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1、試卷代號(hào):169 座位號(hào)湖北廣播電視大學(xué)-年“專升本”考試英語(yǔ)專業(yè)高檔休閑英語(yǔ)試題26月_I. Choose A, B, C to complete each conversation, using the sentences below. (20%)1. Hi, Anita! How are you? Just fine, thanks. Whats new? Nothing much. Whats new with you? _.A. Thats all right. Im coming over tomorrow. B. Well, Im not working at the bank

2、anymore. C. Thanks, thats very kind for you. 2. When you Have directions to the taxi driver, you sounded just like a native. _.A. We decided to move to California last year. B. Well, not quite. I still have trouble expressing myself. C. Which city are you going to stay?3. I need someone to take care

3、 of my daughter. _.A. Someone whos good with children. B. I have a friend whose daughter is in kindergarten. C. What kind of person are you looking for?4. Do you know if Johns coming home for dinner? _.A. Hell be late. He said not to wait for him.B. Ill be late for dinner. C. John is going to be at

4、the meeting tomorrow afternoon. 5. You speak English so well. You must be good at learning languages. _.A. I have a hard time learning languages too. B. Ive met lots of interesting people here. C. Im lucky. Ive always found languages easy. 6. Im sorry. Now what were we talking about? _.A. You were s

5、aying that you used to be a physical therapist. B. If I had more time, Id have a private practice. C. That tickets for the Sting concert are sold out. 7. _. No, Im going to the post office. A. Well, we could always go tomorrow. B. Rose, did I hear you say youre going to the drugstore?C. Do you think

6、 you might go by a post office?8. _.What did you do?A. While I was hiking through the woods, I saw a bear.B. I was hiking through the woods.C. Where are you off to? Perhaps the best way is to take a taxi.9. I havent heard from my brother for six months. _.A. Hes too busy. He hasnt got time for dinne

7、r. B. He wont be able to come over later. C. Really? Why doesnt he write more often?10. _. No, I havent. Ive been coughing and sneezing for two weeks. A. Youve been losing your temper a lot lately. B. Have you been getting enough exercises?C. You still havent got rid of that cold, have you?II. Read

8、the following passages and answer questions. (60%)Passage 1Information for Tourists to Singapore Getting the Visa. Travelers can come individually or with a tour group. The travel agencies which organize the tour will go through all the necessary formalities for the group members, while individual t

9、ravelers should find out if they need a visa to enter Singapore. For nationals of most countries of the would, a visa is granted at the port of entry, but nationals of some countries have to apply for a visa before they travel to Singapore. You should check with the embassy of the Republic of Singap

10、ore nearest to you whether or not you need a visa to enter Singapore. You should apply for it well ahead of time if you do need one.Physical Check-up. Tourists should go to their doctors before leaving for Singapore and get some vaccinations or medication according to their doctors advice. Singapore

11、 has many well-equipped hospitals, but the medical expenses can become costly for non-residents. In Singapore, it is easy to find doctors who speak English, Chinese, Malay or Tamil. Doctors who speak other languages are more difficult to find. If you do not speak any of the four official languages o

12、f the country, you may have the problem of a language barrier when you go to a Singapore hospital for treatment. Money Matters. All hard currencies, for example, US dollars, German marks, French francs, Japanese yen and sterling pounds, are accepted in Singapore. Tourists can use cash, travelers che

13、cks and credit cards according to their own needs. Foreign currencies and travelers checks can be changed into Singapore dollars at the exchange desks of the hotels, the major banks, and authorized money changers. Dont change money with any unauthorized money vendors; it is illegal and not safe. The

14、 major credit cards, such as Visa, Master Card, American Express, Million, JCB and Diners Club, are accepted in most of the big hotels and department stores. There are over 1000 ATMs in Singapore, conveniently located in all commercial and residential areas. Hotel Reservation. There are over 800 hot

15、els and hostels in Singapore, ranging from budget lodging to the majestic and the most exquisite styles of five-star hotels. However, most of the hotels are mid-range ones with standard services. They are usually equipped with air-conditioners, single or double beds, and private bathrooms. Hotel gue

16、sts can get IDD, DDD, fax, laundry and wake-up services in all hotels. In hotels above the three-star level, there are also business centers, beauty salons, health centers and bars. Buffet breakfasts with both Western and Southeast Asian food are served. Hot and cold drinks are provided in many hote

17、ls, and the tap water in drinkable. The prices of the hotels vary according to their categories and the season. Tourists should reserve their hotels before coming to Singapore if they want to be assured of their first choice. Reservations can be made through a travel agency, an overseas branch of th

18、e hotel, or by fax. If you arrive without a reservation, you can telephone the hotel upon arriving at the airport. One of the advantages of reservation is that most of the big hotels will send a coach to meet the tourists at the airport. Questions 11-15. Find out if the following statements are true

19、 or false according to the text. Mark T on your answer sheet if it is true, F if it is false. Write your answers on your answer sheet._ 11 . If you need a visa to enter Singapore, you should apply early._ 12. Although many hospitals in Singapore are well-equipped, the doctors there cannot treat pati

20、ents who do not speak English_ 13. A foreign tourist can change money in hotels, as well as in banks_ 14. It is illegal to change money with authorized money changers._ 15. Foreign tourists have to make reservations before they want to stay in a five-star hotel.Passage 2Trees are useful to man in th

21、ree very important ways: they provide him wood and other products; they give him shade; and they help to prevent drought (干旱) and floods.Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, man has not realized that the third of these services is the most important . In his eagerness to draw quick profit from

22、 the trees, he has cut them down in large numbers.Two thousand years ago, a rich and powerful country cut down its trees to build warships, with which to gain itself an empire. It gained the empire but, without its trees, its soil became bare and poor. When the empire fell to pieces, the country fou

