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1、腹外疝的微創(chuàng)治療腹腔鏡腹股溝疝修補術(shù)(LIHR)2腹股溝 疝的修補層次 腹橫筋膜前:腹外斜肌腱膜和腹橫筋膜之間 “腹股溝盒間隙Inguinal box,第一間隙 肌前修補 Premuscular repair 1腹橫筋膜后:腹橫筋膜和腹膜之間 腹膜前間隙Preperitoneal space,第二間隙 腹膜前修補Preperitoneal repair21 Lichtenstein I. L., Shulman A. G., Amid P. K., et al. The tension-free hernioplasty. Am J Surg, 1989, 157: 188-193. 2 St

2、oppa R., Petit J., Henry X. Unsutured Dacron prosthesis in groin hernias Int Surg, 1975, 60: 411-412. 3?成人腹股溝疝診療指南?中華醫(yī)學(xué)會 2021版 3 加強腹股溝管后壁:平片修補術(shù),網(wǎng)栓平片術(shù) 加強肌恥骨孔:腹膜前修補術(shù)?成人腹股溝疝治療指南?歐洲疝學(xué)會2021版 4- 推薦首選術(shù)式:平片修補術(shù),TEP3 中華醫(yī)學(xué)會外科分會疝和腹壁外科學(xué)組. 成人腹股溝疝診療指南. 中國實用外科雜志, 2021, 32(10):833-8354 Simons MP, Aufenacker T, Bay-N

3、ielsen M, et al. European Hernias Society guidelines on the treatment of inguinal hernia in adult patients. Hernia. 2021, 13(4): 343-403腹股溝疝的修補原理 腹橫筋膜前LichtensteinGilbertKugelStoppaLIHRMK后壁+ 疝環(huán)內(nèi)臟囊腹膜前+ 肌前+ 肌前+連接體腹腔鏡腹橫筋膜后Plug Patch3中華醫(yī)學(xué)會外科分會疝和腹壁外科學(xué)組. 成人腹股溝疝診療指南. 中國實用外科雜志, 2021, 32(10):833-835腹股溝管后壁肌 恥

4、骨孔5病因、解剖、力學(xué)、層次、空間原理腹橫筋膜前、后修補術(shù)的區(qū)別腹橫筋膜前(肌前修補)腹橫筋膜后(腹膜前修補)病因加強腹股溝管后壁重建“腹橫筋膜”解剖沒有覆蓋“肌恥骨孔”覆蓋“肌恥骨孔” 5力學(xué)疝缺損的前方疝缺損的后方層次淺深空間小大5 Fruchaud H. Surgical treatment of inguinal hernias in adults. Bull Med. 1957, 71(10):293 passim.6什么是肌恥骨孔?(Myopectineal Orifice )由Fruchaud提出5: 內(nèi)界:腹直肌的外緣 外界:髂腰肌 上界:腹橫筋膜和腹內(nèi)斜肌 下界:骨盆的骨性邊

5、緣。5 Fruchaud H. Surgical treatment of inguinal hernias in adults. Bull Med. 1957, 71(10):293 passim.788腹橫筋膜后修補術(shù)的入路開放入路前入路:MK, PHS 6 , UHS,Kugel后入路:Stoppa,Kugel,開放式TEP腹腔鏡入路TAPP 7 ,TEP 8后入路:6 Combined Anterior and Posterior Inguinal Hernia Repair: Intermediate recurrence rates with three groups of sur

6、geons Gilbert, AI et al. Hernia, 2004:8: 203-2077 Dion YM, Morin J. Laparoscopic inguinal herniorrhaphy. Can J Surg, 1992, 35(2):209-212.8 McKernan JB, Laws HL. Laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernias using a totally extraperitoneal prosthetic approach. Surg Endosc, 1993, 7(1):26-28.9經(jīng)腹腔修補術(shù) (TAPP) 7

7、全腹膜外修補術(shù) (TEP) 87: Dion YM, Morin J. Laparoscopic inguinal herniorrhaphy. Can J Surg, 1992; 35:209-212.8: McKernan JB, Laws HL. Laparoscopic preperitoneal prosthetic repair of inguinal hernias. Surg Rounds, 1992; 6:597-607.LIHR腹腔鏡入路 10TAPPTEP入徑腹腔內(nèi)腹膜前間隙學(xué)習(xí)曲線短長觀察疝內(nèi)容物容易不易觀察“隱匿疝”容易不易打開/關(guān)閉腹膜需要不需要TAPP和TEP的區(qū)

