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1、 MBA英語寫作內(nèi)部范文重點練習題目1Directions: Read the story in Chinese below,and then write a composition of no less than 150 words under the title of The Goal of Life.Your composition should be based on the story and the following outline:1. What have you learned from the story?2. What is the goal of your life?

2、If you have achieved the goal of your life, what would you do? 目 標在英國有一位殘疾青年,他雙腿走起路來很困難,卻憑著堅強的信念和毅力創(chuàng)造了一次又一次的壯舉:他19歲時登上了世界最高峰珠穆朗瑪峰;21歲時登上了阿爾卑斯山;22歲時登上了乞力馬扎羅山。28歲前他登上了世界上所有著名的高山。然而,就在28歲這一年他自殺了。原來在他11歲時,他父母在攀登乞力馬扎羅山時不幸遭遇雪崩雙雙遇難。他的父母在臨行前給他留下了遺囑,希望他能像父母一樣,登上世界上所有著名的高山。這位殘疾青年把父母的遺囑作為他人生奮斗的目標,當實現(xiàn)全部目標的時候,他感

3、到前所未有的無奈和絕望。他留下遺言:“如今,功成名就的我感到無事可做了,我沒有了新的目標.”2Directions: your are to write in no less than 150 words about the topic “Which Is More Important, Academic Degree or Ones Ability?” You should write according to the outline given below. Please remember to write it clearly on the ANSWER SHEET 2 3 Direct

4、ions: Study the following set of drawings carefully and write an essay in which you should 1) describe the set of drawings, Interpret its meaning, and 2) point out its implications in our life. You should write about 150 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points) 溫室花朵經(jīng)不起風雨4. Directions: In this sec

5、tion, you are required to write a “ Letter of Complaint ” according to the situation below. You should write at least 150 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Situation and RequirementsGeorge Bush recently bought a laptop computer. A few days later the laptop stopped working. When he took it back to the

6、shop, they refused to deal with the problem. Now you are required to write a letter to the customer service department at the companys head office in the name of Mr. George Bush. Your letter should include the following information:the problem with the laptopwhat exactly happened when you return to

7、the shopwhat you would like the customer service department to do and any other relevant information.5 Directions: your are to write in no less than 150 words about the topic “The significance of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games” You should write according to the outline given below. Please remember to wr

8、ite it clearly on the ANSWER SHEET 2 Outline: what significance do you think the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games has?Do you have any good ideas to host it?6Directions: Study the following pie graphs carefully and write an essay in which you should describe the pie graph briefly list the possible reasons

9、give your comment on the tendencyYou should write about 150 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. The Changes of Employment of University Graduates in China 1995 2005參考范文 Model Essays 1. The Goal of Life It is quite obvious that the above story tells us that a disabled young man from British successfully

10、finised climbing all the famous mountains including Mount Everest in his 28 yeas old , which is even difficult for a normal person. It is just because he regarded his parents last wish as his goal of life. However, he chose to commit suicide at the same age in that he thought he had no goals of life

11、 any more. From this story, we may easily conclude that the goal of life is something that we cannot do without. Such thing frequently occurs in our daily life. I am a case in point. Undoubtedly, my current goal of life is to pass MBA examination at my first attempt though it is extremely difficult

12、for the aged graduates like to pass it, and I am fully confident of achiving this goal this year. Of course, this is not the final goal of my life and to be a CEO in a big company is my next life target. If we can go on pursuing another new goal of life especially after achieving the old one , we ca

13、n realize our pdersonal values and make more contibutions to the society in which we live. Based on what has been illustrated so far, all of us should have a correct attitude towards the goal of life - a persons life should consist of many goals. Just like climbing, when we win one victory, we shoul

14、d set new goals for ourselves. Only in this way can we enjoy our colorful life and keep pace with the times ( 270 )2. 3These two pictures are both interesting and instructive. From the pictures, we can see that a flower, shielded from the thunderstorm, grows pretty well in the warm-house. But when m

15、oved of it, the flower can not withstand the wind and rain, and starts to wither. Several of its petals are already on the wet ground. Evidently, flowers growing up in the warm-house cannot survive a severe storm. The implications of these pictures for our life are obvious- overprotected children ma

16、y grow up happily and healthily, but more often than not, they cannot adjust to the life in the real world. Born and bred in a protective home, they have become so dependent on their parents that they will turn to their parents for help whenever they are confronted with any difficulty. The result is

17、 that they dont know how to solve problems by themselves, they dare not make their own decisions, and worst of all, they do not know how to live a worthy life. Consequently, their life will be a failure. Personally, I believe that parents should place more emphasis on the cultivation of such qualiti

18、es as independence, confidence and courage in their children. Only in this way can the children grow up fully equipped to meet whatever challenges that life may present and be happy and successful. (219 words)4 A Letter of ComplaintDate: 14 January 2006Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to express my di

19、ssatisfaction with the laptop computer I bought in your shop on May Day. The case goes like this, I bought NEC laptop computer at your Zhongguancun branch on the first day of May. However, within a few Months, I began to experience problems with it. The main problems were that a few of the programs

