tesco candle protocol-octdraft rev 03 樂購蠟燭檢驗標準_第1頁
tesco candle protocol-octdraft rev 03 樂購蠟燭檢驗標準_第2頁
tesco candle protocol-octdraft rev 03 樂購蠟燭檢驗標準_第3頁
tesco candle protocol-octdraft rev 03 樂購蠟燭檢驗標準_第4頁
tesco candle protocol-octdraft rev 03 樂購蠟燭檢驗標準_第5頁
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1、IntroductionThis document defines safety requirements for candles candle holders/containers and similar products. It includes matters which may have either direct or indirect affects on safety.Whilst some national and international standards exist, none of them are comprehensive. This protocol was d

2、rawn up to offer a more comprehensive set of requirements by which to judge the safety of candles and related products.In the assessment of the candle, the following parts of this protocol will be carried out:a)Burn testb)Labelling assessmentBurning trials are the only reliable means to determine th

3、e burning behaviour of candles. Any change to a candle design can affect the burning behaviour but the following factors are particularly important: wick, decorative coatings, container, wax, viscosity additives, fragrance, colourants and wick sustainer.The following parts are applicable to certain

4、types of candles and may be carried out by the laboratory, as they are deemed necessary to make a full assessment of safety, or at the request of the client:a)Sectioning of candleb)Annealing/thermal shock test of candle containersc)Soot deposit testd)Chemical tests (EN 71-3, total lead content in wi

5、ck)1.ScopeThis protocol specifies requirements, observations and methods of test for wax candles including the following types:Taper candles (sometimes known as dinner candles), pillar candles, containerised candles and tealights. The scope of this protocol includes multi-wick candles and outdoor ga

6、rden candles.The requirements for testing and evaluation of Birthday candles are given in Appendix 3.Incense sticks are not included but are covered by a separate protocol.This protocol does not cover aromatherapy oil heaters, decorative oil lamps or lighters for cigarettes.2.References2.1ASTM F1972

7、-2005Standard Guide for Terminology Relating to Candles and Associated Accessory Items2.2ASTM F2058-2007Standard Specification for Cautionary Labelling for Candles Burned in Home2.3ASTM F2179-2002Standard Specification for Annealed Soda-Lime-Silicate Glass Containers That Are Produced for Use as Can

8、dle Containers2.4ASTM F2326 -2004Standard Test Method for Collection and Analysis of Visible Emissions from Candles as They Burn2.5ASTM F2417-2021Standard Specification for Fire Safety for Candles2.6ASTM F2601-2021Standard Specification for Fire Safety for Candle Accessories2.7BS EN 1183:1997Test me

9、thods for thermal shock and thermal shock enduranceBS EN 15426:2007Candles - Test method for measuring the soot index2.9BS EN 15493:2007Candles - Specification for fire safety2.10BS EN 15494:2007Candles -Product safety labels and warnings2.11BS EN ISO 13732-1Ergonomics of the thermal environment Met

10、hods for the assessmentof human responses to contact with surfaces Part 1: Hot surfaces2.12ISO 3864-2:2004Graphical Symbols Safety Colours and Safety Signs Part 2 Design Principles for Product Safety Labels2.13Materials and Articles in Contact in Food Framework Regulation (EC) No 1935/20043.Definiti

11、onsThroughout this protocol, the following definitions apply:3.1Adverse IndicatorsObservations that are regarded as undesirable (see Clause 4) but in isolation are not sufficient to consider a candle unsafe. A combination of adverse indicators may lead to the candle being considered unsafe.3.2Candle

12、 holderAn object in which the candle is intended to be placed throughout the burning. Typical examples include lanterns, tealight holders and candlesticks. They may be made from different materials such as glass, ceramic, metal, plastic or wood.3.3Candle containerObject used to hold the molten wax f

13、uel that gives the candle shape and support. A typical example is a glass container used with votive candles.3.4ClubbingThe accumulation of carbon on the tip of the wick that typically takes the shape of a “club or shamrock shape (see photograph).Figure 1 - Clubbing3.5Flare-upThe auto-ignition of th