8、別 11TAPP 一、手術(shù)室布局125二、套管的位置TAPP 13三、術(shù)中探查TAPP 臍韌帶(Umbilical folds) 臍中韌帶Fold umbilical median:正中線,膀胱底部 到臍之間形成的皺襞,是臍尿管閉塞后的殘留痕跡。 臍內(nèi)側(cè)韌帶Fold umbilical medial:臍動脈外表的腹 膜皺折,位于臍正中韌帶的兩側(cè)。 臍外側(cè)韌帶Fold umbilical lateral:腹壁下動脈表 面的腹膜皺折,位于臍內(nèi)側(cè)韌帶的外側(cè)。19 膀胱上窩:位于兩條臍內(nèi)側(cè)韌帶之間,是膀胱的位置,前方 有腹直肌保護(hù)。不能翻開此處的腹膜。 內(nèi)側(cè)陷窩:位于臍內(nèi)側(cè)韌帶與臍外側(cè)韌帶之間,是腹股

9、溝 直疝突出的部位。 外側(cè)陷窩:位于臍外側(cè)韌帶的外側(cè),是腹股溝斜疝突出的 部位。TAPP 陷窩(Fosse)20四、腹膜的切開臍內(nèi)側(cè)韌帶 - 髂前上棘TAPP 21五、腹膜前間隙的解剖TAPP Retzius間隙:恥骨膀胱間隙。上至臍平面,下至盆底肌, 外至腹壁下動脈。為疏松的脂肪結(jié)締組織、無血管區(qū)域。 Bogros間隙:腹壁下動脈外側(cè)的間隙。腹橫筋膜與腹膜之間的間隙,分為:22TAPP Retzius間隙和Brogos間隙髂恥束 Ilopubic tract 腹橫筋膜增厚的局部 起于髂前上棘,止于恥骨上支 全程伴行于腹股溝韌帶的深面 是直疝和股疝的分界限TAPP 24髂恥束 Ilopubic

10、 tractTAPP TAPP 危險三角區(qū)Triangle of Doom 1991年由Spaw提出, 又稱Doom三角 輸精管和精索血管之間 髂外動靜、脈通過26TAPP 死亡冠Corona Mortis (Circle of death) 22 為異常的閉孔動脈 跨過恥骨梳韌帶 與腹壁下動脈和閉孔動 脈相連22 Pungpapong SU, Yhum-umnauysuk of corona mortis; preperitoneal anatomy for laparoscopic hernia repair. J Med Assoc Thai. 2005, 88(4):51-53.27T

11、APP 死亡冠Corona Mortis (Circle of death)TAPP 疼痛三角Triangle of pain 位于精索血管的外側(cè)、髂恥束的下方 有腰叢神經(jīng)的分支生殖股神經(jīng)的生殖支和股支、股神 經(jīng)、股外側(cè)皮神經(jīng)穿過 比較容易損傷的是股外側(cè)皮神經(jīng)和生殖股神經(jīng)的股支 不能在該區(qū)域內(nèi)釘合補片。29TAPP 30TAPP 腹膜前環(huán)(preperitoneal loop) 2323 Mainik F, Quast G, Flade-Kuthe R, et al. The preperitoneal loop in inguinal hernia repair following the

12、totally extraperitoneal technique. Hernia. 2021;14(4):361-7.六、疝囊的處理TAPP 直疝疝囊- “假性疝囊 不能橫斷 暴露恥骨梳韌帶24 Stoppa R, Warlaumont C, Chantriaux JF. Prosthetic surgical treatment of inguinal hernias. Parietalization of the spermatic cord. Presse Med. 1984, 27;13(38):2317-8 斜疝疝囊TAPP 精索成份“腹壁化Parietalization13 33

