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1、PAGE PAGE 45Unit One核心員工的特征大衛(wèi)G詹森1 What exactly is a key player? 核心員工究竟是什么樣子的? A key player is a phrase that Ive heard about from employers during just about every search Ive conducted. 幾乎每次進行調(diào)查時,我都會從雇主們那里聽到“核心員工”這個名詞。I asked a client -a hiring manager involved in a search -to define it for me. 我請一位客

2、戶一位正參與研究的人事部經(jīng)理,給我解釋一下。Every company has a handful of staff in a given area of expertise that you can count on to get the job done. 每家公司都有少數(shù)幾個這樣的員工,在某個專業(yè)領域,你可以指望他們把活兒干好。On my team of seven process engineers and biologist,Ive got two or three whom I just couldnt live without 在我的小組中,有七名化工流程工程師和生物學家,其中有

3、那么兩三個人是我賴以生存的,” He said.key players are essential to my organization. 他說,“他們對我的公司而言不可或缺。And when hire your company to recruit for us ,we expect that youll be going into other companies and finding just that :the staff that another manager will not want to see leave .we recruit only key players . 當請你

4、們公司替我們招募新人的時候,我們期待你們會去其他公司找這樣的人:其他公司經(jīng)理不想失去的員工。我們只招募核心員工?!? This is part of a pep talk intended to send headhunters into competitors company to talk to the most experienced staff about making a change . 這是一段充滿了鼓動性的談話,目的是把獵頭們派往競爭對手的公司去游說經(jīng)驗豐富的員工們做一次職業(yè)變更。They want to hire a key player from another compa

5、ny . 他們想從另一家公司招募核心員工。Every company also hires from the ranks of newbies ,and what they are looking for is exactly the same . 然而,每家公司也從新人中招人。他們要尋找的是完全一樣的東西。We hold them up to the standers we see in our top people . “我們把他們和公司頂級員工表現(xiàn)出的特質(zhì)進行對照。If it looks like they have this traits ,well place a bet on th

6、em .Its just a bit riskier . 假如他們看起來有同樣特征的話,我們就在他們身上賭一把?!敝皇沁@樣有點兒冒險。3Its an educated guess ,says my hiring manager client . “這是一種有根據(jù)的猜測,”我的人事經(jīng)理客戶說。Your job as a future employee is to help the hiring manager mitigate that risk .You need to help them identify you as a prospective key player . 作為未來的一名員工

7、,你的工作是幫助人事部經(jīng)理降低這種風險,你需要幫助他們認定你有潛力成為一名核心員工。4 Trait 1:the selfless collaborator 特征1:無私的合作者John Fetzer ,career consultant and chemist ,first suggested this trait ,which has already been written about a great deal . 職業(yè)顧問和化學家約翰費策爾最早提出了這個特征。關于這個特征,人們已經(jīng)寫了大量的文章。It deserves repeating because it is the single

8、 most public difference between academic and industry . 它之所以值得被反復談及,是因為這一特征是學術界和企業(yè)間最明顯的差別。Its teamwork ,says Fetzer .The business environment is less lone-wolf and competitive ,so signs of being collaborative and selfless stand out .You just cant succeed in an industry environment without this minds

9、et . “這里需要合作,”費策爾說,“企業(yè)的環(huán)境并不需要單打獨斗,爭強好勝,所以表現(xiàn)出合作和無私精神的員工就脫穎而出了。在企業(yè)環(huán)境中,沒有這樣的思維方式就不可能成功?!? Many postdocs and grad students have a tough time showing that they can make this transition because so much of their life has involved playing the independent-researcher role and outshining other young stars. 許多博

10、士后和研究生在進行這種過渡的過程中表現(xiàn)得相當費力。因為生命中有那么長一段時間他們都在扮演一個獨立研究者的角色,并且要表現(xiàn)得比其他年輕的優(yōu)秀人才更出色。You can make yourself more attractive to companies by working together with scientists from other laboratories and disciplines in pursuit of common goal -and documenting the results on your resume . 你可以藉此提高在公司的吸引力:為追求一個共同的目標和