20、installed on it ceased to function and that the laptop refused to accept any discs, even though they can be accepted by both my desktop computer and my friends Toshiba 2000.When I returned to the shop to claim a replacement or a refund under the terms of the warranty provided by your shop, I was inf

21、ormed that I am not entitled to as the warranty card is invalid. I asked, “ why dont you explain it to me early”. Your clerk replied that its my business. When I asked them to have a repair, they said it must be used in a wrong way, which means it is a man-made problem and I must pay for it. All thi

22、s made me depressed. Even worse it already influenced my daily work. As a result, I am writing to you in order to sort the situation out. 1 believe the warranty card to be complete and valid. I enclose a photocopy for you to check. I would like to arrange for my faulty laptop to be exchanged or for

23、my money to be refunded. Please contact me when you have looked into the matter. I may be contacted by telephone on (221 words)Looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfullyGeorge W. Bush5The significance of Beijing 2008 Olympic GamesIt is in Moscow on July 13 that Beijing succ

24、eeded in bidding for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. This great event cheered every Chinese in the world. As an international sports meeting, the 2008 Olympic Games is of great importance to China and Chinese people. There can be no doubt that the significance of the 2008 Olympic Games can be clearly

25、 seen in the following aspects. To begin with, Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will improve Chinas international status and prestige. As we know, China is the first developing country in the world to host Olympic Games. It will provide a good chance for the people in the world to know China. Whats more,

26、it will necessarily promote Chinas reform and opening-up and accelerate economic construction. A lot of business opportunities will be offered to foreign investors. Furthermore, Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will enhance the communication between Chinese people and the people from the world not only in

27、 the field of sports but also in culture. As shown in our previous discussion, we may reasonably come to a conclusion that Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will bring China historic and realistic significance. It is, therefore, high time that we took action to get full preparation for Beijing 2008 Olympic

28、 games. ( 208 )6. The Changes of Employment of University Graduates in ChinaAs can be seen clearly from the above two pie graphs, some important changes have taken place with respect to the changes of employment of university graduates over the past decade. In 1995, about 50% graduates chose to work

29、 in state-owned firms, while only 18% of them were forced to work in private firms. However, it seems that everything has changed. In 2005, the number of graduates working in private companies accounted for 50%, and just 15% of them were assigned to work in state-owned firms. So far as I know, the r

30、easons for these great changes can be briefly explained as follows. On the one hand, most state-owned firms still works under planned economy , whose efficiency and profits are not as good as the graduates expected. On the other hand, private firms completely carry out the system of market-oriented

31、economy. Advanced management, high efficiency and good profits strongly appeal to these graduates because they believe private companies not only enable them to make more money but also let them realize their personal values as soon as possible. Based on what has been discussed above, I can reasonab

32、ly predict that, with the further development of Chinas economic reform and opening up, such phenomenon will continue in the forthcoming years. ( 210 )寫作練習題Model 1 問題解決型1貧富差距 Income Gap 2假文憑現(xiàn)象 Fake Diploma 3人口老年化及養(yǎng)老問題 Aging population problem4住房問題 Housing Problems in Big Cities 5練習一: Income GapThere

33、 has been a heated discussion over the growing income gap now. Some people hold that the gap is natural because it reflects different contributions that different people make in their work. In their view, those people with high income work hard and long. Besides, these people bring high efficiency,

34、and create more wealth. Accordingly, they deserve high pay. On the other hand, there are always some people who view this gap negatively. They believe that a lot of crimes happen as a result of this income gap. Some people make so little from their work that they risk taking criminal acts to get ric

35、h. In fact, experts have long found out that most cases of crime are directly related to low income. There is another point to back up a negative view against income gap. For most people, income gap may destroy the satisfaction that they obtain from work. As anything has two sides, so has the proble

36、m of income gap. Personally, I believe that this gap may motivate people to compete better in job market. When this gap is growing too wide, however, our government should make some policies to get rid of its negative consequences. 練習二:Directions: For this part, you are to write within 30 minutes a

37、composition of no less than 150 words under the title of Your composition should be based on the following outline given in Chinese. Please write it clearly on the COMPOSITION sheet.The Bad Effects of Fake Diplomas.1) Some people believe that fake diplomas are harmful to our society. 2) The truth is

38、 deep and profound. 3) As we know, the victims of fake diplomas are first of all employers, who pay high salaries but do not get real talents. 4) In addition, people who have genuine diplomas are also hurt greatly.5) Many examples can be found to prove that victims of fake diplomas are great. 6) The

39、 first example is that some students have honestly spent four or even more years and great energy working hard in schools, but cannot get any advantage in job hunting. 7) On the contrary, a certificate of Bachelors Degree costs about 200 Yuan, which is really cheap compared with the four years of ha

40、rd work. 8)Therefore, actually this phenomenon may encourage people to cheat instead of acquiring a degree honestly.9) In order to improve the situation, we need to take some positive measures. 10) For one thing, we should stop putting ever more emphasis on the academic achievement of job or promoti

