



1、高考英語作文高分句型As I see it,在我看來,As I see it, Llewelyn has three choices open to himo據(jù)我看,盧埃林有3個選擇。Am I allowed to我可以嗎Am I allowed to play the football?” I asded.“我可以出去踢足球嗎? 我問As matter of fact,實際上As a matter of fact I didn,t have anything.事實上,我什么也沒有.As far as Im concerned/就我而言,As far as Im concerned the o

2、fficials incited the fight.在我看來,是官員們煽動了這場爭斗。As far as I know,.據(jù)我所知,As far as I know he11 be away for three months.據(jù)我所知,他將外出三個月。As I just mentioned. .正如我剛才提到過的,As I just mentioned, pollution is a major concern of our country.正如我剛才提到的,污染是我們國家的一個主要問題。According to依照/根據(jù)Philip stayed at the hotel, accordi

3、ng to Mr Hemming據(jù)亨明先生所說,菲利普住在旅館里。As is known to us all, .眾所周知,As is know to all, China has the biggest population in the world.眾所周知,中國是世界上人口最多的國家。As long as.只要.You can phone me at workas long as you don,t make a habit of it.你可以上班時給我打 ,只要別一來二去打上癮了就成。But for.假設(shè)不是因為./如果沒有.r d have been lostbut for you.

4、要不是你,我就走迷路了。 TOC o 1-5 h z Can you believe (that).你相信嗎Can you believe how much a bag of popcorn costs at this theater?你簡直不敢相信在這家電影院一袋爆米花要多少錢。Can you imagine. .你能想像嗎Can you imagine how she lived through all these difficulties?你能想像她是怎么捱過種種困難的嗎?Could you please explain. .你能解釋一下嗎Weare in a hurry, so cou

5、ld you please explain your point of view in a nutshell. 我們很匆忙,所以你能不能簡單地解釋你的觀點。Cant we. 一難道我們不能嗎Why can,t we go with you?為什么我們不能跟你們一起去呢?Could you do me a favor and.能否請你幫我一個忙Could you do me a favor and lend me some money?你能幫我個忙,借我一些錢嗎?Do you by any chance know.你(碰巧)知道嗎Do you by any chance know why I w

6、as fired?你是否剛好知道我為什么被炒鯨魚?Do you enjoy doing. .你喜歡做嗎Do you enjoy doing independent research?你喜歡獨立搞研究嗎?Do you happen to know. .你(碰巧)知道嗎Do you happen to know his new telephone number?你可知道他的新 號碼?Do you have any good ways to.你有沒有的好方法Do you have any good ways to alleviate fatigue?你有緩解疲勞的好方法嗎?Did you know

7、(that).你知道嗎Did you know that she,d decided to remarry her ex-husband?你知道她已決定與前夫復(fù)婚了嗎?Do you know if /whether.你知道是否Stay in a safe place if you do not know whether the flood waters have receded.如果你不知道洪水是否已經(jīng)消退了,請呆在平安的地方。Do/ Would you mind doing. .你介意做嗎Do you think he,11 mind me doing it without permissi

8、on?你覺得他會介意我未經(jīng)允許就這么做嗎?Do/ Would you mind if.如果你是否介意Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?你介意我問你幾個問題嗎?Do you realize (that).你有沒有意識到Do you realize that what we have been doing so far is a waste of time?你知道我們到目前為止所做的是浪費時間嗎?Do you think it is possible to.你認為可能嗎How many different people do you think it

9、 is possible to love at one time?你認為有多少不同的人有可能一下子相愛呢?Do you think it necessary to.你認為有必要嗎Do you think it necessary to say a few words at the meeting?你認為有必要在會上講幾句話嗎?. doesn,t make sense.沒有道理/沒有意義/不清楚This sentence doesn,t make sense.這句話沒意義。Don,t be afraid of. .不要害怕Don,t be afraid of speaking up.別怕,大膽地

10、說。Dont take it for granted that.別認為理所當然.Don,t take it for granted that your parents will excuse you.不要認為父母原諒你是理所當然的事。Don,t waste time doing. .不要浪費時間做I dont think children should waste their time at school doing things which dont have any real purpose.我認為孩子們不應(yīng)當在學校浪費時間做沒有任何實際意義的事。Don,t you think that.

11、難道你不認為嗎Dont you think thats too much?你不覺得太夸張了嗎?Excuse me for.請原諒我Excuse me for interrupting, but I have something urgent to say.很抱歉打斷你,但我有急事要說。For one thing,. . For another,. 一方面;另一方面Don,t set him the task.For one thing he,s old; for another hes in poor health.不能讓他去干,一那么年紀大,二那么身體弱。From my point of v

12、iew,.在我看來,Try to look at this from my point of view.試著從我的角度來看這件事。From where I stand,.從我的立場來說,F(xiàn)rom where I stand, its a quite controversial problem.從我的立場看,這是個頗有爭議的問題。Generally speaking,總的來說,Generally speaking there was no resistance to the idea.一般說來,沒有人會反對這個觀點。Hardly. . . when. 就.倒裝句型We had hardly st

13、arted when it began to rain.我們剛出發(fā),就開始下雨。Have you considered doing.你有沒有考慮過做Have you considered going abroad to study。你有沒有考慮過出國留學Have you decided. .你決定好了嗎Have you decided on which one to choose?你決定好選哪一個了嗎?Have you ever been to.,你曾經(jīng)去過嗎Have you ever been to Dalian?你去過大連沒有?Have you thought about/of.你有沒有想

14、過Have you thought about the history of this place?你們是否考慮過這個地方的歷史呢?Haven,t you heard of.難道你沒聽說過嗎whats the matter with our teacher? Haven,t you heard? He was hurt in the accident that occur red last week.我們老師怎么了?難道你沒聽說過嗎?上星期他在一場事故中受傷了。How are you getting on / along with. 進展如何/與相處如何How are you getting

15、on/ along with your English study?你的英語學習進展如何?How are you going to.你打算如何How are you going to help him?你能用什么方法來幫助他呢?How does. . . sound (聽起來)怎么樣How does sound reach our ears?聲音怎樣到達我們的耳朵?How long will it take you to.要用多長時間How long will it take you to knit up this pattern?你織完這個花樣要多長時間?How should L .我該如何How should I tell you I care?我該如何告訴你我在乎你?I absolutely agree with.我完全同意I absolutely agr


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