11、來自其他實驗室和學科的科學家們合作并且為你的個人履歷上的內(nèi)容提供事跡證明。This approach ,combined with a liberal use of the pronoun we and not just I when describing your accomplishments ,can change the companys perception of you from a lone wolf to a selfless collaborator . 這個方法,加上你在描述業(yè)績時開明地使用代詞“我們”,而不是“我”,能使公司對你的看法從 “單干戶”轉(zhuǎn)變成“合作者”。Bet

12、ter still ,develop a reputation inside your lab and with people your lab collaborator with as a person who fosters and initiates collaborations -and make sure this quality gets mentioned by those who will take those reference phone calls . 更為有利的是,要在你實驗室內(nèi)部,以及在和你們實驗室合作的人們之間,培養(yǎng)一個良好聲譽:一個鼓勵并發(fā)動合作的人還要保證讓那些

13、會接聽調(diào)查電話的人們談及你的這個品質(zhì)。6 trait 2:a sense of urgency特征2:緊迫感Don Haut is a frequent contributor to the aaas.sciencecareersorg discussion forum . HYPERLINK mailto:唐-豪特是一位給aaas.sciencecareersorg 唐-豪特是一位給aaas.sciencecareersorg 網(wǎng)站論壇頻繁寫稿的撰稿人。He is a former scientist who transitioned to industry many years ago a

14、nd then on to a senior management position . 他之前是一名科學家。許多年前他轉(zhuǎn)向了企業(yè),并一直做到高級管理的職位。Haut heads strategy and business development for a division of 3M with more than 2.4 billion in annual revenues . He is among those who value a sense of urgency . 他在3M公司一個部門負責策略和商業(yè)開發(fā)工作,這個部門每年上繳的稅收高達24億多美元。他就是一個重視緊迫感的人。7Bu

15、siness happens 24/7/365 ,which means that competition happens 24/7/365 ,as well ,says Haut . “一年365天,一周7天,一天24小時,生意始終在進行,那意味著一年365天,一周7天,一天24小時,競爭也同樣在進行,”豪特說, One way that companies win is by getting there faster ,which means that you not only have to mobilize all of the functions that support a bus

16、iness to move quickly ,but you have to know how to decide where there is ! “公司取勝的方法之一就是要更快地到達目的地。這就是說,你不僅要把所有能支持公司快速運轉(zhuǎn)的功能都調(diào)動起來,而且還得知道如何決定目的地是哪里。This creates a requirement not only for people who can act quickly ,but for those who can think fast and have the courage to act on their convictions . 這樣,不

17、僅對那些行動快速的人們,也對那些思維敏捷,并有勇氣按自己的想法行事的人們都提出了要求。This requirement needs to run throughout an organization and is not exclusive to management . 這需要全公司各部門的運作,而不僅僅是管理部門的工作?!? trait 3: risk tolerance特征3:風險容忍度A candidate needs to have demonstrated the ability to make decisions with imperfect or incomplete info

18、rmation .He or she must be able to embrace ambiguity and stick his or her neck out to drive to a conclusion , wrote one of my clients in a job description . 企業(yè)要求員工能承受風險。Being OK with risk is something that industry demands .“一名求職者需要表現(xiàn)出僅憑不準確、不完整的信息就做出決策的能力。他或她必須能接納不確定因素并冒著風險做出結(jié)論,”一位客戶在職業(yè)描述中寫道。9 Haut

19、agrees .Business success is often defined by comfort with ambiguity and risk-personal ,organizational ,and financial . 豪特贊同這一說法?!吧虡I(yè)成功通常有這樣一個特質(zhì):那就是能接受不確定因素和風險個人的,組織上的和財務上的。This creates a disconnect for many scientists because success in academia is really more about careful ,studied research . 這就讓許多科

20、學家感到不適應,因為學術上的成功其實是依靠認真而嚴謹?shù)难芯?。Further ,great science is often defined by how one gets to the answer as much as by the itself , so scientists often fall in love with the process . 更進一步說,偉大的科學常常是由找尋答案的過程和答案本身兩者同時來定義的。因此科學家們往往沉迷于過程。In a business ,you need to understand the process , but you end up fall