23、nd itself faced by floods and starvation.Even where a government realizes the importance of a plentiful supply of trees, it is difficult sometimes to make the people realize this. They cult down the trees but are too careless to plant and look after new trees. So, unless the government has a good sy

24、stem of control, or can educate the people, the forests slowly disappear.This does not only mean that there will be fewer trees. The results are even more serious: for where there trees, their roots break the soil up, allowing the rain to sink in, and also bind the soil. This prevents the soil from

25、being washed away. But where there are no trees, the rain falls on hard ground and flows away on the surface, and this causes floods and the rain carries away the rich topsoil in which crops grow. When all the topsoil is gone, nothing remains but worthless desert.Questions 16 -20. Complete the follo

26、wing statements by choosing the best from the answers a, b, c, and d and write the letter on your answer sheet.16. Trees are useful to man mainly in three ways, the most important of which is that they can_.A. keep him from the hot sunshineB. enable him to build warshipsC. make him draw quick profit

27、 from themD. protect him from droughts and floods17. Its a great pity that _.A. man is only interested in building empiresB. man is not eager to make profits from treesC. man hasnt realized the importance of trees to himD. man hasnt found out that he has lost all trees18. Sooner or later the forests

28、 will disappear_.A. unless a country has a plenty supply of treesB. unless people stop cutting down their treesC. unless all people are taught the importance of planting treesD. unless the government punishes those who trees instead of planting them19. The word “bind” in Paragraph 5 means“_”.A. to w

29、ash awayB. to make wetC. to make stay togetherD. to improve20. When there is a heavy rain, trees can help to prevent floods, as they can _.A. keep rain from falling down to soft groundB. make it possible for the soil to allow rainwater to sink inC. prevent the soil from being washed away D. make the

30、 topsoil stick togetherPassage 3Death Giggles Not many books about old age and the fear of death tend to boost my mood, but Gene Cohens the creative Age has me singing in the shower and chuckling even at Internet jokes. Being a white headed wrinkly, as Australians call us old folks, I now feel the l

31、aughs bubbling up the way they have for most of my 76 years. Why? Well Cohen brightened my life - by putting me back in touch with my fear of death. Millions of us are living 30 years longer than we did a hundred years ago, and the data suggest that just in my lifetime weve been given a 14-year bonu

32、s in productive activity. Our species is experimenting with lifespan. Here we are playing in overtime, with more health and energy than any cohort our age ever had. But our bodies wear down and cramp up, aggravating reminders that the whistle will soon blow to end the game. We tense up with anxiety

33、and nocturnal panic, wake from nightmares at 2:29 am. , roused by fear-moved bowels, fall into depression, lose concentration and turn edgy each time memory hides a name or a fact just when we have to have it. So we have to turn tombstone terrors into creative energy, urges Cohen. We start to get li

34、berated, if ever, only by a dramatic, though often overlooked, change in the way we think about death. Shifting from the abstract to the concrete, death changes from something that happens to something that will happen. Only when we look death in the eye - whatever words work for you and come to ter

35、ms with our mortality do we discover a creative new freedom, Cohen reports. As the founding director of the National Institute of Mental Healths Institute for Ageing, hes looked into enough cases to dig out the subtle stuff buried under death denials. Thats why the book pays off solidly on the promi

36、se of its subtitle: Awakening Human Potential in the Second Half of Life. The data suggests that we elders have easier access to our unconscious, productive dreams, than most busy grown-ups. In Denial of Death, the classic by Ernst Becker, the author argued that most art, and indeed civilization its

37、elf, comes from our struggle to transcend our mortal limits. What I know is Id lost my old humor partner, death, but with Cohens help were hanging out together again and we know that a workable idea or a good joke is more important than extended tofu.Questions 21 -25. Complete the following statemen

38、ts by choosing the best from the answers A, B, C, and D and write the letter on your answer sheet.21. The author of this text discusses . A) energy B) freedom C) a book D) a film22. The author of this text is . A) a young man B) an old man C) an old woman D) a grown-up23. The name of the author of t

39、he text is . A) not stated B) Ernest Becker C) Gene Cohen D) Denial of Death 24. The subtitle of The Creative Age is . A) Denial of DeathB) Death Giggles C) Awakening Human Potential in the Second Half of Life C) From something that happens to something that will happen 25. The director of the Natio

40、nal Institute of Mental Healths Institute for Ageing is . A) its founder B) the author of the above text C) the director of a film D) the director of the National Institute of Mental HealthPassage 4(A) Marriage at St. MarysA hundred and fifty guests attended the marriage ceremony of Jane Francis Har

41、rison, of Morton, and Henry Barlow from Surrey. The Reverend J.H.Casey officiated at the St. Marys church. The bride, who wore a white silk gown and carried a spray of white roses and gypsophila, was given away by her father, Felix Harrison. She was attended by three bridesmaids in pale pink silk dr

42、esses, and a page boy in a sailor suit. The best man was William Barlow, the grooms brother. After the ceremony, there was a buffet reception at the County Hotel. The happy couple spent the first night of their married life in the hotel, before leaving Morton on Sunday morning, for a honeymoon in Sc

43、otland. (B) Local man weds Chinese doctorGuests at Morton registry office on Saturday enjoyed the marriage ceremony of Wang Yang, from Shanghai, China and local man, David Gibson. The couple met three years ago in Manchester, where Wang was studying medicine. The bride wore a traditional Chinese dress of red silk and carried yellow roses. The witnesses were the brides close friend, Ling Mei, and the bridegrooms friend, Philip Ward. An informal reception party for the coupl


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