當你寫論文,你必須成認你引用來

3、支持你的論點述的來源。As the saying goes.where there is a will,there is a way. People who want to make things better can do so if only they are strongly motivated .俗話說。有志者,事竟成。人們想讓事情變得更好,只要他們強烈的動機這樣做。The e*pression of intense feelings in a smile and yet profound way is recognised as a characteristic of Emily D

4、ickinsons poetry.強烈的感情在一個微笑的表情,而深刻的方式被認為是艾米麗.狄金森的詩歌特征。Thomas Jefferson devoted himself pletely to the drafting of The Declaration of independencedespitehis personal and trouble.托馬斯杰佛遜致力于獨立宣言的起草,即使把自己變得麻煩。As most influential US president,Franklin Roosevelt left a legacy which still deeply affects the

5、 country today.作為最有影響力的美國總統(tǒng),富蘭克林羅斯福留下的遺產(chǎn)仍然深深地影響著今天的國家。Madame Curie is often cited as an e*ample of a great scientist who never yielded to hardship in her quest for knowledge.居里夫人通常被認為是一個偉大的科學家從不向困難屈服在她追求知識的一個例子。As I see it,laziness is the biggest obstacle to a persons success.在我看來,懶惰是一個人成功的最大障礙。Curi

6、osity is the best teacher.If information of no intrinsic interest is crammed into students heads,no effective leaning can be achieved.好奇心是最好的教師。如果沒有在的興趣信息塞進學生的腦子,沒有有效的學習是可以實現(xiàn)的。What are your criteria for selecting the greatest literary works of the 20th centry 你選擇的第二十世紀最偉大的文學作品的標準是什么?Its good to see

7、a child develop different interests,but when any interest,but when any interest turns into an obsession it can be worrisome to parents.很高心看到孩子開展各方面的興趣,但是當任何興趣變成一種癡迷就會讓父母擔憂了。 Before they go to school. Children manage to progress form newborns with only innate abilities to children with an enormous am

8、ount of knowledge about the world they live in.他們?nèi)W校之前。孩子能夠進步構成新生兒只有天賦去與他們生活在世界的知識的很多的孩子。 ?Mother Teresa will long be remembered for her unique contributionsto the cause of caring for the sick and dying.特蕾莎的母親都會記住她照顧生病和死亡原因的獨特奉獻。Albert Einstein Franklin Roosevelts contemporary got involved in politi

9、cs by suggesting the government develop its own nuclear weapons program.艾伯特愛因斯坦羅斯福是當代卷入政治的暗示政府開展自己的核武器方案。For the inclusion of your record in the Guinness Book of Word Records, an application must be submitted to publication headquarter in LondonHistory has proved that in time of crisis a capable and

10、 charismatic person must be called to leadership so as to raise the nations morale .歷史證明,一個能干的、有魅力的人來領導以提高國民士氣危機。Unit 2-. ention n. 意圖;目的;意向;愈合sincere adj. 真誠的;誠摯的;真實的glare vi. 瞪眼表示vt. 瞪視;發(fā)soreadj. 疼痛的,痛心的tracevi. 追溯;沿路走rendervt. 致使;提出;實施denial n. 否認;拒絕proofn. 證明;證據(jù);tributen. 禮物;稅收 貢物;頌詞convent

11、ionaladj. 習俗的,傳統(tǒng)的;generousadj. 大方的,大方的;gratitude. 感的心情slamv 砰地關上;猛力抨擊agreeable adj. 令人愉快的;適合的;-. z.The authors son studying medicine at McGill University with the intention of being a surgeon.作者的兒子。在成為一名外科醫(yī)生的意圖麥克吉爾大學學習醫(yī)學。I look her criticism as a sincere desire to see improvement in my work.我看了她的批評是

12、一個真誠的希望在我工作的改良。They didnt fight ,but stood there glaring at one another他們沒有打架,只是站在那里互相怒目而視Dont get soreat me because you got low marks in your e*ams.不要讓我生氣是因為你在考試中得了低分。Though the poem is well-known , no one has yet been able to trace its author.雖然這首詩是眾所周知的,還沒有人能追蹤它的作者。The new club strives to educate