13、斜疝疝囊橫斷TAPP 34斜疝疝囊TAPP 股疝疝囊TAPP 內(nèi)側(cè):覆蓋恥骨結(jié)節(jié)和腹直肌并超過中線25外側(cè):髂前上棘上緣:覆蓋聯(lián)合肌腱至少3cm下緣外側(cè):精索“腹壁化26下緣內(nèi)側(cè):插入恥骨膀胱間隙Retzius27補片必須覆蓋整個肌恥骨孔,并有一定的重疊!25 Chowbey PK, Bandyopadhyay SK, Sharma A, et al. Recurrent hernia following endoscopic total extraperitoneal repair. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A, 2003, 13(1):21-5 26 St

14、oppa R, Warlaumont C, Chantriaux JF. Prosthetic surgical treatment of inguinal hernias. Parietalization of the spermatic cord. Presse Med. 1984, 27;13(38):2317-827 Mirilas P, Colborn GL, McClusky DA, et al. The history of anatomy and surgery of the preperitoneal space. Arch Surg. 2005, 140(1):90-4.

15、七、補片的覆蓋TAPP 37七、補片的覆蓋TAPP 七、補片的覆蓋TAPP 七、補片的覆蓋TAPP 女性患者只有4個構(gòu)造可以用來固定補片 陷窩韌帶, 腹直肌外緣, 聯(lián)合肌腱, 恥骨梳韌帶補片是否需要固定? 斜疝:小于4cm的疝缺損可以不固定補片 28 直疝:建議補片與陷窩韌帶和腹直肌固定28 Moreno-Egea A. Randomized clinical trial of fixation vs nonfixation of mesh in total extraperitoneal inguinal hernioplasty. Arch Surg, 2004; 139(12): 137

16、6-137929 Descottes B, Bagot dArc M. Fibrin sealant in inguinal hernioplasty: an observational multicentre study in 1201 patients. Hernia. 2021 Jul 10. 固定的方法 疝固定器,縫合,纖維蛋白膠水29八、補片的固定TAPP 41八、補片的固定TAPP 九、腹膜的關(guān)閉TAPP 43TAPP 十、術(shù)后探查第一套管的位置 30 不能直接建立在臍孔上 不能翻開腹直肌后鞘一、套管的位置30 李健文. 腹腔鏡腹股溝疝修補術(shù)的應(yīng)用. 腹腔鏡外科雜志. 2021,

17、07: 481-484 TEP 45第二、第三套管的置入TEP 第二、第三套管的置入TEP 第二、第三套管的置入TEP 腹橫筋膜分前、后兩層 31: 前層淺層:緊貼腹直肌和聯(lián)合 肌腱深面,是真正意義上的腹橫筋膜 后層深層:不規(guī)那么增厚的纖 維組織,又稱為腹膜前筋膜,術(shù)中 要進(jìn)展一定的別離 31 Memon MA, Quinn TH, Cahill DR. Transversalis fascia: historical aspects and its place in contemporary inguinal herniorrhaphy. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Te

18、ch A. 1999, 9(3):267-72. 層次在腹橫筋膜淺層和腹膜之間,而不是在腹橫筋膜深、淺層之間!二、腹膜前間隙的建立TEP 49腹橫筋膜TEP 球囊別離法 32 恥骨上穿刺法 33 手指別離法 34 鏡推法 32 McKernan JB, Laws HL. Laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernias using a totally extraperitoneal prosthetic approach. Surg Endosc, 1993, 7(1):26-28 33 Tetik C, Arregui ME, Dulucq JL et al.

19、Complications and recurrences associated with laparoscopic repair of groin hernias. A muti-institutional analysis. Surg Endosc, 1994, 8(11): 1316-1322.34 Bringman Sven, Ek Asa, Haglind Eva, et al. Is a dessection Ballon beneficial in bilateral totally extraperitoneal endoscopic hernioplasty? A rando

20、mized prospective multicenter study. Surg Laparo Endosc, 2001, 11(5): 22-326.二、腹膜前間隙的建立TEP 51球囊別離器3232 McKernan JB, Laws HL. Laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernias using a totally extraperitoneal prosthetic approach. Surg Endosc, 1993, 7(1): 26-28TEP 52恥骨上穿刺法 3333 Tetik C, Arregui ME, Dulucq JL et

21、al. Complications and recurrences associated with laparoscopic repair of groin hernias. A muti-institutional analysis. Surg Endosc, 1994, 8(11): 1316-1322.TEP 53手指別離法 3434 Bringman Sven, Ek Asa, Haglind Eva, et al. Is a dessection Ballon beneficial in bilateral totally extraperitoneal endoscopic her