21、ing in love with the answer and then take a risk based on what you think that answer means to your business . Putting your neck on the line like this is a skill set that all employers look for in their best people . 在企業(yè)里,你需要了解過程,但最終你會迷上答案,然后根據(jù)你認為該答案對你的企業(yè)所具有的意義來冒風險。像這樣敢冒風險是一套技能組合,是所有雇主在他們最好的員工身上所尋找的東

22、西。”10 Another important piece of risk tolerance is a candidates degree of comfort with failure . 風險容忍度的另外一個要點是求職者對失敗的承受度。Failure is important because it shows that you were not afraid to take chances . 失敗很重要,因為這表示你不怕冒險。So companies consistently look for candidates who can be wrong and admit it . Eve

23、ryone knows how to talk about successes or they should if theyre in a job search but far fewer people are comfortable talking about failures ,and fewer still know how to bring lessons and advantages back from the brink . 所以各家公司總會尋找有可能犯錯誤并敢于承認錯誤的求職者。大家都知道如何談論成功或者當他們在尋找工作的時候應該知道。但很少有人樂意談論失敗,更少有人知道如何從失

24、敗的邊緣吸取教訓和獲得經(jīng)驗。For my organization ,a candidate needs to have comfort discussing his or her failures ,and he or she needs to have real failures,not something made up for interview day .If not ,that person has not taken enough risk .says Haut . “對我的企業(yè)來說,求職者需要坦然地談論他或她的失敗,而且他或她需要有真正的失敗經(jīng)歷,而不是特意為面試而杜撰的東西。

25、如果做不到的話,那么這個人冒的風險還不夠,”豪特說。11 trait 4:strength in interpersonal relationships特征4:善于處理人際關系Rick Leach is in business development for deCODE Genetics . 瑞克李奇在迪科德遺傳工程公司從事業(yè)務拓展。Leach made the transition to industry recently ,on the business side of things . 李奇最近才轉(zhuǎn)行到企業(yè),做業(yè)務方面的工作。I asked him about this key tra

26、it because in his new business role ,interpersonal abilities make the difference between success and failure . 我向他咨詢這個重要特征,是因為在他的新業(yè)務角色中,人際溝通能力在成功和失敗之間發(fā)揮著很大的作用。Scientists spend their lives accumulating knowledge and developing technical acumen , he says ,but working for a business requires something

27、else entirely -people skills . “科學家畢生都在積累知識,培養(yǎng)技術上的敏銳感,”他說,“但為企業(yè)工作需要完全不同的東西人際交往的能力。The scientist who is transitioning into the business world must prioritize his or her relationship assets above their technical assets. 想轉(zhuǎn)行到企業(yè)界的科學家們必須優(yōu)先考慮他們的社會關系資源而不是技術資源。To suddenly be valued and measured by your mast

28、ery of human relationships can be a very scary proposition for a person who has been value and measured only by his mastery of things ,says Rick . 對一個以前一直根據(jù)專業(yè)知識水平被評價的人來說,突然之間要根據(jù)他的人際交往能力來評價他,真是十分令人恐懼?!?2 It would be a mistake ,however ,to assume that strong people skills are required only for busines

29、s people like Leach . 然而,如果認為只有像李奇那樣的生意人才需要熟練的人際溝通技巧,那就錯了。Indeed ,the key players Ive met who work at the bench in industry have succeed in great measure because theyve been able to work with a broad variety of personalities ,up and down the organization . 事實上,我所遇見的在企業(yè)工作的核心員工們之所以取得成功,很大程度上是因為他們能夠與公司

30、上下各種各樣的人共事。Unit Two中餐被公認為全球最佳美食之一,其種類之豐富,工藝之繁復,使其理所當然地成為游客大快朵頤的樂事之一。 Universally recognized as one of the greatest cuisines of the world ,Chinese food in all variety and complexity is unquestionably one of the finest pleasures a visitor can experience in China .中國美食1 Chinese cuisine is a brilliant f

31、acet of Chinese culture ,which is proven by the fact that Chinese restaurant are found scattered everywhere throughout the world . 中國美食是中國文化一道絢爛的風景線,這點從世界各地隨處可見的中餐館可以窺見。Today ,the culinary industry is developing even more rapidly than before . 當今,烹飪業(yè)正以前所未有的速度在發(fā)展。A decade ago ,Beijing had a few thous