14、e molten wax pool when the wax reaches its flash point. When flare-up has taken place, the wax will burn with a flame that covers the surface of the molten wax and will burn regardless of whether a wick is present.3.6Free-standing candleCandle intended to be used without any additional holder. A con

15、tainerised candle, where the base of the container is flat, is considered to be freestanding.3.7GutterPeriods of instability of the flame resulting in flickering and pulsating growth and shrinkage of the flame. Frequently this instability gives rise to puffs of smoke.3.8InclusionsMaterials and objec

16、ts intentionally set within the wax, usually to provide a decorative effect. May include small items such as flakes of glitter, and larger items such as whole flower heads.3.9Maxi tealightTealight with a diameter 50 mm or greater.3.10Secondary wickMaterials that burn separately and independent of th

17、e primary wick, with duration of flaming of more than 30 s. Such materials may detach from the primary wick or may be elsewhere in the construction of the candle.1SootTotal condensate, which is made up of solid, hydrocarbon enriched particles that come into existence when the candle mass in the flam

18、e is incompletely burnt and which are subsequently released into the atmosphere.2Soot indexReference number for evaluation of the sooting behaviour of candles.3Supplemental wickMaterials and debris that adhere to a wick causing the wick to burn with an enlarged, broader flame.3.14Toothpick candleCan

19、dle attached to a pointed stick (resembling a toothpick), typically small Birthday candles intended in which the “toothpick stand is intended to be inserted into the cake.5WickThe device that delivers the molten wax to the flame, by capillary action, through a porous, normally fibrous material.6Wick

20、 sustainerThe anchorage device for the wick.4.Safety RequirementsClauses 4.1 to 4.5 are taken from BS EN 15493A failure to comply with a safety requirement shall constitute a failure to the protocol.4.1Free-standing candles shall be stable on a 10 slope. NOTE:For candleholders, the holder shall be t

21、ested with the appropriate size of candle in the holder. If there is no claimed candle size, a 3 x 9 pillar / 10 taper will be used with respect to the intended use.4.2No secondary ignition that continues to burn for more than 10 s, of any material other than the intended wick(s).4.3When allowed to

22、burn to completion, candles shall self extinguish without presenting a significant risk of igniting other materials such as the standing surface. Scorching of the standing surface shall constitute a failure.4.4Flame size must be commensurate with the size of the candle and must not be so large that

23、there is a risk of overheating, or so small that the flame becomes barely visible.Typical flame height as follows but the overall flame condition will be judged during the actual burn test:a)TealightMaximum 30 mmb)Maxi tealightsMaximum 40 mmc)Pillar, container, taper,Maximum 75 mmother indoor candle

24、d)Birthday candlesMaximum 55 mm (See Appendix 3)e)Outdoor candleNo requirementA minimum of 5 mm shall be maintained even though it is not related to any safety hazard. This will be stated in the test report but will not constitute a failure result.4.5Wicks should not continue to glow/smoke for more

25、than 20 s after extinction of the flame.4.6Candles shall not overheat such that they flare-up at any stage in the burning process.4.7Containers/holders shall not attain temperatures in excess of those shown in Table 1.4.8Transient secondary wicks must not give rise to a risk of ignition of other mat

26、erials, regardless of whether such materials form part of candle.4.9Candles shall burn smoothly and the flames must not migrate or move from the confines of the candle or candleholder.4.10Containers/holders for candles shall not ignite, crack or shatter during the burning process.4.11Containers shal

27、l not be porous to wax such that they pose a risk of forming a secondary wick. A typical example of an unsuitable container is unglazed terracotta.4.12Wicks shall not include metallic cores that contain more than 600 mg/kg of lead. Compliance is checked by testing for total lead content using acid d

28、issolution followed by ICP-AES analysis.4.13Candles shall not be capable of confusion with food such that they would fail to comply with the UK Food Imitations (Safety) Regulations 1989 SI No 1291.4.14Decorative coatings shall comply with the heavy elements limits specified in EN 71-3:1994.4.15Fragr