41、on candidates. 11) For another, effect rive measures supported by advanced IT technology should be introduced and taken to help employers distinguish genuine diplomas from fake ones. 12) Only in this way, can the demand of fake diploma disappear.練習四: How to Tackle the Housing Problem in Big Cities?1

42、)隨著大量人口涌入城市,城市的居住環(huán)境越來越擁擠;2)解決住房問題有哪些不同方案?3) 我的看法How to Tackle the Housing Problem in Big Cities?1) With the fast development of modern industry, more and more people are flooding into big cities to find jobs. 2) So it is of great importance for us to pay attention to the housing problem in big citie

43、s. 3) On the one hand, the population is growing very fast. 4) On the other hand, the limited urban area cannot house the increasing population.5) We have figured out many ways to solve this problem。 6) Firstly, it is a good idea to build satellite cities in the suburbs of big cities so that people

44、will be dispersed in a large area. 7) Secondly, the government should build more high-rise buildings to house more people. 8)Thirdly, the government should also offer a discount for low-income residents to buy their houses.9) Considering all these, I believe that the housing problem is very complica

45、ted. 10) First of all, it involves many other problems such as transportation, utilities, etc. 11) Furthermore, building more houses needs a large sum of investment. 12) Therefore, we should make further efforts to take all kinds of measures to tackle the housing problem in big cities.Model 2 積極有利型1

46、Innovatory Spirit2The significance of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games3The Development of the West Regions 4On the Significance of the Qing-Zang Railroad5練習一: Innovatory Spirit Outline: Significance of innovatory spirit Your understanding about it How to cultivate it Innovatory SpiritWith the rapid develo

47、pment of science and technology, the competition we are being faced with is becoming more and more fierce. This requires us to possess innovatory spirit which is not only the lifeline of businesses subsistence, because only constant innovation can make an enterprise superior to his rivals in such an

48、 competitive market, but also the foundation of a countrys development. If a country doesnt innovate in science and technology, system and management, she must undoubtedly lag far behind others developed countries immediately. As far as I am concerned, innovatory spirit is something that we cannot d

49、evelop without, especially in hi-tech and information age, because it can not only improve our life but also change our life. Of the many values that consist of our civilized society, such as honesty, kindness and so on, innovatory spirit may be the most important of all. Without it, there will be n

50、o progress, no colorful life and ultimately no modern society. Then, how should we cultivate the innovatory spirit? Here are a few suggestions, which may be of some help. For one thing, the government should set up a mechanism of innovation and encourage people to invent and create daringly. For ano

51、ther, the fund of risk investment should be provided by some organizations. Only in these ways will people carry forward the innovatory spirit in every field where they are working and studying. ( 230 )練習三:The Development of the West Regions Outline:1. The significance of developing western regions

52、in China.2. The reasons for their backwardness.3. The prospects of such a project.The large-scale development of western regions will prove to be of great significance in China. This state policy will provide a wider scope of development for central and eastern regions, whose economy is supposed to

53、keep on the rise. The important strategy will be indispensable to Chinas overall economic growth. What is more, the long-term systematic project will be an effective approach to diminishing the imbalance of economic development in the east and the west so as to revitalize our nation.There are severa

54、l reasons why the land-locked western regions have lagged behind in their economic development. The unfavorable geographical positions there greatly limit their development, and many regions in the west remain comparatively underdeveloped. The gaps between the west and the east have been widened sin

55、ce Chinas reform, for Chinese opening up policies enabled the east to attract more foreign capital and make a fantastic spur in its development, If left unchanged, the underdevelopment in the west will greatly affect overall prosperity and even social stability. Therefore, the western region develop

56、ment is a major concern of China at present. Its chief objective is to build West China into a land of economic prosperity, social progress, political stability and beautiful landscape. Its success depends on the joint efforts of the whole nation and of several generations. As a citizen, I firmly be

57、lieve that there will be a bright future wailing for the west. ( 233 ) 練習四:Directions: You are to write in no less than 120 words about the topic On the Significance of the Qing-Zang Railroad. Your composition should be based on the Chinese clues given below. 青藏鐵路于今年7月1日通車。請簡單地談談青藏鐵路建成和通車的重大意義,如經(jīng)濟、文

58、化、旅游等方面。注:西藏:Tibet;西藏的、西藏人、藏語:TibetanOn the Significance of the Qing-Zang RailroadIt is in Qinghai on July 1 that the Qing-Zang Railroad was completed and open to traffic officially. And in the same day, our President Hu Jingtao cut the ribbon personally at the opening ceremony. This great event mad

59、e every Chinese all over the world extremely cheerful. As a main artery to Tibet and western regions, the Qing-Zhang Railroad is of great significance to China and Chinese people. Undoubtedly the significance of the Qing-Zang Railroad can be clearly seen not only in economy and culture but also in t

60、ourism. To begin with, the Qing-Zang Railroad will drive the economic development of the western part of China and attract more and more investors to invest in these areas. In addition, the Qing-Zang Railroad will foster the cultural and tourist development of Qinghai and Tibet. An increasing number


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