32、and restaurants , while today there are over 100000 restaurants of different sizes in the city. 10年前,北京只有幾千家餐館,而今天卻有10萬多家大小不等的餐館遍布市內(nèi)。2地方美食It is widely acknowledged that from the Ming(1368-1644) dynasties onwards ,there are eight major schools of cuisine based on regional cooking . They came from Sha

33、ndong ,Sichuan ,guangdong,fujian, jiangsu ,zhejiang ,hunan ,and anhui ,province . 眾所周知,明朝以來出現(xiàn)了八大菜系,分別是山東菜、四川菜、廣東菜、福建菜、江蘇菜、浙江菜、湖南菜和安徽菜。In addition to these traditional cuisines ,the culinary industry in China has undergone great changes ,as almost every place has its own local specialties ,and as the

34、 difference cuisines gather together in big cities ,such as Beijing . 除了這些傳統(tǒng)菜系,中國的烹飪業(yè)也經(jīng)歷了巨大的變化:每個地方都形成了自己的特色菜,不同菜系匯集于諸如北京這樣的大城市。3 Sichuan ,known as Natures Storehouse ,is also a storehouse of cuisine . Here ,each and every restaurant provides delicious yet economical culinary fare . 被譽為“天府之國”的四川也是個美

35、食之都。在那里的任何一家餐館都能找到既可口又經(jīng)濟實惠的美食。The ingredients for Sichuan cuisine are simple but the spicy used are quite different .Sichuan cuisine is famous for its spicy and hot food ,yet just being hot and spicy does not necessarily distinguish it from other hot and spicy cuisines such as Hunan or Guizhou cuisi

36、nes . 川菜的原料雖簡單,但調(diào)料卻大有講究。川菜以口味辣著稱,但僅是口味辣還不能使川菜區(qū)別于其他辣口味的菜系,比如湖南菜和貴州菜。What is really special about Sichuan cuisine is the use of Chinese prickly ash seeds ,the taste of which leaves a feeling of numbness on ones tongue and mouth . 川菜的特別之處在于花椒的使用。嘗過花椒之后,人們的舌頭和嘴巴會留下酥麻的感覺。Besides this unique spice ,Sichua

37、n dishes are also usually prepared with other spices such as chili pepper . Using fermented bean sauce and a set of unique cooking methods ,Sichuan cuisine is now famous and popular across the world . 除了花椒之外,川菜還常用辣椒粉之類的調(diào)料。因使用豆豉作配料,再加上一套獨特的烹飪方式,如今川菜在全世界都十分有名和受歡迎。In recent years ,there have appeared m

38、any more renowned restaurant in Sichuan cuisine ,such as the Tan Family Fish Head restaurant . 近幾年涌現(xiàn)了一大批著名的專做川菜的餐館,比如譚魚頭。4 Guangdong Province is located in southern China ,with a moderate climate and abundant produce all year round . 廣東省在中國南部,全年氣候溫和,物產(chǎn)豐富。As one of the earliest ports open to foreign

39、trade ,the province has developed a culinary culture with its own characteristics that has exerted a far-reaching influence on other parts of China as well as throughout the world ,where it is the most commonly available Chinese cuisine . 它還是最早對外開放的通商口岸之一。 廣東的餐飲文化獨具特色,對中國其他地方乃至全世界產(chǎn)生了深遠的影響。Guangdong

40、cuisine is famous for its seafood as well as for its originality and refined cooking processes . Variety soups in this cuisine are loved by people all over the country . 廣東菜以其好生猛海鮮、追求新奇、細致考究的烹飪方法而著稱。廣東菜中的各式煲湯如今已深受全國各地人民喜愛。5 Zhejiang cuisine is light and exquisite ,and is typical of food from along t

41、he lower Yangtze River . 浙江菜口味清淡,精致玲瓏,是長江下游區(qū)域菜肴的代表。One famous dish is West Vinegar Fish ,which looks pretty and has the delicate refreshing flavors of nature . Many Chinese restaurants in China ,as well as in other parts of the world ,serve this dish ,but often the flavor is less authentic compared