29、ances shall be appropriate for burning and shall be approved for use in cosmetics. Only fragrances from Tesco approved fragrance houses can be used, this currently includes CPL and Belmay. Candles containing citronella shall be for outdoor use only and shall be labelled to this effect.4.16The wax po

30、ol temperature of tealights and containerised candles should not exceed 100 C. Temperatures in excess of 100 C indicate a tendency to overheating and potential flare-up.4.17Tealight holders shall retain their integrity when a flare-up test is conducted as described under Clause from t

31、he wick shall not come into prolonged contact with the walls of the container.4.19The wax must be free from extraneous matter that might pose a risk of forming a secondary wick, such as pieces of wick trimmings.Containers/holders shall not deform such that they present a risk of coming into contact

32、with the flame.Wicks shall be predominantly free from excessive clubbing during the burning process.Candles shall comply with the soot index requirements of BS EN 15426. This requirement only needs to be verified if the test laboratory considers that the level of emitted smoke may cause the test can

33、dle to fail. If the level of soot emitted is considered to be visually acceptable, a comment shall be made in the test report.5.Performance RequirementsThe following are to be regarded as requirements where failure to comply does not lead to the candle being regarded as unsafe. A combination of fail

34、ures may lead to the candle being considered to be unsafe.Candles shall not give rise to excessive wax spillage or collapse of a sidewall. Acceptable limits of wax spillage are given below.a)TaperNo drippingb)Pillar10 % of candle mass, or 20 g, whichever is lessc)Sculpture candlesNo requirementd)Out

35、door candlesNo requiremente)VotiveNo requirement f)Candle gardensNo spillage beyond container supplied5.2Candles shall have a mean burning duration in excess of the claimed total burning time on the products.5.3Wicks shall easily ignite and re-ignite at any point during the life of the candle.5.4Wic

36、ks shall be centrally positioned and shall remain approximately central throughout the burning process.5.5The wax must be homogeneous and free from voids, pockets of separated fragrance, or pockets of water.5.6Wicks shall be self-trimming and shall not form coiled non-volatile residues that suppleme

37、nt the action of the wick.6.Burning Test, Environment and ConditionsTest samples shall be maintained at room temperature (20 C to 30 C) for a minimum of 8 h prior to commencement of burning.A minimum of four samples shall be tested, following the guidance in Appendix 1.Burning shall take place in pe

38、riods of 8 h per cycle, pause for at least 1 h, or until the wax pool has fully solidified, whichever is longer. If the tested candles are estimated to have the burn life less than 8 h, allow them to burn completely without interruption.Test samples are allowed to burn on a flat, level heat-resistan

39、t surface in an environment that is substantially draught-free. The test environment shall provide adequate ventilation and extraction of fumes and heat without causing draughts that disturb the flames of the candles.The temperature of the testing environment shall be in the range 15 C to 30 C.The c

40、andles are positioned such that the minimum distance between the outer edges of adjacent candles is 5 cm (not applicable to floating candles).Containerised candles, tea lights and maxi tea lights shall be tested on a pale softwood surface to evaluate the potential for causing damage to furniture.Can

41、dles intended to float in water are tested in this manner and in any container provided for this purpose. Water temperature is to be in the range 15 C to 25 C.Do not trim the wick(s) during the normal use trials.Do not pour wax off.Burn the samples to completion.Do not remove carbon or wick debris f

42、rom the wax pool.Make provision for the temperature measurement of candle containers using fine wire thermocouples.A suitable snuffer shall be used to extinguish the flames at the end of each burning period without disturbing the wick.7.Testing and Evaluation7.1Sample sizeSample size is determined b

43、y the risk categorisation of the candles. A greater number of high-risk samples are tested. A greater number of tealights are tested to reflect the higher numbers that are retailed. Details are given in Appendix 1.7.2Initial ObservationsThe following information shall be recorded and included in the

44、 final test report:i)Sample description, dimensions (height, diameter, width as appropriate) shape, colour, whether or not scented, number of wicks, centrality of wicks.ii)Description of container, if provided and relevant dimensions.iii)Mass.iv)Specification of wick if known, type (mineral, vegetab