13、 its members to render service to the munity.新俱樂部的努力教育其成員提供社區(qū)效勞。Mary likes to go dancing on weekends because she does not belive that the denial of pleasure is a virtue.瑪麗喜歡在周末去跳舞,因為她不相信快樂的拒絕是一種美德。People place stamps on letters or packages as proof that they have paid for mailing these items.人們把郵票在信

14、件或包裹的證明,他們已經(jīng)為郵寄這些工程支付。The mayor praised the Lei Feng Spirit that could be found everywhere in the city and paid particular tribute to youngsters who helped the elderly.市長贊揚雷鋒的精神,可以發(fā)現(xiàn)在城市的各個角落,特別是向年輕人幫助老年人。These disks hold more than 400 times as much as a conventional floppy disk.與一個傳統(tǒng)的軟盤相比。這些磁盤容納超過他們

15、的400倍。Though he didnt have much to give, he was generous with his money.雖然他沒有給多少錢,但他卻非常大方。Fathers Day is a day on which the people of many countries e*press their gratitude and appreciation for their fathers by giving them gifts or greeting cards.父親節(jié)是在這一天,許多國家的人們表達他們的感,感他們的父親給他們禮物或賀卡。Sheslammedon th

16、e brakes and the car came to a sudden stop.她猛踩剎車,汽車突然停了下來。You might be more successful in your jobs if you would take the trouble to make yourself more agreeable 你也許會非常成功在你的工作上,如果你會不厭其煩的讓自己更愉快一些。Unit 3-. z.tactic n. 策略,戰(zhàn)略utmost.adj. 極度的;最遠structuren. 構造;構造;建筑物vt. 組織;構成;建造slackadj. 松弛的;疏忽的;vt. 放松;使緩慢

17、adv. 馬虎地;緩慢地significancen. 意義;重要性head-ondeadend n 完畢erased adj. 被去除的;v. 抹去erase的過去分詞;frameworkn. 框架,骨架;構造,verticaladj. 垂直的,直立的; n. 垂直線,垂直面ceased. 停頓cease的過去式及過去分詞形式;中止;中斷flawn. 瑕疵缺點;一陣狂風imply vt. 意味;暗示;隱含affirmv肯定;斷言-. z.Generally speaking, a tactic covers,what you need to do at the moment while a s

18、trategy provides the broad guidelines that determine the overall direction.一般來說,一個策略覆蓋,你需要做什么,此刻而戰(zhàn)略提供確定的總體方向的廣泛的指導方針。2、My familys health and security are of the utmost importance to me.我的家人的安康和平安是對我最重要的。3、If one of those supports gives way, the entire structure may collapse.如果其中一個支柱倒塌的話,整個構造可能崩潰。-.

19、z.Unlike a tightrope, a slack rope will sway up and down or from side to side.不像鋼絲,松弛的繩子將上下晃動或從一邊到另一邊。The president wanted to see him on a matter of great significance.總統(tǒng)想要見他關于一個非常有意義的事情。Two foreign tourists died and two solders where badly hurt yesterday when a coach and an Army truck collided almo

20、st head-on along a straight stretch of road.兩個外國游客死亡,兩個士兵在昨天也受傷了,當一個教練和一輛軍用卡車迎頭相撞,幾乎沿著一條筆直的公路。We tried all sorts of solutions to that problem,and they all e to a deadend .我們嘗試了各種解決方案,他們都是死路一條。The blow on his headerasedthe details of the accident from his memory.他頭上的打擊,讓他想不起事故的細節(jié)。We usually judge oth

21、ers within the framework of our own e*perience.通常我們評判別人根據(jù)自己的經(jīng)歷。By the time the lifeboat arrived,the ship was almost vertical in the water .The wounded solder is siting in a vertical position,upright in bed.通過救生艇到達時,船在水中幾乎垂直。受傷的士兵是在一個垂直的位置,坐在床上。The music ceased abruptly when she turned off the radio.

