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1、才藝節(jié)目talent showsDo you like watching TV?What TV shows would you like to watch? Do you want to watch a game show?Section A 1a-1cUnit 5Learning aims(學(xué)習(xí)目標):1.學(xué)會用英語說各類電視節(jié)目。2.靈活運用What do you think of句型。Look at the picturesand answer:What are these TV shows?What kind of TV shows are they?才藝節(jié)目talent showsW

2、hat kind of TV shows are they?talk shows訪談節(jié)目脫口秀CCTV news中央電視臺新聞聯(lián)播soap opera肥皂劇 連續(xù)劇ssoap opera 肥皂劇 肥皂劇最早是指本世紀30年代美國無線電廣播中播放的一種長篇廣播連續(xù)劇。由于當時的贊助商主要是日用清潔劑廠商,期間播的廣告主要也是肥皂廣告,“肥皂劇”的稱呼便由此產(chǎn)生。現(xiàn)在人們也用來指一些劇情比較拖沓、冗長的電視連續(xù)劇。 game show(益智)游戲節(jié)目ssitcom= situation comedy情景喜劇scomediessports show體育節(jié)目s1a Match the TV shows

3、 with the pictures a-g.1.talk show_ 2.soap opera_3.sports show_ 4. sitcom _5.game show_ 6.talent show_7.news _gfcbeda Say it quickly!I love them.What do you think of sports shows?I like them.What do you think of game shows?I dont mind them.What do you think of talent shows?不介意I dont like them. What

4、do you think of talk shows?I cant stand them.無法忍受 what do you think of soap operas?用來詢問他人對某事物(某人)的看法、觀點常用句型如下:What do you think of ?你認為(覺得)怎么樣?”或態(tài)度,What do you think of my magic show?I love it.I like it.I dont like it.=I dislike it.I cant stand it.I dont mind it._ talent show _ talk show _ soccer ga

5、me _ newsListen and number the shows 1-4 in the order you hear them. 1b1234Listening practiceB: What do you think of S?A: I love/like/ them .1C Pair work A: What do you want to watch?B: Then lets watch1. My sisters like wearing fashion clothes. They _ what other people _ (認為)them.2. I _ pop music. I

6、 think its too noisy.3. Her sister _ soap opera. Thats her favorite.4. I _ to go shopping with Mother. Its crowded in the store.dont mindthink ofcant standloves dont like. Fill in the blanks. Exercises. 中譯英1. 你覺得肥皂劇怎么樣? 我受不了。 _ do you _ _ _ _? I _ _ _.2. 他不喜歡情景喜劇。 He _ _ _.3. 我對運動節(jié)目不在乎。 I _ _ _ _.Wh

7、atthink of soap operascant stand them doesnt like sitcomsdont mind sports shows1. _ do you _ the movie? Its very interesting. I like it. A. What; think B. What; think of C. What; feel D. What; like IV.單項選擇2. Its too hot in the classroom. We cant _ it. We all _ up and go out of the classroom. A. mind; stand B. stand; stand C. sit; stand D. stands;stand3.What does he _ soap operas? -He doesnt like them at all. A. think of B. think over C. like D. thinkSummaryWhat do you think of .?I love themithimher.I like themithimher.I dont like themithimher.I dont mind themithimher.I ca


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