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1、Unit 8: Is there a post office near here?一、教學(xué)目標(biāo)1學(xué)會詢問街道上某一場所的位置2學(xué)會為他人指明去某一場所的路線3學(xué)會闡述某一場所各個(gè)建筑物之間的位置關(guān)系4學(xué)會利用地圖向他人介紹自己所居住的社區(qū)二、教學(xué)向?qū)opic:Ask for and give directions on the street. 問路、指路(街道上)Functions:Is there a bank near here?Yes, theres a bank on Center Street.Wheres the supermarket? Its next to the libr

2、ary. Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood?Yes, its on Bridge Street on the right. Structures:Where 引導(dǎo)的特殊疑問句肯定陳述表示方向的介詞Vocabulary:Post office, hotel, video arcade, bank, park, supermarket, street, pay phone, avenue New, clean, quiet, big, small, dirty, old, busy Left, right, next to, across from,

3、 near, between Learning Strategies:聯(lián)系上下文,利用情景思維轉(zhuǎn)換具體信息多元智能:方位識別人際交往助人為樂邏輯表述PlacesDirectionsThe neighborhoodPost office, hotel, video arcade, bank, park, supermarket, street, pay phone, avenue New, clean, quiet, big, small, dirty, old, busyLeft, right, next to, across from, near, between三、主題詞表Task One

4、:Come over!Task Two:The maps gone!The neighborhood Task three:Describing a place四、主題思維圖及任務(wù)型活動任務(wù)一:Come over!邀請同學(xué)到家里玩,為其描述路徑并畫一張簡單的路徑圖,在地圖上標(biāo)出標(biāo)志性建筑物。任務(wù)二:地圖不見了?。═he map is gone!)接到邀請的同學(xué)應(yīng)邀前往,但路徑圖不見了,讓學(xué)生憑記憶問路。任務(wù)三:描述一個(gè)地點(diǎn) (Describing a place )以組為單位,合作描述一個(gè)大家熟悉的地點(diǎn),讓其他同學(xué)猜是什么地方。猜的人可以問問題,但回答只有“YES”或“NO”。五、挑戰(zhàn)性活動我

5、當(dāng)校長! 學(xué)校內(nèi)部的布局總有讓學(xué)生滿意和不滿意的地方。給學(xué)生一個(gè)“規(guī)劃”校園的機(jī)會,讓學(xué)生設(shè)計(jì)出自己理想的校園,并接受其他同學(xué)的提問。Sample 1 認(rèn)識居住的小區(qū)Teacher: Where do you live? Can you draw a map of your neighborhood? Would you like to describe your neighborhood to us? 操作方法:課前任務(wù):要求學(xué)生畫一張自己住所及周邊環(huán)境的示意圖,供上課使用。學(xué)生兩人一組展開活動使用課前準(zhǔn)備的地圖向同伴介紹自己所居住的環(huán)境。同伴一邊聆聽介紹,一邊在地圖上指出相應(yīng)的路線。結(jié)對活

6、動后,每組的A號同學(xué)代表本組發(fā)言,向全班同學(xué)介紹自己所居住的環(huán)境,全班同學(xué)做記錄。其他同學(xué)還可以對發(fā)言者的表現(xiàn)給予簡單的評價(jià)。完成任務(wù)所需要的語言結(jié)構(gòu):There is a supermarket / library / bank on Center Street.There are some pay phones on Center Street.The supermarket is next to the bank.The library is across from the park.Sample 2 設(shè)計(jì)自己理想的住所藍(lán)圖Teacher: Are you satisfied with

7、your neighborhood? What is your ideal neighborhood? Please ask your friend some questions about his / her ideal neighborhood and take a note. Please dont look at each others pictures.操作方法:課前任務(wù)學(xué)生設(shè)計(jì)自己理想的住所及周邊環(huán)境圖供上課使用。學(xué)生兩人一組展開活動,通過相互問答的方式,調(diào)查出同伴理想中的居住地及周邊環(huán)境,并與自己的地圖進(jìn)行比較,對比。將相同與不同點(diǎn)簡單地記錄下來。前后桌學(xué)生展開活動,匯報(bào)自己的調(diào)