22、音樂突然停頓時,她關掉收音機。By pointing out just one flaw, she destroyed his entire argument.通過僅僅指出一個小的缺陷,她推翻了他的整個論點。Irony implies the opposite of what is apparently being stated.反諷暗示著那些顯然的話說出來是相反的。14、He affirmed his plan to make payments on time. 肯定他將按時按照付款方案。Unit 4-. z.breed. v.繁殖;飼養(yǎng);產(chǎn)生accordinglyadv. 因此,于是;ra

23、cialadj. 種族的;人種的homogeneousadj. 均勻的;數(shù) 齊次的;inclusiveadj. 包括的,包含的welfaren. 福利;幸福;adj. 福利的;deceive v. 欺騙;行騙irritationn. 刺激;刺激物;variablesn. 變量uncovervt. 發(fā)現(xiàn);揭開;揭露irony n. 挖苦;adj. 鐵的;verbal adj. 口頭的;言語的;readilyadv. 容易地;樂意地indifference n. 漠不關心;冷淡;certainty n. 必然;確實superioradj. 上級的;優(yōu)秀的;-. z.Even though anim

24、als within a breed may look similar to us humans ,they probably look unique to each other.即使在一種動物可能類似于人類,他們可能看起來彼此獨特。Student have different individual abilities and potentials,and therefore should taught accordingly .學生有不同的個人能力和潛力,因此應該因材施教。Many Americans would deny the e*istence, of a single America

25、n culture partly because there is such racial diversity in the country.許多美國人會否認存在一種單一的美國文化,局部原因是該國的種族多樣性。Preadolescent groups are homogeneousthat is ,members are usually of the same se* and e from the same neighborhood.青春前期的團隊是很均勻的,成員通常是一樣的性別和來自同一社區(qū)的。The travel agency will make every arrangement for

26、 your trip and the e*press,all inclusive are estimated at $300.旅行社將盡一切安排你的行程,快遞,包括一切的估計為300美元All developed nations maintain a variety of social welfare programs to help unemployed or underemployed people to function more fully in society.所有的興旺國家保持各種社會福利方案來幫助失業(yè)或半失業(yè)的人以此來健全社會功能。發(fā)揮社會的作用).Lying is define

27、d as deceive someone about certain matters or facts.說謊是定義為欺騙*人一些確定的事情或是事實。The irritation my boss showed was simply due to my failure to make a favorable ment on his management.刺激我的老板僅僅是因為我的失敗來找一個好的言論,在他的管理上。The variables that educational psychologists have found to be important in classroom teaching

28、 include the time teacher allocate to instruction .教育心理學家發(fā)現(xiàn)在課堂教學中是重要的變量包括教師的時間分配指示。The Austrian physician and founder of psychoanalysis,Sigmund Freud,used his psychotherapy to uncover painful and forgotten memories in his patients.奧地利醫(yī)師和精神分析的創(chuàng)始人,西格蒙德佛洛伊德,用他的療法來提醒痛苦和被人遺忘的記憶在他的病人。An instance of irony

29、is the succession,put forward with apparent seriousness by the English satirist Jonathan Swift in his A Modest Proposal.一個挖苦的例子,很明顯由英國挖苦作家喬納森斯威夫特提出的,在他的一個小小的建議這本書中。Human learning and memory have been studied mostly with verbal materials (such as word lists and stories)or with tasks requiring motor s

30、kills(such as learning to type or to play an instrument).人類的學習與記憶已大多與言語材料的研究如單詞列表和故事或運動技能要求的任務如學習型或演奏一種樂器。Babies will readily learn to walk on their own when they are offered a reward.嬰兒會很容易地學會走路就自己當他們得到了獎勵。When depressed, these patients e*perience painful sadness,negative thinking,and indifferencet

31、o things that used to bring them happiness.郁悶的時候,這些患者經(jīng)歷痛苦悲傷的,消極的想法,和冷漠,曾經(jīng)帶給他們快樂的事情。 The probability of an oute is represented by a number between 0 and 1,with probability 0 indicating certainty that an event will not occur and probability 1indicating certainty that it will occur.結果的概率是0和1之間的數(shù)字,代表以概率

32、0表示確定性事件不會發(fā)生概率1指示確定,它會發(fā)生。IQ scores may vary according to testing conditions,and thus it is advisable to understand result of the tests as falling within a certain range,such as average or superior .IQ分數(shù)可以依照不同的試驗條件,因此明智的做法是理解測試的結果固定在一定圍,如平均或偏好。Unit 5-. z.emulate vt. 仿真;模仿n.仿效request n. 請求;需要vt. 要求,請求

