



1、有關(guān)交友情景對話:問候Steven meets his old friend Tom on the street, and he is greeting him.史蒂文在街上遇到他的朋友湯姆,正準(zhǔn)備向他打招呼。Steven: Hello, Tom!史蒂文:你好,湯姆!Tom: Hello, Steven!湯姆:你好,史蒂文!Steven: How are you doing?史蒂文:你好嗎?Tom: Not bad What about you?湯姆:還行,你呢?Steven: Im just a little tired史蒂文:我還好,就是有點(diǎn)兒累。Tom: Why?湯姆:怎么回事?Stev

2、en: I have a lot of wark to do in the company recently.史蒂文:最近公司里的事情比較多。Tom: How is your family?湯姆:你家里人怎么樣?Steven: Pretty fine, thanks.史蒂文:相當(dāng)好,謝謝你。Tom: Where are you going now?湯姆:你現(xiàn)在耍去哪里?Steven: I am going to buy a new air conditioner for my parents. Oh, it s two o clock I must go now史蒂文:我要去給我的父母買一臺新

3、的空調(diào)。哦,已經(jīng)兩點(diǎn)了,我必須走了。Tom: OK, see you next time湯姆:那好吧,下次再見!Steven: See you.史蒂文:再見!:初識In a party, Steven wants Annie to introduce him to her friend Julia.在一次聚會上,史蒂文想要安妮把他介紹給她的朋友茱莉婭。Steven: Hi,Annie, do you know the girl in red who is standing by the door?史蒂文:嗨,安妮。你認(rèn)識站在門口的那個穿紅衣服的女孩嗎?Annie: Yes,she is my

4、friend Julia安妮:是的,她是我的朋友茱莉亞。Steven: Can you introduce her to me?史蒂文:你能介紹她給我認(rèn)識嗎?Annie: Of course Hello, Julia, come and mee t St even 安妮:當(dāng)然。你好,茱莉亞,過來認(rèn)識一下史蒂文。Julia: Hello, Steven, nice toyou.茱莉亞:你好,史蒂文,見到你很高興。Steven: Nice to meet you, too. Its an honor to know a beautiful lddy like史蒂文:我也很高興。認(rèn)識你這樣美麗的小姐

5、是我的榮幸。Julia: Thank you. Annie has told me a lot about you.茱莉亞:謝謝你。安妮對我講了好多你的事兒。Steven: Really? What has she said about me?史蒂文:真的嗎?她都說什么了?Julia: Don t worry. She was always praising you.茱莉亞:不用擔(dān)心,她一直都在夸獎你。Steven: Oh, she is always an honest friend Can I have your contacts?史蒂文:哦,她一直是個誠實的朋友。能留下你的聯(lián)系方式嗎?J

6、ulia: Sure茱莉亞:當(dāng)然可以。:道別Steven is going to return to London, so he comes to say goodbye to his friend Hanson史蒂文要回倫敦了,所以他來向朋友漢森告別。Steven: Hello, Hanson Today I come to say goodbye to you, for Im going back to London tomorrow史蒂文:你好,漢森。今夭我是來向你道別的,因為我明夭就要回倫敦了。Hanson: No, not so soon Couldn* t I persuade y

7、ou to stay a couple of days more?漢森:不是這么快吧。我不能說服你多留兒天嗎?Steven: Much as I wish to but I really can t Ive already booked the flight史蒂文:我也很想,但真的不能。我已經(jīng)訂好票了。Hanson: I hope this won* t be our last meeting漢森:我希望這不是我們最后一次見面。Steven: Of course not You can come to London to visit me in future And I also will c

8、ome here if I have a chance史蒂文:當(dāng)然不會。你以后可以到倫敦來找我。而1L我一有機(jī)會也會回來這里的。Hanson: I will miss you.漢森:我會想念你的。Steven: I will miss you, too. Youre really a good friend史蒂文:我也是,你真的是個很好的朋友。Hanson: Its a pity that Im too busy to see you off tomorrow漢森:很遺憾我明天太忙無法給你送行。Steven: It doesnt matter史蒂文:沒關(guān)系。Hanson: Take care

9、of yourself and remember to keep in touch漢森:口己保重,記得要常聯(lián)系哦。Steven: I wil1.史蒂文:我會的。Hanson: Goodbye and have a good flight漢森:再見,祝你一路順風(fēng)。Steven: Thankyou Goodbye!史蒂文:謝謝你,再見!:聯(lián)絡(luò)Steven and Tom are talking about Hanson.史蒂文和湯姆正在談?wù)摑h森。Tom: Steven, have you ever met Hanson ever since he went back to London?湯姆:史蒂文,口從漢森回倫敦后你有沒有見過他?Steven: No, but we still stay in touch史蒂文:沒有,但我們?nèi)匀槐3致?lián)系。Tom: What s the way you keep in contact?湯姆:你們是通過什么方式聯(lián)系的?Steven: We contact through email.史蒂文:通過電子郵件。Tom: Email is not always the best form I think QQ is the way better. 湯姆:


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