45、le or animal) and specification of wax if known (melting point, flash point).v)Colour photographs of the initial sample shall be taken.Observations to be madeThe recorded observations shall allow a time and the number of the sample to be identified.Observations shall be made at regular intervals thr

46、oughout the burning process.Recording appropriate observations requires experience but can be achieved by addressing the following questions during the observation of burning process:Are the candles easily ignited or do some wicks extinguish immediately?Does the flame burn in a stable, smooth manner

47、?Does the flame or wax splutter and/or spit?Does the flame gutter? Grade as occasional, frequent or prolonged.Does the flame exhibit periods of visible smokiness? Grade as light, noticeable or heavy.Determine and record typical flame heights at regular intervals during burning.Observe whether the co

48、ntainer can heat up via close contact with the candle flame.Determine whether a secondary wick could be formed by debris in the wax or by any coatings, decorations or the containers. (Are potentially flammable components exposed to the wax pool during burning?)7.4Wick BehaviourIs the wick self trimm

49、ing or does it form coils of non-volatile matter?Does the wick self extinguish e.g. wick floods or topples into wax pool prematurely? If so record when it occurred and re-light the wick and trim if appropriate. Wicks that persistently self extinguish are restored 5 times after which burning is disco

50、ntinued. Candles that exhibit flooding are likely to be regarded as defective or poor value for money by the consumer.Does the wick exhibit clubbing? Grade as shown belowMinimal Noticeable Excessive Figure 2 - Clubbing gradesDoes the wick remain central? Does it migrate towards decorative coatings o

51、r the side of the container?Observe whether debris accumulating around the wick is supplementing the action of the wick. Does the wick exhibit afterglow and smoking in excess of 20 s when it is extinguished at the end of each burning period? If so note this in the report.At the point of extinction w

52、hat happens to the wick? Does it burn away, topple into the wax pool or burn with an enlarged flame?7.5Wax Spillage and Wax ConsumptionAre the wax flows contained within any container supplied with the candle? At the point of natural extinction allow the candle to solidify and then separate wax flow

53、s at base level from the body of the candle. Determine the mass of the wax spills and the mass of the candle body remnant. Calculate the wax spillage as a percentage of the total mass of the candle as defined below.Formula 1Wax spillageWhereWs=Wax spillage (%)MI =Initial mass of candleMS=Mass of wax

54、 spilledDoes the wax spout out of holes in the container or coating such that it could overshoot any collection container supplied with the candle? NOTE(Candles that exhibit significant spouting must be labelled giving the consumer guidance on the container dimensions).Calculate the total wax consum

55、ption as defined below:Formula 2Wax consumptionWhereWC =Wax consumptionMI=Initial mass of candleMS=Mass of wax spilledMR=Mass of remains of candle bodyNote: The initial mass of the candle Mi does not include the container.7.6Candle Holders/Containers, Coatings and DecorationsAre these made from flam

56、mable materials (e.g. paper, wood, dried flowers/plant material, plastics etc)? Include decorative materials located near the candle too, which may come into contact with the flame.Can they carbonise (char) and then form a secondary wick? If yes then abuse testing must be carried out. This may occur

57、, for example, if a wick topples against the flammable materials. Abuse testing is based on Clause 4.2 of ASTM F 2601-12, except that only one sample is used and tested in 3 separate areas with a candle flame as the ignition source. Materials shall either not ignite, or have a maximum burn time of 2

58、0 s.When testing candleholders for taper/dinner candles, allow 2 of the 4 candles to burn down into the cup holder to test the integrity of the item. Monitor the temperature next to the cup holder and also at the position where the consumer is most likely to pick the item up. If the temperature of t

59、he cup holder exceeds the limits below, carry out a risk assessment to determine the potential risk to the consumer (this will depend upon the design of the holder/container).Determine whether the holder/container becomes hot to the touch by carefully probing with a finger or using an infrared therm

60、ometer. Categorise as warm (can be comfortably held in the hand) or hot. If the container is considered hot to the touch, determine the maximum temperature rise of the container using a fine wire thermocouple, at the positions shown in Table 1 below:Table 1 - Maximum surface temperatures (based upon


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