33、succeeding adj. 隨后的,以后的miniature adj. 微型的,小規(guī)模的 n.縮圖;inevitableadj. 必然的,不可防止的sizable adj. 相當大的;大小相當?shù)膒racticallyadv. 實際地;幾乎;事實上outrage n. 憤怒,憤慨;vt. 凌辱,craving n. 渴望;熱望v. 渴望;懇求ma*imumn. 數(shù) 極大;最大量adj. 最高(多)的afflict vt. 折磨;使痛苦;ignorance n. 無知,愚昧intense adj. 強烈的;緊的;非常的;intervaln.間隔;間距correspondence n. 通信;一

34、致;相當-. z.The frist artificial intelligence conference in 1956 inspired researchers to undertake projects that emulated human behavior in areas of reasoning ,language prehension,and munications. 第一個人工智能會議在1956年,這激發(fā)了研究人員承當?shù)墓こ?,仿真領域的推理,語言理解人類行為和通信。In 1979 the U.S Supreme Court ruled that states may requ

35、ire the consent of one parent of a minor requesting an abortion.1979美國最高法院裁決,美國可以要求單親的未成年人墮胎同意請求。By 1951 industrial production had e*ceeded prewar peaks;it continued to rise in the succeeding years.1951,工業(yè)生產(chǎn)已經(jīng)超過了戰(zhàn)前的最高值;它繼續(xù)在隨后的幾年中上升。That pack contains miniature reproductions of such famous sights in

36、China as the Great Wall and the Summer Palace .這組包含在中國長城和頤和園等著名景點的微型復制品According to our professor,unemployment is an inevitable consequence of free market economics.根據(jù)我們的教授所說,失業(yè)是自由市場經(jīng)濟的必然結果。There are nearly 2,900 radio stations associated with ABC as well as a sizable publishing group.有近2900個電臺與ABC有

37、聯(lián)系,同時,還有關系著龐大的出版集團。Dont worry.The danger from these snakes is practically nothing.別擔憂。這些蛇的危險是微缺乏道。A crowd of people gathered,outraged by the way the police officers where hitting the two men.一大群人聚集,憤怒的警察在打擊兩人。Psychological drug dependency is characterized by a craving for the drug and belief that on

38、ce cant function without taking it.毒品心理依賴的特征是由一個藥物和信仰的渴望,一旦迷上就離不開它。The bomb was designed to cause the ma*imum, amount of harm to the ma*imum, number of people.炸彈被設計得最大,危害也會最大,會傷及很多的人。Although breast cancer primarily afflicts females.about1,400 male breast cancers where also reported in the United St

39、ates in 1997.盡管乳腺癌的主要影響女性.但大約有1400名男性也患上了乳腺癌,也這在美國1997年的報告中有記載。Some peoples attitudes towards foreigners are based on sheer ignorance and prejudice.有些人對待外國人的態(tài)度是基于純粹的無知和偏見。When he stood up from his seat ,he suddenly felt an intense pian in the lower part of his back.當他從座位上站了起來,他突然在他的背部下方有一種強烈的片。We se

40、e each other at regular intervals usually once a week.我們定期見面通常每周一次。I read a very interesting biography of Mar*s last week,which is based on his correspondence with Engels over 40 years.上周我讀了馬克思的一個非常有趣的傳記,這是基于他的書信與恩格斯超過40年。Unit 6-. z.survey n. 調(diào)查;測量;vt. 調(diào)查;ignite vt. 點燃;使燃燒;vi. 點火;燃燒Distrust vt.n. 不信

41、任thesis n. 論文;論點Standardize v使標準化;用標準檢驗fortune n. 財富;命運;運氣vt. 給予財富vi. 偶然發(fā)生interact vt. 互相影響(作用)hard-earned frustrate vt. 挫敗;阻撓;使感到灰心grab vt. 攫??;霸占handy adj. 便利的;手邊的numerical adj. 數(shù)值的;數(shù)字的approve vt. 批準;贊成;controversial adj.有爭議的;有爭論的abstract adj. 抽象的;深奧的-. z.official U.S statistics on employment are d

42、erived from a monthly sample surely of households.美國官方的就業(yè)統(tǒng)計的樣本確實來自一個月的家庭。For a solid or liquid to ignite some of the fuel must first be heated to the temperature at which it turns to a gas.個固體或液體點燃的燃料必須先被加熱到一定溫度時,它變成氣體。He keeps his savings under his pillow because he distrusts banks.他把他的儲蓄放在枕頭下,因為他不信任銀行。The writers thesis is that all human proble


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