42、to that found in Hangzhou ,capital of Zhejiang Province ,which has unique access to the fish and water of West Lake . 西湖醋魚是其中的一道名菜。這道菜鮮美,酥嫩,帶著自然的清香。中國乃至世界各地的中餐館大都能找得到這道菜,但口味往往不及在浙江杭州吃得那般純正。因為只有杭州擁有來自西湖的魚和水。6每道菜都有一段故事 every dish has a story The names of Chinese dishes are diverse ,but behind each of

43、the famous dishes is an interesting story explaining why it is popular . 中國菜名五花八門,而每道名菜都有一段有趣的故事,說明它如何博得人們的喜愛。A good name can make the dish more interesting , however ,some names are so eccentric that they may confuse people ,both Chinese and foreigners . 一個好名字能使這道菜更有意思;但有些菜名太怪異了,聽起來讓人一頭霧水,不要說外國人難以理

44、解,就是中國人往往也不是很清楚。If you only translate the names literally with no explanation ,you could make a fool of yourself . 你要是望文生義,準得鬧出笑話來。7 Take Goubuli steamed buns in the city of Tianjin for example . These popular buns are all of the same size and handmade . 拿天津“狗不理”包子來說吧?!肮凡焕怼奔兪止ぶ谱?,大小均等,深受歡迎。When serve

45、d in neat rows on a tray ,they look like budding chrysanthemum flowers . The wrapping is thin ,the fillings are juicy ,the meat tender and the taste delicious and not at all greasy . Then ,why the name? 這些包子整整齊齊地放在托盤上時,看上去就像是含苞欲放的菊花。皮兒很薄,餡兒飽蘸肉汁,口感柔軟,香而不膩??蔀槭裁唇小肮凡焕怼蹦??8“Goubuli steamed buns are first

46、sold in Tianjin about 150 years ago . A local man by the name of Gouzi(dog) worked as an apprentice in a shop selling baozi(steamed buns). 狗不理”的背后有一段有趣的故事。There is an interesting story behind it .大約150年前,“狗不理”包子在天津初次亮相。當?shù)赜袀€小伙子,名叫狗子,在一家包子店當學徒。After three years ,he set up his own baozi shop . Because

47、his buns were so delicious ,he soon had a thriving business with more and more people coming to buy his buns . 三年后,自己單獨開了一家包子店。他做的包子味道鮮美,因此生意十分紅火,吸引了越來越多的顧客。As hardworking as Gouzi was ,he could not keep up with demand so his customs had to wait a long time to be served . 狗子工作十分賣力,可他還是滿足不了大家的需要,顧客們只

48、得等很長時間。Impatient ,some people would call out to urge him on ,but as he was so busy preparing his buns ,he didnt answer . People therefore calls his buns Goubuli ,means Gouzi pays no attention . 有些顧客等得不耐煩了,就在外面嚷嚷著催他快點,可狗子忙著做包子呢,哪有時間搭理。后來人們就把他做的包子稱作“狗不理”,意思是“狗子不搭理他們”。This eccentric name ,however ,has

49、had very good promotional effects ,and has been used ever since .Goubuli is now a time-cherished brand name in Tianjin . 可就是這個有點怪里怪氣的名字,反倒起了很好的廣告作用,這個名字一直沿用到了今天。如今“狗不理”已經(jīng)成為天津的老字號。9 In Zhejiang cuisine ,there is a well-known dish called Dongpo meat. 浙江菜里有一道深受歡迎的菜,叫東坡肉。This dish of streaky pork is pre

50、pared over a slow fire where the big chunks of pork are braised with green onion ,ginger ,cooking wine ,soy sauce ,and sugar .the finished dish is bright red in color and the meat is tender and juicy and ,the Goubuli buns ,not at all greasy . 這道菜是把五花肉切成大塊,配上青蔥,在鍋底放些生姜,然后加料酒、醬油和糖用慢火做出來的。這道菜色澤紅亮,酥嫩多汁,