22、nioplasty? A randomized prospective multicenter study. Surg Laparo Endosc, 2001, 11(5): 22-326.TEP 54鏡推法3535 李健文. 腔鏡疝修補術(shù)中應(yīng)注意的問題. 中華疝和腹壁外科雜志, 2021, 3(3): 249-253TEP 55三、疝囊的處理直疝疝囊TEP 56三、疝囊的處理斜疝疝囊TEP TEP 斜疝疝囊結(jié)扎或橫斷TEP 三、疝囊的處理股疝疝囊TEP 四、補片的覆蓋TEP 四、補片的覆蓋TEP 四、補片的覆蓋TEP TEP 五、術(shù)后探察64術(shù)中并發(fā)癥 - 血管損傷(Vascular inj

23、ury)- 輸精管損傷(Vas deferens injury)- 神經(jīng)損傷(Nerve injury)- 內(nèi)臟損傷(Visceral injury)- 膀胱損傷(Bladder injury)LIHR 65一、血管損傷- 腹壁下動脈損傷- 閉孔動脈損傷(死亡冠)- 髂外動靜脈損傷(危險三角)- 精索血管損傷- 輸精管滋養(yǎng)血管損傷- 恥骨后靜脈叢損傷1. 腹壁下動脈損傷2. “死亡冠損傷 11 Pungpapong SU, Thum-umnauysuk S. Incidence of corona mortis; preperitoneal anatomy for laparoscopic h

24、ernia repair. J Med Assoc Thai. 2005, 88(4):51-53.3. 髂外血管損傷 2 2 Spaw AT, Ennis BW, Spaw LP. Laparoscopic hernia repair: the anatomic basis. J Laparoendosc Surg. 1991, 1(5):269-2774. 精索血管損傷 3 3 OMalley KJ, Monkhouse WS, Qureshi MA, et al. Anatomy of the peritoneal aspect of the deep inguinal ring: im

25、plications for laparoscopic inguinal herniorrhaphy. Clin Anat. 1997, 10(5):313-3174. 輸精管滋養(yǎng)血管損傷5. 恥骨后靜脈叢損傷二、輸精管損傷二、輸精管損傷二、輸精管損傷AB三、神經(jīng)損傷4 Ramshaw B, Shuler FW, Jones HB, et al. Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair: lessons learned after 1224 consecutive cases. Surg Endsoc. 2001, 15(1):50-4. 四、腸管損傷 4五、膀

26、胱損傷 - 陰囊氣腫(Emphysema)-血清腫(Seroma)- 暫時性神經(jīng)感覺異常(Transient neuropraxia)- 尿稽留(Urinary retention)- 腸梗阻(Intraabdominal adhesion)- 感染(Infection)- 慢性疼痛(Chronic pain)術(shù)后并發(fā)癥 79Incidence: 41.8%5 TEP TAPPAbsorbed 6-8 H5 李健文 鄭民華 臧潞等. 腹腔鏡腹股溝疝修補術(shù)復(fù)發(fā)與并發(fā)癥分析. 理論與實踐. 2002.一、陰囊氣腫 80Incidence 5% in litterature 65.24% in ou

27、r studyNo require drainageConfused sometimes with recurrent hernia 6 Ljzermand J. Recurrent inguinal hernia treated by classical hernioplasty. Arch Surg, 1991, 126: 1097-2000二、血清腫 8182837 V. M. Reddy, C. D Sutton, G Garcea, et al. Laparoscopic repair of direct inguinal hernia: a new technique that r

28、educes the development of postoperative seroma. Hernia, 2007,11(5): 393-396.83Transient neuralgia - 1993年Eubanks報道 8 - More frequent than open surgery 9 - Disappeared 2 W2M postoperativelyPermanent neuropraxia - 3m - Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve - Genito-femoral nerve - Chronic pain8 Condon RE, Nyhus LM. Complications of groin hernia. In: Hernia, 4th ed. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott Co 1995: 269-282.9 Ljzermand J. Recurrent inguinal hernia treated by classical hernioplasty. Arch Surg, 1991, 126: 1097-2000三、神經(jīng)痛 84四、尿潴留 - 恥骨膀胱間隙的別離或補片的刺激可能誘發(fā)尿潴留沒有文獻(xiàn)支持-


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