8、查成果,包括自己與同伴理想的居住地相同的地方和不同的地方。老師抽查幾名學(xué)生,讓其將自己理想的居住地在全班同學(xué)面前描述出來,并結(jié)合自己的地圖,找出哪位同學(xué)的設(shè)計(jì)與自己的相似。完成任務(wù)所需要的語言結(jié)構(gòu);A:Is there a video arcade near your house?B: Yes, there is. There is video arcade on Fifth Avenue.A: Is there a library near the video arcade?B: Yes, there is. Its between the video arcade and the supe

9、rmarket.There is a in my neighborhood. Its across from the post office.In my picture, there is , but in Jacks picture there is .Sample 3 制作一個(gè)精美的道路指南手冊Teacher: Have you brought your guide here? Do you want more people to come for a visit? Now introduce the neighborhood to your partner and persuade hi

10、m or her to be here.操作方法:課前任務(wù):學(xué)生根據(jù)自己的意愿,或進(jìn)行實(shí)地考察或參考其他書目、地圖,制作任意一個(gè)地區(qū)(可以是一個(gè)自己喜愛的地區(qū),也可以是自己熟悉的地區(qū))的道路指南,最好標(biāo)出東南西北方向。學(xué)生取出事先制作好的道路指南圖,開展小組活動。首先由一名同學(xué)介紹自己的道路圖的內(nèi)容,其他同學(xué)認(rèn)真聆聽,介紹完畢之后,其他同學(xué)可以自由提問,詢問相關(guān)地點(diǎn)及各個(gè)場所的位置關(guān)系?;?qū)W生取出事先制作好的道路指南圖(地圖上沒有任何建筑物),全組成員輪流描述自己的地圖,其他人邊聽邊在地圖上標(biāo)出建筑物的位置,全面在本組內(nèi)進(jìn)行對照。完成任務(wù)所需要的語言結(jié)構(gòu):There is a post off

11、ice on First Avenue.There are some small parks in this neighborhood. A: Is there a supermarket?B: Yes, there is. There is a big supermarket here.4. A: Is there a pay phone near the supermarket?B: Yes, there is. Its between the video arcade and the supermarket.5. A: Is there a hotel there?B: Sure. Th

12、ere are many hotels there.Sample 4 做義務(wù)指路員Teacher: Boys and girls, look at your guide! Could you please tell your partner the way to a building? Please also tell him / her the neighborhood.操作方法: 此活動為四人一組的小組活動學(xué)生制作某一個(gè)著名旅游景點(diǎn)及周邊環(huán)境的平面地圖向同伴做介紹,告訴同伴其所處位置及相臨的建筑物。 老師可以找學(xué)生做一個(gè)范例,請一位學(xué)生根據(jù)自己的圖完成老師布置的任務(wù),告訴同學(xué)們?nèi)绾瓮瓿纱巳?/p>

13、務(wù)。如果學(xué)生水平好,老師可以先讓學(xué)生直接開展活動,發(fā)現(xiàn)問題再停下來示范更有針對性。librarysupermarketPay Phone Center StreetBANK OF CHINAYuDu HotelZhengYi Road以下圖例:完成任務(wù)所需要的語言結(jié)構(gòu):There is a Place Museum on Center Street.YuDu hotel is between the Palace Museum and the Bank of China.There is a pay phone on ZhengYi Road.The palace Museum is across from the library.Sample 5 給筆友寫一封信。(Write a letter to one of your pen pal.)Teacher: Where are you going this weekend? Could you please write a letter to your pen pal and tell your plan? Write a guide to the place to your pen pal.操作方法:要求學(xué)生給筆友寫一封信,告訴他/她周末你要去一個(gè)地方,并簡單描述這個(gè)地方及周圍建筑物的位置。老師可以給學(xué)生幾幅圖


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