51、如“狗不理”一樣毫無肥膩之感。This dish was named after Su Dongpo (1037-1101) ,a great poet of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) ,who created it when he was official in Hangzhou . 它以北宋時代大詩人蘇東坡的名字命名。蘇東坡在杭州做官時發(fā)明了這道菜。It is said that ,when he was in charge of the drainage work for the West Lake ,Su Dongpo rewarded

52、workers with stewed pork in soy sauce ,and people later named it Dongpo Meat ,to commemorate this gifted and generous poet . 據(jù)說,他當時負責西湖的排污工程,經(jīng)常拿紅燒肉犒勞工人。后來為了紀念這位才華橫溢、慷慨大方的詩人,人們就把它稱作東坡肉。10 Fujian cuisine boasts a famous dish called Buddha Jumping over the Wall ,the number one dish of the province . 佛跳

53、墻是福建萊里的一道名菜,亦被稱作福建第一菜。This dish is prepared with more than 20 main ingredients ,including chicken ,duck ,sea cucumber ,dried scallop ,tendon ,shark lip ,fish maw ,and ham. 這道萊的主料不下20種,有雞肉、鴨肉、海參、干貝、蹄筋、魚唇、魚肚、火腿。All these ingredients are placed into a ceramic pot , with cooking wine and chicken broth ,

54、and then cooked over a slow fire until the meat is tender and juicy and the soup because smooth and thick . Then it is served with more than a dozen garnishes such as mushrooms ,winter bamboo shoots and pigeon eggs . 所有的原料均放在一個陶罐里,加上料酒和雞湯后,用文火燉,一直燉到肉汁鮮美,柔潤細膩,湯味渾厚。配料10多種,有蘑菇、冬筍、鴿蛋等。It is famous for l

55、eaving a lingering aftertaste in the mouth . The story behind the name of the specialty goes as follows: 輕舔一口,余香滿口。這道特色菜的背后有這么一個故事:11 Buddha Jumping over the Wall was created in a restaurant called Gathering Spring Garden in Fuzhou ,Fujian ,during the reign of the Qing Emperor ,Guangxu (1875-1908) .

56、 It was first named Eight Treasure Stewed in a Pot and the name was later changed to Blessed and Longevity . 佛跳墻是由福州市一個叫聚春園的餐館在清朝光緒年間發(fā)明的,早先菜名為八珍鍋,而后改為福壽全。One day ,several scholars came to Gathering Spring Garden for a meal . When the dish was served ,one of the scholars improvised a poem :fragrance

57、spreads to the neighborhood once the lid lifts ,one whiff and the Buddha jumps over the wall ,abandoning the Zen precepts . Hence the name of the dish . 一日,幾位秀才到聚春園飲酒。菜上桌時,其中一位即興賦詩一首“壇啟葷香飄四鄰,佛聞棄禪跳墻來?!狈鹛鴫@一菜名便由此得來。12食物傳達的溫馨和盛情warmth and hospitality expressed by food In the eyes of Chinese ,what is im

58、portant about eating ,especially at festivals ,is to eat in a warm atmosphere . 在中國人看來,吃最重要的,尤其在過節(jié)時,莫過于是吃飯時的溫馨氣氛。Often the young and old still sit in order of seniority ,and the elders select food for the young while the young make toasts to the elders .Chinese people like to create a lively ,warm ,

59、 and harmonious atmosphere during meals. 吃飯時,年長的和年少的按照年齡大小依次坐好,在歡樂祥和的氣氛中,說說笑笑。席間,長輩為晚輩夾菜,晚輩給長輩敬酒,營造出一派歡樂、溫馨、和諧的氣氛。13 A hostess or host in China will apportion the best parts of the dishes to guests . Using a pair of serving chopsticks ,she or he places the best part of a steamed fish or the most ten

60、der piece of meat on the plate of the most important guest .Such a custom is still popular ,especially among the elder generation ,as a way of experience respect ,concern and hospitality . 在中國,主人會把最好的萊分給客人。他們用公筷把清蒸魚最好的部分或最嫩的肉夾給最重要的來賓。這種習俗用來表達尊敬、關懷和好客之意,至今在老一輩的中國人中還是很流行。14 Such culinary customs have


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