人教版七年級下冊英語 Unit12課時1 Section A (1a-2d) 習題課件_第1頁
人教版七年級下冊英語 Unit12課時1 Section A (1a-2d) 習題課件_第2頁
人教版七年級下冊英語 Unit12課時1 Section A (1a-2d) 習題課件_第3頁
人教版七年級下冊英語 Unit12課時1 Section A (1a-2d) 習題課件_第4頁
人教版七年級下冊英語 Unit12課時1 Section A (1a-2d) 習題課件_第5頁
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1、 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?課時1 Section A(1a-2d) 人教版七年級下1234678910基礎鞏固練提示:點擊 進入習題51112131415答案呈現(xiàn)lakecampbeachesastiredbutterfliesNaturalvisitorsstayedfedDDACC答案呈現(xiàn)2122232425能力提升練1617181920have a good/happy weekendstayed up lateliving habitsstudied forhas; house withDAECB基礎鞏固練262728AA29CB30D

2、一、根據(jù)句意及漢語提示完成單詞。1. Look! Some kids are swimming in the_ (湖).2. Did you_ (扎營) in the mountain last weekend?3. Lets go to Qingdao for vacation. It has some beautiful _ (海灘).lakecampbeaches4. Where can I put the flower?You can use the glass_ (作為)the vase.5. After a long walk, I felt very_ (疲勞的).astired

3、二、用所給詞的適當形式填空。6. There are many beautiful _ (butterfly) on the flowers.butterflies7. Did they go to the _ (nature) History Museum?Natural8. Who showed the _ (visit) around our school?visitors9. In the old days, women _ (stay) at home and men made money.stayed10. I went to my grandfather s farm and _

4、(feed) his chickens and ducks there.fed三、單項選擇。11. We played _ badminton on the playground yesterday.A. a B. an C. the D. /D12. What did you do _last weekend?I washed my clothes _Saturday afternoon. A. in; at B. on; inC. at; / D. /; onD13.【2020石家莊精英中學第二次限時練】What did you see on that farm, Peter? Some

5、_ . They were cute.A. sheep B. mouseC. snake D. chickenA14.【2021銅仁】Li Tao, there will be a big concert in our city next month. Oh, _ exciting news!A. what a B. how aC. what D. howC15. Mike is _interested in collecting old books. He has over 10 _books. A. kind of; kind of B. kinds of; kinds ofC. kind

6、 of; kinds ofD. kinds of; kind ofC【點撥】kind of有點兒,稍微,常后接形容詞;kinds of后接名詞。故選C。四、根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子,每空一詞。16. 你度過了一個愉快的周末嗎?Did you _ _ _ _ ?have a good/happy weekend17. 我為英語考試熬夜學習到很晚。I _ _ _ to study for the English test.stayed up late18. 你有好的生活習慣嗎?Do you have good _ _ ?living habits19. 昨天晚上我為英語測試而學習。I _ _ the

7、English test last night.studied for20. 格林先生擁有一座帶游泳池的房子。Mr Green _ a _ _ a swimming pool.has house with五、 補全對話。A: Hi, Amy! 21 _B: Yes, I went to a farm.A: Really? 22 _B: I went with Tina and John.A. Who did you go with?B. How interesting!C. What did you do there?D. Did you go anywhere last weekend?E.

8、 How did you go there?DAA: 23 _B: We took the bus.A: 24 _B: Oh, we did quite a lot of interesting things, such as riding a horse and milking a cow.ECA. Who did you go with?B. How interesting!C. What did you do there?D. Did you go anywhere last weekend?E. How did you go there?A: 25 _B: Yeah, it was f

9、un.BA. Who did you go with?B. How interesting!C. What did you do there?D. Did you go anywhere last weekend?E. How did you go there?六、 閱讀理解。26.Who studied for the math test on Sunday?A. Donna. B. Judy. C. Glen. D. Alan.A【點撥】根據(jù)Donna所說的句子On Sunday I studied for the math test.可知答案。27. When did Glen go t

10、o a party?A. On Friday. B. On Saturday morning.C. On Saturday night. D. On Sunday night.C【點撥】根據(jù)Glen所說的句子On Saturday night we went to a party.可知答案。28. What does the underlined word “tiring” mean in Chinese?A. 累人的 B. 驕傲的 C. 興奮的 D. 幸福的A【點撥】原句為:It was really a tiring weekend.根據(jù)前文內(nèi)容On Saturday, I cleaned

11、 the house and washed the dirty clothes. On Sunday, I painted my bedroom.可知她這個周末打掃衛(wèi)生應該是很累的。29. What did Alan do last weekend?A. He did his homework.B. He stayed at home.C. He went shopping.D. He painted his bedroom.B【點撥】根據(jù)Alan所說的句子Last weekend, I stayed at home.可知答案。30. What can we infer (推斷) from the passage?A. Donna studied at hom


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